Controversy: Pro Life or Pro Choice

@MaylaJay (349)
January 15, 2013 3:36pm CST
I'm going to address a very controversial topic. Let me start by saying I don't want any hostile comments on here. This isn't a war, it's going to be a simple debate, not a hostile debate. If anyone starts getting aggressive I will find a way to end the discussion. Here it goes: Many people will say that abortion is wrong, because it is killing a person. Others will say that unborn babies are not yet people. Pro-Lifers say that there's no good reason for abortion. Pro-Choicers say that there are a few situations where it is justified. What do you think? Please do not just say "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choice". I want to hear some good reasons.
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12 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Both I think there are better options than abortion. Like say adoption. If you aren't ready to care for a baby, why not allow them a chance at life with someone who can give them the life they deserve. I do understand things are much different for rape victims. They'd have to wait 9 months carrying something that they very likely despise inside of them. Do we have any idea of the emotional damage caused to those women by having them endure such a thing? I also don't believe that regardless of how I or anyone else may fee. we shouldn't have any say over what a woman decides to do with her body. In the end it should be her choice. .
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@MaylaJay (349)
15 Jan 13
That's what I always wondered: how does a rape victim feel about carrying her rapist's child? It doesn't seem fair to me.
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
15 Jan 13
I heard a lot of opinions about when something becomes a human being - after birth, after 3 months, when the embrion is formated or when it attaches to the utter. I don't think public opinion can decide about such an important topic as life. It's logycal that a human being reveives life when a spermatozoide finds the ovule. If not, than we can debate over and over this subject, without any evidence, and change the moment of life like our interests change. I don't see any difference between saying that life is in the moment of birth od saying that life is when a child starts to speak. The last opinion will justify murder of childs that have 1 year old. I just don't think life it's debatable. Yes, a child can arrive in a really bad time, from raping, when the mother is too young or too old, when she have other plans with her life. I don't say she have to assume the raising of the child if she is not prepared. But adoptation is an option, and many couples that can't have a baby are looking for one to take care. I think it's selfish to refuse to give birth just because your body will change. It's a natural responsability of women, and body can look the same like before with a little effort. Some months with a bigger belly it's not that bad. And we assume all kind of social responsabilities that society impose us, that we can avoid, but we are to scared to do it, but refuse this one. I mean, not taking care of our old ill parents it's seen like horrible, but killing our child it's seen like normal or, more condescending, debatable. Anyway, besides of the evidence, in my opinion, that abortion means taking somebody's life away just because you are not prepared to deal with, abortion is bad only from the religious point of view. It means you are killing somebody that bothers you, and it's legal. If any kind of murder will be legal, I'm sure a lot more people will kill when this is the easiest solution. Even if you know it's a soul, a human being, why would you not kill him if there are no consequences (and you don't believe in God and in after life consequences?) I am pro-life, because I believe in God and I know it's wrong to kill. And I think pro-choice it's not a good term. It's like I would militate to be able to choose for all the people that I meet, or at least for the undefenced ones.
@MaylaJay (349)
15 Jan 13
I have to throw out that "some months with a bigger belly" is an inaccurate description of pregnancy. Bigger belly, insomnia, nausea, heart burn, pain, headaches. Not to mention excruciating pain at the end of it all. And if a woman was raped, she would hate the baby even more at the end of the pregnancy. Can you imagine what it would feel like to hate your own baby? And what if it was a young girl, say 13 or 14? Put yourself in that situation, before you say "some months with a bigger belly".
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
16 Jan 13
i agree. if i were raped, i wouldn't want to have to go through all that pregnancy stuff and finally labor for a rapist's child. i would feel like my choices has been taken away enough. it would make me feel so worthless that i had NO choice over my own body. that i HAD to have a rapist child only to have to give it to someone else. oh, yeah...and what a person that will grow up to be???!!! i wouldn't be willing to take the risk. i wouldn't abort, but if i were raped....I WOULD.
• Romania
16 Jan 13
I agree that it was not a suitable expression, it involves a lot more. But I wanted to emphasize that some months that involve a lot of phisical trouble and pain are just a few bad months. But the baby is not responsable for what happened and he worths that bad months. I just don't want to imagine that my mother wouldn't want to let me live because she wanted to avoid insomnia and headaches. The baby it's not only the rapist's baby, it's also the woman's baby. And I don't know to be a gene that favors raping. It's about education, personal experiences, the way you choose to form your own opinion. The baby would inherit, maybe, the color of the eyes and a predisposition for being introvert and extrovert. And nobody had to raise a child that brings bad memories. Adoption is a solution. Well, I don't agree with abortion, even if it's in the context of raping. I don't think it's about me, or about the monster that did it. I think it's about the child that I don't see as guilty. Like I am not guilty for the faults of my parents. I wouldn't do it. I would just take care that the horrible guy will suffer. But I can understand the reasons of the rape victims. The problem is that we find this as a reasonable reason, and we generalize to all sort of reasons. Like I already said, this cases are rare. Abortion is instead common.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Jan 13
Firstly, I don't care. Now, I'm sure there are some situations where I would care ... I'm not thinking of them, but you could if you wanted to. Were I a "judge," deciding how law should apply here; I guess I would end up somewhere between. I am 'Pro-Choice,' but I hold people responsible for their past choices as well. I am 'Pro-Life,' but I support the already-living life above the not-yet-living life. I.e. if a pregnancy will KILL someone, abortion is necessary; but if raising a child simply means the "sacrifice" of the night-lady lifestyle for the sake of becoming a mother, that's life (speaking from the point-of-view of one who had a 'virtuoso' lifestyle STOLEN FROM HIM by a brain-injury caused by an uncareful driver).
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
In every discussion, I always see the reasons from the both sides. I am not into agreeing to only one and discriminating the latter... Well, in this situation I will try my best to give reasonable thoughts still for the both sides. Pro-choice matters nowadays because it can be a solution to the rampant problem of poverty, juvenile delinquency, and teenage pregnancy... But still I stand my side in pro-life... Life really matters among others. Without life we are nothing. We aren't God! And I always believe that abortion is killing. So why do we need to kill when all along we know that killing is one of the thing that God won't allow us?
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
16 Jan 13
Personally I am pro-life but politically, I am pro-choice. People can do what they want with their body but as for me, abortion is a big NO NO. Well, I think children deserve parents who want them, who are ready for them who are prepared and can give them the good life they deserve. I am pro-life myself because im ready, I graduated college and I'm 20 now and I have a job so. We can't blame other people for their choices, people deserve the right to choose for themselves, to create for themselves the life that they want. :)
• Philippines
16 Jan 13
Abortion as it is known in some cases is better than to let the fetus live and suffer later. In making love everybody is aware that if they are not extra careful a fetus will be formed. Before anything else a man usually made false promises just to get what he wants and sometime on the day or time of doing things relevant both parties are in good terms but along the line before the birth of a child something went wrong. The decision to raise the fetus or not is now an issue. Now, you are a witnessed to numerous children roaming around without home, no foods and worst no parents to lain on. How will you feel ? What will be your feeling as a child At the time the fetus is inside the mother's womb the decision to give birth and if not even just to stay alive pending until the giving of birth is in the hands of the mother. What if the mother can't even feed her own mouth and if ever he is born he will just add to numbers of children roaming for shelter for without parents who cares. Now what do you think? what will be the proper decision? Who is inhuman?
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
16 Jan 13
i could never have an abortion myself, but i respect another woman's right to do what she wants to do with her own body. you can't make someone have a baby who doesn't want to. i know, there is adoption as an alternative, but that has complications of it all it's own. with adoption, you still have a kid out there that is yours. how do you know it will go to the right people? there are just so many issues. maybe she doesn't want to have to carry a baby for nine months and then feel all weird about giving it away. i could only imagine. nevertheless, if someone gets pregnant and doesn't want to have the baby, they will find some unhealthy way of getting rid of the problem themselves and that's just dangerous. history has proven that. this is why roe v. wade was decided on the way it was. it's dangerous to let the government force morality on us. so, i am pro-choice even though i would never choose that option. p.s. pro-lifers are some of the dangerous minded people out there. they can get so carried away in forcing the views on someone. some can even be physically dangerous (which goes against their whole argument for pro life.
@MandaLee (3764)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Hi, I am pro-life. I believe that life begins at conception. I also believe that God gives us life and only He should take it.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
16 Jan 13
I am pro life...I believe life starts at conception. You can even detect the heart beat at about 28 days or so.
@allknowing (142793)
• India
16 Jan 13
When there are so many methods to avoid conception it is beyond me to think why anyone would want to go through the trouble of conceiving and then aborting it. Law dictates that it is wrong to kill a human being. And what is inside a womb is alive and therefore it is wrong to abort it unless it is life threatening to the mother or it has been discovered that the fetus is highly defective. Even if someone who is not in a position to take care of the child, that child should be delivered and then perhaps sent for adoption.
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jan 13
I am pro life. I feel there are other options if you don't want a child. There are people everywhere that would do anything in this world to have a child, and then there are people killing instead of giving these kids a chance at life. If people would give them up for adoption, people that really want children can adopt them and have their wish come true.
• United States
16 Jan 13
Always have been and will continue to be pro-choice. Women have and still are going through the motions of choosing when it comes to abortion. Now the law wants to get in our way of making that decision. I as a woman, don't buy it. I believe we need to stand up and fight for what's ours. If heaven forbid, I was raped and the rapist got me pregnant, yes, I would terminate the pregnancy. It's my right. Period.