I Will Have A HorseBurger Please....
By robspeakman
@robspeakman (1700)
January 16, 2013 4:32pm CST
In the UK today it was revealed that some supermarkets have been selling burgers with HORSEMEAT in them...
Neigh I hear you say
It is true
Supermarkets are now offering you a cheaper way to buy your daughter that pony she always wanted.
Thankfully we have not had the usual hysteria that accompanies these kinds of stories.
After all horsemeat is a common dish in mainland Europe.
There have been some health issues - A man was rushed to hospital, but he is now in a STABLE condition and recovering from the TROTTS
We can't really complain about a little bit of horsemeat, at least it is meat.
Will you be buying your horsey burger next time you come to the UK?

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21 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
16 Jan 13
I would believe it.. also here in mexico 5-6 years ago people were selling horses to go to canada to be eaten there. You are so bad. Sat. night at the mylot comedy club now. Love ya...

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@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
16 Jan 13
In my country there are some butcher shops that specialize on horse meat. I have had it once or twice many years ago. As it is cheaper than veal`s meat, it is mainly eaten by the poorer people.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
16 Jan 13
Im sure Ive had it here, just wasnt told it was horse meat...
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@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
16 Jan 13
I have eaten horse meat an it`s not bad. In fact, dry meat (charqui) is better when made from horse instead of cattle. I have read often that many sausages have a mixture of meats and that they only must have a certain percentage of pig or cattle or chicken. I guess it depends on the culture. In my coutry we eat raw fish, raw meat, cooked cow`s blood and a lot of other sources of protein.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
19 Jan 13
I share your amazement at how much fuss has been made about this. I have never ordered or eaten horsemeat, but that is most likely because it is not on sale here.
There is absolutely no reason why we should not eat a horse, after all we eat pigs and sheep.
People seem to be quite happy with the items that have been traditionally consumed, yet horrified with anything that does not conform to the food that they were brought up to eat.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
19 Jan 13
Moose is a member of the deer family and as such should qualify as a type of venison, which is a highly recommended but rather expensive meat. It may taste a little different to other members of the species, but I would welcome the opportunity to try it.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
19 Jan 13
That's interesting and it may confirm something I heard.
I have had venison and did not like it at all.
However, this friend says that fear can cause hormones to build up and make the meat taste gamey (is that a word?)
This guy was an excellent hunter, one shot, no fear, lights out.
I think if someone is going to hunt, that is the way to do it, for the animal's sake as well as for the quality of the meat.
I don't know if this is really true, my memory isn't the best, but it sort of makes sense to me.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Jan 13
Neigh...... I Shall canter away as fast as my shoes can carry me. The mane thing that makes me bridle a bit is that there is no rein on these knackers from Killarney. So now we are saddled with them. At least they'll expand our girth. Curry...comb anybody?
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@robspeakman (1700)
16 Jan 13
Vegetarian menu will not help you either...
Veggie Burgers has also been taken off the shelf because they contain traces of Uniquorn
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Jan 13
Eat horsemeat? Eat Black Beauty? Neighver. That is disgusting and from now on I am not ever having a hamburger in a fast food place again. Loved your post though

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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
22 Jan 13
In some parts of Asia eating horse meat is common, I understand. My husband (not Asian) has tasted it before, and says it's like a very strong beef. Now, ti's not something that I would ever eat, and it's not something he'd eat regularly, it's just something he told me he has tried.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Thanks for FINALLY putting some laughs with the horsemeat stories!
Made my day!
Now, I wouldn't mind eating horsemeat but I draw the line at unicorns!
Actually, I've been eating less and less meat as I get older so I'd most likely pass on the horseburgers. Not because they have horsemeat in them but because I'm moving away from red (???) meat altogether.
So, neigh to the horsey burger. 

@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
17 Jan 13
I saw something of this on my friend status today . There have been speculation about some local meats here also , that it is donkey meat . These things really gross me out .
I would never willingly eat those meat .
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
19 Jan 13
Hello dee777, this is very true indeed. Many people are attracted to food simply because it is expensive and therefore the associate it with quality, which is certainly not the case for some. I have never tried caviar and have no desire to try it either, although as you say people will find it irresistible due to the high cost.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
17 Jan 13
Fair point on not knowing what you might be getting..but The Hamburger allegedly originated in Hamburg,so hopefully Burghers were not on the ingredient list at any time..

@rivengodwind (369)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Hm, as long as they are properly labeled and are not passed off as the 'usual' meat, I'm okay with that. As you've pointed out, it's fairly common for other folks so I guess having a little delicacy every now and then would be okay.
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@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
27 Jan 13
I believe all that. I also believe this happens all around the world. It is corporate business looking to make more and more money. So since they are putting horse meat in the burgers, then at least we should get a pair of horse shoes with the burger. LOL. Maybe we will all have to buy our own cows and make our own meat. They had that pink slime thing going on here in the US. So, like I said, anything is possible.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
17 Jan 13
I'm a nay sayer 1) veggie diet digest quicker, and I don't enjoy chewing on tough meat. 2) The horse deserves a chance at life if only we humans could grasp that concept. 3) In the US there is currently no shortage of food where you are left with no choice but to slaughter another one of God's creation. Even if their was famine I'd rather drink water than eat horse meat. Doesn't sound tasty to me!
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
18 Jan 13
I didn't think horse was eaten much in the UK. It's not eaten in the USA. The meat in question also had a bunch of pork in it. I don't see beef, pork or horse as all that different. The big problem is the misleading label. If it is pork or horse, they should say so. I would't want to eat any of them. My cats do, but I don't.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Jan 13
In the USA the govement wants to open slaughter houses up slaughter horses again! They want to do it to deal with all the unwanted horses! Idiots! Horses are still be slaughtered but they are shipped over to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered! I would not be surprised some of that meat ends up in Japan and Europe. I know horsemeat is big in Europe and Japan. I hope this does not happen in the USA! I think it is a terrible idea to eat horsemeat and this comes from a horse lover and a horse owner! In the US, horses helped build this country! Horses are companions,friends,memebers of the family and used as therapy! This is just some of the reasons we should never slaughter horses for their meat! I said what I wanted to say!
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
For as long as it is edible, I have not problems with it!
I like trying out unusual food.

@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
17 Jan 13
Ugh... no. I can't explain it, but there are some animal, from whose meat I won't eat, maybe spiritually, I don't know, but one of them is a horse. I'm not judging on people who eat it, because meat is meat, but I could not even force myself to eat horsemeat if I knew what it was made from.
@dee777 (1417)
• South Africa
18 Jan 13
I am full of nonsense when it comes to food, so no, I will not have horse-meat thank you very much. If famine should strike, I would keep your lawn short and eat grass the whole day long... hahaha, and may most probably die of starvation, but I will not eat what I do not know.