This Might Seem Mean But...

Valdosta, Georgia
February 15, 2013 12:49pm CST
Okay so my aunt and her family are living with my parents right now... And my parents are hating their life right about now. As much as I want to feel bad for them, I really don't. I know that probably sounds bad, I know it does but when my family lived with my parents it was a living nightmare, they made our lives H*ll! So, my aunt has a really bad temper and she is bipolar. Her daughter is a single mother with a one year old who is mouthy and loud. Not a good combination right there. My father is strict, has harsh opinions and he feels it is his house and so everyone should do as he says 100% of the time. As you can see, all of this is a recipe for DISASTER!! My parents are never wanting to be in their own house because my aunt, her boyfriend and her daughter are taking over their house and making their lives miserable. Like I said, I want to feel bad I do but I just can't. I feel like Karma is coming back to them. They treated us horribly when we lived with them and I think they are getting it back... For the people that knew me when we lived there, I am sure you remember some things that happened while being there... It wasn't fun being there and they made us know every second of the day that it was THEIR house and we weren't really wanted there...
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20 responses
• United States
15 Feb 13
I didn't know you when you lived there, but it sure does sound like Karma making it's rounds back to them. The only thing I remember that you mentioned that I felt really bad about for you, was when they borrowed money (which hasn't been paid back) and had all those big priced items that they could have sold, plus their big house that is too big for them. I could never do that to my kids..ever. It's a shame people never learn how to feel empathy for other people, but will turn around and expect help from those same people. Shame on them.
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Yeah it was pretty bad. They would tell us, oh with your rent money you gave us we bought the funnel cake maker. Or we bought a $75 frying pan, etc... We gave them $100 per week and $600 a month in food stamps when we lived there, they still complained that it wasn't enough. They threatened to shut off the internet so I couldn't come here anymore because we didn't give them "enough money each month". It was just a bad situation all together...My kids hated their life there too because they were not allowed to watch TV before bed like they were used to because "it cost too much in electric". It just got really bad... They STILL have not paid us back by the way either with the money they borrowed! They were supposed to at the end of January when my mother got on social security disability but she wasn't approved so we probably won't see that money ever! Yeah, I just cannot find it in my heart to feel sorry for them now. I almost feel like they are getting what they deserve. That sounds so mean, sorry. I just cannot help how I feel...
5 people like this
• United States
15 Feb 13
A word of warning here, and I know you don't mind. I wouldn't talk about your tax refund check too much to anyone in the family. The reason I mention this is that there are lawyers out there who will fight your Social Security Disability case if you were not approved. And of course, that takes money. I'm just hoping they don't ask you for more money to get them a lawyer to fight the case. Then you're out more money again.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Oh no. I completely know what your saying and my husband and I both said we will NOT be telling anyone in my family when we get the taxes back! It was a lesson learned and we will never make that mistake again. We will never help them again, they burned that bridge with us...
3 people like this
• United States
15 Feb 13
No, I don't think that it sounds mean in the least. I know some of the things that you've said regarding your family, and I think that this is simply a bit of cosmic justice for all of the misery that they put you through.
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• United States
15 Feb 13
Oh, I still remember what it was like when I got stuck back with my parents for a bit... I can't quite decide what my favorite part was--forcing me into quitting my job (and, then, treating horribly for not having a job), forcing me to put my cat into foster care, ransacking my stuff (one of my mother's favorite hobbies) while I was out, refusing to give me a key to the deadbolt (that they locked every time they went out)... Yeah, trust me when I say I know how that one goes.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Wow, um do we have the same parents? Lol. They would do this kind of stuff also. They would go into our room upstairs and look through our stuff. My kids were not allowed to watch TV before bed because it used too much electric, my father would unplug it so the kids could not turn it on at all. We could not flush the toilets if we peed because it would waste water, we were only allowed to flush if we pooped! We had to buy our own toilet paper, couldn't use theirs and then they told us we bought the wrong kind because it will clog their pipes because it was too thick! We were only allowed a 10 minute shower, if we took a longer one he would shut the hot water off on us. Sometimes it would take me longer if I had to shave, geez! Just unbelievable what we went through there. There were so many rules I could not keep up with them. Thank God we don't live there anymore!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. I feel bad for not caring what their going through with this situation but at the same time I just cannot make myself care enough because of what they put us through while living with them. I feel like they are getting karma returned to them. I can't help it.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
16 Feb 13
So, why are they living with your folks? Are they paying your parents anything? That might help them with their perpetual money problems. Basically, what goes around comes around so they can just deal with having your aunt and her family there. Is it your mom's sister or your dad's sister? Maybe they will learn to get along. Probably not.
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@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
23 Feb 13
I have had people live with me, and frankly got along better with those who were not family. I bet they do not get along because in some ways they are alike. Having said that I will say that my son lives with us for now. . . and we get along well. . . but I know when he is leaving and I am looking forward to it immensely. But we do not fight. It is just time and he will be going into a good situation.
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
They are living with them because they moved here from NY with not enough money for another place to stay. They are paying $400 per month to stay with them and they buy their own food. It is my mother's sister. My parents are going crazy and they want them out. They won't get along but stinks for them I guess. Karma is something else, huh?
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@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
That's a tough situation! But I think that your mom ought to talk to your aunt about the rules in the house and to be considerate enough since they are living in your parents' house.
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@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
If they are driving your parents crazy, I don't think that they have to stay on that house any longer. It is total disrespect to your parents.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Feb 13
Yeah, a tough situation for them now... My parents have told them the rules, they don't care. They just do whatever they want...
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@Chico1793 (135)
• United States
16 Feb 13
I am unfortunately going through the same thing with my family at the moment we are living with my aunty. I feel as if our relationship is going down the drain slowly but surely. We are so crowded and my cousin has a ugly temper we came to discover as we been there the past 8 months. I dislike being there and want to move out as soon arguments have sparked due to no space between all of us and I hate my cousins temper we never seen him like this when we didn't live together as we do now. I guess it is true u never know how they really are until you actually live with them. *sigh* oh well an complaints from my aunty I just can't take it anymore and my poor mom and dad just tolerate it to have a place to stay.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
It is always hard to live with other people, especially with family. You find things about each other that you didn't know...That's right, you never know people until you live with them! So true about anyone, partner or family. I hope you can move out soon! =)
• United States
26 Feb 13
I know I really hope we move out soon. On the other hand, house hunting is not the easiest thing. Especially since we are sort of just searching for any home just to get out of here. Also one of the things that is unfortunate is most tenants for rent are charging a fee to apply ($25 per application per adult) like what in the world!!! Are you out of your mind!?! I understand a deposit first and last but no not this! And the applicants have no guarantee to qualify for the house get out if here! For us it would be $225 for just an application for each of us. Hopefully we find a no application fee home soon and we qualify :/ I can't stand being here!
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
15 Feb 13
Like what they say, you reap what you sow. They are probably being given a taste of what they did to you and your family. I am sure now that they are beginning to appreciate those people who were good to them who lived with them. Sometimes, people really need to experience the bad to appreciate the good.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Yup, their getting what they deserve in my opinion. They treated us like pure crap when we lived there. And now they are getting it back. Their the ones walking on egg shells in their own home and they are dealing with all the crap they put us through! Plus some. Not my problem so I don't really feel bad for them at all...
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@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
15 Feb 13
i wouldn't feel bad for them either. And if ever they complained about them having a bad time there well, too bad. Sh#$ happens but this time, its on theirs.
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• United States
16 Feb 13
Karma is a b!tch when you cross her, that's for sure. Your parents obviously didn't enjoy your family while you lived there-why would they be so foolish and allow your aunt and her family to move it? People do the dumbest things...
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
16 Feb 13
Well, usually I tend to sympathize with the people who own and live on the property because it is their home and they have a right to expect things done their way. But you guys seem like a perfectly great family, so if they treated you badly that doesn't seem fair. As for your aunt...yikes. I'm bipolar, but I've been on medication since I was diagnosed at the age of 22. My bipolar diagnosis isn't the most common bipolar, but either way, I hope your aunt is at least being medicated. If not I can understand why she's in a bad mood. NO excuse though. Because if you know it, you need to be getting help.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Yeah I agree with you, usually I would say that too. The owner should have things done their way but my parents do go to the extreme side of things. If we took a shower longer than 10 minutes my father would shut off the hot water on us, if we closed the microwave a little too hard he would flip out, when my husband got hurt and had surgery on his hand they got mad that we could not pay them as much for staying there because my husband was out of work, etc... It was not fun at all living with them. BUT as for my aunt and her daughter, they have no respect for other people's home or their stuff in the home. They have made the house a huge MESS to say the least with their stuff everywhere. My aunt flips out some days and other days she is nice as pie, its a little creepy actually. You never know how she will be one day to the next. She is not on meds but she definitely should be that is for sure. Her daughter is a pathological liar so if she does anything wrong in the house she will deny it until she is blue in the face. It is a bad situation all together. I just don't feel bad for my parents though because of how they treated us when we stayed there. I feel like they are getting the mistreatment back that they showed us...
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
i feel for you, it is really hard to have other people living in your life, to thimk that we alone in the family sometimes have disagreement, how much more to have other people. good luck to your parents
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• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
Yeah it is hard living with other people. But I just don't feel bad for them because when we were there they were always really mean to us...
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
15 Feb 13
I don't think you sound mean at all. You weren't born to 'serve' them. It's family and you always help family out. Sounds like you did more than your fair share with the living expenses because let's face it food isn't cheap. Had kind of a like experience helping out some friends of mine. They lived in a state that jobs just weren't there so they came and lived with me. What was supposed to be a few months till they got established with work and found another place to live turned into a very uncomfortable while. Taking over the household and smack talking my children. In the end put my foot down and they moved back to Minnisota and in with her dad. Guess her dad kicked them out shortly after. So call it Karma, just desserts or just sit back and grin about it because if you pave a road poorly you'll always be in for a bumpy ride.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Feb 13
Thanks for understanding. When we were younger my father would call us his little slaves and he told us a few times we were only born to do chores around the house for them! I think we gave them a fair amount. They were getting $400 per month for the room we lived in and $600 per month in food stamps! That is pretty good if you ask me! Yeah I cannot feel bad for them with all they put us through. I feel they deserve what they get at this point!
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@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
Really? Your own parents treated you that way when you were there? I think it is cultural because this seldom happens in our country. Family members want to be of help to each other.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Yes my parents were not nice to us at all when we were there which is why I don't feel bad with what they are going through now... It just depends. Some people here have good families who take care of each other, mine is not one of them though. My family is full of drama and greedy people...
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
16 Feb 13
Karma does rear it's head when deservingly so sometimes but for me it doesn't enough! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that living with them. I still feel like the odd one out here. Getting picked at for everything while my brother doesn't and gets to rule the roost. Yet he has to go borrow their car now on both Sat's and Sun's which is another annoying habit he has yet again, he makes everything into a habit. He still sleeps on the couch here and puts the TV on so much (like his mother) and won't throw out his stuff he never uses in the hallway upstairs (I don't care if his room is still so filthy and hoarder-like cause he has to sit in it) It is just so crazy in some families.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Feb 13
Yeah, karma has its own time schedule too though. I never thought my parents would get what was coming to them, two years later here it is! Lol. You never know when it will happen but it will come, at some point... Families are crazy. I am glad my parents are now feeling the way we felt when we had to live with them! It was a nightmare for us.
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@moshfeq (19)
• Malaysia
16 Feb 13
Your aunt is staying temporarily or permanently with your parents? Or, are they just trying to takeover your parent's house? What happened to her own house?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
My aunt and her daughter are staying there until they find their own place. They just moved here from far away. They were supposed to be within 2 weeks of being here and they have been here more than 3 months now so my parents are ready for them to get out...
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
16 Feb 13
I understand that. I had an ex sister in law live with me here for 5 months. I hated it.
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
It is hard living with other people...
• Mexico
26 Feb 13
I wouldnt like family living here, but Id rather have them here than say on the streets. have a great tuesday.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
20 Feb 13
Personally, this could be a form of KARMA reaching back to them in bringing someone that is like them to them maybe to help make them stop and think that they were like this when you were there, and they need to remember to be nicer and show others more respect. But in any case, this is not right to act like this in someone else's house when they are letting you live there. Honestly I would not want to be your parents and might have to find a way to kick them out, but paybacks hopefully will waken them up to reality?
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Feb 13
Yup....what goes around comes around! And payback is h*ll like they say!
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Exactly! Karma is a b*tch! Lol.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
16 Feb 13
I understand where you are coming from. If you had a horrible time living with them now its pay back for them. I always believe what you put out good or bad into the universe it comes back to you. Either with good karma if you are putting positive energy out there or bad karma if you are doing the opposite. They treated you bad, so now its come back full circle to bite them in the butt. What goes around comes around. I can't imagine living with my parents and they treating me like they didn't want me there. That could never happen in fact they would love for me to live with them forever.
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Yeah it was really horrible living with them... They made us feel unwelcome the entire time we were there. I wish I had parents like yours who wants you to live with them. That would be nice. I have heard of parents like yours but mine are definitely not like that. If we were paying them a good amount of money they would want us around, other than that-no. Yeah karma gets everyone eventually...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Feb 13
While I do understand what you are saying about having a hard time feeling bad for them because of what they put you through when you were living with them, I can't help but feel bad for them because they are allowing your aunt and her family to live in their home and for that reason alone, your aunt and her family really should respect the rules that your parents have for their house. You see, I used to live with my mother and when we lived with my mother, my husband, our children, and myself lived by her rules because of the fact that it was not our house, it was her house.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
18 Feb 13
Although I think it's mean, I don't think I have the right to judge you about what you're feeling because you obviously went through the same situation before (although the other way around). I think that you're right that karma does have it's way of turning around. It's just so bad that your parents could have treated you differently, then maybe they wouldn't have to go through what they're going through right now.
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Yeah my father would turn off the hot water on us if we took a shower longer than 10 minutes, he would flip out if we shut any door too hard, if there was one speck of anything on the floor after the kids ate he would freak, etc. He was just a hard person to live with and deal with. When my sister and I were younger he would tell us we were born to be his slaves. So, no I really cannot feel bad for them now... Not after all I have dealt with in my life from them... Karma always catches up to everyone...
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
19 Feb 13
I am actually laughing at it. But it's true, I hope they get it all back. If I am in someone elses home I will treat it like that. If we made a contract out to rent, and long term, but if I was living there for free.