Lucifer who is he.

January 16, 2013 3:57pm CST
For years we have been tought that Lucifer is satan, but no where in the bible does it ever states that. We read in Isaiah 14 it states how art thou fallen lucifer son of the morning. The word lucifer means shinning one, and it is not Greek or Hebrew, it's Latin. Remember this is what Jesus promises to the believers in revelations. So to truly understand who lucifer is, we must first under who satan is. According to Jesus satan was a murderer from the beginning, beginning of what, the beginning of his origin. Now I truly believe what The Lord Jesus says over traditional teaching anytime. I John 3:8 says satan sinneth from the beginning. This came out of johns own mouth. So who is Lucifer. I believe it is Adam.
10 responses
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
16 Jan 13
I don't agree with you , Satan was from Jinn , not from Adam , God in Quran mentioned to him as satan many times(68) , and as Iblis many times (11): [18.50] When We said to the angels: 'Prostrate yourselves before Adam, ' all prostrated themselves except iblis, who was one of the jinn, disobedient to the command of his Lord. Would you then take him and his descendants to be your guardians, other than Me, when they are your clear enemy? How evil is the exchange for the harmdoers! "
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Jan 13
Yes , He is created from fire , and angels created from light .
16 Jan 13
Satan was created as and instrument for the testing of our faith. God said himself I have created the waster to destroy,Isaiah 54:16. He also said, I have created the smiths(the devil) that bloweth coals on the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work. You see satan was created to tempt men and god said so. This is the only existence in which satan was created. Remember John and Jesus both said satan was a sinner and murderer from the beginning, now who can argue with that.
@robspeakman (1700)
16 Jan 13
Adam and Eve are metaphors to represent Man and Woman. Lucifer or Satan? if your faith suggest that there is an all powerful being that is good, then you need a figure or being that represents the World evils. Humans can not accept or admit that they are responsible for bad behaviour or awful acts of cruelty... That is were an evil being comes in You can now act like a child - "Satan made me do it"
16 Jan 13
What I am saying is hat for years we have been fought that lucifer is satan, who was and angle who was perfect in beauty, and was in the garden of Eden when he fell. All these thing points to Adam, not satan. Adam was the one god created the garden for, it's was Adam who said in his heart I will be like the most high by believing the lie the serpent told him. It was for Adam sake that the world was made a wilderness. And last but not least it is Adam who hold us all in prison a d won't let us free because he himself is bond by sin. Sin is what is keeping us prisoners. Plus like I said early John and Jesus both sain satan was a sinner and murderer from the beginning, and that means from the beginning of his existence. Once we realize that in order for man to be truly in the image of god there has to be and opposition for them to overcome, and that opposition is the devil who was created for the purpose of that. We also have to realize that Satan has no power except that which is given him read job, satan had to get permission to tempt job, do you honestly think he he could overthrow god, no he knows he can't. He is just playing the part that god created him for and when god is through using him he will get rid of him.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Jan 13
Triple3zy , " Satan has no power except that which is given him read job" Satan has no power over the faithful, the weakness of the human psyche and lack of faith in her Creator , which makes it easy to affect the devil and strengthen, this devil is weak in front of the believer : [15.42:43] over My worshipers you have no authority, except the perverse that follow you. Gehenna (Hell) will be the promise for all of them. " [16.100] He has authority over those who are guided by him, and those who ascribe associates to Him (Allah). " [14.22] And when the issue has been decided, satan will say (to them): 'The promise which Allah made you was true. I promised you, but failed to keep it. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you answered me. Do not blame me, rather, blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I disbelieved in your associating me (with Allah) before. 'Indeed, for the evildoers there is a painful punishment. "
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Lucifer was an archangel. He was extremely close to the Creator. Lucifer became jealous of mankind when they were created. They took too much of HaShem's time away from the angels. Lucifer demanded that HaShem treat him with equality. Lucifer wanted to be the Creator's equal. This did not sit too well with HaShem. Lucifer would not back down and started interfering with mankind. When he would not stop, the Creator stripped him of his status and condemned him until he would repent...So far it does not seem like he has.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
17 Jan 13
No , Adoniah , he was from Jinn , but he was worshiping God , God raise him to angel , he lived with angels in heaven , when he refused to prostrate to Adam , God God expelled from his mercy because he disobeyed God's command ,he was the only one who refused , because he wasn't an angel realy .
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
17 Jan 13
I am not sure that "Lucifer" means "shining one." I believe it means "light-bringer," but I suppose it doesn't make much difference. The word "Satan" means "to oppose." These are not really given names so much as descriptions. I have always found this interesting since the meanings are so opposite of what a person may expect, and seemingly opposite of each other. I have read that the name "Lucifer" when referring to Satan wasn't in the original book and was added much later. I don't know why. To confuse people? I have read that "Lucifer" (the light-bringer) was originally a name for Jesus.
17 Jan 13
That's the point I am trying to make. The word lucifer is not even in the original Hebrew or Greek its called halel which means light bearer or morning star. Jesus promised to give the believer the morning star if they overcame. The bible says this lucifer was in the garden of Eden and was perfect in all they ways. Until iniquity was found in him. The place where lucifer fell from was the garden of Eden. Adam was perfect in the garden of Eden. This is Adam fell from. This lucifer wanted to like god. It was Adam who said in his heart I will be like the most high when he ate of the for idem tree. Remember what satan told eve. He told her if they eat of the tree that will be like god, so she ate and gave Adam to eat of it to, And by eating of the tree they were saying in there heart I will be like the most high. God looks at the heart not our actions. There is no where in the bible that's says satan is lucifer. Men has come up with that notion. And further more Jesus and John. Said satin was a sinner and murderer from the beginning.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
3 Feb 13
For years only? Try "for centuries"! Father Tertullian & a succession of supporters of the doctrine of St Paul created & enforced this corrupted definition of Lucifer in an effort to demonise the Goddess to whom it referred. You are correct that "Lucifer" is Latin. It comes from two words: Luc or Lux, meaning light (hence Luke!) & ferre, meaning bearer or bringer. Bringer of Light & Light of the World were actually terms used to describe Jesus! Also in the Holy Bible, we find that Lucifer refers to the Morning Star, which is Venus, the Goddess. All throughout the Holy Bible, in both Old & New Testaments, we read of the Jews struggle, time & time again, not just with Monotheism (of one all-powerful masculine God as opposed to a balance of both male & female Gods & Goddesses), but also with having just one male king to rule over them versus a king & queen ruling jointly. Each time balanced rule started to re-emerge, the priesthood & scribes, etc (all with vested interests), managed to stir up the people enough to ensure that such a system would never have the support of the people it massively benefitted & would thus never eventuate. How would the people have benefitted? No more oppressive taxation, an end to all forms of slavery forever, equal rights & opportunity for women, no compulsary military enlistment, religious freedom, a proliferation of Houses of Healing & Libraries & Universities & more...
@Janurmas (642)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 13
He is the boss of all devil. He is the father of lie. He was one of leaders of angles in heaven, but he was rebelled to God and it caused him thrown to the world and became a teaser to human to make sins. I have Lucifer.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
17 Jan 13
The true sense of "Lucifer" is Hebrew (or some other ancient tongue) for 'bringer of light.' In some Christian mythology, Lucifer was the Archangel. But when he saw G*d loving humanity more than He loved the angels, he got jealous and--convincing a third of his fellow angels that they were getting gyped (being considered 'less than the humans' while they--and not the humans--could accomplish all these fully-amazing things in the service of G*d)--rebelled against G*d were defeated by G*d, who changed their names from "Lucifer & Angels" to "Satan & Demons" ("Satan" truly meaning "adversary"). And Adam 'doomed the entire human race to its sin-nature' when he chose to obey Satan (by obeying Eve who was obeying Satan) rather than to obey G*d's ONE RULE. So Satan killed Lucifer (the same way that Darth Vader killed Anakin Skywalker.)
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Lucifer existed in heaven during the pre-existance, (before earth was created we were sent to live on it) He rebelled against God, and was cast out of Heaven and became the devil, or same meaning as satan. His name in the pre-existence was Lucifer. Same as Jehovah is Jesus, and Micheal is Adam. He is on the earth to tempt us and to see if we will choose good or evil.
@MaylaJay (349)
17 Jan 13
Lucifer, Satan, Devil...I believe it's an image conjured to let people justify the things they do bad. "Temptation is so great" "The devil pushes humans to sin" "Sin comes from the devil" All justified reasons for doing horrible things and then being able to "come back to God" and get forgiveness and acceptance.
@Janurmas (642)
• Indonesia
24 Jan 13
Lucifer was an angel and he was leader of 1/3 of all of angles in the heaven. He led the 1/3 angles to worship God in Heaven. There were 3 leader of angles, they were, Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael. The Lucifer was leading for worshiping God, Michael was leading guardian angles, while the Gabriel is leading the informants angles. But when Lucifer influenced the 1/3 angles to worship him, he and the followers were thrown by God to the earth. Now he is in revenge, but people are become the impingement.