You wonder why there is so much violence in the world these days?

@free_man (7330)
United States
January 26, 2013 8:05am CST
If your like me you see the news about this person doing something stupid like killing people without any reason. Look at what is on TV and at the movies these days. There is several shows on TV and the movies where it shows all kinds of violence and we let our children see these shows and some take it that there won't be anything wrong with doing such violence . Then take a look at the games they have come out with. So do you wonder why there is so much violence in the world anymore? What is your take on the movies and TV shows these days?
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12 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
26 Jan 13
Yes, too bad of media. I miss the Sesame Street days... and the teletubbies.... I wish they will bring that back and lessen on any violent tv shows. The Movies can be controllable, since children can not enter movie houses on their own.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
27 Jan 13
Hi Mavic. I think your right they need to be more aware of what they are putting in TV and movie shows these days. I have quit watching too much TV and don't go to the movies any more I don't want to see the bull stuff they keep putting out these days.
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
26 Jan 13
I don't think it's much violence in the world now. But the violance is seen better due to technology. Without a TV we wouldn't see cases of violance that are happening all over the world. We will be familiar just with the ones in our town, maybe, not all of them. If violence will be normal, movies wouldn't use the subject so often. Because they show strange, different, unusual things that we don't see in everyday life. That's why we like movies, because they are not talking about common things. Andhey movies that are only about violence, the action ones, are liked because of their special effects. I don't think they affect the potential of violence in those who watch them. They are more like modern fairy-tales. The diminish of religion importance didn't change anything in this area. Because we are used now to live according to moral standards that have different origins, but work with much force. All kind of discourses are about peace, and peace again and they are great ways to put the human's mind into some social fencing. Peace is seen more than ever like a goal of its own.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
27 Jan 13
Hi Spicymary and welcome to my lot. I don't know there are some people that love the violence and find the movies a way to do what they think they can get away with. When I was growing up there wasn't much violence in the shows but no matter what there is on TV anymore it usually is either plain stupid or has unspeakable crimes. I know that this does go on but I think it keeps getting worse because the law has two standards one law for the poor and one law for the rich. Why do I say this? Look at these famous people they do something against the law and hire a high society lawyer and they get them off. But poor people have to depend on these court appointed lawyers. Just like I think there are stronger minded people then some. Like the guy that went into that movie theater dressed as the joker and killed for no reason. Why did he dress like the joker to kill these people? I think part of it has to do with the joker on batman getting away with crimes. I think we need to stand up and stop the violence in the movies and TV shows and these games they are inventing these days. There is too much violence in this world without all this stuff being put in movies TV shows and games.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
I do agree that these violent movies and interactive games can contribute to the way of thing of our youth today. I hope that there would be an organization that would limit the exposure of our kids to such violence.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
26 Jan 13
There is not more violence nowadays. It's proved there is not, there are also way less people dying because of murder. During the middle ages it was completely different. If it comes to tv/films etc you can choose to switch it off, not to watch it. If you are not able to do so it's your own responsibility. Besides of the fact you can choose to stay blind for what is happening in the world I truly believe a part of the people also loves to see the misery of others. It was the same during the middle ages.. people went to the market place to watch how someone was hanged or the head was cut off. Children included. No tv but still enjoying/watching the missery of other. Throwing tomatoes, eggs, scold at them no matter if they were criminals or not. We still do the same. We still enjoy the misery of others and don't ask if it was just set up or.. The only difference is our world became bigger as the village we lived in.. we can see world wide what is happening. We don't ask if the news is objective or subjective (which it is in many cases) we see everything through our own "glasses" .. the ones we are raised with and only hear what we like to hear. Since there are people they kill and in most cases without any reason. Read the bible the first brothers.. one killed the other. Christian, all kind of religious people, the ones who should love eachother are killing in name of god a go who never asked for that. Strangers who go live abroad, want to be free start a new life kill the people who live there already.. it will never end, it Always has been that way.
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@tshihmin2 (186)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 13
All those violences happening around the world because of television. Children are often dumped by their parents in front of the television while the parents do their daily chores. Nowadays, tv shows contains all kind of violences and worst of all the cartoons channel also got violences. Another source is that children make friends with the wrong people and get their bad influences. When children are sad, they go to seek that wrong people for help because their parents were so busy and no time to spend time to listen to their problems. Yes, you're right, games too contain violences. What a pity!
@wondlan (30)
27 Jan 13
I'm glad that my life was calm ,my country is smooth.but , occasionally go to cinema to see these vivlent movies
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
27 Jan 13
I think the depression may be the reason. As the economic situations are not good in many countries, many people can not get a good job to support themselves and their family. To many young people here, including me, we can not get a job soon after graduation. In most of the time, we have to do some part-time job to support ourselves. Long working time, boring processes and no hope make people crazy. I try to consider the experience as a preparation to a good life, but I am not sure that I can stick to it all the time. Some people around me have given up. It is not surprise that they will do something unbelievable in some day.
@celticeagle (165223)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Jan 13
In the 1800's we had only the telegraph to send new across the country. Now we have tv, radio, and the internet. Violence draws attention. Used to be because of the fear factor, now it is the drama factor. Violence is exciting for veiwers, and they are numbed to the realism of it.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
26 Jan 13
their is much more evil, and violence in the world today. Tv and games is just a part of it. more and more people turn away from God and his laws. the more evil is going to take over.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
26 Jan 13
I agree that there is definitely more violence today due to the movies and the games that kids can play. When a child can play these type of games and watch violent movies it changes who they are. When I was growing up we didn't have these types of games and we were not allowed to watch violent, horror or war movies. How many times do we see a kid today that gets ideas from a movie or game and proceeds to copycat the crime? I know there are alot more kids in trouble with the law today then were back in my day.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
It's true there is so much violence in this worls nowadays. I think that is one of signs of the end of age. People are becoming violent,hostile, without love, love money, boastful, and thinking of oneself only. These are signs and these are written in the Bible. It is written too, "that when you see these things, be watchful and pray."
27 Jan 13
Movies, TV shows, social sites and even music affects how a person thinks. Various themes are incorporated to such factors that influences people on how to deal with a certain situation especially when overshadowed with conflicts that makes them resort to violence, such as inflicting pain towards others and worst killing. But then, let us not forget, personalities are developed as we grow. It is affected by how we see people, on how they talk to us when we were young, or what they showed us. Personality development depends on how we are raised. So i say, let us not only blame the media but also the people (parents, guardians) around them.