Why Don't Steve Stckman & Ted Nugent Go Somewhere Else Tonight?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 12, 2013 12:47pm CST
Seriously, what kind of IDIOT would even think of inviting Ted Nugent to the State of the Union Address tonight? After all, Nugent had said he would be "dead or in jail by this time next year" if Obama were re-elected; well, Obama was and Nugent is neither. I'm not wishing he were dead but I WILL say if any of you or I had told the President or a U.S. Senator to "suck" on a machine gun or the Secretary of state to ride that machine gun into the sunset WE'D likely be in jail!
So we have this IDIOT, Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, who says Nugent is a "patriot" and invites him to be his guest at tonight's State of the Union Address. That's the same idiot who threatened to file papers of impeachment over the President's use of Executive Orders regarding gun safety...you know, such draconian measures as actually FINALLY appointing a head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Apparently Nugent will be there to "counter" the "props", which is what some within the gun lobby call victims of gun violence and survivors who will be guests of some of the other lawmakers. One of these guests will be former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, herself a survival of a horrible shooting in Tucson which nearly killed her and did kill 6 others, including a 9 year old girl.
Come on, I realize most of you here hate the President and have already decided to be against anything he has to say tonight and that's your prerogative. However, isn't there such a thing as a time and place for RESPECT? Respect for the office of the Presidency, respect for the tradition of the SOTU, respect for the lawmakers from both parties gathered there in the Capitol, respect for their guests and respect for the American people who will be watching?
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5 responses
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Yes, idiot indeed, Annie.
There are a lot of people on this site that don't like the President. That's fine. However, there have been some real ugly comments regarding his policies (some I don't even agree with) that have been made. I seriously doubt that these remarks wouldn't be said had any republican would be in office. That's just me.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Feb 13
"I seriously doubt that these remarks wouldn't be said had any republican would be in office. That's just me."
For someone apparently not born until 2008, let me say that you read and write very well for someone so young.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
12 Feb 13
FYI, I'm a lot older than you think, Maters. And secondly, it's good to know how my pals on the right always feel as though we liberals are always being quick to attack conservatives (libertarians, especially). I never once insulted you about your lack of education, did I? No. I'm sorry if you feel neglected. It's o.k. You can always go back and finish high school. It's never too late.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I truly haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about here. All the "my pals" and "we liberals" and "quick to attack," and especially implying that I'm insulting your education, to which you're suggesting I have none.
If you can't understand what my jovial and urbane quick comment was about, I guess I'll rewrite it another way.
"I seriously doubt that these remarks wouldn't be said had any republican would be in office. That's just me."
My how quick people forget that President Bush was the most hated figure in the past decade, not only by Americans but by the world at large. Odd how people overlook movies being made about his assassination, multiple signs and protests calling for his murder, his constant mocking that's still going on to date, and a conspiracy theory which trumps a million "birther" stories, where people legitimately blamed him for masterminding the murder of 3,000 people all so he could get revenge for daddy and steal oil. And on and on...
The reason I commented with a lighthearted stab about it in the first place is that I took that sentence to mean that, were a Republican in office, nothing so dastardly would be said about that Republican.
If that wasn't your meaning, then that's my bad.

@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
13 Feb 13
You speak of respect for all... You are calling for it tonight..a time and place
(Respect for the office of the Presidency, respect for the tradition of the SOTU, respect for the lawmakers from both parties gathered there in the Capitol, respect for their guests and respect for the American people who will be watching? Annie)
But clearley you have no respect for the ones that have different opinions than you do...Saying that Stickman and Nugent should stay away. As american citizens they have every right to be their. and they deserve respect just like everyone else does....

@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
13 Feb 13
My comment did not or is not directed at any other conversation...only this one...it was only directed at your comments..no one else.
1 you say everyone needed to be respectful of the state of the union last night.
2. but then you disrespect a congressman, and a citizen....because you do not think they should be their...you even went as far as calling a congress man a idiot.
Yes respect goes both ways....But you gave none....but you expect it.....
I am on no sides...I call them how i see them.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
14 Feb 13
No my comment was directed at Anniepa...Not Bluebell.
And the point that i was making is that you talk so much about respect with one hand and then in the other hand you are being disrespectful.......
Ted Nugent is a American Citizen...Just like anyone else that was invited. and im sure he has special qualities just like everyone else in attendance..... May be his love for this country, and the constitution is what makes him special enough to have been invited.
I did not watch it was their any shouting...and disrespect going on.
And you think that calling a congressman a Idiot is all right and not being disrespectful just because he invited some one that you do not like ok. Then you know nothing about respect........
Only people that are invited to the state of the union can attend the event...but any American has the right to visit our nations capital at any time it belongs to the people of this country........
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
13 Feb 13
I disagree, dlr. It the months I've discussed important issues on this site there have been quite a few disrespectful things said both ways. Yes, as American citizens they do have that right to be present. I doubt seriously they weren't there for moral support. Last night's SOTU address was enlightening, but disturbing at the same time. Whatever side you agree on, still doesn't change the fact that these were important issues that needed addressed. Respect goes both ways and not just one.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Well it isn't like he's going to have his hunting bow hidden in his pants and if he does somehow, well B.O. better be really really good to the ones who are supposed to protect him and hope they don't just duck out of the way.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Feb 13
So then why are you so bent out of shape that an American citizen is going to be there? When he has every right to be there as an invited guest?
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Because he's very vocal about not liking the president for one, irishidid. He did everything but threaten the man on national television and no one did anything to lift a finger. Nugent is the kind of man that if given the chance, he could do bodily harm. You don't like the man, fine, but to say things like, "if he gets re-elected, I'll be in jail!' That sets off red flags right there.
Again, wouldn't be a story if the other guy got in office.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Feb 13
I didn't watch the State of the Union last night. Was Ted Nugent disrespectful?
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Feb 13
I am not even sure if he went. I haven't been able to find much on him, or Rand Paul's comments. I guess that Ron Paul was right when he said the media in this country only has time for two political parties.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Feb 13
I didn't see anything of him during the speech or hear anymore abut him after. I just did a search and couldn't find anything about whether he did in fact go or if he had anything to say about it after. I don't know if other networks might have showed him in the audience but I kind of thought maybe MSNBC intentionally didn't put him on camera so as to not "dignify" his presence, so to speak. I have the feeling if he was there Fox might have hailed him as the superstar of the evening...lol!
I only heard small bits of both Rubio's and Paul's remarks. What I heard from Paul is more of the same stuff about President Obama thinking he's a king or some such nonsense. Since we're discussing showing respect for others I must say if I didn't already dislike Rand Paul his despicable treatment of Hillary Clinton during the Senate hearing would have clinched it for me. I'd say HE'S the one with some kind of superiority complex.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Your argument is invalid.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Good to be principled, I reckon. Gotta stand for something.