Do You Believe The Bible is Accurate?
By MoonGypsy
@MoonGypsy (4605)
United States
January 26, 2013 5:02pm CST
the bible is the most famous book in the world. even with all the other religious text out there, it still remains the most talked about and publicized. i have read the bible. i can't say i read it cover to cover, but i did make myself become familiar. don't get me wrong, i am not an atheist. i am just not a christian. i do wonder how accurate the bible can really be with all the changes that it has gone through over the centuries. another thing about the bible that troubles me is that it was written by men who claimed that they received messages from god. no a days if someone said that they talk to god and gets messages, we would think that they were just crazy. how is it possible that men back then had visions from god, but now we can't. the king james version is the most baffling to me, because king james was supposed to be a very questionable person. i don't know. maybe i have it all wrong. i am just using my common sense. someone once told me you can't use common sense when it comes to reading the bible. to me that even makes it more questionable.
what do you think about the bible. to you thinks it's 100% true and accurate. if it's not, how can we follow as basic instructions before leaving earth?
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17 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
27 Jan 13
I do believe its 100% true, as I have never seen anything that proved to me it wasnt..
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@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
29 Jan 13
at the same time, i never seen anything that proved to me that it was. so, i guess that brings us back to square one.
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@nyssa102 (748)
• United States
27 Jan 13
what you have to do first, is do a search of 'jesus and horus'. That will start you on your quest for truth in the bible. You can see that the bible and other texts have often been modified for the benefit of those in power. Remember what napoleon said, paraphrase 'religion is in place because it prevents the poor from killing the wealthy'. Some suggest that all religion is is a pill to placate the crowds. I am a pagan. You must read the history of Hypatia. She was a woman of reason who critiqued the bible, and was killed for it. As a pagan, our history went underground as we were persecuted. In all truth, wicca women in villages had herbal medicines that cured people faster than what the doctor could give, also, many spells worked better than prayers for people. Thus, wiccas were hunted down because their stuff worked, and well, they were encroaching on the big business of organized religion and medicine, at the time. Even today, it is said that canabis cures cancer, and that is why it is illegal. Because there is more money in treatment than cures. Same ole Same ole.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
27 Jan 13
Yes, I do believe that the bible is ture and accurate. It was written by men, who were inspired by God and told what to write. I know that is hard to believe, but it is true. If you blieve in god, then you would believe in the bible as they go together, as God is part of the bible. I know that wothers won't agree, and that is their choice, but I believe what i believe/. i couldn't go through life not believing in God, that is for sure. He answers prayers he performs miracles, and he loves us all. God is just waiting for those that haven't come to him yet, to come to him, and follow him. I absolutely believe the bible 199%. Take care, and may god bless you. 

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@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
28 Jan 13
I have nothing against king James. But I can say something about saint Paul. He wrote most of what the bible is comprised of. He was schizophrenic.
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@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
3 Feb 13
i believe that most of the people in the bible were suffering from some sort of mental illness.
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
3 Feb 13
That is a possibility too since most of the entries on there aren't believable, but it's weird though how the bible has the stories as the other parts even though they were written by different people at different places at that time.
There are even entries on the net saying Jesus was gay because he could have had the chance to hang out with all women but he chooses 12 men instead and stuff like that. Hmm.
@inopiratum_a_medio12 (877)
27 Jan 13
I believe that the Bible differs from the form of statement being used but delivers in the same message that send to each people and that really matters no matter what are the versions and translations being used the important thing is we are able to understand and put into deeds each verses and stories from it. As yesterdays homily (my share) Christ presence is within us- us to share ;)
• Canada
27 Jan 13
I am not sure that it is the most famous book, although if you ask a Christian he or she will probably agree. I doubt that you will get the same answer in a muslim or jewish community. Regarding its accuracy the question about such kind of book looks to me somewhat odd and even provocative. If you ask how well it is written then we could discuss how much different are its chapters, some of them I think are the highest level of literature but some are very poorly written indeed. Accuracy is more related to other areas as math, law, phyisics etc.
However Bible is considered as the most published book in the world in terms of number of copies. I am just wondering who did the calculations and how accurate they were. For instance I was always thinking that the most famous Russian author is Leo Tolstoy and he is the most published Russian writer in the world. But believe it or not the most published Russian book internationally is the book of Nikolay Ostrovsky "How steel was temered". And you know why ? Because the book is very popular in China which made the huge amount of published copies possible. But I doubt the Bible in #1 in China or India. So maybe Confucious or something else is the most famous book in terms of number of published copies.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
27 Jan 13
i'm not christian either,but here's my take.
first mistake,it was written down by humans.
if i was god and i wanted to set up rules,i'd drop it down from the
sky in finished form.
second mistake,it was edited by humans.
there was a few formerly included books that were removed later on.
it just seems disjointed to me in places,partially possibly also due
to mistranslations.
were i to study it as a guideline of faith,i would try to find older copies
written in greek or hebrew.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Jan 13
When humans are involved in anything it cannot be perfect as humans are not perfect. The more something is translated from one language to another, the more chance for error.
Many of the newer bibles are just ridiculous in their "imperfect" translations. Many areas are not even close to the original wording in the original language.
It also depends on what you call the bible...Is it the christian testament or the Torah and TANAKH...You can easily read the Torah and TANAKH in the original Hebrew and Aramaic. The christian testament however, was written in several different languages.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
27 Jan 13
What is TANAKH and TORAH? is this the language name ? yes i agree as it is translated it's loosing its originality.
@cikalstat10 (1)
27 Jan 13
Bible, anything that is a matter that should be believed by every person in the world.
why? because the Bible is a handbook, a guide and everything for a man who wants peace of soul. Bible is a symbol of every religion. for example? Christians have the gospel, Muslims have the Quran Hindus have the Vedas, the Tripitaka Buddhist and other religions havealso had their Bible. There are biblicalreasons are very simple, namely as a handle for the believers. do not believe the Bible, or even called her is a strange thing if someone claimed thathe believed a particular religion.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
3 Feb 13
No, I don't think it is 100% true though I do believe it has important lessons in it which are good to read. I didn't read much of the Old Testament but I did read the New Testament from front to back when I was still 12 years old.
I would then read some years later that some texts specifically about reincarnation were deliberately taken out. And then later on I would enter a mystical school and learn some hidden truths that were taken out from the Bible.
@MoonGypsy (4605)
• United States
3 Feb 13
wow, jolie! u actually went to a special school to learn about ancient text? you went o mystical schools? this sounds very interesting. i wish you could tell me more. do you still attend any of these schools?
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
27 Jan 13
Hi MoonGypsy, ask the God of the bible to show you if He is real or not. When He does, you will know His word is real.
Men can tell you their views, non-Christians will tell you the book is not real while Christians will share the gospel with you. Only God can open your eyes to Him. If you are open, pray to Him and ask Him to show Himself to you in some way. When He does, you will know for sure.
I do have to add I am a believer.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
Why is it they didn't include the Gospel of Judas in the Holy Bible, for we already know that Judas never committed any sin, what he did is helping the soldiers capture Jesus just to make the mission happen, as Judas serve as an instrument, so his Gospel must be include in the holy bible.
@valorieesquilona (442)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
If we are going to do a research, we will learn that the bible isn't 100% accurate as most of the Christians expect it to be. There are statements that say that the bible isn't the work of god but of humans. Humans like us wrote the books included in the bible and these books had been passed from generations to generations. There were so many individuals who edited the so called holy scripture. There are also studies which say that the bible has to be called "The Rothschild Gospel" because this family was the responsible for revising the bible, I mean omitting and adding of statements in each book found in it. I don't know if it is true but, this is what I have read from researches and studies. There was a book which was banned and not included in the bible because it was said to be corrupted and not written from the words of the Lord, it is The Book of Enoch. I believe it is not the bible or whatever written in the bible that is the most important thing in this world but our faith and belief. If we think we are not doing any harm to anybody, we can always be sure that we are on the right track. Our faith in God is the only thing that will save us, not the scripture, the rosary or even the church.
@deiusz (193)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 13
one thing is bible 100% true even any error when translating from one language to other language in few parts may be, but the message should be the same messages.
i believe that when people do translating to other language not exactly 100% will the same as the original text.
I believe it because i know that there are many version of bible even we can see that version in the book store.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
27 Jan 13
I am so sorry but i cannot believe that bible is accurate. I have so many questions regarding the same. But still i see what is right as per humanity and then would follow anything. I dont want to blindly follow what bible says.
@luisaR (452)
• Philippines
27 Jan 13
I don't know if I believe it or not. I like to believe on facts being studied by people of today. When I watched ancient aliens on TV and how they explained things in the past also regarding events from the bible, it is more believable. I guess I believe in the bible but I do not believe in Gods like how it was interpreted. It's more of the ancient aliens that made the events in the bible, funny maybe but it satisfies my curiosity.