Are you bookish?

@averygirl72 (37845)
January 29, 2013 7:58pm CST
Is it bad if you are bookish? I love reading and I love books but I am not really studious in fact I am lazy with school studies. I am excited when I am inside a library while others found it boring. I am building my small library and I fill it with my favorite books. When I have money I always visit BookSale shop and always find something to read. I wonder why some people look at bookish as funny and I wonder why other people does not seem to read a lot and just read one type of book or newspaper and does not explore other reading materials. Do you enjoy it or are you bored with it?
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11 responses
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 13
My interest in reading books have a season. At times I am so into it. My eyes will sparkle when I see a bookshop nearby, I will walk in and browse for some books of my interest. I will read it and ended up buying it. Finished reading, I even encouraged my son and husband to read it. Then we can discuss about it. I read an article recently that reading book that is not in our scope is good for our creativity and knowledge. For example I do not have interest in cars, I should get a car magazine and read.
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@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
2 Feb 13
I love reading factual books not fiction books. I see others who can read a thick novel but I cannot do it. Sometimes I got hook in fiction books. I also feel uncomfortable with topics not in my scope of interest.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
That's understandable that you may be lazy with school work. School work is normally boring anyway lol. I love reading and I wish I could read more books than I used to. I just read e-books these days but on and off because I have to do other stuff.
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
2 Feb 13
Some studies can be boring. I don't actually finish a book now and I just browse them when I have time too.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
31 Jan 13
I am lazy to read books, just think of reading a thick book...i don't want to touch to books already, but i love kid books because there are many pictures and just few words, hihihi
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 13
Do you mean bookworm? Well, I don't look like a bookworm but all of my friends know that I'm a bookworm. I love reading, especially novels. And I have this library in my room until my mom asks me whether I'm still going to add more books because I have no more place to put them!
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
I do enjoy reading and what interests me the most is fiction, how-to's or more like instruction manuals, and autobiographies of famous people. Fictions like fairy tales and witchcraft.
@lhy1609 (17)
• China
30 Jan 13
i am bookish,but i am not a nerd. reading is a interesting and funny thing,why should i sick of it? but,as you mentioned,you are lazy with school studies.oh,i have to say,school studies are at best one kind of reading.reading could not be confined in any location,not to mention that so many students in school aren't read books except for the textbooks. we could see the world through numerous perspectives by reading,isn't it?
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
i am also a bit bookish as well.. ok not a bit, very much. i love books and i love reading, i also collect books.. but i don't limit myself to books, i read newspaper, magazines, ebooks and the like and i love studying. lol certified geek.
@kourdapya (924)
• Philippines
30 Jan 13
Hello there! I belong to your club. Like you, i love books as well. My favorite authors are John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella, Sydney Sheldon, Emily Giffin, and many others. I read mostly fiction, and when there's a really interesting book that I started, I can't put it down until I finish it and find out what happens to the story. My love for reading started many years ago, that was college days. I would borrow those fictional books from the library every weekend so I have plenty of time to read them. When I graduated my I started to read less and less because I got busy with work, then I got married and became busier with life. And also I don't have all the money to buy all the books that I wanted. But now, I realized that I still have to continue reading because this helped me grow, not only my knowledge but as a person as well. Now I'm saving up for a Kindle, it's a gadget especially designed for us who are voracious readers. We can buy ebooks at a very low price and we carry it eveywhere we go, so whenever we have free time anywhere, we can just read. It's glad to know someone who has the same hobby. Have a nice day averygirl72!
@bloodmask (590)
• India
30 Jan 13
Those people who don't read will realize later if life what bookish people have achieved in life and where they are now who say to other people that person is so bookish. So being bookish is a good good habit and that I congratulate you that you are following the right path. What I say and What everyone say is learn more and share more. That's what is life all about and that not just being bookish at all.
@Hence27 (450)
• India
30 Jan 13
I,myself,don't get bored in reading books.I made it a habit to read books.You can say it is a daily routine of mine.I have read a lot of books and they have played a very good role in my life. At first i was a negative thinker.But before three years,my father bought me a book The power of positive thinking and since then my life has changed.From then i have developed a liking to read.I can't sleep without reading.My father has it's own library in his home.
30 Jan 13
i love reading too but sometimes am too busy to go to the bookshop but thank heavens for internet i read whenever or wherever i am with my phone.