Why Is the Huffington Post's Site So Over-Optimized?

@mythociate (21435)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
February 6, 2013 12:24pm CST
(By 'optimized,' I mean 'loaded with programs that open connections to other networks and counting-things' that actually make navigation on the site SLOWER, LESS-optimal!) And I think Huffington Post is over-optimized because they care more about 'how many people they can show stuff to' than -about 'actually showing the stuff to the people.' (They give up on 'quality of delivery' for the sake of 'quantity of delivery.') Arianna should be ASHAMED to have her name attached to such a SPAM-factory!
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2 responses
• Austin, Texas
21 Nov 15
I rather like The Huffington Post.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
6 Feb 13
I don't know about all that, but their site does look extremely annoying. It reminds me of those papers you see in the checkout line with articles about humanoid bat creatures and possessed toilets. Good thing I don't use their site enough to care what they're doing.