Pushing tapping

@savypat (20216)
United States
January 21, 2013 8:04am CST
This is a subject I love to push. Tapping has recently been the subject of many tests and experiments. What can I say, it's easy, it's free and it works. For those who don't know, this is a way to control your life through accupressure points and mental programing to respond to them. For more info go on the Internet there are many sites devoted to this system. Find one that says tapping for beginners and watch the video, then follow instructions. You need to do it a few times for your body to get the connection, but it works wonders. Stress, pain and goals respond best for me. Blessings
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5 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
22 Jan 13
well does this mean guarantee of relief? have you tried it? I wonder if this is selling book then I don't know if this is gimmick or propaganda like others health thing is. Remember the other health buff to sell some gadgets and diet programs. but it turned to be not true?
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
23 Jan 13
ok i will try it.. i like challenges... I do yoga too... (before not now) hahha yes I will try this thanks.. I don't like laborious exercise
21 Jan 13
I have heard of this I was watching the television the other day and a hypnotist called Paul MacKenna was (not sure if I have spelt his surname correctly there, you might have heard of him yourself). Anyway he was promoting a new book of his and he was saying that tapping is one of the most effective mind control techniques that he knows. He is respected in his field and there are many other people who would agree with what you have said. Apparently it is also very effective in the treatment of phobias, addiction and such. :)
@savypat (20216)
• United States
22 Jan 13
I would not pay any money for information on this. How to do it and the many new studies that are being done are on the Internet. If you want to use it try one of the free videos for beginners. Make sure you rate whatever your problem is from one to ten and then rate it again after each treatment. Blessings.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Jan 13
I think any exercise that involves movement, as well as body, breath and mind control can have great advantages. Like anything it will be strange at first, but once your body gets into the right rhythm and off course through practice. I find it difficult with balance and co-ordination myself.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Jan 13
Hi savypat, Tapping didn't seem to work for me but maybe I just gave up too easy. I am thinking about giving it another try now that I've seen such people as Louise Hays endorse it. I've received several e-mails lately that has sparked my interest again. Thanks for the reminder - now if I can get motivated. Blessings.
@GDTimothy (446)
• United States
29 Jan 13
I've never heard of tapping before, although I have heard of acupuncture. I don't put any faith in acupuncture though. But pressure points, and massaging/manipulating them, are well known. I will have to research more info on this.