Doing Dishes

United States
February 22, 2013 1:10pm CST
I hate doing dishes by hand , but today i have to. See we don't have dishwasher detergent just the dish liquid for the sink. Now i'm not going to the store for detergent first all because of all the snow in Missouri where i live. Also i don't drive and hubby has the car for work. Besides all this our dishwasher doesn't work well anyway so i'd probably have to do the dishes by hand even if we did have detergent. I absolutely hate doing dishes by hand because it takes longer and gives me dish pan hands. But right now we can't afford to even get the dishwasher fixed let alone a new one so i do dishes by hand. Who here on my lot has done dishes by hand before and do you mind doing them by hand? I used to live in an apartment that didn't have a dishwasher so i did dishes by hand all the time then and hated it.
10 responses
@internaty (257)
• Chile
6 Mar 13
I like doing dishes but using my gloves because the skin of my hands gets hurt with the detergent, also I am alergic, but it is really good when the dishes are clean and in order
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Feb 13
We actually do have a dishwasher in our home right now, but it doesn't clean things worth a crap, so we don't use that dishwasher. We do have a new dishwasher that we need to get installed, but we haven't done that yet so the new dishwasher is not something that I'm able to use right now. This does mean that I have to wash my dishes by hand. This isn't something that I really like to do, but I know that doing my dishes by hand right now is definitely superior to using the dishwasher we have in the house right now that would require washing the dishes again by hand after they'd been run through the dishwasher.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
23 Feb 13
i actually don't mind washing dishes by hand just because it is a quiet time for me to be alone and listen to music that i like (but no one else does in my house. it is just a time for me to chill. as for my kids, they hate doing dishes and both daughters swear that they will be getting a dishwasher when they leave our nest.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
23 Feb 13
I miss having a dishwasher. An apartment that my hubby and I used to live at. I loved having it. I'd wash dishes all the time in the dishwasher. I just loved loading the dishwasher with dishes after having them rinsed off and then just turning it on and letting the machine do the rest of the work. Now this place that we are living in does not have a dish washer and we have to wash dishes by hand. I hate washing dishes by hand. But I do it when needed so we don't have a sink full of dishes. I always think about asking the landlord if he would let us buy and install a dishwasher in the kitchen. I think that he would let us. I think though, that whenever we move again, I'd like to either move somewhere that has a dishwasher already installed if we will be renting or if not ask the landlord if we can install one and if not then just live without one. If we were to buy a home, I'd just go buy one. I miss having a dishwasher.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
Unlike you i like washing the dishes. It gives me pride when i see them so clean on the drainer. I like the feel of the water on my hands. So how did you remedy the non-existence of the dishwashing detergent?
@LoKoMoMe (511)
• Belize
23 Feb 13
it is not a really big deal that I wash a dish in my own hand it besides i think for me its only a little work compare to my work everyday.. its easy to wash dish but not a ton of dish =)
@rndistgg (109)
• United States
22 Feb 13
I am very seasoned in washing dishes by hand. It's not bad if you're used to doing them every day but once you get them nice and piled up it's a 2 hour chore. You don't realize what a blessing a dish washer is until you've gone 2 years without one...Heck even a month without one. I have noticed that SOMETIMES I feel like a dishwasher just doesn't get dishes as clean as you would like or it leaves spots. I do feel like nothing is as clean as it can be unless you put in some elbow grease and do it by hand. However nothing is easier than having a machine do it for you. I'm a big advocate of thoroughly rinsing before putting them in the you kind of think to yourself, "I'm already rinsing them completely, why not go over it with a sponge and be done with it." I don't mind washing dishes by hand when I know I have a dishwasher, but it's exhausting when I'm obligated to wash by hand if that makes sense, lol. Get a good dish washing soap that has moisturizers specifically to protect your hands. I got in the habit of using hand cream right afterwards as it really can give your hands a beating.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Feb 13
It used to really bother me. I didn't like how my hands felt afterward. I do dishes by hand sometimes, but I prefer not to if I don't have to.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
It is really not that common in our country to be using the dishwasher. I think only some of the rich people here uses it. It has always been the job of the helpers to do it manually. Our family being in the average status, it is always I who would do the dishes. Well, it makes my hands tired sometimes most especially if kids are at home. They tend to be using drinking glasses and plates all the time. But I have not choice but to clean them of course.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
22 Feb 13
I actually like washing dishes by hand. The only time that I use the dishwasher is when there's a lot of dishes and the rest of my family are already seated and catching up. I don't wanna miss the fun! Also, when I have to go run an errand and there are some dishes that needs to be washed, I use the dishwasher.