Please Help! I can not stop my hate

February 22, 2013 12:46am CST
I do not know how much right I have to hate the one who has done so much to me and has stoped all my happiness, has changing my destiny with an unforgivable lie and force me be with him, force me to give birth to child, force me to do whatever he wants, make me apart from my country and family, misuse me as I have no support or nobody in his country, keeping me just inside of home to cook and care of our baby and give me that much food that I can say I am alive and not anything more than that. Sometimes I ask myself I ask even God, why it has happened like that to me? why a man that living with him is like being in the hell for so many reason? why God is quiuet? why is not doing anything to help me for this? When already God has made me a lady and I do not have power to beat my man when he beats me, I have no right of saying anything when he gives bad words to my old mom, when even he still did not visit my family and my mom and does not know who they are or how they are? when every day he hurts me with his drunk habit, with his .... partners, with seeing his bad acts, and all time hearing that I will change myself!? How much more? A man who did not make any value for what I have done for him and daily he break my hearts with those dirty thing that he does... Why I should not have right to cry, to put my face to the sky, to call God HELP... It has become a wish, how lucky those ladies are that their husband has passed away wish I was one of them that I could see morning in my life, I could laugh with my child, that I could drink a simple water with no fare from that wild man.... day by day, hate increases in me about him and sigh comes out from my heart, from my tears... I want to shout to the sky and call God why you do not show your power to him? why God is not punishing him? why God is just see all these things and is quiet? why is not helping me? Please advice me what I have to do..
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23 responses
• China
22 Feb 13
God is busy, God helps those who help themselves, you should help yourself, did you try to seek help from local police or law? or call your family and tell them all this, and ask them if they can contact the consulate to help you back to your country?
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• India
22 Feb 13
Thank you for your advice, I have tried all of those steps, but this country laws does not have any right for foriegners and even no respect. my Husband gives them money and they tear complain letter, he even brings his friends who are same like him in behave and put many bad stamps on me in front of police of his country. second he has given already some letters and promises to the consulate but I do not know why they also run to accept responsibility after he breakes all of those legal promises. maybe becuase this country laws is too wild and take a long time maybe whole life to run in their court and finally if you have no money or support from strong one then judge and lawyers here can be the most who cheat you. helping myself I try too much. with good affirm, with giving more love and respect to my man, maybe he will be shy of himself... praying... but .... what I say?
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
Don't blame God for what is happening to you. Blame yourself because you allowed these things to happen. If you wanted a better life, leave the man. That's it! Find a way to live as a single parent. That is probably better than staying with this man you hate so much. God won't help people who don't help themselves. Don't ask him to punish others, you have no right to do that. Do what you have to do and stop ranting it on people and God. If you want things to change, do something about it.
@Aja103654 (5644)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
That's hard. Maybe you have a friend or someone you can trust where you and your child can stay? Are the police not doing anything when you reported your husband?
• India
23 Feb 13
Thanks for your advice, I also already tried that, but I have main problem of my kid national and mine is diffrent and leaving this man is as easy as drinking water but it is all becuause of my baby that I can not leave her for a wild man like that and even I can not take her to my country without her father permission for visa..
• India
26 Feb 13
No, they did not. laws is not strong of respectful here. I am so sorry for this ccountry
@free_man (7330)
• United States
22 Feb 13
Hi Extremefun4fun and welcome to my lot. In the USA women wouldn't put up with this. I can tell you what I would do if it was my husband I would wait till he had passed out from the drinking tie him up and beat the living day lights out of him. Believe me if you did this once he would stop his nonsense because he would be deathly afraid of you. God wants us all to help oursleves as much as we can. I don't know how it is in your country but can't you call the law in your country? When evil is near me I take some olive oil that I have asked God to bless as anointing oil and then put a little on my finger and anoint myself with it and the evil fleas from me. Luke 10:18-19 God gives us the power over all evil in the name of Jesus Christ. All I can do is pray for you but you can do so much more if you ask God to show you a way out HE will show you. Keep the faith in God and believe that God will help you. Never give up on God because if you give up on God HE will give up on you! Since you cook for him put a little sleeping pill in his food and then beat him he won't do it again if you do this. You are a child of God and God don't want any of HIS children to take anything. Go listen to this man he can teach you what God would want you to do.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
26 Feb 13
Sweetie don't grieve for your dad he is in Heaven with The FATHER (God) he is no longer suffering any more. Ecclesiastics 12;6-7 When the silver cord breaks we all go back to the FATHER (God Heaven) Which we came from. God don't want us to take anything from anyone God wants us to stand on our two feet and take charge. God gave us the power to rebuke all evil and this thing that thinks he is a man by hitting you is evil. When God comes back to this earth that thing your husband will face God and he won't like it but until then you have to do something to stop this from happening. Go listen to that site I gave you and you will learn that God don't want any of HIS children to get hurt. And you are a child of the Living God my friend! Your husband has you buffaloed and he knows it, don't let him have that power my friend@
• India
23 Feb 13
Thank you so much for your comment. Here is not my country, I live in my husband country and that is the reason he has found me alone here to do those thing with me. I also pray daily, I also call Jesus and Holly Marry every day and night. sometimes I see when I pray with broken heath, He become afraid that maybe my sigh take his life but I still keep my faith to God and that is all because of my faith to God and Jesus that I do not do wrong to him, otherwise, that much I am full from inside that if God could give me permisson to revenge, I would close him and beat him that much that he would never get chance of life again, but I have my little kid that there is nobody to look after her. that is why I ask help, and my mean for help is requesting to all good ones to pray for me so please pray for me.
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• India
26 Feb 13
Yes you are right he is not a man. a man never misuse an alone lady just for that to beat her and harress her. right yesterday I have heared that my father passed away and I just request him to let go as I can not control my cry and sorrows more than this. I know well that my sigh will take him one day. as I have no more way, I just trust and rest in God and I am sure that how much more he will be happy and powerful in his life then finally in a second is easy for God to take all chances from him and to punish him in a second that he would never imagine. and I know whatever his family did with me, that much that they broke my heart because I am from another country and far from family, and laugh that my father passed away, I am sure that one day these tears that I drop them today, in the future will come out from their eyes, and they God will show them all wrong things that they have done. one day pain of my broken heart definitly will sit in their heart and my tears will go for their eyes. It is all what give me power and trust to God. I hope them they will be shy in front of God one day.
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@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
22 Feb 13
Hi, Now you are NOT living in the premitive world and this is the modern era. There are solutions around and your are not moving as per law. I repeatedly ask you that in India in which State you belongs now. There are so many Sates in India divided primarily on linguistic majority basis. You have given rough and unclear clue wherein the people around finds difficult to comment precicely on it. As being an Indian, I can partially help you on your issue but needs to know more about your surroundings. Even in different State, there are exclusive law which prevails and there are so many ways to help you in this issue. First of of all, there are so many women organisations to whom you can approach. Also, you can coulsult with a lawyer or advocate (locally) where you belongs. Again, as per your earlier discussions, I understand that you are here in India for the last 5-7 years. If you are a catholic believer, you can approach the nearest church priest where you can confidentially have a discussion and get his opinion on it. Next, if it is not helping, you can file a police compliant with the nearest police station, again it will help you. Now, what all things you need to be considered, as being a non-Indian citizen, have you taken the Indian citizenship, does you have a valid passport, are you got married leagally and do you have sufficient proof for your marriage. As per your country or origin, there are different laws exists and it varies on countries. If you are a citizen of USA, UK, Australia, Phillipines, or whatever it is, there may be different criterias to be verified. If you are in India on a job visa, or married to an Indian and become Indian citizen, and your child is considered as an Indian and you are a foreigner, your h/b again is an India and the law insists with different norms. So, you now better to find out from internet or other sources, which women organisation can be approachable to you and make certain studies on women organisations. There are a lot of such NGOs and other Social Services Centres to help women in this regarad and there are prominent people from India is headed to it and you will get proper solutions for all your problems. Also, in this case, calling on God make no solution and it is absolutely depend on variuous other factors. So, be actived and think positive to get some solutions to your problems. How educated you are and is there any chance to get a job in India for you? If you are just wasting time at home and doing nothing for you, make no way forward. Understnad the facts and move accordingly. You can get contact numbers or address from the internet aboauth these organisations and find out how helpful are them. Please understand that a discussion over here wont make much influence and your own action through the proper channel is required to get resolved from these kind of issues. If he beats you, and banned you to visit your home country are totally illegal and you have adequate and sufficnet reasons for a genuine complaint. Why you need to suffer from such a person? You can legally look for a divorce (if nothing works out), wherein you need to have proper marriage certificates etc. However, you can PM me with your details and I can think of some positive way forward on this issue. But need to know where in India, so that I can somewhat estimate about your current position. These all are not supposed to speak out over here, but hope it will be a help for people who are having the same situation. Have a nice day.
• India
22 Feb 13
even I can not go back to my country because according to my country my baby before age of 18 for getting visa needs father permisson. so even I can not get visa for my child to escape from here... embassy told me to close my eyes for baby and leave her they will send me back but I can not leave my baby for this evil and that kind of worse family that he is belong... I would never, I am falling day by day as I am a mother I can not leave my baby for animals to tear her.... Never. that is why just sigh comes all time from my heart.. that is why I call God as nobody else is witness of all these sorrows and pain
• India
22 Feb 13
If you are well educated and faith enough to get a job, try for some job in any of the companies here and there are companies who provides jobs with best salary and there are so many companies provide jobs for overseas (non Indian) girls if they can well handle with foreign clients (on secretarial) jobs and you can try somewhere in the country. All depend on your decision and just simply weeping and finding fault with destiny is a kind of evation form the facts and trying to hide out from the realities. So, wake up and do try from your best and first try to secure a job and once you are able to stand alone without anyone's help, you can rent an apartment or a residence for your own and get a legal divorce from your mad man and gry to settle with yoru child here. I think the organisations here will help you, but for all things you need to come out and look forward. Just doing nothing is as good as getting all the waste from your h/b and his family and it will go on as long as I know. So, think better and find a better solution. Even now, you didn't answered many of the questions and I think you are still scared of something/someone and this is the reason why you are exploited and it will continue as long as you didn't react.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
6 Apr 13
I have to ask how you got yourself in the situation you are in now? Do you have family that can help you get away? If you can write on the internet you could get a hold of them and see if they can help you out of the situation.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
6 Apr 13
Your family isn't on the internet? Then I would try and send a letter or a call them if you can.
• India
6 Apr 13
thanks but how can I write for help on net?
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
23 Feb 13
Hi extreme! I really feel sad upon reading this post of yours. I don't know much about the law in you country but definitely one thing is sure, you are being deprived of your right as a woman and as a human being. In our country, we have this law about women empowerment which gives women equal opportunities as that of men. Although there are cases of violence involving women, these are rare cases. You can solicit the help of the authorities in your country to help you. I am sure no one wants that a woman will suffer. There must be a way. Have a nice day!
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
23 Feb 13
I'm sorry for that. How about your country? From where are you? Why don't you go back to you homeland?
• India
23 Feb 13
I live in country of my husband and he is Indian, and I do not think anything worse that Indian laws. Here there is no respect for ladies as their national ladies is just servent of in laws home and even here in india men family ask money and properties from wife's family. they are too wild people. good and bad are everywhere but what I experience between these people is this only.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
22 Feb 13
Your discussion and its contents make me feel sad after reading it. What apparently you are suffering is called 'Domestiv violance'. If you are basically from India you would have heard about it. You could seek legal recourse under Domestic Violance Act. You seem to me an educated and mature person, what stops you from catching the bull by horn. You should confront and tell him that he is doing injustice to you and if you take any step he could be behind the bars. Be bold and courageous, the more you tolerate without any resistence, the more he will torture you. All the best.
• India
22 Feb 13
where I go here when already people by laws here with some money?
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
5 Mar 13
You know, I really do believe that prayer is something that really can help in our lives. However, I also think that when we face situations in our lives with a lot of adversity, we have to take some action for ourselves. There are places where there are counselors that will be able to help you through the abuse that you've faced and this will give you the strength that you are going to need to break free of the abuse that you've had to deal with in your life. I certainly hope that you are able to get yourself out of this situation before it is too late.
• India
6 Apr 13
the only thing that I am able to do here is just praying and leave for God... I hope that God will open a way and light appears into my life.. I left everything for God as he knows better what to do...and he knows better about my condition..
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
if you have been treated badly by this guy, then why stay? You are only tormenting yourself even more by allowing yourself to stay longer in one roof. Why do you allow him to beat you? You should have left your house the first time he did it. Never encourage him to look down on you. You are a person and his partner with his kid and that should be reason enough for him to respect you.
• India
22 Feb 13
He doesnot know anythng about respect to a lady . for him ladies are just a piece of tasy meat to use and throgh but keep one as wife for image of friends and family that I am married and have kid.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
He is a worthless person ! You leaved him the soonest !
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Hello friend ! thanks you are still around , hang on there and pray , God won't leave you ! He will protect you ! My friend my eyes were filled with tears upon reading this post . How a man can afford to do that to a woman. Friend your husband is a beast ! Thanks God you still have that little braveness left in you , hold on to that , that is the only thing left in you that is the thing that will take you from that darkness . Do you have a media there ? Can you not ask help from them ? Some friends ? I guess the best is the media if the police there has no good also. I have known some men of your nationality but they are do good , God fearing people. My friend don't just pray and do nothing , you should do something. I guessed in that place some good hearted people can help from you , go ask from them. Some guru in the temple go there , seek rescue from them . Don't just accept those beats and whips , you and your baby moved out from that place while you alive. If you are just in my country , no problem you are very protected by our law and many women NGO who will help you even me i will look for you and will rescue . My friend we are not in Barbarian age , we are in modern age . Meaning , we have the right to live peacefully and safely . We have the right to fight and stand for what is humane and right. Women are empowered now ! No way to be oppressed and abused. Don't lose hope . Don't be afraid to fight ! Help is on the way ! Fear not God is there to help you. Evil will never triumph over Good! I am feeling your pain too. In spirit we join you to fight more and have that strength . My prayers for you and to your kids. You can pass this nightmare , believe me you can and you will !
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
I am at your back , women are always at your back ! You are not alone in this world ! The only thing that you need now is to be strong and have that Faith to God. With God nothing is impossible !
• India
23 Feb 13
Thank you so much to understand my situation. I really need pray from good people like you. from the time of being with this situation, I have become more close to God and that is the only remain hope for me. I love Jesus, howany that I am not christian, I have seen from the time I have started my praying, whenever I cry and suffer more, I see that I call Jesus, I do not know but I feel that something is with me which do not let me to give up yet... but anyway I really need pray for me that I come out of this darkness.
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
I understand the feeling of hate for years. My mom might have been in the same situation as you did. I really hate my dad to the point where I wish I could just disappear so that I won't be able to see him again. My sister and I have been traumatize for so long. My father thinks he's always right, has a VVVVVEEEEEERRRRRY huge ego and pride,he doesn't want to be told especially if my sister and I wanted to talk back to him,he hasn't found a job and did not even bother to make an effort to find one because he likes to be the boss rather than to work under the boss, most of the time always at home and does nothing but eat and watch TV, keeps saying things what to do and not to do and being a hypocrite. My sister and father never got along and until now they are still fighting, they live together at the same house but act as if they don't exist. Need I say more, there's plenty of that where it came from. I have been hiding my anger for the past years and so was my sister because we were told by our mom to not talk back to our dad so that it won't cause anymore trouble. I can't forgive him, I swore with my life that my I can never forgive him until I die. I know this is wrong and I really find ways to forgive but I can't. To tell you the truth I never question God why. I had enough and now I'm like some zombie waiting for the day when I can disappear. My only way to get away from him is to save enough money to live on my own along with my sister.I'm not sure if this is good but the best way to do that is to keep away or better yet leave. It's a bad influence to your child that the father is like that and maybe someday when the child grows up either your child will grow up to be like him or will also develop hatred towards him. That's what me and my sister are right now.
• India
22 Feb 13
Hi there, the ironical part is that your story and your name are in complete contrast. I am sorry for whatever has happened with you or everything that you are going through. But we must understand that these things happen because we let them happen. You have access to internet, you can definitely reach out for help. Being a victim is surely not going to do any good. Stand up for yourself. Help yourself and God will definitely help you. Take care.
• India
22 Feb 13
I choose the name like that as when I did not get any result for my darkness of life, I try maybe to make some changes to call some light in my life with affirming and using good words. I want to be happy and I also see there is fun in my life, those that my husband has closed them on my life.
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
I felt very sorry for your situation.You are not alone experiencing that miserable life you have right now. We never knew what's the reason why your husband act like that. The're might be reason for that. However, he doesn't have the right to do it. You have to stand and confront him. God sees you and hear your agonies.He already sight solution of your problem it just that you haven't feel or see it. You didn't feel His existence because you are full of hatred and negative thoughts. Keep your faith in Him.Trust God and you will never fail. Open your mind and heart.I know you already know what to do but you don't have the courage to do it.
@21wakoko (52)
• Philippines
10 Mar 13
I feel the same way. I cant stop myself from hating others too. Eventhough i believe in God and know he's words, still i cant stop myself everytime I think of them..
• India
6 Apr 13
to give some power to myself I just pray and talk to God, sometimes cry for him and say that you know about each seconds of my life and I leave the one, who hurt me a lot for you, give me power .... in that way I feel some better... you also try like that...
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
Hi there extremefun, First of all, i am sorry that you in such a situation. I would assume that we are talking about your husband in this discussion? From what i can make of it you are a foreigner to the land and you followed him there for the sake of the family you are supposed to have with him, is that correct? I can understand that you have such feelings for this man and hopefully not with God. He has made you expect on things like how you are to be treated and you got the opposite. The situation you are in with this person is not final. I know it isn't and you can do something about it. It is up to you to take the first step to improve and change your situations. Ask yourself these questions and know what you can do and work on the answers: 1. Do i still feel that this man can change? 2. Do i deserve this? Will i allow this to continue with my life? 3. What are the things I can do to change the situation?? 4. Why is this happening now? When did this start and how is this going to stop? You see, if you continue to do this if you just hate if you do not do anything about it... i think you will always be in the situation and its already too deep before you realize it could be too late to get out of the situation. Gather your strength and contact your relatives who can help you with the situation and plan your actions. Help yourself first and everything else will follow.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
24 Feb 13
I think I can understand how you are feeling now but I hope that you will not let your anger confuse yourself to start hating and forget to protect your child and yourself. I hope that you will remember that you have a child who needs your attention, care and protection. You mention that you are not a citizen of India and as such I wonder if you had ever thought of seeking your country's embassy to help you. I am sure they would be able to help on how you could go about with your problem even if your child is an India nationality. You will probably need to bring the child's birth certificate to prove you are the mother besides your own passport. I believe there's a women's helpline (1091) which is toll free for you to call with your plight. I understand the government has set this up to help women in distress and many other problems in real time. I think you may need to be as detailed as possible when you call them to make a report. Also, there is a women's protection organization - Ministry of Women and Child Development where you may seek out if you are unable to get through the helpline or too far to get to your country's embassy. The website address if you are interested is: Let me just say that no one including you should tolerate domestic violence and that you must never believe that your man that he will not repeat his acts of misdemeanor or violence. You need to be away from him and let him go through proper counseling to deal with his problem. Walking away does not mean that you are wrong especially when you are doing it for the sake of your child. Stay alive and take good care of your child.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
24 Feb 13
It is hard to give advice without knowing in which country you now reside. Knowing your religion would help, too. I will say one thing. Your husband may have forced you to give birth to a child, but it is not the child's fault. Your child can sense your unhappiness and the tension you are under. Try to be happy for your child's sake. It is very hard to respect someone who lies, but God does command that we love (respect) our husbands.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Well, I think you need to decide on yourself and not let that man to abuse you. Why don't you leave him, if he is always beating you and hurt you. Do the right decision in your life. Do not let anyone to maltreat you because your a woman. If your partner threaten you when you leave...better to go to the police to protect you from such abuse done by your partner.
• United States
23 Feb 13
First, I want to welcome you to mylot, I noticed your number as being fairly new. I don't want to sound disingenuous, but in having a hard time believing everything you say as complete and accurate truth. Is your husband some big, important person like a diplomat or some kind if rich mob boss? How can he buy off the police to tear up your police report? How can the whole population of India be against you so that you are essentially a prisoner in your home. You can't be destitute. You are using the Internet. It just does not make sense. If I'm not understanding the seriousness if your post I am very sorry. I don't want to be disrespectful. If you are truly being abused and held prisoner as you imply here with your words, you must get up and do something besides pray. Your prayers hit the ceiling and go no further. You must do something to change your life. What possessed you to be with him if he is such a monster? Something just doesn't ring true to me. Are you playing with us? Everything everyone has suggested you have shot down. In sorry but every country has an embassy I think. I'm not positive if that, but I can't believe thus post is as dire as you make out. Mylot is a great place to vent and to give information, but we can't get you out if a bad situation. You have to put on your big girl panties and do something to help yourself. I hear the laws in India are not 'women friendly' but I have a hard time believing there are no resources for women at all, citizen or otherwise. I went to your profile and looked at your discussions and I don't see the desperation in other posts. For some reason I feel that your discussion doesn't ring true. I mean, you have shot down every suggestion to appear as a victim. If you really are a victim of abuse, in very sorry for my thoughts here of unbelief, but you don't make it easy for me to believe you. Not when I see you playing around in discussions. You mentioned in one discussion that you were bored. I think bored people will create a discussion to attract attention to liven things up. I'm sorry that I can't believe everything you say. I don't mean to be bad or cruel. It just doesn't ring true to my sense if logic.
@Keynote (399)
• India
23 Feb 13
I think your husband is also in great trouble and may be emotionally disturb more than you.As any mentally and emotionally healthy person can not do such things with his wife.You should start fresh and talk to him nicely in order to solve the problem as why he does what he does such things and IF after your repeated effort he won't change than leaving the person is best option but you should do this after giving him one more GENUINE chance to him.