Something about animation peripheral products

too expensive! - Some animation peripheral products are really too expensive for their main customer "teenagers."
February 22, 2013 11:42am CST
I am not sure about other country, but in mine, the peripheral products of animation (and comics+novels) are extremely expensive compare to our daily expenses. I know exclusive stuff should cost higher, and I don't mind "donating" some money to my favorite anime. However, I am an adult who makes my own ends meet, and it start to become a problem among my teenager students. I think they spend too much on these things, and they are spending their parents...... Although it is a good time to teach my younger generation how to use money wisely, I also start to think about the high profit of animation peripheral products. If their main customers are those who lives on their parents, they should somehow think about low down their price; otherwise, the culture of anime will become harder accepted.
1 response
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
22 Feb 13
it is really easy to make money on anime life.. opposite of actual life.. your a really anime fun, yes for now it is easy to spend anything as long as we have a money.. but we need to control it to avoid being bankrupt in the future.
• Taiwan
22 Feb 13
Yeah~(although going bankrupt is a bit too extreme...) But what makes me more worried is the younger gerneration. They are using too much their parents' money on their own fun, and it might make negative impression of anime.