Obama is lying that he cares for the middle class - heres the prove

@Fatcat44 (1141)
United States
February 13, 2013 10:57pm CST
I am tired of hearing how Obama and the left care so much for the middle class. This is a total lie. Prove. Everyone know Obama taught Alinsky's "Rules for Radical" classes while he lived in Chicago. On of the rules to take over America is to destroy the middle class. During his first term as president, the income average for the middle class has dropped by over 4000 dollars. He is telling everyone how is for the middle class, when in the background he is doing his best to destroy it. So how do you lefties explain this? or do you just ignore it? Ignore it and disbelief it? How????? When will you guys on the left wake up to the truth and join us on getting these democrats (communist) out of Washington?
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5 responses
• United States
14 Feb 13
Are you serious?! Wake up to the truth and join us. Gee, Fat. What club do you belong to? Forget it. I'll probably get kicked out of MyLot for even suggesting that. Let's just do some easy math here. A single mother of one takes care of her and her child on $15,000 is considered living in poverty. A family of four with two working parents, (full time) making $30,000, is living in poverty. There is no such thing as middle class anymore. There hasn't been a middle class since W. was in office eight years ago. He's the one that gave out tax breaks to millionaires & billionaires, cut healthcare, and gave huge paychecks to the "Fatcats" on Wall Street. While he was doing that, he raised taxes on what was left of 'the middle' which brought down the economy. The only ones who ignored this was you guys. When will you all wake up?!
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@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
14 Feb 13
I guess there is no talking to people like you. Blame Bush. Obama taught classes on how to put people like you into reliance on the government, and you are. You need to wake up to this fact. It is all documented. Your fellow lefty friends are lying to you. Get better education in a area that will pay good money so you are not in poverty. This has been how it has been for the last 200 years, nothing changed when W came into office. You have to rely on yourself, not the government. Bush, gave tax breaks to everyone, so I guess I am a millionaire because I got a tax break. The rich are leaving this country because they are being taxed to much, now. You want to tax the rich, well they will leave. How about lowing government spending.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 13
"he raised taxes on what was left of 'the middle' which brought down the economy." I'm sorry Blubell, but you sound so ignorant it isn't even funny anymore. Bush didn't raise taxes on ANYONE. In fact, he lowered taxes so much for the poor and middle class that 47% of the people in this country don't pay a DIME in federal income taxes anymore. Prior to the Bush tax cuts that number was around 30%. Anyone who had a job in 2001 would remember that they got an extra check on top of their tax returns because of his tax cuts. He didn't cut healthcare either. I was making $6.85/hour at the time so I can assure you, I wasn't a millionaire by any stretch of the imagination, nor did I own a $5,000 suit or a Rolex. I was just a kid paying my way through college while working full time so I didn't spend the rest of my life at the same low wage job, begging the government to force my employer to pay me more than my skills were worth. I strongly recommend you start doing a little research. Here on mylot, a lot of people know what they're talking about and have sources to back up their claims. You'll never accomplish anything by preaching ignorance with nothing to back up what you're saying.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
The only people that are ignorant on here, is people like you and I'm sorry to say that whatever news source you're relying on, not reliable. You need to do a hell of a lot of research yourself, Task. Or go back to school. You said you were making $6.85 an hour, right? You paid your way through college while working full time. Guess what? So did I. But I was making $5.75 an hour plus tips. No health insurance. No benefits. Let me ask you another question, genius, what are you doing with the skills you have right now? Are you still making $6.85? Do you have benefits? Is the college degree you earned worth it? You see, the government officials that you solely hold credit to made big cuts to education. When education's cut, the downward spiral begins to jobs, finance, manufacturing, do the math. I may not have fancy links to your lack of facts, but I'm far from ignorant. Then again, I did learn this. Experience is the best teacher. You're young. It's alright. You still have some growing up to do. And I'm going to leave it like that.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Feb 13
Surely you know that you're wasting your breath. The 51% who voted for this abomination have been carefully brainwashed for 4 years to hate anyone who is the least bit prosperous. The class warfare campaign has been so successful that people are even beginning to be afraid to wear nice clothes and jewelry in public. All the while, Obama's fawning fans ignore the wealth of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other prominent Dems while leveling scathing criticism at Repub reps who have wealth. When people are this blind, all we can do is try to hold on to what have and do our best to minimize the damage. You can't make them use their brains or open their eyes when they're under the hypnotic spell of a master manipulator.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
...The glaze of eyes is so successful you just know "the god of this world has blinded the minds"... For generations now it has all been for a certain direction/s.. We weren't perfect of course, but we were a sound nation based upon the Biblical foundation and faith.. What a slide there has been. But hey! We've read the back of the book! Truth wins and will be what remains standing in the 'end'! (Doesn't make this a happy thing to be seeing though! I have kids and grandkids who will inherit all this!)
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Feb 13
Personally I totally agree. Obama does not care for the middle class, and in reality, he is making things worse for us. Cutting the amount we bring home every week, raising taxes on everything else, wanting to enforce medical care to everyone to where people are loosing more jobs, or getting their hrs. cut. Come on get real. People that are still happy with him are blind, and will only continue to see things get much worse before they get better. Then who will listen to their complaints, when these are the same ones backing Obama now?
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Feb 13
PEople need to wake up and fire the ones that are slow walking on most every thing
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Fat, that is ironic, seeing how I am middle class, and when I did my taxes this year I made $4,000 more than last year. To go back to the BAD OL' BUSH YEARS, I am making $10,000 more per year under Obama. Where are you getting your numbers from? The GOP?
• United States
14 Feb 13
Fat, do you have a LINK PROVING this, or did you just hear this on some crazy website trying to sell you gold a cost? Sounds like you either need to learn how to sell yourself, or you need a new job. I have made more money EVERY year for the last 15 years. If someone tells me they can't afford to give me a raise I either show them how much my services are needed in the company, or I find someone else who is willing to pay me more. This doesn't sound like a country problem, it sounds like a YOU problem. Your employer will only pay you what they THINK you are WORTH. If you don't think you are worth much to them, then why should they pay you more? If you employer doesn't want to pay you more, than find another company that will, and see how fast your pay check goes up. Either way you win!!!
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
14 Feb 13
How about Obama teaching Alinksy's classes when in lived in Chicago? What about it. You cannot deny this. But that is okay, because Obama doesn't believe that any more? I am glad you are making more, the country as a whole is not. I have not had a pay raise for 4 years, while my expenses have when up, so in general I am losing money.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Feb 13
You're a smart guy debater, do you really believe a sample size of ONE is appropriate to make a statement like that? I'm glad you've made more money every year for the last 15. That's generally how it should be. I've had a few ups and downs, but if my pay was consistently going down, I'd have to take a long hard look at what I was doing wrong. "Your employer will only pay you what they THINK you are WORTH." There could be more to it than that. My library in New Jersey couldn't pay me more than the base rate, and hasn't given anyone raises in 5 years now because the incompetent unions, which employees are FORCED to be in, haven't negotiated a contract since 2004. Of course I'm not working there anymore and my current employer in Florida, a right to work state, was more than willing to negotiate my salary with me to where I'm making 18% over what they initially offered. I wanted more, but as it is my salary is only $1,000 less than my immediate supervisor's so they didn't have any more leeway. As for people making less now than they did when Obama was elected, that's true. Here's a source for you. http://www.sentierresearch.com/reports/Sentier_Research_Household_Income_Trends_Report_February_2012_12_03_29.pdf
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