Having a baby will solve everything
By 911Ricki
@911Ricki (13588)
January 24, 2013 1:37pm CST
A friend in high school called me, she just moved back to this area. She has been dating her boyfriend since late October (not even 3 months), and she is pregnent.
I told her congrats, but when she kept talking I knew it wont turn out for the best. She has always dependent on a man, her last boyfriend was a real jerk. She tried having kids with him, and said she would be much happier (thank god she didn't).
She doesn't have a job, and her boyfriend just got a temp job, they move from place to place, becaue they can't afford it.
Her step sister, had a child a few years ago, and her brother just had a kid about a year or two ago. She goes it will bring me so much joy, and Ill get so much attention.
She then said this is her life goal, and her entire life, is to have kids. I just sat there and said nothing. The fact she has absolutely no goals in life, and can't even feed herself yet bringing a child into this world, after 3 months of dating her boyfriend (not being able to support herself let alone a child). The guy may be here for the time being, but being unstable like this, could turn ugly.
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28 responses
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jan 13
That is really sad, she thinks children is the answer to her problems. Wow,she sounds young and immature to me. Most people know having children is a responsibility and a lot of work! They make small problems into bigger problems, financially speaking I mean. Things will not get better by having this child. I feel bad once she has her child, she will find out real quick its not as easy as she thinks it is...
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Jan 13
I agree with you, she is wanting attention and to fit in-both BAD reasons to have a kid! I really hope they get their acts together before this baby comes, I really do...That poor child. =(
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
She still thinks it;s fun to sit at home and play video games. Her boyfriend is working part time as a temp living in her brother's basement for the time being. I told her she has to get all the child requirements, she wont be sleeping, and this child comes first. She may have savings right now, but wont for long as she hasn't worked since the beginning of December. She said the other day they can't afford not to work, so what does this mean when the child comes. She kept saying she loves her neices, but that is not a 24 hour/ 7 day job, or a dent in the wallet, she has this kid for 18 years supportive (then for the rest of her life). I think she just wants to fit in with her siblings, and doesn;t realize how hard it will be.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
I hope so too, but I think with her lack of life experience.
She has never had to budget, pay a bill (if she had too she always had someone to back her up). I know many who are in this situation, who have a relationship, work out until the child is born, then it breaks apart because of the lack of communication, and well the child.
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@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
24 Jan 13
I really pity people in these kind of situations, and sadly there are many people like this out there! Having a baby calls for a lot of responsibility and ssacrifice, and you need to be quite mature and willing to do your best to be an excellent mum / dad. Every baby deserve to have a safe and stable environment, where the mum and dad can support him from a monetary point of view, and obviously with real love and care. In this case I hope for the best of this unborn baby, but I really think that things may turn out badly if the couple has onlyy been together for 3 months, and they are still young and there is not a stable job. It is so sad.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
I thought the samething, the fact that one they have such a short relationship and truely don't know each other, and no stable income. She is living in her brother's basement for the time being, and they are having financial situations themselves. I think she can handle the love aspects, but she is very selfish so I don't know about it. But providing such as feedings and so forth. If they don't have a good relationship, once the child is born, it will be completely different.
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@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
24 Jan 13
Yeah, actually once the baby is born things are most likely bound to get worse as they will start to feel the increased burden of money, responsibility and the various other requirements the child may have. I feel so sad for children who have to live in such families' and circumstances.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
I completely agree, she sees how happy it is to have a child, but not the cost, and stress of it. But the fact the relationship is still new, they truley don't know each other, and they both are still immature. They sit around playing video games, and don't take responsibility. Once the child is home, they need to give up their entire lifes for this child and communication is key, which by the sounds of what she has told me they are still in the new relationship happiness (most relationships are like this and 5 -6 month mark is the make or break it).
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
25 Jan 13
Oh my goodness. She is relying on a child to accomplish happiness? That is not going to happen. She is going to have to take care of the baby, attend to it's every need, have money for the just in case in life, and be able to support herself and her baby if the man ever does leave, which could very well happen. Three months is not long enough to have a stable relationship. It is still in the lovey dovey stages of everything.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Jan 13
That will obviously bring her happiness, until the real world hit's her in the face. That's what I said 3 months is nothing, I know many who have made relationships last longer with short relationships, but 95% of the time they don't. I would be stressing badly knowing I couldn't support a child on my own, let alone depend on a man. But I guess it comes back to how you were raised. Having a kid is stress on the relationship, and when the child comes I wonder how the relationship will turn out, especially if they really don't know the person.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
24 Jan 13
Not "could"... It will turn ugly. They will start fighting, because money is tight. Now, instead of it just being the two of them at each other's throats about money, there will be a helpless infant caught in the cross-fire.
The situation is one that is likely to lead to the child being neglected or even abused.
The area in which you grew up seems not to breed very many girls with ambition. You mention girl-after-girl who seems to not have any desire to do anything other than be with some guy who lacks money, ambition and education.
Sounds a lot like where I grew up...

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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
I am trying to be nice, it could work out (you never know).
But the fact neither have a steady job, nor any ambition, or even goals. She is living in her brother basement for $250 a month, but her brother is tight money as well, so I wonder how long that living experience will last.
Once the child is here she has to give up her life, she wont have just herself to worry about, and she can't sit around playing video games all day either.
It's very common around here, I just want to smack my head off the counter. But then I get told I am selfish and have issues, because I don't want kids, or even run after every guy who walks by, I want something meaningful not chase after someone.
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@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
that is right,.a baby is not a toy or accessory, u have to be able to provide for it shelter, clothes, food, education, attention, guidance..it is hard and not easy being a mother or parent if u are financially unstable. even if u just have one kid..nowadays it is hard. sometimes, we think that babies look so cute and adorable but it is truly a big responsibility taking care of them,.
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@binaybbsr1 (374)
• India
24 Jan 13
Dont know what would be the age of this girl, still i guess, she must be very immature and unaware of the responsibility one have to carry for a kid. This is perhaps the basic problems with teens and particularly teens who are not under proper parenting. Its sad to hear such types of things in this modern era, when you are to fight more than half of your life for bread and butter only. Lets pray for her good future at least.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
She is 24, but very immature indeed. But it reflects to her parents parenting, her parents had child young, and divorced soon after. Her Mother went from guy to guy, like she does. She never thought of the consequences, she just wanted a child, thinking it will bring her so much happiness and coomplete her.
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@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
25 Jan 13
It was like having kids is like a doll which is NO! It has a lot of responsibilities. Much better she could have been a nanny or her job should be baby sitting if she just like kids. I can't imagine her life like that. I mean others are working too hard by the time that they already have their baby or even got pregnant.
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@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
2 Feb 13
You say she is pregnant, very good; there is nothing wrong in having a baby, every women needs her own, but who will support the baby, does she do some job?
Thanks for sharing lol.
@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
24 Jan 13
Ah, the "Babies Make Everything Better" trope, does not work that way in real life. I feel sorry for her, because most of the time, not all the time, but most of the time the guy's take off because they don't want to take responsibility. Since they're not married there's no guarantee he'll stay around and support her. She's going to have to start looking for a job because unless this guy makes enough money to support them this isn't going to work out.
If she thinks she's going to get attention because she has a kid, she's been watching too much MTV.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
24 Jan 13
911Ricki Very sad..she is in for a rude awakening.She will feel differently during the early morning feedings, but by then she will be stuck...so it will be even a harder life.
Some people seem to need to take the most difficult way to grow up..I wish her well, but feel badly for her immaturity. Perhaps her rough road will help some other immature person learn a lesson...
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
24 Jan 13
That is very true, can't turn back now.
She is very immature, and really has never had to deal with responsibility in life. So I guess in 9 months, that will all change, she will also find out people will be there at first to help the child, but then with time everyone goes back to their lives, and leave her.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
30 Jan 13
You never know the guy might be good for her. Not everyone starts at a good spot and of course soon she will see a baby doesn't bring you joy. Yes a baby can bring joy but not the way she thinks it will. It won't fix things or make it better. A child is a forever thing and some times that is the one thing that makes a person change everything when the realize how much they love that child if they really love that child. I got pregnant after a few months of being with my husband yes 3 months in to the marriage but we have been together a total of six months and he had a sucky job. People that it was bad for us to have a baby but it turn out of the best we make things better for our daughter it's not a 100% better but it's the best it can be with what we got.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
26 Jan 13
I don't like how this is going.
There are women who have this dream. I can't understand it though. Maybe they have strong maternal instincts. Maybe they have not thought up another dream. I can't judge them.
However, it is not practical. Looks like she's in a rush to have a baby with someone she did not even date long. Maybe she's trying to live a fantasy. But reality is harsh and life is not easy especially when you don't have a permanent job and a secure home.
I wonder why some people just make it more complicated for themselves.
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@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
24 Jan 13
She's delusional. And I don't like her reasoning for wanting a kid, to get so much attention. Someone shouldn't based his or her happiness on whether another person can bring that happiness; most especially not from a baby. She's got all the wrong reasons for wanting a baby at this point. I sure hope that she gets to her senses and finally learn that it takes more than that to have a baby.
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@prettylyn (2)
24 Jan 13
At times people with little believe that babbies brings them comfort. If she is your friend you need to be there for her in whatever possible. Be it financially, physically or emotionally. Be happy with her and try seeing the good that she sees in her pregnancy. Stand there with her and don't let her down. She is going to be depending on you
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
28 Jan 13
Wow that is so sad and feel really bad for the unborn baby I really do. Things will not get better for her its just going to get worse. If anything I hope that her and her boyfriend try and find decent jobs to support their baby and they are going to need to do a lot of growing up otherwise this baby is going to grow up in a broken home. Wow!!!! 3 months only together and they are already having a baby together. Although I am not shocked, because my friend she was with a guy for a month and they had a baby together. Did it work out? No it didn't. And now she is raising two kids alone and with no help from the guy, because he is choosing not to be apart of the children's life and also choosing not to pay child support. I really hope this doesn't happen to your friend. Because I will not feel sorry for your friend, but I will feel sorry for that poor baby.
I don't understand why people just don't wait until they get to know someone more and have been with someone for awhile and plus know for sure that this person is the one for them as well as make sure that they're finances are under control before they decide to have a baby. I also don't understand why so many girls out there think that having a baby will fix every problem that they are having in the relationship. One things for sure, the baby is not going to help fix their financial problem, that's for sure. If anything its going to add more bills on top of what they are already paying. I think its time for boyfriend to find a steady job and start working, because there is going to be so many expenses for him to pay. Once again, poor baby for it does not know what it is being born into. I really hope and I have some hope maybe a little bit that these two will get their act together, at least for their babies sake.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
25 Jan 13
Exactly! I mean, the relationship has just started. Do they really know each other that much? A lot of things can happen. I hope that things turn out better for both of them in the coming days before she gives birth.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
25 Jan 13
No you're wrong.She surely has one goal now;that is to have kids.
But she definitely doesn't understand what it takes to raise kids.Very bad decision in that kind of situation.

@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
25 Jan 13
Having a baby may solve a few things and it might solve everything as well. If you have faith, nothing seems impossible to some extent. I am happy that despite all that your friend has been through she has a positive view when it comes to her baby. The fact, that she chose to keep her baby instead of getting rid of it, proves that she a sensible person. I a sure that with time, her boyfriend will find a permanent job and when the baby is strong she will be able to look for a good job as well. Her goals will come along, may be not fast but slowly she will get there. :)