When we are mad and we can't show it

@Aja103654 (5644)
February 11, 2013 10:27pm CST
This is related to my other discussion about being stuck in our comfort zones. Have you ever felt so mad but then you can't show it, even when you want to? Well, I'm sure everybody has experienced this. I have a boyfriend who has annoyed me lately. Though he is trying to help, he annoyed me more instead. Now, I am still mad at him but I let it pass for now because I can't argue with him. Not because I don't want to, but because I have to. You see, he is studying for his board exam. Therefore, I can't distract him. I can't make him upset. I made a promise to his mother I won't ever do anything that will ruin his studying. So even when I am upset about a lot of things about him, I can't express them, because then he would feel upset and it would ruin his studying. So here, I am seething by myself, making him believe that I have forgiven him. I forgive him but not completely. I might have to kick something to relieve me of this anger. Kindly share your thoughts and experiences?
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14 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Feb 13
Hi Aja! It is a difficult situation when you just can not come out with your pent up emotions because your fear that it would disturb the other fellow. You could express your thoughts in a polite and measured tone and could tell him that such thoughts disturb you and make you feel low. If I happen to face unpleasant situations like this or someone has said something nasty to me, I share (my pent up emotions) it with my friends, with whom that person is not directly concerned. Sharing with my friends help me relieve my tension.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Feb 13
Don't shake with anger, it won't help .......... If the other person is in a position to get the clue, then the problem may not arise. Let the friends be biased if they happen to be biased but before that you are able to release your tension in front of them.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
I did that. I tried to be as polite as possible even though I am shaking with anger. That should give the other person some clue but sometimes, they won't stop annoying us and makes our anger worse. That is one of the good ways to release it. Let friends hear it. They can be biased though LOL.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
You have a point. It will help if I at least release my anger. I already did this by sharing this on mylot to friends here. My boyfriend, I don't know, he knows I am angry and still won't stop. Silly guy.
@yugocean (9963)
• India
15 Feb 13
OOOOOOpssss missed this discussion, your boyfriend is just studying his board exams, and then he says you should start living on your own? This is more like a joke, a student should not be saying this to others, first he should get a job. Girl you are mad at him, but what he said was not so good motive, he knows what he was saying and effect on you, by using those words. Now either you have to forgive him, or do something in some words to punish him same way, but this is going to ruin his study a bit by metally sticking him against your promise to his mother. Choose your decision wisely.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
He is still studying, yes, and doesn't have a job. I suspect he is too full of himself that he becomes over confident then shows off to others. He meant well, but the things he do make him look bad. He says he doesn't care about that and is only trying to help. He is the stubborn type who won't listen to my advice. He uses those words in a twisted way to motivate me. He is annoying like that. It sickens me sometimes, I am beginning to see why people are annoyed with him so much. I choose that I won't take my anger on him, for now. After the board exam, he will pay. He already did something to make up on valentines day, we watched a movie together and spent time with each other. I feel better after that. Still I have not succeeded in letting him understand my point. He just nods and says he is wrong to get it over with. that is not satisfying at all.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Or he could compensate and take me to a fun vacation instead and treat me to some delicious food. I'm simple. I think that is more than enough ahah!
@yugocean (9963)
• India
16 Feb 13
You are feeling refreshed, this is good for you, and you can take on him after his exams, this will make you feel much better. Just plan it girl your way and be sure you will make yourself better without ruining him
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
It is really hard to can in the bad feeling most especially if the person is a family member or a close relative. I am not the kind who would really put up a fight or start an argument. So, i just keep it inside me. I try to control my feeling as to not ruin family relations.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
I used to cry a lot when I feel bad. But now I just either write what I feel or just make myself busy doing things in the house.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
That is certainly more productive than crying. Haha, that would be mopping the floors 'till it's all squeaky clean!
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
You must have some way to express it. Bad feelings kept inside can be bad to our health. One recommended way is to right it or make a song about, aha.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
2 Mar 13
hi, i have experience that before and even now,sometimes if i am very angry or mad to a person or other people and i can't show it or release it,i will really feel pain in heart just i can not breath or even to move,so when i am angry i want to be alone in the comfort room and shout for a relief.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Shouting would worry people, and they might take you to the mental hospital I think a better way to do that is... take up boxing??
• United States
12 Feb 13
The rule, "there's a time for everything," applies here just as well as with anything else. I am a ticking time bomb and rarely hold back my anger. I do choose though (It is a CHOICE.) when to release it.
• United States
12 Feb 13
but it feels so good when you let it go...
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
That's true, but the consequences can be too much. hehe
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
Reminds me of a scene I saw on Odysseus. There's a right time and place to act on anger. Most of the time, it should be suppressed so as not to create further damage.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
12 Feb 13
what i can tell you from my own persanal experenace on this is find a place where you are all alone with no one to hear you and just yell it out as load as you want its great and works for me when i need too
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
15 Feb 13
Thank you!
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
That can work. I did that one time and my mom wondered what happened and kept questioning me. It was bothersome. So I have to make sure no one is around when I do that.
• Mexico
14 Feb 13
ok good luck wishing you the best
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Oh my! i have had my share of such experiences with my ex boyfriends too. that you are mad, still angry but you are not able to really show it and would have to denyit so that you all can move on. i guess it is really that hard, yeah. Hmm my first boyfriend had to take board exams too and well the first time he failed but he passed on second take. I had to back down a bit during those times, but when I am unable to show my feelings, that took a toll on our relationship. we were not able to cope and basically i had all the frustrations in me and it burdened me so much and i have literally had it in my chest so when i finally burst and let it out... it was over. I know you love him and wants him to have his future maybe what you can do is to write them down now. Write it and write it for him. when this is all over, you can give the letter to him and so he can read it on his own. :D I am sure he will appreciate that in you. Keeping them to yourself won't help, you need to have those out!
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
frankly, the feeling only goes out when we talk about the same topic we argued over. For now, my anger subsided. We are going on a date later, since it is valentines. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I have learned from it. It's tough to bottle up feelings. I've heard of relationships that went bad too because one partner is studying all the time and doesn't have time for his girl friend. The girl friend had a tantrum and broke up with him because he was unable to go with her to church. Turns out he woke up late because he's really tired from reviews and studying. She should have expected that but instead, she went mad. now the boyfriend won't get back with her, even when she pleaded to get back with him. It was very childish thing for her to do. I don't want to be that kind of girl.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Communication is a key in any relationship. So talking your feelings out is a good thing, but they way you say things has a lot to do with it. So maybe you should just write it out, just for your eyes, to make you feel better, venting on paper can really help you see things differently. Then when you are calmer maybe you can talk to him.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
12 Feb 13
LOL sorry, for some reason it posted twice.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Communication is a key in any relationship. So talking your feelings out is a good thing, but they way you say things has a lot to do with it. So maybe you should just write it out, just for your eyes, to make you feel better, venting on paper can really help you see things differently. Then when you are calmer maybe you can talk to him.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
You are being considerate and waiting for the right timing. That's a good decision to wait and control your temper. You're thinking more of his future rather than being a diva and being selfish. It would have affected your relationship. What we decide in seconds can really affect our future.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
yes, if I lose my temper and ruin his mood, it will be a big distraction for him. He is not the type who handles studying well with emotional problems. He gets affected easily, so I really put that into consideration. I want his future to be a good one, I can see he is working hard. So I step aside and let him do what he needs to. We do the same for each other. He's been considerate of me in other times, although this time, he went overboard.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Okay. Get yourself a doll who looks like your boyfriend and express all the feelings you want. Just make sure no one is around at the time or you might end up in a straight jacket. You can go out and see if you can find that one guy that pays people to beat him up. Don't worry, he's protected. Or just stick with writing as the first poster suggested. Its not good to hold things in like that.
• India
12 Feb 13
Thanks for this discussion, i have responded to your previous discussion too, i repeat you think over the matter from all possible angels, you have done right i think lol.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
Thanks, prof! It's tough practice to think of something in all possible angles. Friends here in mylot have really helped me develop this skill.
• India
12 Feb 13
well all of us have these kind of experience. I have that much angry on my husband from time I have been married to him till this time but as he is very bad nature I can not show him any anger so used to be polite and hear alot of things and seeing wild behave of him and supposed to be quiet... It hurts me alot and If one day I could get chance to release that angry and hurt maybe I beat him tha mu.ch that he could die... But what ? I do things with forgiveness and patinece. any other way? that is I think the best way for us plus giving some pray to him to be alright one day and may that day he will be shy at himself. you do so right to forgive and be patience. you increase your value and you will be more important for him in upcoming futrure.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
There is a limit to everything. You, as a wife, have to be very very patient. Bottled anger is not healthy, so as soon and as much as possible, problems should be resolved. I agree that we become of higher value if we are patient and forgiving, however, if it comes to abuse, that is not something that should be tolerated.
• Poland
12 Feb 13
When I get mad I always make sure everyone notice. Because I'm mad and I want them to feel my anger. I'm aware that it's selfish and childish but this is how I deal with my emotions. Then I feel stupid and eventually apologize if I caused any harm. Sometimes I'm right to be mad and sometimes not. I can't say I'm solving things like they should be solved but I don't think that holding in is good for you. When you don't show your emotions you loose the chance to clear the atmosphere. Besides studying isn't excuse good enough to make someone angry all the time. Sooner or later that can have negative impact on your relationship.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
Yes, that is not the best way to deal with anger and you have a point that it should not be held in. You have to find other ways to express it then so you won't have to feel stupid and apologize to everyone for your behavior. I think I will write him a letter instead of talking to him. When we talk he always always interrupt and my train of thought is ruined and then I lose my patience and my mind becomes unclear. I think it is starting to have a negative impact already.