She'll never know she ate a mouse!!

United States
February 15, 2013 9:01am CST
The twins were about 5 months old at the time (they're 10 now). They woke up extra early one day.. it wasn't even light outside yet, but they were up for the day. I was exhausted! I set them down in the living room with their bottles. The livingroom was totally baby proof.. nothing but toys and baby gates. I even took the coffee table out I was worried they'd hit their heads on it. After getting them changed and fed, I went back to sleep... I was a light sleeper though and could hear every sound. I hadn't been laying down 20 minutes and I heard a familiar sound.. a mouse! I had 3 excellent mouse hunting cats who usually caught a mouse a day. Behind our house was all trees.. so the mouse selection was excellent. I ignored the sound until it stopped. I was tempted to fall back asleep.. but figured I should get up and check to see where my precious kitties had left the dead mouse.. considering the twins were on the loose. When I went to check I found my daughter had the mouse in her mouth! I have never told her this story.. and never will! Another story my kids will never know is how my youngest son was peed on by his dad. Dad was using the bathroom and left the door open. The youngest.. who was just about a year old went tottering into the bathroom after daddy. Daddy was in the midst of peeing when the youngest got curious and poked his head right between daddy's legs to see what daddy was doing. Daddy could not stop mid-stream.. so my son ended up getting peed on. These are stories I think are better left unknown to the children! Do you have any stories pertaining to your kids that they'll never know?
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12 responses
@GreenMoo (11834)
15 Feb 13
I think those are stories which you can save until they really embarrass you so you can respond in kind!
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
15 Feb 13
Oh gross. I think there are stories better left untold to people's children. My mom told a story to my sister once and it freaked her out so badly she started insisting my mother must have meant me, because that could never have happened to her. My mom was like Mindy, you were the only child I had at the time, it was you. See, when my mom took Mindy in for a checkup he told my mom she had worms. Apparently, this happens a lot to babies. My mom was like, I never saw anything in her diaper. So the doctor told my mom (and this is gross), to take a flashlight at night and peer it into my sister's behind. And in that "hole" my mom would be able to see them. So my mom did that, and she indeed saw them. My sister was like 30 when she heard the story and completely flipped out.
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
15 Feb 13
And they say 25% of people who have worms are unaware of it.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
Gawd.. now you've got me totally freaked out because my cats have had worms. They get them from eating fleas.. and even though they're indoor cats they still get fleas all the time! But now I gotta go look up the symptoms of worms to make sure none of us have them!
2 people like this
• United States
15 Feb 13
Ew! I didn't know people could get worms! That's awful!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
15 Feb 13
Oh my, yes definitely don't tell that story to her lol. The peeing story isn't quite as bad lol. I'm trying so hard to think of a story that the kids won't ever know, but nothing springs to mind. I'm sure there is some lol. Everyone has at least one story like that.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
I still won't tell him he was peed on.. could you imagine how you'd feel if you were told you were peed on by your dad when you were little? Yuck!
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Feb 13
I would tell them when they are older. I can't think of any stories like that that they will never know.
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Feb 13
I told them about Dearra's exploding diaper, and Cary peeing on his grandma because she didn't cover him while she was changing his diaper.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
All of my kids have done that.. I've been peed, pooped, and puked on more time than I can count. When it's your own kids you sort of get used to it.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
That's not something I'd ever want to know about.. so I won't be telling them! EW!
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@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
15 Feb 13
Awww, man! Sorry but its so gross! And I am glad you don't plan on telling them, I wouldn't want to know about it too when I am already old. Maybe it's just me but I would feel sick even though it happened way before I even know what's going on. Fortunately, my mom didn't tell us something that we grossly did as young kids. Either we really have nothing like that to share, or like you, she chose not to share it with us.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
My mom shared all my stories with me.. over and over and over. I got sick of hearing them.
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• Poland
16 Feb 13
Oh God! Hearing your stories I'm happy that I don't remember much from my childhood. This is horrible and extremly funny at the same time. If there are those kind of stories in my past then I don't even want to know them. But I think as a mom I would be often reminding my child about that kind situations just to see them embarrassed. Sometimes I feel like a really evil person...
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• United States
16 Feb 13
I think it's better they not know.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
15 Feb 13
How funny. I cannot think of any stories like that from my kids, but I can certainly appreciate you holding these secrets. I guess I had not realized your daughter was a twin.
• United States
15 Feb 13
Yep.. the twins are boy/girl.. and she's the only girl.. poor kid! LOL
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Feb 13
Oh my! I don't have one thing like this....LOL...and I can see why you are not going to tell them! LOL
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
19 Feb 13
I tell my kids little stories now and then, but I don't have any gross ones to tell them. I don't know if I would tell them or not if I had a story like your daughters. Your son though? I would so be telling him that when he got older.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Apr 13
wow katsmeow thats so funny and yes best kept a secret lol. I never told my son about how I just found him about to give his little sister a hair cut.She was three and he was four., He derided since he had just had a hair cut that she needed one too so I heard Lisa cry out" NO NO wobbie Lisa no want hair cut." To say I sped in there is not exaggeration at all. Fortunately Robbie had caught the little scissors in a snarl of Lisa's hair.I confiscated those scissors at once. I scolded him and he told me" her hair is really long and you took me to have a haircut so I just was going to cut hers". It made perfect logic to him at the time.
• United States
20 Apr 13
My kids have done that.. gave themselves or their siblings hair cuts. It's all part of growing up!
• United States
16 Feb 13
I'd tell the kids those stories. As gross as they are, those are some of their earliest (mis)adventures. It makes me sad to think of how many stories are gone now. Almost all of my great-aunts and -uncles are gone. My grandparents are all gone. Some of my uncles are gone. My father is gone. My boyfriend's mother has dementia. Some of our relatives are estranged. There is just so much that has been lost. Stories need to be told. They need to be kept alive. I only know a few things from when my boyfriend was a kid. His mother got too bad too quickly for me to learn that much about how he was--from someone's perspective other than his own. I feel like I've lost something by not having that. I don't agree with your mother's style of trotting out embarrassing stories repeatedly. However, I do think that odd little moments need some record.
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@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
15 Feb 13
I loved your stories and although this is not the time to tell them, I would when they grow up and have their own children. They will be able to see the funny part of it and they will be able to understand that even when we take care well of our children accidents do happen