Government to use Drones to kill Americans
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
February 8, 2013 1:40am CST
Under a program the government can use a drone to kill an American Citizen who ""imminent" threat, the target has to have engaged in terrorist activities, and the target has to be unable to be captured."
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According to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights specifically Amendment 5, 6, 7, and 8 such action by the government is illegal. To have a program where Politically appointed people can decided that certain people should be killed is wrong. Drone strikes are carried out by the CIA as well as the military and not always in a battle. Think for a minute the Sect. of Homeland Security has already said that former military people should be watched for possible terrorist activity. Now a War Veteran comes out and speaks out against the war and urges solders not to follow the orders to deploy and fight in an unjust war. This veteran also urges people to use their vote to change the government and they encourage people to protest the war and show their anger with the government for the war. What if the group of people in power decided that this person was an imminent threat to the government(politicians in power), that by calling for large protests were engaging in a terrorist activity and that because of this person popularity capture is not possible at this time. They decide that this person must be taken out to protect their power.
Should the government have the power to appoint a small select group do be judge jury and executioner?
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4 responses
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
8 Feb 13
Yep, I called it. I hate being right. There's no need to paint a hypothetical picture for me. I was against it when they used it on al-Awlaki. I also knew they'd find a way to justify it so they could keep killing Americans.
Drones should be used for air support in battle, not hits.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
10 Feb 13
I never did look into the background of Al Awlaki's sons, so I don't know what excuse they used to justify their deaths. I do, however, know the reasons why Awlaki himself was targeted (despite what Feinstein says). I still don't agree with it, because he was an American, and that's supposed to mean something. It didn't when he was killed, though, and look where that's gotten us. We're sliding right down that slippery slope.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Bob, I have no problem with this, and many other military leaders don't either. Why should an option be taken off the table when you have someone who wants to kill Americans can be stopped?
I understand you are upset about this being illegal, but so was the Patriot Act, and I didn't hear you complain about that. Are you upset about the directive, or the president who will enforce it? Sounds like the latter to me!!!!

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
14 Feb 13
Deb, your BS might work for you in your own little crazy world, but here in reality it is a different story. I NEVER heard ANY conservatives complain about the Patriot Act until Obama came into office. The Patriot Act went into effect in 2001, and it's abuses of the constitution were felt right away. Did you complain at that time? NO!!!!!
I'm not, I love Obamacare. It is saving my family over $150 a month. This is money that we are using for food, and entertainment.
Bush used just as many executive orders, and yet you were mad when those "evil" Democrats were keeping Bush's right wing conservative judges from being appointed. Remember that? I didn't think so!!!!
I do know this, but it isn't it funny how it was so extreme in 1995, that the most conservative right wingers in the world thought it was to extreme. But, in 2001 they made it even more extreme, and more damaging to the constitution, and it passed easily. I guess you should have attacked your right wing representatives like you try to attack us democrats on here. Let me let you in on a little secret: You didn't because you would be attack by EVERYONE, and called UNAMERICAN by your idol Sean Hannity!!!!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Feb 13
We conservatives ARE upset about the patriot act, but as it was presented to us in the it is becoming clearer just what the implications of it were. kinda like Obamacare, you have to read (experience) it before you know what's in it.
And plenty of liberal Democrats are pissed off about the 'experience' of Obamacare lately....
Add to that all the executive orders and the addtions to it...being ACTED on, and yes...we're pissed.
Btw, did you know the Democrats led by Biden wrote a similar bill to the patriot act in 1995? Didn't pass.

@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
10 Feb 13
Yeah, it is really sad that some many Liberals have been suckered in to supporting this insane over step of powers. I mean it really is sad. I think what is really revealing is that the Government and this being something Obama has brought to it is the Government can kill you with no Evidence that you are even connected to Terrorist. So never mind you being involved and them having proof that you are involved in terrorist activities they can just kill you and make the claim that you are connected.
Also this is how they are making it legal to kill people in cold blood in the streets of the United States. If Liberals and Conservatives that are like minded on this don't reach across the political lines on the other stuff this has to be stopped. The thing is the Democrats and Republicans for the most part are in support of this and that right there should show where the government is headed if we aren't already a Fascist State we are fastly becoming one.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Feb 13
The big problem is that support and opposition to this crap flip flops with whichever party is in power. Remember when Democrats were all anti-war and constitutional rights for terrorists captured overseas? Now that their messiah is president, they're cool with murdering American citizens with no charges, no arrests, no trial, not even any evidence that we can see. Obama's just so smart and handsome and wonderful that, if he says some 16 year old American kid, living in Yemen, is the son of a terrorist that they killed last week, that's enough to drop a bomb on the kid. After all "he should've had a better father."
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
10 Feb 13
I agree 100%. And I might add, it is the leftists driving that wedge between American citizens, to keep us from being united against their grab for more power.
Americans used to be able to disagree about things in politics without threatening to kill each other and insulting each other.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Feb 13
But I'm paranoid and fighting straw men when I point out the discrepencies and the cognitive disonance and the hypocrisy. How DARE I suggest our lord and savior, big daddy is wrong about ANYTHING!
Yes, I'm frustrated. Sorry.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
8 Feb 13
We live in a video game society...Even little old grannies who do not do the internet, play video games.
When you talk to any military pilot...from Nam to present day, they will tell you that shooting things from the sky is like a video game. It makes it just too damn easy...Now they can pull the trigger..."joystick" from the states and kill in any country they wish...actually including our own.
They test these damn drones over our heads every night...I live near a base where they are being designed for domestic use. Yeah, coming soon to a police dept. near you. Does anyone really think that these will just be for surveillance?