when bf says parents will always be 1st in his life...

February 4, 2013 1:27pm CST
i got a long distance boyfriend for about a year. I finally planned to visit him and i found a cheap deal that costs same as 10 days only its 20days. He worries more about what his parents will say if he tells them now he will stay with me than about me being with him as long as possible, i would be happy if he came for any amount of days and wouldnt worry. He is muslim and like every religion theres no intimacy allowed before marriage, but hes been with girls before. And now he worries that parents will know "what we will do". I feel like if he listens to his parents already now, and hes 25, even when he still lives with them i said he cant let them control his life, now he thinks i want him to argue with them if they ever say im not good for him and he said if i love him i gotta love them to or i can, his words, go my own way. Then the most pain his words caused,cause its second time he says "then dont come, stay where u are" like he doesnt even care what will be with us and at the same time he tells me he loves me. Now i never want him to argue with parents because of me, i want them to support him and accept me, but hes convinced i want the opposite and after so much time that he still doubts me, it hurts too much. What u guys think i should do?
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8 responses
• United States
4 Feb 13
There is no future for the two of you. His parents will not accept any wife for him who is not a good Muslim girl, and he will not defy them. Move on and find someone who shares your values--preferably someone who lives a lot closer to you as well. Long distance, different religions, different cultures and being controlled by his parents make for an impossible combination. There are enough difficulties in relationships without going for a guy who has almost nothing in common with you.
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• United States
4 Feb 13
It is better to hurt now after you've only been together for a year than to spend another or two fighting for someone who has already made it clear where his first loyalties lay. Trust me, it doesn't hurt any less when you've put more time and energy into the relationship--been there, done that.
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• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
i get that all, but u know i keep this tiny bit of hope that maybe, just maybe hes still like that because we havent yet met in real and just maybe that he would change later, but i dont know how much is it worth to play on my inner sixth sense or whatever that is
• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
thanks for your response, but you know how much harder is that done than said? Im an optimist, i see something positive in everything and i try, so hard to not care about differences and try to fight them, but i need him with me in it and thought of just saying screw it all without even trying after a year of being together hurts more than words can express.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
LOL, I know how that feels. He must be in so much pressure to jump to such conclusions. Maybe you should rephrase things so he won't think you are against his parents. It seemed your words suggested that. Let him know what you truly feel about his parents and you respect them. Don't rush things. Let him adjust to this new experiences. Just explain things properly to him. Say something like, you understand how he feels and you would never ever let him choose between you and his parents. You believe that his parents are very important in his life and should come first. but if his love is strong for you, he would step up and assert himself to his parents(so cheesy) and hope that they will support and approve his decisions. Just be careful with your words next time and let him cool off. You have to patient with this momma's and daddy's boy LOL!
• Slovenia
5 Feb 13
i told him all that and all he said when i asked what if they said no, he said he would ask why and try to work the issue with me, so that doesnt exactly look he would step up, no?
• Slovenia
8 Feb 13
yeah im giving hime time:) you knows hes very shy around mom and its like he never brought any girl home, so i guess i just gotta take small steps with him which im willing and hoping is the right thing to do.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
7 Feb 13
Ah, it appears he is trying, so give him some time. But if you see he is not trying, then... I think it's not so good to be with a man who can't stand up for himself and has no confidence in making his own decisions.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Feb 13
Sounds like several problems to me. Where do you live, first of all? Long distance, I get that but it seems like there are culture differences as well. That would be a kicker for me, and not negotiable. It's hard to blend culture, especially between two ways of life. I am American and I had a long distance relationship which turned into my marriage, but my husband is American too and we were both independent and living on our own before we got together. I happen to believe that once you hit 18, you are a legal adult and as such, you are or should be responsible for yourself. You should not be catering to parents or bending to the will of other people, regardless of whether they are family, friends, other adults, coworkers, etc. This boyfriend of yours.... if the relationship with YOU is IMPORTANT - he should be putting you and the relationship FIRST. Period. If he's not going to put you and the relationship first, then I do not believe he is serious about you. When you are with someone and/or get engaged or get married, you have the relationship with each other. You marry EACH OTHER. Not each other's families. Not each other's parents. Not each other's siblings, friends, etc. All I have to say to people about my relationships is that they are what they are and *I* control them, not someone else. I don't ask anybody for approval, it's their choice whether they want to be mature and civil and decent, but if they choose not to be, there is the door, you can remove yourself from my life. There is no reason to ASK your parents for approval once you are an adult. You're an adult. It's not their choice, and even if you ask them for advice, it doesn't mean you're required to listen or take it. I have grown kids and I don't tell them how to live, who to be with, what to do. If they ask, I might have advice but I am careful not to try and steer them unless they KNOW something they are doing is going to lead to trouble. It's still up to them to decide, not me. I wish more parents would realize this and stop being nosy and relentless in controlling their kids when they are ADULTS. Your boyfriend - if he is truly a good boyfriend - should say to heck with what his parents thing. Who cares? It's not like they will punish him, and if they try, he has every right to tell them to step off and leave him alone. He should be on your side and defend you, because if he's not, then he's not worth anything.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Feb 13
To heck with what they THINK. I would ask him - why do you care so much what your parents think of you? Why do you need their approval or blessing? It's YOUR life, not THEIRS.
• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
mommyboo thanks a lot for your honest response. I am from Slovenia and i am christian. Yes, you are right, other culture, different mind, but that doesnt mean its impossible. However you know to me the worst about that is that i would and am willing to do everything for him, id convert, id move there, id change my living place entirely,leave my family and all my life behind me, no matter what my family or anyone says and thinks and he just shuts me with a simple you can go your own way, its like nothing i would do means anything. He even said its MY CHOICE if i want to visit, if ill like his parents like im the one having relationship with a wall and later he says i told you what i think, i dont wanna talk about it. Like heck, when if not now? Its 1st time we would see each other and hes making it a parent problem? You know im a strong person i even kept my strength for my family when my dad killed himself when i was only 14, but he, he breaks me, i cry and im not a crier either, its he gets to me so deeply that no one ever did and i hate this pain
• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
you know i think he cares, because of their culture and there they got this "rule" that he should obey and respect his parents but i know there are limits. Besides if i ask him what you suggest, i already know his answer, he will say if i cant accept them then thats it, he IS that careless about us or i dont know but i dont know then why he tells me forever,that he would do anything for me and that he loves me if his actions scream the opposite:(
4 Feb 13
What you should do? Run away, really fast, and find someone who (a) has the guts to love you regardless of what his parents think and (b) acts his age. He's 25, for goodness' sake. Does his mummy still tie his shoelaces for him?! And, as many others have said, if he's spreading his wild oats before getting married, the chances are you're just another notch on his bedpost. Brutal, I know, but that's pretty much the sum of it. It's one thing to respect your parents; it's quite another to run your adult life as if they're the king and queen of everything. Dump him. Get out. Find someone who really values you and treats you properly - like you're the queen of everything!
5 Feb 13
He's the baby boy, the apple of his mother's eye. Unless he gets out of there and grows up fast, any love he has for you will take second place. On top of which, he'll treat you like a surrogate mother if you end up together. Assuming you don't want to spend your life changing his psychological nappies, my advice is to get out now. Of course, it'd be nice if he moved out, got a life and stopped depending on them so much (emotionally, at least). Then the relationship would be a very different matter!
• Slovenia
5 Feb 13
well, parents plan to move out and leave the house to him in summer, so ill see if that will happen and if that changes anything.
• Ireland
4 Feb 13
I agree with mommyboo. To hell what they think. If it's meant to be, it'll be.
• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
i know what you mean, and u know it hurts so much that it doesnt even get a chance "to be" because even if i put a blind eye to it now, go for as many days as he thinks "parents wont know anything" i know it can still be a problem later, i know it will be, im sure of it
• Slovenia
4 Feb 13
no, i mean this thought is with me always when we fought and boy we did that often since the beginning =/
• Ireland
4 Feb 13
It's still early days thought, just wait and see
• United States
5 Feb 13
It sounds like you already have your answer from him, regarding any type of future with him. He does not think much of you to properly present you to his parents as the woman he wants a relationship with. If his parents rule his life now, they will always rule his life. This may sound bad but maybe it is better for you to not go and to cool off on the relationship for a bit. Not totally break up but slow it down. By doing so you may give yourself the time you need to make a clear headed decision and give him time to choose what life he wants.
• Slovenia
5 Feb 13
hello, thank you for your response. Yeah he said he cant introduce me before im fluent in their language, that im okay for him, but for them ill have to do more than converting to accept me and if they dont he would ask them why and try to work the issue with me...i really dont know which way to turn at this point..before he never mentioned language would be such barrier and after a year hes totally different, its not only that, before he said i wouldnt have to convert now its a must, before he said i could work now he says i can only if we really need cash..im planning to cool off and let him decide what he really wants, until then ill keep my cool, its still a few months before i would visit.
• Slovenia
8 Feb 13
he didnt exactly talk, but just when mom found out through sister she asked about me being muslim. I know its much i would have to do for him, but if he proves me to be worth my love, i would. He knows controlling is sth i dont like, but yeah. Im cautious, if i visit theres still a bit long road to a life together.
• United States
6 Feb 13
It sounds like he has already talked to his parents and they have voiced their demands. It sounds like you would be doing much changing for him, your religion, your place in the work force. If he is making these changes now to what he wants, who is to say if you get married that he will not change more? It all sounds like a road to a very controlling relationship. Please use caution with your decision.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
4 Feb 13
What should you do? Drop him my dear and move on. His parents will always come first. Both of you are young and can find suitable partners. He will find an obedient muslim girl and make his parents very happy. You should take a little time and reflect on different religions and cultures. Unless the bond of love between two people is super strong crossing one or both of these barriers will lead to an unhappy life for all involved.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
I would like to itemize quite every points i see in here worth talking about. 1. you are going to see him but he worries about his parents comments about the whole idea- yeah this can happen. whether you go visit him or not, you stay with him or not. i would think most parents are like this anyway. they will have a lot of things to say about the guy or the woman their child is going out with. so i am sure since you are in a relationship why would he worry about that, he should be able to defend you from his parents... and let them treat you with respect. (I have my boyfriend's parent now even asking me why i need to go home when i can sleep in their house(of course in his sisters room). 2. you both have different religion - so it did bother you or him then when you first started going out or dating? i think this issue has to be settled still. 3. you know now what his priority is and he is clear about that. are you even willing to risk and try to change his mind about this? it is going to be a problem if in case you both get married, first your religions are different, beliefs would be different already and he might even ask you to convert to his religion when it comes down to this. He does not doubt you - i guess he just does not love you as much to protect you and to fight for you when it comes to his parents. (sorry if i am being too direct here, but this is how i see him)