President Obama wants to close Tax Loop Holes
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
February 6, 2013 4:22pm CST
The President is talking of closing Tax Loop Holes but what are tax loop holes. Is being able to deduct donations to your church a loop hole? Is being able to deduct the interest on your home mortgage a loop hole? Most people would say no but these are two of the proposed loop holes the President and his aides are talking about eliminating as loop holes.
What is a loop hole vs legitimate deductions? The old definition of a loop hole is a deduction that is used for something not intended by the law makers. For example the IRS used to allow the cost of a vehicle for people who need it in their business. The intent was that if a person needed a car then the cost of that car should be considered a business expense and you should be allowed to deduct from the income of the business. The loop hole come in when a person decides that their car is necessary and they buy a luxury car when a standard sedan would do serve the same purpose. President Regan closed the loop hole by changing the law to say that it makes no difference what type of car you use you get the same cost per mile.
The politicians are trying to redefine words to mean what they want to push their agenda. A deduction is something allowed by law and a loop hole is a stretching of the meaning of the deduction and is not what the law intended.
2 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
7 Feb 13
Bob, you actually made Obama's case for him and you never knew it. Should you be able to claim the mortgage deduction on your second home? Do you know how many people actually use this deduction? How about donating to your church? I know of a man who made an agreement with his church to start a college scholarship program. He worked with them to set up this program so that his kid would be the only one that would quality. Then he donated the mount of the scholarship to the church, and received his tax deduction. Should he get to deduction his kids college education cost as a deduction to his church?
What Obama is pointing out is exactly what you did: These programs are great, until people take advantage of them. Then we have to cut them because a few people ruin it for the rest of us.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 Feb 13
According to the IRS rulings the interest on a second house is deductible but not on a third or fourth. As to the man who is donating to the church to set up a scholarship for his children this should be caught in an IRS Audit. When setting up a scholarship there are rules that must be followed. Yes, what you are talking about with the scholarship is a loophole but do you eliminate all charitable deductions because some abuse them or do you go after the abuser?
What bothers me is the government by using the tax code sets up the rules that have to be followed and it is open to all people. If you eliminate the deductions then the government gets the money and they decide which charities to fund and which ones not to fund. What you would see it groups getting funded some years and none other years.
If you are going to eliminate some deductions then eliminate all and go to a flat tax on all income.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Feb 13
It's kind of like the POTUS taking his family on a safari and making the tax payers pay for it by having a little 1 hour meeting with a foreign dignitary...That kind of loophole?