healthy living

South Korea
February 17, 2013 10:51pm CST
I am a semi-vegetarian person. I started to eat healthy food two years ago..In my mother side there is a history of high-blood so i become more conscious with my health too,,, Instead of white rice I eat brown or red rice, I exercise two-three times a week or 30 mins everyday when i have a time..I also stop eating instant noodles, junk foods and all the can goods/food as it contains preservatives...but most especially I make sure I get enough sleep (7-8 hours of sleep)...for that is the most important of all,, eating healthy food is useless when you lack sleep.... How about you? are you concern with you health, yoo? What do you?
13 responses
@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
what do you mean by semi-vegetarian? do you or do you not eat pork, chicken, beef, eggs, and dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream)? if you started two years ago, how many pounds have you lost since then? do you feel stronger, more energetic? do you no longer feel the need to nap after lunch? how about common illness like cough and colds? do you get them less often?
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
when my niece had shingles, my sister gave her congee (lugaw) and fish at first. then when she gave her pork it actually helped because of the lysine. so i think there are cases when pork helps. what about your skin, hair and nails? did you notice any changes?
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
I said semi because I still eat , eggs and some dairy products... but not too much of course!! especially pork , I eat pork once in a blue moon because it is literally a not so clean meat....Muslim does not eat pork meat because of their religion but because it is really not a good one for it really gives you thousands of sickness!! we all know that high blood is one of them, right?? chicken and beef meat are ok...I mean better than pork.... actually, my intention of choosing to be a vegetarian is not to lose weight but to really live a healthy lifestyle ;-)... I have a thin body structure since then,,, but 6 years ago I gain weight and I feel uncomfortable... I fell that my body is heavy...and I easily get tired...but now I'm happy with my body I feel more energetic... I weigh 40kl. Eating healthy fresh fruits and vegetables and 2 liters of water a day help me to prevent cough and colds and flu...that is also one of the things I notice since I started to healthy living.... Motivation and discipline are the two crucial things to stay healthy!!!!
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
cont...... a vegetarian is a person who really doesn't eat meat, eggs and dairy products... actually there are types of vegetarians the semi veg- who eats meat and dairy products occasionally Lacto vegetarian - does not eat egg but eats dairy products Ovo vegetarian - does not eat meat and dairy products but eats eggs.. vegan-does not eat eggs, meat, dairy products and proccessed food.. just fruits and pure vegtables..
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
I am starting to be conscious with the way that I eat and also the activities that i am involved with. I feel that I should have started a healthier lifestyle years ago. But, I am trying to be real careful now. My parents have diabetes and both their parents had either diabetes and or kidney disorder and hypertension. So, I really need to watch carefully with the food that I eat so that my kids would also follow.
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
It's a good realization dear,,, I think it's yet late for you to start!!! I f others can do it you, too can...!!
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
I mean it's not yet late he he
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
18 Feb 13
I definitely try to live life as healthy as I possibly can but sometimes time and money really restrain me on how healthy of a lifestyle I am able to actually live. I only make so much money so I can only buy so much groceries and organic and natural food free of toxic preservatives and other chemical ingredients can be pretty expensive. I also don't always have the time to cook food or prepare food for myself so sometimes I have to eat at the restaurants that I work at. I end up eating fairly unhealthy food there such as french fries, chips, and whatever else I am able to eat while working. I'm trying to cook more food in advance though so I have food that I can easily prepare when I don't have much time in between shifts or after working long days. I'm also trying to get more sleep because sometimes I work until really late at night and then have to work really early in the next morning. I definitely notice a difference between when I get enough sleep and when I don't. I would say that it definitely makes a difference in the way I feel too. Another thing that is important for a healthy lifestyle is making sure too drink a lot of water, I've notice that when I get dehydrated my stomach starts to hurt sometimes and I also get headaches frequently. I also try to exercise as much as possible but work really limits how much time I have to do that. Luckily this week I'm going to be able to go to open gym for basketball twice and I'm super excited about that. Basketball is my favorite sport and is so entertaining for me that it doesn't even seem like exercise. Good luck in all of your healthy choices and in living a truly healthy lifestyle.
• South Korea
25 Feb 13
Thanks for sharing your experiences ,too... it's difinitely true, Living a healthy life style can cost a lot but let's also think all the possible cause when living unhealthy. Once we get sick the cost will be too much than we expect! expenses for the medicines cost a lot.... Maybe I'm lucky, because I live alone , though i give some money to my mother who also needs budget for her high blood maintenance... You've mentioned about drinking water, yes! i drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day,, migraine attacks when I get dyhydrated one thing I notice when my water intake is less than 2 liters/day.. Glad to hear that you play basketball as a form of's really nice to engage yourself in those kind od activities!
• United States
19 Feb 13
I am concerned about my health and this affects the way I eat and exercise. I believe that the exercise is the most nongenetic or (really) controllable factor in determining one's health. Gaining and losing weight can be determined based on the number of calories one consumes (or gains) and the number of calories one loses. Eating is how people gain them and exercising is how people lose them. Generally, people eat their meals daily because it is considered necessary in order to live. Exercising might be considered to be something that can be done when a person has time. In other words, exercising is not considered necessary to some people. I try to exercise my core (or abdominal muscles) and my legs and, if I have time, my upper body.
• South Korea
25 Feb 13
Thanks for the response! Well, i think exercise is impotant, too especially when one works in the office. Those who work in the office sit all day long , I have read a lot of articles that people who sit all day long shorten their life span! in my case, i work in an online teaching and I use to sit the whole day so I really need exercise, because I feel good when i sweat a lot... I'm thin but I feel the need of exercising,it also helps me to get a better sleep at night!. So I think it's really crucial, it only depends on what kind of exercises you'll need because if have a problem of stretching out your body i guess you need some sort of light exercise... exercise should be done evryday if possible or every other day! especially now adays a lot of people work on a shorten one's life span,,according to the article that i've read before...
• India
18 Feb 13
Hi friend, good to know that you are concentrating in your health and taking proper foods. We must give importance to our health, it is our wealth. Always i take care about my health and eat good foods to keep it in a good manner
• South Korea
19 Feb 13
good to hear that!!! yeah we really have to especially in this new generation lifestyle has been changed by so many things around us such as media and technologies etc..... and people often forget about their health
@ksktika (271)
• United States
25 Feb 13
i start healthy living since 8 years ago but i am not a vegetarian. i dont eat carbohidrate and i dont consume sugar, salt and etc. and i always try exercise at least 30 min. and i never buy cooked food.
• South Korea
25 Feb 13
Thanks for responding! Glad to know that you care for your health , too!
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
I'm happy for you my friend, I just hope I can do the same thing like you.Because you are really determined to stick to your plan. Yes, living a healthy life this days I guess needs much self control. I'm concerned about my health too but I don't think I can do it because of too much temptation.I wish you all the best.
• South Korea
19 Feb 13
THank you! well , it's not yet late for you to start you just have to have a good motivation and a strong will.... You can do it!!!
@lini000 (35)
• China
18 Feb 13
yes, i'm concern with my health more and more. recently, i realize my health is getting worse and my weight become greater due to the long time cost for facing to the computer. now i am planning to be pregnent late of this year, so i must begin to have a healthy living. i also make effort to stop eating the junk food and have meals with more vegetables and fruits. the next step is to do more exercise, and then to get one more hour sleep daily. my job is so busy as to have no much time to sleep. as you said, the sleep is really important. i think everyone can have good health and leave away from the disease if he has healthy living customs.
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
Yes my dear!! it's really important and I believe that one of our wealth is our HEALTH!!!! We cannot enjoy life to the fullest when we're sick!! Lifestyle nowadays is really diffrent from the way our anscestor had lived in the fast...There are so many tempatation around so we also need greater discipline to do good luck!! ;-)
@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
most of our meals in the house were being served with vegetables. it is just so very rare when we eat meats purely. we eat fish as well. but before, i almost lived outside our house and i ate most at fastfood chains. i drank too much softdrinks and love to eat junkfoods as well. and i can really compare the figure of my body before and as of now. and now as much as possible, i tried to minimize the intake of what i eat and the kind of food to stay healthy. and i tried to drink plenty of water and milk. i also perform exercises to at least trim my figure or lessen the fats in my body. so i did these things because of health.
• South Korea
19 Feb 13
Good for you missjah!! Congratulations because you realized how important our health keep it up!!!
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
18 Feb 13
I am also concerned with my health. But now, with my current move abroad, I have yet to fall back into my regular health routine. When the winter is over, I would like to get back to walking and jogging. Then when I finally know my way around here very well, I want to get back to eating and buying fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of frozen foods full of preservatives. I also make sure that I drink lots of water (which I still do). And as much as possible, I avoid sleeping late.
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
SAd to hear that dear,,, but anyway winter is about to end right?? so you can go back to eating fresh fruits and vegetables.... and oh! you have mentioned about drinking water...that's very good ,, our body needs water so it's better if take 2liters of water a day!! that's what I do, too!!! I make sure I had enough water for the rest of the day!!
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
I am health conscious and I see to it that I eat healthy foods. However, it seems I lack sleep because my three year old son sleeps late at night. I really want to change his sleeping cycle. Hoping I can change it. Sleep is very important too to be healthy.
• South Korea
19 Feb 13
Oh! sorry to hear that! mothers really have to sacrifice a lot...yeah may be you can change his sleeping cycle I'm not a mother yet so I can't give you an advice regarding that ;-)....
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
Yes, I am also very concerned with my health. But the price of healthy food in our country is very expensive unlike on other countries. I love veggies especially salads and the price of lettuce here is expensive. Even yogurts. I love yogurts every morning but it's expensive. So I just balanced it. I still eat white rice and fast foods, even chinese. But I exercise regularly and drink lots of water. I am also oil pulling so that the toxins will wash away.
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
yes, dear I know how ou feel about about the price of fruits and vege here in the Philippines,, lucky for me because I live alone.... well I think, you can try to manage, like instesd of lettuce you can make cucumber and carrots salad that's what I do everyday,, and maybe you can have lettuce two-thrice a week.... but do you want to compromise your health than to buy healthy food? I eat brown or red rice as they are healthy I eat wheat bread instead.... you can eat fast food but have to be carefull as they contain lots of cholesterol!!!..
@tyleremy (170)
• China
18 Feb 13
I hadn't concerned about my health condition until I was ill and I thought I was gonna die.I realized health is the most important thing to us.Y ou just feel depressed and desperate when you are lying on bed in the hospital and all you think about is geeting out this place and so much want a healthy body!So let's stard today,strat to live in healthy way.
• South Korea
18 Feb 13
Happy for you dear!!! not yet late to start!!! so go go!!