Why is He Doing That??????

United States
February 20, 2013 6:05pm CST
Back in 2010 saw a person briefly and I mean briefly (was only a few months). I knew wasn't going to work out and to be honest I knew why all his past relationships didn't. In simplest terms...he's an idiot. In the last few months I keep getting calls for him. He has never lived here so there is no point in them calling here. Finally had to ask one caller how they got my number and was told that my number is a second contact number for this person. Really? So today, I answered the door and the mail carrier has a package for him. I refused it. I have no idea why he's using my phone number and address for anything. I honestly haven't talked to this person in a long time so have no idea what he's thinking. Any insight? because I'm pretty confused by all of this.
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12 responses
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
21 Feb 13
time to find away to get of him and tell him this is not wanted or needed in your life good luck
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Feb 13
Thank you. I don't know if want to talk to him at this point. Think need to digest this a bit.
• Mexico
21 Feb 13
well just got in a fight now just 10 minutes ago i am mad as heck now
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
21 Feb 13
Is there a possibility of changing your phone number? I feel this is a sort of harrasment and I wouldn`t like to have it. Maybe you should talk to this person about what has happened and to tell his friends to stop it as you will otherwise call the police.
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• United States
22 Feb 13
I'm against changing my phone number. It's my number and I shouldn't have too. The callers are stopping one by one when they realize that person isn't here and I will not pass on a message to him. I think it's crazy for them to even ask that I would.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
21 Feb 13
Get on facebook and find him or call him if you know his number and let him know you don't want or need this from him. Also let him know you will never accept anything in his name like packages etc. I saw one person said this is harassment tho i never knew this was a form of that. Since this is a form of harassment call the police and see what can be done.
• United States
21 Feb 13
Tell the people when they call again that he doesn't live there and never did and you were not aware of being a contact for him and don't want to be. Or you could just change your number.
• United States
22 Feb 13
I never considered a form of harassment either. I do keep telling people I am not a contact for this person. I shouldn't have to change my phone number because in my eyes it would be bowing to his own childish actions. Think going to ride this one out and see what happens. I doubt since refused the package he will do it again. Nothing else has tried to be delivered since but we'll see.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
21 Feb 13
Maybe because he thinks he can get away with it, or maybe he just forgot about it. It's really hard to tell how the minds of some people work. But if I were you, I would have refused it as well. By the discussion, it seems to me that you don't really know him that well, and that is enough for you to refuse it. Goodness knows what that package contains. And if ever that is something not really legit, you wouldn't want to be involved with that.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Feb 13
It was an amazon box so one of his recent purchases. It was returned to them and they can contact him about it. Maybe he will get the hint I would accept anything of his when they contact him his package was returned. Legit purchase or not, still wouldn't accept it. It's not his address.
• Philippines
21 Feb 13
I guess it's a bait. Once you accept the package, he will have a reason to see you again. Don't you think he's some kind of a psycho or what? Just be careful, this kind of move in not worth your trust.
• United States
21 Feb 13
Rizz you are so right he could have a reason to see her if she accepts a package in his name so kpro please be very very careful and never accept anything that is for him.
• United States
21 Feb 13
Okay that's just creepy. Remember about a year ago he called and wanted to know if any of his mail was here, of course the answer would be no, so nothing came of it. Didn't think of that till now. Usually pick up on stuff pretty easy but this one has blindsided me. I will be careful. Thank you for pointing that out.
@supman (6)
• Mexico
21 Feb 13
This is called harassment and you should not let that person do what you want do not let them intimidate you because you have nothing to do with. It's too bad that a person after terminating a relationship you keep bothering.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Feb 13
Yes I agree this person should not be bothering me, especially since it's been so long after what little relationship (if you can call it that) was over long ago. Thank you for the insight and yes this is harassment in a way.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
21 Feb 13
That is weird. Is he perhaps in trouble and so he is using your contact information so he doesn't have to give out his own?
• United States
22 Feb 13
The thought has crossed my mind. It was several years ago but remember he was crying about a letter he received for back child support. He got no sympathy from me on it. At that time I told him there was no need to visit me anymore either because wanted nothing to do with him.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Feb 13
hi kprofgames my insight is he is still an idiot!!!!!.Call the phone company and see what you can do about this man using your phone number.,Maybe you will have to get a different phone number or do you have call waiting so you can see who is calling? but he has your number thats so awful .I know it will entail you having to call a number of people and give them your new number but It might be the wisest thing to do. I would have refused to take his package at all since he is not living with you you are not under any obligation to do so.
• United States
22 Feb 13
I won't change my number. I shouldn't have too. I'm a bit miffed about it all tonight. Wondering if his package will be shipped to here again....if so I can keep returning it. After all amazon.com doesn't ship things unless they are paid for so it would be his loss really if he's stupid enough to keep sending it here.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
21 Feb 13
What? So he ordered something and had it send it to your address, and also fill in your phone number for his contact number? He is a psycho, and you should consider change your phone number, and refuse all the package that was intended for him, God knows what he is up to, and you don't know what he ordered. So, keep the distance, and if you are willing to, file a restraint order for him.
• United States
27 Feb 13
Nothing has happened so far but good words to keep in mind. thank you.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
21 Feb 13
Hi.does your phone have a block? If it does block his number. Next time one of his friends Call looking for him.tell Them what going.on And if it keeps happing You file harrsmnt charges check Your state laws.
• United States
27 Feb 13
Good ideas, thank you.
• Philippines
21 Feb 13
You need not to talk to him, it is your property he is using, you have all your right to reject. return all his registered mails and all do what you want to do to unrecorded mails and just simple just tell all callers he is not residing in your place to play safe if he is doing illegal.
• United States
27 Feb 13
All mail, packages were done return to sender. Yes the thought of something illegal had crossed my mind at one time. Thank you.
@tyleremy (170)
• China
21 Feb 13
Hi,kprofgames! What you did is a right thing.And I think now you have to talk this with him now after you haven't talked to him in a long time.It is not a bad idea to change your phone humber.Hope you are ok now.
• United States
21 Feb 13
The calls I was getting was bill collectors and they know they need to stop calling or they can get into trouble for it. The calls will tapper off I'm sure now that firm with them.