Are you sorry you voted for Obama yet?

United States
February 12, 2013 9:46am CST
I am no lover of Obama and everyone knows it. I do not put people down for voting for him that is their American right. Now for those who voted for the man and other democrats but have been none stop complainging about what has been happening in the country the last month, I am sorry but shut up. You don't like the gun regulations, the taxes, the unemployment rates blah blah well YOU voted for him. YOU chose this, YOU are the people to blame. I have had enough of the people I know who where so rude and adamant about voting for Obama now whining and cry especially about the taxes and gun control. Mostly the gun control. He never hid his agendas neither did the other democrats. If you don't like what they are doing you should have listened better to what they where saying. Buyers remorse.
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9 responses
• United States
12 Feb 13
I am not sorry one bit, and I would vote for him again. I don't know where you are hearing Democrats complaining about Obama, but they aren't true Democrats. Obama is doing what needs to be done to get our economy back on the right track, and he is going after the NRA, which is a USELESS group of IDIOTS. I find it interesting how you bring up unemployment. In the run up to the election right wingers were up in arms when the unemployment rate fell dramatically. The rate has gone up one tenth of a point since then. I guess all of those crazy right wingers were WRONG!!!!! Why hasn't Rudy and Jack Welch apologized to the American people for their IGNORANCE?
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
17 Feb 13
Opinionated, You are trying to reason with what I call a "monkey" democrat. What this is, is a person who would vote democrat even if a monkey were running. They want to blame everything that happens on the right and take credit for everything good that happens regardless of who was responsible. This type of person cannot think for themselves because it would take too much time and effort and IMO are as useless as t-i-t-s on a boar hog and all they have to offer are opinions and nothing substancial at that. Debater, Obama won for one reason and one reason only..there are finally more takers(free loaders) than makers(workers) in America. Romney was the best equipped person to help rescue America from its financial situation but too many freeloaders wanted to get more "stuff" thus Obama's re-election.
• United States
14 Apr 13
Unfortunately there are monkies on both sides who walk in hit the all party buttons and walk out. Our family call them sheep.
• Calgary, Alberta
13 Feb 13
seriously people, not only Americans but people from my country as well. Next time vote for an Independent candidate, instead of someone who is attached to a party. People should give independent candidates if they have the capabilities to to lead and Unify a nation. Political parties dont unite a Nation, they divide them, that's all I wanna say,People should start voting base on popularity.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
Ah. Well, its alright. I figured it was something like that, but I knew what you meant anyway.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
The media doesn't even talk to or show other candidates
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Feb 13
i once met a lady who said she voted Obama because he have six pack abs.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Feb 13
What bugs me, is the people who say it is the republicans not him, or bushs fault for all of this. Come on, now really. Bush gave everyone $600 twice, lowered the taxes taken from our paychecks, etc. There were more jobs, less deficit, Lowe interest rates on credit cards, and less people homeless. But people think Obama is still a good president and we are doing good? I think it is their choice but things can get worse and will they still be backing him?
• United States
13 Feb 13
It makes one wonder if some people really are brainwashed!
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
12 Feb 13
It is funny, after the obamderthal was elected very few of the people I knew admitted that they had voted for them...Actually only 4 people admitted to voting for him, but I know a lot of liberals that MUST have voted for him...This time I don't know a soul who voted for him or at least who will admit to it... I would not vote for a creature that is hell bent on destroying my country...and every other God fearing country on earth...
• United States
12 Feb 13
Adoniah, how many times did you vote for Bush?
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Well it is a fact that some (please not the word some. Not all) people voted him for the wrong reasons to start with. They didn't care what he was about in the first place and they made some very broad assumptions about what he would do for them. T here is a young lady who told me she was voting for him because he was going to pay for all her food, her house and her baby and she wouldn't have to work. She wasn't joking either, She did vote for him. I'm not sure where she got her idea, but I've heard quite a few of his supporters had the same thoughts. Some even voted based on his race. Yeah I said it.
• United States
13 Feb 13
I just said it at the end like that because there are people that love to get in your face and deny it, but it is the truth.
• United States
13 Feb 13
Yes it is..sadly
• United States
13 Feb 13
How dare you say people voted him because he's black!! (dripping sarcasm) it is true that so many people (voting either side) did so without really knowing what was going on. SO sad really.
@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
15 Feb 13
Not sorry one bit. What I am sorry for is who he has to work with on the other side. I think the right has much bigger problems with in their own party than worrying about the President. I really think the Republican party is on the verge of going extinct if they keep up their shenanigans. Of course that is unless they can keep finding ways to rig the system. Which is highly likely because they control so many states through gerrymandering. BTW whats so bad about Obama? The month of January actually saw a surplus to the deficit and even Fox news reported it. I have checked other sources to make sure it was credible. Can never be to sure with Fox News these these days. Now let lest hope the country does not fall into another recession because of austerity or else we will see the deficit just keep getting bigger. Maybe it was the talk of him wanting to raise the minimum wage to where people can actually afford to live in this country. I know if we do that everyone would stop hiring and immediately start laying everyone off. So far the right has not been to RIGHT about much. Why would I believe them now? Besides its common sense, when people can actually afford things that means they can buy things. When you buy things that helps the economy create more jobs. Then those jobs can will make sure more people can afford things. So they can then buy things and then the cycle can continue to get bigger. As I said its just common sense, but certain people are to greedy and selfish to realize that.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Feb 13
It never ceases to amaze me that every time there's even a mention of raising the minimum wage there is a huge outcry that it will cause massive layoffs and an increase in the unemployment rate; the problem is THAT NEVER HAPPENS, those dire predictions are never borne out by the facts. Like you said, common sense will tell you if people have more money to spend, especially those with lower incomes, they're going to spend it which will obviously stimulate the economy. When I first got married the minimum wage was a whopping $1.60/hour. I didn't work at first because I was pregnant ()and my husband was lucky enough to find a "higher" paying job that paid a big $1.85. Well, guess what? We were able to easily pay our rent which was $62/month and the same apartment in the same building is now around $600, our electric, telephone and cable bills, a bank loan we'd taken out for furniture and a car payment. We didn't scrimp on groceries, we never worried about being able to afford to put gas in our cars and we were actually able to go out for pizza and maybe bowling or a movie AT LEAST once a week, sometimes more often. Everything has literally increased by at least 500-600%, many things even far more than that, except for the wages. It's a crime that wages haven't kept up with inflation through the years. Back then minimum wage actually was a "living wage", today it's not even close. Annie
• Mojave, California
15 Feb 13
Wow that's crazy $62 dollars a month. I have been hearing some interesting numbers. Like the poverty line is $15,100 dollars for 2 people. For one person it is like $11,170 dollars. To me these numbers are absurdly low. I do not know, I am sure it varies between states because in California the average place to rent is $1000 dollars if not more. That is where I live in Orange county its over 2000 dollars San Francisco its like close to $2400 dollars. Sure there are other places to get lower rent but they are few and far between. Plus you have to live in really bad neighborhoods to find them for the most part. So I do not know how they expect people to live off of 8 or even 9 dollars an hour. Its just not feasible here in California. Hell new cars are near double the price of a single persons poverty line in a year. There is just no way in hell you can survive off of that. These people are straight crazy in my opinion of course. I have heard the actual cost of living rate is actually more like 15 to 16 dollars and hour. That's if our lovely congress would of kept the minimum wage up with inflation. I worked at a manufacturing plant for 10 years and the highest I ever got was 12 dollars an hour. They did so many cutbacks there was no where else for me to go as far as up. Our plant manager very rarely gave raises because it came out of his commission. So no wonder so many people are depending on the government. We are so far off on the pay scale I wonder if this country is really truly going to be able to recover. It just does not make not sense how people think this system is going to last like this. Here is a link that breaks it down better. I love how they say each extra person is only 4000 dollars more a year. Yet they estimate the cost to raise one kid to the age of 18 is around 200,000 dollars. That is over 10,000 dollars a year so how does that math add up? These people have to be cooking the books.
• United States
1 Mar 13
The thing about raising minimum wage is that for the people who will have their wages raised the fall out of said raises will hurt them more. Stop and think about the compounded costs it will add to something very simple, say an ear of corn. From the starting point the guy who buys the seeds now pays more to his workers in the field. The guy who picks up the crop to bring to warehouses just paid more for gas as the minimum wage attendants wages have increased the cost of gas. Now add the increased cost of the workers at the warehouse, distribution center, and food stores. That doesn't even include the increased costs for the seeds who where packaged by minimum wage workers. I don't think there would be mass lay offs but when the compounded cost trickle down the pay check may be more as will what they put out. Once all those compounds hit from all angles it will hurt. Not to mention many of those people will go over the line minimum for assistance. Now that sounds good but if costs rise, and they no longer have help many of those folks will have more problems. Raising the wages isn't the easy fix they make it out to be. As for the numbers given above I would love to know who these people are who spend that much money oh yeah those who buy crap all the time. We do not make what is quoted above, we have 4 kids who have everything they need and are happy. No we are not rich but those numbers are very skewed. Our average cost of living in our area is $29,000 and people live frugally yes but comfortably. Average cost of a home to rent/mortgage is about $500-$800, I know big cities are different but here that's about average. Now as for Obama I do have issue with many of the things he does and says. I mean how many times did he say he and his cronies wouldn't raise taxes for those who make under $250,000, I can tell you we don't make that much but we sure as hell are paying more taxes. The Health Care plan that is supposed to help people hasn't helped anyone I know. Our insurance payments have doubled each week do to that plan and we have lost some of our coverage the exact opposite of what it is supposed to do for the people. I am not quoting new reports I am talking about my life and other people's lives who we know, the middle class who is actually taking the hits and if you think the democrats are better then the republicans a reality check is needed because they are two sides of the same coin they may have a different picture but they are the same coin and that coin is worthless trash on both sides.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Of course they aren't sorry. As long as they expect to get their "stuff" they'll be happy. Even when they don't get it they'll still be bowing to their savior. I've never seen people act so much like sheep in my life.
• United States
13 Feb 13
First term I saw what you are saying, this time around though those in office have taken bolder steps right off the bat and people are taking a step back and saying wait a least some of the people I know. Though to be fair I knew quite a few who voted for him the first time but not the second.
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
13 Feb 13
It doesnt happen just in America in my country it is the same thing. They complain and complain yet when it comes to Vote they vote for the same person the complain about. It is just stupidity i guess.
• United States
13 Feb 13
Or it proves it is human nature to complain and yet do nothing to fix it
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
18 Feb 13
Are you sorry you voted for Bush or the creep named Reagan?
• United States
20 Feb 13
Sorry Rob too young to have voted for Reagan and I never voted for Bush either. I am strongly anti Republican and Democrat.