MyLot Reputation

MyLot Reputation Stars - The number of your star * 10 = your current reputation on MyLot. You don't really get this reputation until a certain number of posts, of which I already forgot at how many posts, but it does show a trend between what type of posts you might be getting.
United States
February 13, 2013 9:36pm CST
Does MyLot Reputation matter to you? Do you take pride in trying to get a better MyLot Reputation, or is it something you got in the process while posting in MyLot? I can't really say for myself, because while I did get this reputation from posting, I almost feel competitive about it. I can't stop looking at which one has a better reputation, and this competitive gets over me to the extent where I sometimes don't reply to people that don't even have that star. It's probably because of that, though it feels like not replying to the post almost makes me guilt trip myself into doing it because I'm being discriminatory of who I reply my posts to. I hate doing it, but it just happens.
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13 responses
@aqirock (855)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 13
still new here but that star color very attractive but oh well how should I know if I can change my reputation cause it's depends on user rating to my post / respond :)
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• United States
14 Feb 13
A 7 star is a very good rating for a new user that doesn't know the site well. You must be doing something right so just keep at it! After 200 you get the myLot code smileys.
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@aqirock (855)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 13
yep I can't wai to have that 200 user rating cause I'm dreaming on that smiley lolz being jealous to whoever already got that smiley
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• United States
14 Feb 13
They're really fun and add flavor to all our discussions and replies. I'm sure you will love them.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
14 Feb 13
It's not a big deal to me either, but I'd like to see if I can get my blue star back. I did have one some ago, but them haters started hatin on me.
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• United States
14 Feb 13
I second that. It took me more than a couple of months to get back to this reputation, originally being a 70-80 ish star. (I can't remember the number, but it was yellow). Not sure who was hating on me, but I guess it was within reason. Thankfully that person did stop though.
• United States
14 Feb 13
It can be difficult to recover a star after someone has trolled it.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
My first star on mylot was a yellow and then it became gray, that was when i started caring about reputations. Although i had a friend here who started out with a red star. I dont think just one person though would have the power to bring down another persons star rating, i believe the admin can do something about that.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Feb 13
hi McC reep;er our reputations are used to factor in with our earnings so the higher we have our reps the better we will earn. So yes I d o value my blue star and 95 per cent reputation of course I do.
• United States
14 Feb 13
Well then.. I didn't know that the reputation affected our earnings. Guess that's why it takes a while for some to earn more money than others (The More you learn )
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Yes its true. The DRS is attached with our earnings. Though I don't know how exactly. Its why I try not to - people unless they absolutely need it. Flaming, trolling, being extremely rude or hateful are reasons to - someone in my eyes. Not just because I dislike their statements.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
That's right. but you shouldn't let it stop you from being speaking your mind and expressing what you really feel about the topic. If you want to be a lot safer from being rated negative, i suggest staying away from interests that cause so much debate such as religion or politics or topic like those.
@allknowing (138925)
• India
14 Feb 13
The lesser the posts the faster can one climb up and faster too can one climb down. Despite doing everything correctly, despite not violating any guidelines, despite not flaming anyone there are times when one loses stars and that is when users give negative ratings for reasons best known to them. I used to be bothered about it earlier but now I take these things in my stride. I don't get influenced by the stars to respond to topics. I respond to topics if I find I have something to say. I would advise you to do the same and don't even bother about your stars.
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@allknowing (138925)
• India
14 Feb 13
You need time to get over this just as I took time. Happy myLotting!
• United States
14 Feb 13
I guess you're right on that it doesn't really matter, but There are reasons why people make things and why people don't make things. This MyLot reputation is one thing that is bugging me a bit, but it's not the biggest pet peeve I have to worry about.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
Hi there ! Reputation motivates me to do better always and to strive more. The truth , i am an award oriented person , if given an accolade there would be that sense of fulfillment inside. That is why reputation is important for me. I always strive for good reputation though we can't forced everyone but thats okay.
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@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
I dont really mind about the star however when it gets really low, i try and check my interest rankings and then I'd find out which interest cost me low ratings. And then i look at the discussions I've posted on that interest and see which one of my responses might have caused a drop in rating and i review my responses there. If it were really abusive then I'd change my style but if i dont think my responses were abusive then I'd try and observe people who might have given me a negative rating. Unless I've got something really good to say to them, i do not interact with them very much. When i was new, i didnt care about those rankings and i just typed a lot of BS on mylot, i was thinking "he'll nobody knows about me and nobody cares", as i stay here more, i learn more things and so i improve myself too. I'm even more spontaneous now when spoken too in real life unlike before. I used to hate people. Now i dont.
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Oh good ideas to look out for this. I wouldn't have thought to do that. I haven't had much fluctuation in my star and only one big drop but I got it back plus some since then. I also was not active during that time.. it must have been something I wrote before I left that people were not liking or something. Any way thanks for the tip if this ever happens again.
• United States
14 Feb 13
Good point! By trying to please everyone we're far too neutral in everything and then no one will like us anyway! I just be myself here and try to be every where in life. If I gain friends then that will be wonderful, if not, I guess I"m just not a likable person.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
That's right, its not nice to jeopardize earnings just because some people do not like you or ypur statements. It is a given that we can't please everyone and its not worth trying. We try to please everyone, we please no one. I think its the least i can do.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
14 Feb 13
I was thrilled to get a red star with a reputation of 89 in it when I reached my 100 posts here. Slowly I get into blue without even noticing it. But after reaching blue it turned to red 2-3 times I felt worried on thinking who would have rate me negative. Slowly I over come those worries too and got back my blue star. In later period I understood the star is affecting our earnings directly. But I never did anything to maintain my blue star. In fact I am less active and reaching payout in 6 months only.
• United States
14 Feb 13
Guess I've been inactive way too often It took me two years to get my first payout, and it wasn't until my 100th post that I got more active and more descriptive with my answers; Having such a low reputation at the very start was a bit intimidating, seeing how others have a perfect reputation. I know for a fact that I won't be the most reputable person in MyLot, though it's the thought that I am reaching it that gives me a bit of joy. Not to mention that I (probably) get more money from a higher reputation.
@sajujohn (1005)
• India
14 Feb 13
Honestly I don't care anything about Mylot reputation. Earlier I used to see a star and number within it, but I never knew anything about it. Then after that only I read some post by a fellow mylotter that it is our reputation here in mylot. After that I became a littile bit conscious about the reputation and all. Now I will look for my position in almost all of my interests after posting anything and feels good if it near to 1.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
That's right, me too,never cared at the start, it feels nice though when you see your note rest rankings, i feel that way too, the reputation star seems to just remind us and keep us motivated a lot,
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
14 Feb 13
Hi McCreeper! Since the rating system is being done by other members, we don't have control on how they will rate us. I don't know if others know about this. There are also some members who do not know that they need to rate others. Personally, I am not very concerned about the rating for as long as I am doing my part here. It will still be on the basis on how we presented our ideas even though there are times that we do not have the same idea as the one presenting the discussion. Our manner can greatly affect our ratings. I should say that thought there are times that I don't agree with the idea presented, I will still do it in a manner that would not appear as I am dominating the discussion or imposing what I want to happen. Have a nice day!
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
14 Feb 13
Its a neat thing of myLot to have. I don't let it effect me too much by getting a big ego and I wouldn't let it effect me (much) if it suddenly dropped because of abuse. That's the main reason it would drop quickly. If a steady drop daily though then I might wonder what I was doing wrong.
• United States
14 Feb 13
Yeah, I try not to let ego enter my brain, but it just happens from time to time, but it does affect me a bit when it drops to a different star. Not sure who would intentionally rate down without any real purpose, but I'm sure a lot of people abuse the rate up one.
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Both can be abused either way. It isn't a perfect system but I try to use it accordingly when I see something positive for myLot + and something that's poor for myLot - I don't rate based on who it is.. there are a few people I dislike a little in myLo but I don't rate them poorly for that reason. Nor do I rate them poorly at all unless I think they deserve to be based on as I stated above. Some people troll just for the sake of trolling too.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
That's very nice of you echo. I dont rate people negative as well if they aren't really offensive. I just hate it that some users feel that if they dont rate negative, they aren't playing the game very well with whoever it is they do not agree with. "If you can't rate negative, dont play at all" I've encountered some users like that during my stay here. Those people i try to avoid.
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@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 13
I know star reputation does not mean anything but it is look very great if we can get maximum star reputation. Now i get maximum star which is 10 stars. i feel very happy when i get maximum star. I hope it will not change again. I think you should respond even some people dont have a star. Sometime some of them give a good responses. Sometime i see some people with a good star make a bad responses.
• United States
14 Feb 13
Yeah, there are a select group of people that don't respond in a way that provokes the proliferation of more posts coming in, and that does include myself in this. It's just difficult to find a thought-provoking discussion sometimes, and whether or not that person wants to give it the time and effort to not expect any reply from the original poster is an annoyance sometimes. :-/
@iluvusabado (2560)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
i'm trying to build a high reputation here just for the bragging rights. bu nothing really serious. as long as i earn here, i guess it's okay. i'm just happy that my reputation here is almost 9.
• Netherlands
14 Feb 13
Reputation? If it means you have to post here like crazy to get a good But it's nice to have a good reputation just in general and I wouldn't care about the stars or the ratings they give you here...
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
14 Feb 13
No, youdon't have to post here like crazy to get a reputation. Your reputation will appear when you see (100) beside your username. You should 'care' because the reputation is part of the aglorithm calculations and you can read about it here:
• United States
14 Feb 13
I'm pretty sure that the number of posts don't account for how reputable you are, one example being the first reply on this post.. Mike is very reputable at having a reputation of 95 / 100 with a post count of 6258, while Echoforever has only 1669 posts yet has a higher reputation than him. I might have taken the statistics in post count incorrectly, though I think that's sound proof that it isn't the case.