Mold, Hud Housing, Hateful Property mgmt...and Bully neighbors...

United States
January 15, 2013 2:31pm CST
So...the other day, about two wks ago, while in midst of preparing my hot bath, I was rudely interrupted by my current landlord and maintenance man telling me they had a water emergency and needed to remove my ventilation fan from my bathroom immediately...I was instructed to put on pants and remove myself and my lit candles from the bathroom to allow for work to begin. Turns out, they were only there to take my fan because the neighbor upstairs does not like the sound of it and continually complains about hearing me whenever I use my bathroom light which is connected to the ventilation fan. I had problems with upstairs neighbor threatening violence against me because of her having to hear my water when I use it, and also "f%&*king with her" whenever I used my bathroom light/fan...I had to call the police last yr due to her verbal assault, but have not seen or heard from her since then, so I was not aware she was still obsessing over these things...and even if I had been aware, I surely would not be able to cease the use of my water, or my bathroom light as that is a part of life and living and such, and I would not even begin to know how to give them up....But, when landlord demanded I let them remove the assaulting fan, promising to replace with new quieter unit, to "make peace", I agreed to give up the fan... However, the neighbor has now escalated to stomping violently upon hearing another neighbors fan, and other neighbors water use...I assume she cannot tell that the offending noises are not mine...or she simply does not care but would rather use any excuse to assault my ceiling with violent thunderous rounds of hateful aggression, I don't know for sure... However, the problem I am concerned with is the mold growing rapidly in my bathroom, and no ventilation system to help air out the situation. I have sincere allergic reaction to any kind of mold, and after these few weeks with no air flow (as the promise to replace the fan was never fulfilled ) I am noticing an obvious tightening of my lungs as they are slowly constricting...a familiar sign that I have grown accustomed to over the yrs dealing with this type of allergy/reaction. Soon, I will be seeking hospital care if I am unable to clear the air. My landlord is aware of my condition, and I have been made aware of her distaste for me over the few (6 yrs) of her employment here...I do not know why she feels this way, only that she must think she knows me enough to decide these things...when in fact, I have lived here for over 20 yrs and have never met her nor have I yet been properly introduced...but I have seen and experience a great deal of her wrath as she wields her power position and weapons against me and other tenants in which she has no taste for. ( example...I have been relocated three times, four different apts since she has come to work here, and been threatened with repeated -ridiculous- eviction attempts...all to no avail, as I am still here :) She had taken it upon herself to tell the lady upstairs (and other neighbors residing in my current building) that to talk to me or let me borrow phone ect. is not permitted by her and that she would evict her/them for being neighborly to me...(that was shortly after upstairs neighbor had just moved in and we had met and become friendly), and since then the hate has been flowing. I do not respond, nor do I visit with neighbors (though most have told me I am welcomed despite landlords statements), or go into hallways...I do the best I can to remain within my own home, minding my own business, and not taking anything that goes on outside my home personally. I called my landlords office to ask her when the new fan would be getting put in and alerting her to the mold that is in the bathroom, letting her know my "allergy kit" comes with a couple mold tests and that upon testing it was confirmed that the mold is present...I let her know of my recent lung reaction, and suggested air flow to be a certain aide in benefiting my breathing...I am awaiting her response...but I am fearful of her reaction...afraid she may feel it her duty to deny my request...then what? What do I do? what are my rights??? Am I responsible for disturbing my neighbor if I ventilate or do my dishes??? How much of this is my fault? ...and how nice should I be to please neighbors and that they can just stop disturbing ME?
1 response
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
17 Jan 13
If you are living in HUD housing then you have only to get in touch with your regional office and file the proper paperwork which can be obtained online. I used to be Vice~Chair of our county HUD Housing Authority. They cannot treat you like this and get away with it unless you continue to let them HUD is full of mentally ill people, but that is not an excuse to let someone destroy your quality of life. There are regulations that HUD MUST follow. One of which is that if there is no window in the bathroom, there must be a ventilation fan...Another is, they may not enter your apt, unless there is prior notification or there is fear of criminal activity...I do not think using a vent fan and taking a bath is criminal, but what they did is. Do you have smoke detectors in the kitchen area and the bedroom? If not this is another violation. There is also quiet time from 9pm to 8am that is to be respected. If your neighbor is stomping around then you have recourse for that. Go online and look for HUD forms...they are there. Fill them out, send them in and get some peace!
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
17 Jan 13
By the way...get in touch with the county health dept. and tell them about the mold and lack of vent fan...They will be on HUD in a heartbeat!
• United States
4 Mar 13
Adoniah, I wanted to give you a special thank-you...the information you have provided is very valuable. But that you even bothered to bring answer and discuss this issue with me was so very nice, as it seems most of the others (either involved or just informed) are unable to give me much answer at all, and most have such a tone to their voice that I feel wrong in even bothering to ask, or feel that they have already been fed uninformed "information" about me as a person so that I just feel ridiculed, harshly judged, quite ignorant and fearful...It's just nice to have the information handed to me as though I may actually deserve to hear/know it. lol...Thank-You :)