Who are more violent: Pro-Life Supporters, or Pro-Choice Supporters?

United States
January 25, 2013 9:25pm CST
Yesterday on Mike Huckabee's radio show he spoke with the director of a pro-life movie. During this interview Mr. Huckabee made a suggestion to his listeners to buy this movie, and give it to pro-choice friends to help convert them. The director, then said that this is a better idea than getting into an argument because pro-choice people, and liberals are very argumentative, and have more of a tendency to be violent. I about crashed my car when I heard this. I am pro-choice, and I am a Liberal, and I can tell you that when I talk about abortion it is the pro-life people who get made at me because I used their own words against them. Of course this director must have forgot about all of the people killed by pro-life terrorist who bombed, and assassinated abortions clinics, and doctors who perform abortions. So given all of the facts in this matter: Do you believe that Pro-Choice people are more violent than Pro-Life people?
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7 responses
• Philippines
26 Jan 13
I have to say that both sides have a radical arm but I cannot confirm both sides. I certain heard about pro-life and several of their affiliates doing those things -bombing of clinics and so forth. I guess there is nothing wrong with a debate or a serious discussion unless you feel that the other side is losing and clutching at straws. Usually, that's the point where the discussion gets personal and off-topic.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 13
I don't know but I still think there's no excuse for being violent if you want to stand for something. why can't believers of their own principle should just promote and protest it to the streets in peace? there's a lot of ways because being violent makes people not to believe or follow those who are "PRO" in what ever stand they have.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
26 Jan 13
Simple answer to that question, the Pro-choice doctors. Why? The answer lies in how it is carried out. A procedure that is far more brutal than any type of torture method ever invented. Yet, it is still being performed.
• Mojave, California
26 Jan 13
Maybe so, but if we did outlaw abortion you do not think people are not going to go somewhere, where they can get it down anyway? Someplace that is not sanitary as a doctors office. Plus there is a new study that states women who are denied an abortion are three times more likely to fall into poverty. This is just my personal opinion. I think I would rather of never existed at all than what we put some of our kids through. So the question comes down to which is really more brutal? Never having a life that your brain was not even developed enough to know about or going through life living in the worst kind of hell. What we need to do is start educating on contraception that way we can hold abortions to the lowest levels. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/14/abortion-poverty-study_n_2130890.html
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• Mojave, California
26 Jan 13
OK I am not saying they do not have a potential for life. My question to the ones on the right that feel this way, is you guys do not even want to take care of the people that are currently living on this earth. Whether it be poor kids, or old adults you want nothing to do with the poverty problem this country faces. So why do you want to care so much about people that knows what happens if they get burden down with a kid they are not ready for. They know for a fact that this country looks unkindly towards women who has kids to soon out of wedlock not to mention if they got raped. How the hell do you care now?
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• Mojave, California
26 Jan 13
I do not mean to sound harsh but it just makes me wonder what are we really doing? This is not even my worry really since I am not female but it irks me that people have this much say on other peoples rights. If any ladies want to tell me I overstepped my boundaries I am OK with that.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
26 Jan 13
In the United States, I found a total of eight people killed by pro-life supporters. After 40 years of Roe v Wade, roughly 55 million abortions have been performed. That is 55 million babies intentionally killed by their mothers. In 2004 0.5% was due to rape of incest, 4% was the mother's health. I'll let you decide for yourself all the other reasons. You might not consider abortion violence against babies, but many of us do, and 55 million sure beats eight.
• United States
27 Jan 13
Best, I personally don't consider this violance against babies, because as the Catholic church stated in it's defense: The fetus is NOT a baby. Thus, I support the Catholic Church, for probably the ONLY time in my life, and say that your claim is false.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
27 Jan 13
Robspeakman, aren't you an atheist? As far as you're concerned, it's survival of the fittest, so no murder would be murder in your eyes. Therefore your opinion in a discussion about violence would be null and void.
27 Jan 13
It isn't murder - Do they let people like you vote? You are wasting our air
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jan 13
The pro choice people are responsible (directly and indirectly) for about 50 million deaths. So, there's your answer.
• United States
28 Jan 13
Not according to the Catholic Church. According to the Catholic Church there were 50 million fetuses killed, which are NOT human lives. Maybe you should take it up with the church.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Jan 13
Oh, I would if the ones responsible for making that statement were before me. You see, a few Catholics saying this does NOT mean the entire CHURCH believes that or teaches that. The pro life doctrine of the Catholic Church is well known. And EVEN IF it WAS the doctrine of the Catholic Church, still doesn't make it right or Biblical. I answer to God, not a church. A few Democrats think we should do away with the Constitution too, should I then declare that ALL Democrats want to rid us of our founding documents? A FEW union members think it's ok to murder those who oppose them, should I then declare ALL union members are murderers? btw...if it is not alive, not human life, why do you use the term KILLED?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
28 Jan 13
This is stupid, the catholic church doesn`t teach such a thing, this guy makes a big confusion between what the catholic church teaches and what some lawyers are saying in court. You are judged according with the laws not according with your beliefs.
• United States
26 Jan 13
Anyone can be violent, it has nothing to do with being pro-life or pro-choice. And those so called "pro life" people who bombed abortion clinics, they don't really believe it at all. Pro-life people believe that all life is important and that includes the doctors who perform abortions, nobody has the right to kill them just because they disagree with abortion.
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@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Jan 13
What does Pro-Choice means ? Does that kid who killed his parent belongs to the Pro-Choice movement ?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Jan 13
Good one iuliuxd. Heck, if we can choose to kill one class of people (preborn) why not take it to the next level. I'm sure there are enough kids out there who are dissatified with their upbringing who can make a case for killing their parents. Maybe they could use the 'I didn't want to be born and they forced me to be' defense.
• Philippines
26 Jan 13
Pro-Choice means that you support a woman's erosional choice or decision to an abort a baby in her womb. What kid are you talking about?
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
28 Jan 13
What is even more amusing is that these people who kill their own kids or support those who kill theirs will come and tell you how to raise your kid.