Which do you prefer?
By cutepenguin
@cutepenguin (6431)
February 12, 2013 2:10pm CST
My good friend has recently taken up quilting, which looks really beautiful and I admit I'd love to try it. but I mostly have been doing crafts that are done in less than a day, like my most recent project which has been fleece dinosaur hats. They are cute and fun.
I find projects that are done in a day or two more satisfying, I think because anything that takes longer runs the risk of me getting distracted midway through. Which type of crafter are you?
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16 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Feb 13
As strange as it may seem, I don't feel as if I get "my money's worth" if I can finish a craft project in one day!
I don't like the ones that drag on and on, though. I've always wanted to knit a bedspread but I'm afraid to start because it's such a huge project.

@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Feb 13
That's true, coffeebreak, knitting something large is a good TV project. I don't watch much TV, though and the only time I sit still for long is in front of the computer or with a book. I've yet to figure out how to type and knit at the same time.
I have knitted lying down, though...
Most of my knitting is smaller projects like socks and houseshoes. I have knitted throws for the couch but have so many right now that I will never need another one. I have given gifts of them, too. Everyone has at least one of mine.
I'm afraid the bedspread project will have to wait until another life time. 

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Feb 13
That makes sense! Craft supplies nowadays cost a lot and it takes time, too, to set up and to clean up.
With the sewing I'm doing now, I can make a lot of the same thing, and each of them doesn't cost much to make.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Peavy - that's the best "TV craft"...knitting..or in my case...crocheting. I crocheted a queen size spread/blanket, actually I did 3 of them..gave two as gifts, but back in the 80'90's when there was something on tv...I'd sit for 2 hours every Friday night..kids in bed, husband on the other tv...and I'd watch Dallas and Falcon Crest...and crochet.
Plus, being able to have it just sit in the corner of the living room at the end of the sofa...I could pick it up and work for half hour or...back when they had TGIFriday on ABC...the 2 hours before Dallas and Falcon Crest, were our family tv night...Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step and ....forget the other one. THen the kids went to bed and ....My time!.
But knitting and crocheting are the two crafts that don't need to have a table and so much space and supplies and that you don't have to drag a bunch of supplies out, and then put it all away to get dinner on the table!

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I have crafting ADD...seriously though I usually have a quilting, knitting and needlepoint craft going at all times.
I just pick up which ever I fell like doing that day unless I have a deadline. If you would like to quilt but don't want a big project my I suggest doing a table runner or if smaller go for hot pads or pot holders to see if you really like it. There are a number of small projects that can be done from purses to pillows. I started my girls out with pillows as I knew they wouldn't be able to finish full blankets. One was done after one pillow the other now has her own sewing machine and just finished a full crib size quilt for her favorite Sunday school teacher whose baby is due in a few weeks.

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Feb 13
That sounds nice - I could probably do a little quilt as a doll's bed quilt or something like that in less than a weekend. I have so many projects that I've started and never finished that I don't really want to try a new project unless I know I can finish it.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I have had to reign myself in. I only allow myself three projects at a time and no others are allowed to be started until one is finished. I have a project that travels with me usually needlepoint, it fits in my bag for when we are at dance classes and various sporting games with the kids.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
I keep a small knitting project with me all the time, to do in between clients or if i am waiting at an appointment.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
13 Feb 13
I agree. I've tried large cross stitch projects but get distracted, then I lose my place in the pattern.
I have discovered beading and I really enjoy it. Not just running beads on a wire, but the whole bead weaving thing... just LOVE it!
I've been making bead woven necklaces lately, they look like beaded lace or net.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
That sounds fun! I've done some beading but mostly the type where you make little bead animals.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Feb 13
I like you favor the instant gratification type crafts.....ones that are done in a short amount of time. I do however occasionally like doing something like sewing a quilt that does take time......but when I do that I work on it everyday until it's done.

@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Mar 13
LIke card making....and other small crafts...I do alot of altered candy things for holidays....I did a craft sale and made easter bunnies..some just covered a peanut butter cup...they didn't take that long and they were hot hot hot....in just a few minutes I could whip one up!
@XtremeGaming (742)
• South Africa
22 Mar 13
instant gratification type crafts ? Like what ?? What are some examples ??

@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
21 Feb 13
At the moment I am knitting a blanket, and it is going to take me a long time to finish that blanket, but I don't mind. I enjoy knitting, and I know that I am going to finish the blanket one day. Maybe next year
It is a new experience for me to work on a project that takes that much time. I usually do small things that I am able to finish relatively fast like a couple of days or a week. I like to combine short and long projects and I usually work on more than one project at a time.

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
21 Feb 13
I used to work on more than one project at a time, but I find that I will start another project and then never go back to the first one.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Feb 13
For the most part I have to admit that I am the kind of person that really does prefer to do crafts that I am able to complete in a short period of time. However, there are some crafts that I enjoy creating which are crafts that take a lot longer than just a couple of hours to complete. For example, one of the things that I really do like to make is that I enjoy crocheting afghans for friends that are having a baby or couples that are getting married. These are something that do take some time to complete, but I can see progress every time I sit down and work on the afghan.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
21 Feb 13
I can see progress, but the problem is that partway through, some other project will appear much more appealing.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 13
You can do a lap size quilt in a day...easy. 45x45 give or take. The easiest way it to take a Charm Pak (pre cut 5x5"squares) and just line them up 5x5 or how ever many you have, (they come in 32-42 per pak) and sew 5 strips of 5 charms, then sew the rows together, measure your batting and backing about 3 inches wider that the front all around, pin, top quilt or FMQ, add binding and you are done. Easily done in a couple hours really. Top stitching on this can either be FMQ or if you dont' do that...just SITD...stitch in the ditch - meaning...stitch in the seams.You could do a tie topping to, where you take yarn or embroidery thread and just at the intersection of each seam...go down from the top and back up to the top and tie off.
I just taught my (almost) 7 yo granddaughter 2 weekends ago...she wanted to make a quilt large enough for her bigger dolls (she'd made on previously about 18x18 inches) So I pulled out the animal skin/theme charms and a animal (cheetah) panel I had, and had her sew the charms in a rows and then sewed them to the four sides of the panel. I did the top FMQing and she could have done the binding, but her mom was on the way and wouldn't give us another hour and I wanted her to be able to take it home with her, so I did the binding too...but total time- 4 hours. She took to it really well and there was only twice she did a crooked seam that I had to fix.
Here is a good place to find quick, easy patterns to make quilts..usually with the charm paks...or you could cut your own 5" squares.
Missouri Star Quilt Co has alot of great tutorials...most of them are pretty easy and quick if you want to get it done in a day or weekend.
Also...check out Eleanor Burns "Quilt in a Day"...literally you can do the top in a day with hours left over. I just this past weekend, I am working on a pink/white and black zebra print quilt. I used those fabrics, cut my own squares, and created a block from the squares.......12, 12x12" blocks. I already had the squares cut out from couple days ago, so I sat for about 5 hours (with breaks) and sewed 6 blocks on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. I could have done them all in one day, but I had other things had to be done. I stoppe then cause I haven't decided on the sashing or binding..thinking of using satin...but I could have had those at least all cut out and the sashings sewn on and just the quilt assembly with the batting left to do. I could have done it in a full weekend.
Quilting isn't as hard as it looks. I learned that too. It is just squares of different sizes sewn together. the print/solid of the fabric also determines the design. The sqs just help you achieve the design you want. I can't follow a pattern...I get so confused, so I just look at a picture, and count the squares make my own single block then times it by however many I need to make the size quilt I need. Really, it isn't that hard.Time consuming, can be. Depends on the design and even then the part that takes the longest time is the cutting of all the different squares both for size and fabric.
For me...it can take me days to find a pattern/block I want, then couple more to decide what fabrics and colors and prints to go with it. Once I do that...the cutting is a bit time consuming but only if you have multiple colors/fabrics to use. If you are just 2-3 colors, you can just cut X amount of each color and sew them together. But you can see in my profile, I have some of my quilts in my album there..the American Flag one is wonderful, and so quick and easy! Alot of quilting is literally repetitive..make 10 blocks the same way. After the first two, you have the system down and you just zip through the next 8!
I have done TONS of crafting in my extended years...but sewing has always been my favorite. I am never far from it or to many months away from it! And as with anything, the more you practice, the better you get and the better you get, the faster you can go!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
Thanks! I think the bulk of my problem is that it seems like a big investment for something I might not finish. Maybe I will wait for a sale so that I feel like I got a deal.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
Haha, me too. Although I once finished an afghan seven years after I started it - it was supposed to be a weekend project and I found it, half done, in a box when I was moving, so I finished it off and gave it to a coworker for his office.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I am not into crafts myself, but I think based on my personality I'd prefer things I could finish quickly. Like you, I'd probably lose interest if it took too long to complete.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
A knitted blanket is such a nice thing to have. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure. I'd like to do a bigger project like that but I get distracted midway through.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Most of what I do are gifts for others. I do a lot of cross stitch and the projects usually take a lot longer than a day. I have only done two projects for myself and the one is still undone. I have a time limit on it if it is a gift and none if it's for me, so I just let it go.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
I do give crafts as gifts quite a bit - the funny part is that i still leave it until the last minute, so I often am doing the craft very early in the morning on the day I am going to see the person.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I make jewelry (right now bracelets and earrings) and want to learn how to make necklaces and rings. I am also taking up sewing and want to learn quilting. I am still in graduate school and will be done at the end of the month. After that I will have a lot of time on my hands so I can get back into crafting and hopefully start my own online business. I am so stressed out with school that I am hoping to find an outlet.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Feb 13
Crafts are a nice outlet! And I have been enjoying the sewing I have been doing, I think you will enjoy it too.
@Janurmas (642)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 13
I like embroider. I searched the motive from the internet, and I create embroidery manually. I plan to sell my crafts after I finish creating 20 motives. I would like to sell it online through ebay and my own blog. I think embroidery is good for me, because it is very easy to do.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
I've never gotten the hang of embroidery. I think it requires a bit more quiet than I have around here.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I like to do knitting but, being that I work here online now, I don't have time to do any crafts, I have a more serious thing to do, like earning money I am going through, a issue right now that I have to spend, as much time here online, as I can spend.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
12 Feb 13
Yes, it's hard to balance the need to make money with the desire to do fun things. I am trying to make more money this year but it's hard to find time to do everything I want to do.
@Glitznglitter (389)
• Canada
19 Apr 13
I like a little bit of everything, something quick and something that takes some time either way I feel accomplished in getting the job completed.
@XtremeGaming (742)
• South Africa
22 Mar 13
I like sewing plushie toys. I make templates and cut them out and everything. Then cut my fabric and away i go :) i stuff them with nice soft stuffing.