Tim burton movies, scary

January 21, 2013 11:34am CST
I love Tim burton movies but they are sometimes scary for kids. My daughters favorite movie since she was about 3 is nightmare before Christmas. So because she liked it so much I took her to the theatre to see coralline when it came out when she was about 5 years old. To this day she is still terrified of that movie with the other mother and the button eyes. He makes good kid horror films.
9 responses
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
21 Jan 13
You'll probably need to rent the movie sometime when she gets older. When I grew up, the used to show old horror and sci fi movies on TV. I remember being scared when I saw Ed Wood;s Plan 9 From Outer Space. I was particularly scary when Vampira was on the screen. Later when I grew up and saw the movie again, I realized how silly the movie was. (It's now rated as one of the worst movies of all time.)
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
21 Jan 13
I remember I was pretty creeped out during the beginning of Edward Scissorhands when I first saw it as a child. But Tim Burton has absolutely nothing to do with Coraline. It's directed by Henry Selick who was also director of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Yeah Burton wrote the basic story on Nightmare and designed the characters but it's the Selick who did most of the work. I read that Burton showed up only a few times on the set during the whole movie production yet he gets all the credit. But in case of Coraline, he has nothing to do with it at all. It's based on a childrens fantasy book written by Neil Gaiman, that is actually a lot creepier than the film. I read it as an adult and still thought some parts were pretty scary. But those parts were changed or cut entirely from the film.
21 Jan 13
They always cut good stuff out of films when they are based on books, I prefer to read the book first. :)
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
21 Jan 13
Most of the time it's just not possible. Reading a book takes much longer time than viewing a movie. You have to chose books that are worthy of your time while you can afford to see a bad movie.
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
23 Jan 13
I actually love watching Tim Burton's quirky movies. His movies are so unique and original. You cannot find a great director that can compete with him. He does make very good kid horror movie too. I've watched Coraline with my children but they know that it's not a real story so they're not that terrified. If it were live action movie with real actors, the movie could be quite terrifying but since it's animated, my children are not much bothered. In fact, they love all of Tim Burton's movies - Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Frankenweenie and others.
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
22 Jan 13
hahaa yeah his movies..can be spooky..and wierd at the same time.
23 Jan 13
Yes, Coraline is a bit scary for kids because the existing of other parents is a bit creepy idea, isn't it?Tim Burton is a good story teller, but his stories are filled with horror.I believe that adults enjoy them more than little kids.My nephew saw Corpse Bride when he was 8 years old and he started believing that the afterlife is like they picture it in the movie and he was sure that he would become a dancing skeleton.Maybe these movies are a bit too "dark" for kids.
• Philippines
22 Jan 13
Good for her, she was able to capitalize what she saw during her younger days. Sometimes we just need to guide our daughters to see the best of them.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
21 Jan 13
I'm not sure if I would take kids to Tim Burton films. They are genial, but they are for slightly older kids, people, like 10+... maybe except for Edward Scissorhands, because Edward is not THAT scary (maybe some of the first scenes), and it has a great message. Oh, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory would be nice for a kid, too! I haven't seen Nightmare before Christmas, though, but I'm planning to do it.
21 Jan 13
I remember watching Edward scissor hands when I was a child and absolutely loved it, I recently saw frankenweinie and it was equally as good. I love Tim Burton films and I think it's sometimes good to be scared when you are a child, it sparks the imagination. :)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 13
i think tim burton movies most of them are good but i think is to scary to watch by the kids. if you want to watch tim burton movie with the kids i prefer you to watch edward scissorhand or charlie and the choclate factory. because tim burton movie is always dark.