They can't pay their cell phone bill

United States
February 12, 2013 6:12pm CST
Okay, it's the same people I mentioned a long time ago. They can't pay their cell phone bill. I mentioned to them that the company will work with you to keep your cell phone on. Anyway, from what he said, it's a matter of paying utilities and rent and not paying the cell phone bill. I know if he doesn't pay his lights, they will lose service. If he doesn't pay his rent, that will get behind. The logical bill not to pay is the phone. So what if they can't keep up and violate the contract by not paying? Would the AT&T or whoever take them to court? I told him to just pay some and call them but he says it won't do any good because its a big bill each month for 2 smart phones and a regular cell phone. So that is over $100 a month. If they stop making payments on their contract, what will happen? I see them digging themselves deeper and deeper. I don't know what happened exactly, but without prying for answers I assume something happened to use up their bill money. And now their phones will probably get cut off. Anyone ever had this happen? I've kind of been there but I talked with them and made arrangements. So will they get in trouble? I can guess their credit rating will be toast. Your thoughts?
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13 responses
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
I am not sure about how cellular phone companies in the US. But here in the PH there are many cases where the subscribers are not able to continue to pay for the bill - their names will be blacklisted in the company, they will no longer be able to apply for a new one (of course) but none has so far been charged with anything at court. Most would say taking you to court would cost the company more so you will just be treated as a bad debt account - to be written off after a certain number of years of not paying. But of course before that, you will receive a disconnection notice, a letter requesting for you to settle, and the line will be cut off, and you will still be billed for the rest of the contract remaining. I have never had this happened to me, because all my phones are always paid within the due date. I really see to it that i do not have a bad name with these companies. It is hard to move around especially where there are so few of them offering such services, all i have to do is to just live within my means and pay for what is due. I try to really squeeze in so i won't be delayed with my payment dues. You can tell them to settle a few dollars, just to have the phones bill updated, no need to settle the whole $100 but they can just always try put in at least half of it. The good thing about cell phone bills (here in the PH) is that there are no interests for the past due accounts so at least the base requirement of payment is minimized.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Oh do not pay for them. the only thing you can do is to tell them and help them know what it is they can do about the phone so they won't be cut off. But if they are always turning a deaf ear on you, might as well just leave them be. Some people are just purely iresponsible and are not very easy to talk to. i am not sure as to how or why would they allow their names to be broken in some service companies, next time they will have huge problems with these i am sure.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Feb 13
I agree. I can't help them anyway. I have all I can do to keep my own bills paid. I'm not taking on anyone else's troubles. I can't. And I won't.
• United States
13 Feb 13
I suggested he just send them $50 to show an effort to pay and then ask to make arrangement to pay the rest. It seems that I'm talking to a deaf person. I can't pay it for them. I'm not offering. All I can offer is done common sense.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Feb 13
I have actually never had a contract with a cell phone company. I have seen my daughters get caught up in them with boyfriends and when the boyfriend becomes an ex then they have had to pay a huge fee to buy out of the contract. One daughter ran into financial trouble and what happened is that they shut her phone off and she went without a cell phone for a time. I think that cell phones are handy and serve a great purpose but truthfully we have lived without them for centuries and could continue to do so. I do have a tracphone that I use sparingly and carry mainly for emergencies. It costs me 20.00 every 3 or 4 months and I have no contract to live up to. I don't feel too sorry for your friends. It sounds as if they are living beyond their means and probably will continue to do so. They should let the phone be shut off and just pay the bill off and then go for something cheaper.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Feb 13
yes, I know the type. I really don't know a lot about how these contracts work other than that I never wanted one. As for the credit...there does come a time where one has to just accept that the credit is already shot and the best you can do is cut back on all expenses and try to build back up. The couple you describe seem like the type that will just keep digging their hole until they are buried.
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Hi Sid. I agree! They live way beyond their means. They will go into bounce protection and then the guy will start yelling at the girl when it's both of them. He wants a cell phone to keep tabs on her. She always looks like she has a cell phone growing out of her ear. They usually just pay the past due amount and now they can't even do that. I wonder if they would have to pay the buy out cost if the company shuts their phone down? I suggested to them to let that phone go cuz their credit is toast anyway.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Why don't they change their plan to something cheaper? And try to keep utility costs down? There are so many ways to save money. I'm pretty sure AT&T won't take them to court for a couple of hundred dollars or so, but they should contact them and let them know the situation. The cellphone company might have a plan that they can live with.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Feb 13
One thing I've found out is that you can't help people who don't want to listen to advice. Maybe what they want is a handout, but that won't get them very far in this life. Cutting back on utilities and cellphone plans isn't rocket science. Prepaid phones would be better for them, I agree.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
Yep, I agree with you. I can't and won't let myself get emotionally involved with their problems. They keep talking. I say what you said and they go 'yeah but...' And keeps saying the same things like they didn't even hear and understand me. I even offered to work on a budget with them and they were like...we don't need you to tell us how to use our money.
• United States
13 Feb 13
They could certainly cut back. I told them that we cut lights out when we aren't using them. They are financially stressed. I feel if they had prepaid phones it wouldn't be do stressful.
@Chico1793 (135)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Two friends of my family are going through the same thing we haven't heard from them in months until today on Facebook they r relying on free wifi and are on contract but that credit score. My brother too had a AT&T contract and hasn't paid it on months and he begged me to help him pay it and I did but I was forced to change the account under my name -.- now I'm carrying the stack of bills and paying it by myself my brother takes advantage of my kindness now my credit score is on the line
• United States
15 Feb 13
Yeah I fell for it and I only do it with the best intentions but they somehow fool me. :/ oh well and your right don't put yourself in that position k
• United States
14 Feb 13
That's what happens when you try to help someone and they don't try to help themselves. I can't help and I won't put myself there.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
If you don't pay anything, then it will be cut off. if you pay a little even $5 it will stay on. If you call teh company and explain and have a reasonable reason they will work with you. I have on occassion when I lost a job had to call and explain. They were very nice about it, only because I paid everything to date, and never late so they were willing. I still paid what I could, some months not being able too. Same with my credit card, when my seasonal job is out, it drops, and they said this to me, and then it picks up for the summer.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
Exactly. I guess they will have to deal with the hard facts. I have a contract too. I've called them before and made payment arrangements so you can catch up. It's like he's not listening to me.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
I know a lady I use to work with who is the same, she complains she owes thousands but wont sit down, figure it out and pay it off. I think even if she gets out of that debt she will just get into more. Right now I owe $1,000 on my credit card, I am hoping to pay $400 this pay (Thusday), and another next month, plus when I got fired I get a termination pay which is about $200 which will go towards it. But I slow down completely only buying what I desperately need.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
13 Feb 13
These people you are talking about, need to have prepaid cell phone, because it looks like that can't manage on a contract phone, this is what get so many people in trouble with these cell phone companies, paying on that contract, and then they have to pay other bills like, rent, lights, gas, sewage and cable bills, then the make the decision to let a bill go, and worry about their cell phone bill, it's not worth it, to get your credit damage, behind a cell phone, I have prepaid phone,and if I can't add minute on my cell phone, I don't worry about it, it's one less thing I have to worry about paying for.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
I agree with you. I think a prepaid is a wise decision. If either of them mention their problem to me again I will suggest that. Thanks.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
13 Feb 13
I think their credit rating will be toast, but it probably already is going to be because of whatever got them into this mess. it's hard, when you're in the situation, to be able to see the best path out. When we had a lot of credit card debt, I stubbornly refused to get a line of credit, even though that would have meant less interest. Now that we've paid all of our debt off, it's easy to look back and say oh, I should have done this, and oh, I shouldn't have bought that, but at the time, I was in the middle of it, and it felt like I had no idea what to do but work harder.
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• United States
13 Feb 13
I think you are right. When a person is in the middle of a bad situation they can't see how to get clear.
@AmbiePam (96464)
• United States
13 Feb 13
Why in the world are they spending so much on their phone? Cut out all the extras. They aren't all necessities. And smart phones? Regular phones work just as well. People get too caught up in getting the latest gadgets. Sure, having cell phones are sometimes necessary because of jobs and stuff, but people can make a big difference in their bills by not getting all the cool stuff everyone loves so much.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Feb 13
They are living beyond their means, for sure. Even prepaid smart phones would be better than contract. They have 2 smart phones with 3000 MB each and a straight flip phone. The smart phone is great for mobile Internet but its pricey.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
13 Feb 13
They will just turn the phone off and turn it into collections, and even if they don't pay, nothing will really happen to them except it will effect their credit.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Feb 13
Yeah, I'm sure it will hurt their credit. I think they should call and cancel their plan and just tell them they can't continue making those high payments. At least then they would probably cut the phone off and the bill won't keep going up.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Feb 13
They can probably call the cell company and put their contract on hold, but if they terminate, they will end up getting an early termination fee (if they're on a contract).
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
21 Feb 13
I dont know about the states but from what i understand many cell phone companies only report to the credit bureaus if you miss a payment or have a late payment. When you miss so many consecutive payments (i think its 3) they count it as a breach of contract and they will cancel service and send a bill for the service provided as well as the contract buy out. It damages the credit rating for sure...and then even more if they miss paying the buyout on time as well.
@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
13 Feb 13
If they don't want their cell phone to get shut off, then they need to make arrangements with their provider and make payments. At least it shows they are in good faith trying to pay it. My daughter has been down that road, and she had her phone deactivated, and she stayed that way, untils she could pay something, and then to top it off, she had to pay a fee to get her phone activated again. She is paying fro three pho9nes and three lines, so it does mount up. I have never had my phone deactivated, for non payment as I have always been able to pay the full anount every month, to keep that from happening. My cell phone is the only phone I have so i need to keep it activated at all times. I hope that your friends can get their bills paid, as it sounds like they are really struggling. I am struggling too, but I do mange to get my bills paid. they need to cut back on frivolous things, things they don't need to they can afford their bills. Take care!
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Feb 13
That's what I'm saying to them! it's like talking to a deaf person. They talk and moan and complain but still have a $150 or more cell bill every month. That's nuts!
@kourdapya (923)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Are those people your friends or family member? I'm can see you are concerned but I'm sure that they are not ignorant with what's going to happen if they dont pay that bill. Let them learn their lessons, and tell them "don't say I did not warn you" something like that. Have a nice day!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Feb 13
No they aren't family in the true sense of the word. They are close friends. We used to go to the same church and became like family there. They still come see us a lot. We know almost all their business. They even kind of argue in front of us.
• United States
14 Feb 13
I don't pry to learn stuff. I just sit back and listen when they are here. Last night they popped in right at meal time. SIL kind of makes fun of them for how they just tell all their business. I just watch and listen. It's not funny but sometimes I kind of get tickled and try not to laugh.