How to make friends

United States
February 22, 2013 3:56pm CST
This is going to sound stupid but I really don't know how to make friends in the neighborhood. We live in a very good area of town. I don't know one person in my neighborhood. I have said hello to my neighbor across the street but I don't know her name. She has a live in girlfriend. I've waved and said hi to her also. Sometimes their chihuahua comes over to my house to bark at me. Once their Yorkie came over too. They were unattended and I saw that they got home. We have interacted a couple of times but no friendship came of it. I guess everyone is like us. We mind our own business and wave when we see another person but that's it. Please give me some ideas on how to get to know my neighbors. It may sound stupid but I just don't know how. I don't guess anyone knows how either because they never welcomed us or anything. So please tell me what you would do in my place. Let's hear it.
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11 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Feb 13
I remember back in the 70s whenever I moved to a new place, the neighbors would stop by and introduce themselves. some would bring baked goods or a little gift while others just chatted for a bit and welcomed us to the neighborhood. Most of the neighborhoods had what was called "The Welcome Wagon" which was a group of neighbors just welcoming newcomers in. It was pretty cool but you don't see that anymore very often. I have to say that I am one of those that keeps to myself. When my kids were smaller, I often met friends just at the playground etc. My boss lives in a nice neighborhood and one couple decided a couple of years ago that it would be a great idea to throw a neighborhood party. He and his wife sent invites to all their neighbors to come over for a cookout. It worked! Now they all take turns having neighborhood parties for different occasions. he and his wife has made some wonderful friends through these parties. They have card parties and all sorts of get togethers.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I would hope that someone would help you out but I can see why you wouldn't trust that. How horrible and sad it is that a woman in a wheel chair can have such an accident and no one bothered to offer to help. I understand that the world has become a scary place but to me, it does not seem as if people are just fearful. It seems they've grown colder as well. i could not ignore someone in need of help. I came home one night and saw a truck had backed up and landed in the swamp. His headlights were shining straight up into the sky. In the moment, I did not even think about being afraid. I walked toward the truck and suddenly a young college age kid crawled up over the embankment. I asked him if he was ok and if he needed me to call anyone. I did not have a cell phone at the time but I had a house phone. He was not hurt but was very drunk. He wanted me to call for a tow truck and then stand out there and lie to the cops that it was me who was driving because I was sober. I told him that I would not lie and that I'd had my car towed a few times and no cop ever showed up. He had a cell phone and told me to forget it...he did not need my help so I went into my apartment. Oh a tow truck came and so did the cops. Anyway, I got a lot of lectures from people for even approaching the kid. Anything could have happened, they said. Thing is, it was very late at night and IF he were hurt, he could have been there for hours before someone saw him. I would rather take that risk than to feel the guilt later if someone had needed help and I ignored it.
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• United States
23 Feb 13
Yeah, no one welcomes you anymore. I find it quite sad. I hope if I fall out in the yard someone will have the wherewithal to at least come ask if I need help. I keep my phone on me just for that reason. I had a wheelchair accident several years ago. I wanted to go see my best friend and I was wheeling myself along okay and then the street got steeper and I couldn't control my chair. I tried to stop it by doing a Fred Flintstone move with my feet and it threw me out of the chair. I landed next to the ditch. I had to call 911. No one outside even called to me to see if I was hurt.
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@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
1 Mar 13
hi dear PQ I am afraid I am not of much help as its basically the same here. I got to know someone nice when commuting to work and now we are friends. She is in a rehab now so I cant chat with her and I miss this friend a lot. I am also very slow to make friends in real life, and I am glad I have so many lovely online friends who mean a lot to me.
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• United States
1 Mar 13
Hi Ritter. It's okay. I'm over it. I was quite depressed when I wrote this discussion. I'm happy with my online friends. Y'all are more real than any offline friends I used to have.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Feb 13
you live in the south lol, southern hospitality invite them over for some tea.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Feb 13
okay if you feel like it will work, I still think the tea is a good icebreaker though
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• United States
1 Mar 13
Everyone has iced tea in their fridge. It's a staple. Even in winter. No one hardly drinks hot tea.
• United States
23 Feb 13
When I first came here in 1977 everyone waved and were hospitable. They told you to come back soon and don't be a stranger...but people in this neighborhood and my last one were all very much to themselves. I will have to try something like that. I think I will just be honest and say I have not made any friends here and I've been here 7 months already.
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
23 Feb 13
I think sometimes it depends on the neighborhood. We've moved a bunch so have lived in more than a few neighborhoods Even in this city we've been in four neighborhoods. This last one is the friendliest so far, but interestingly, the lowest rent. We don't pop into each other's homes, but we get together outside a lot for small conversations and look out for each other a bit. We get tabs on the neighborhood dogs, which ones are being left out barking, check out the garage sales, admire new automobile purchases, check out the flowers,shoot a few hoops with the neighborhood kids. It's just casual stuff and that's what I recommend and that's how it started. Persistence. My last neighborhood last year was harder, everyone was just like you described and popped in and out of their homes with hardly a word. Did some cookies when I moved in and you would think I was handing out poison to a few homes - well knew who didn't want to be friendly huh? It took a year of hellos to even get any conversation going. I honestly think it depends on the neighborhood. One more thing, if you have kids the same age in common, it just seems to happen on its own. My kids are grown now so.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I agree with you on that PQ. I am very busy and my work hours as well as other obligations don't allow me much down time. I also value my space and solitude. Still, I love people. I had one friend here that I actually met through the kids when they were a bit younger. It was so cool. She lived just across the way from me and would stop by about mid-morning for a coffee & chat and then usually after dinner, we'd meet up again for another coffee. It was that comfortable kind of friendship where she KNEW that my door was always open for her and hers for me. Unfortunatly, she moved and while we are still friends, she is a distance away and so I rarely see her. I have other friends outside of the neighborhood but it is really cool when you can just call someone up and say "hey, I need to talk or Im taking a break, want to come over for a coffee?"
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• United States
23 Feb 13
Yeah it does I think. I don't have any kids. My daughter is 43, so kids aren't an option. I'm not going to force myself on anyone but I DMSO hope I can get to know some folks. Most of the time I like my space but there are times when I would like to be around people for coffee and conversation.
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• United States
28 Feb 13
Yep most people are very busy now. All of my old friends are various distances away from me. I have a couple of friends that come to the house sometimes but they are family friends, not my personal girlfriends.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Feb 13
My sister suggested I go to the neighbors on either side with some cookies I have baked and introduce myself. Too social phobic to actually do it. :D
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• United States
22 Feb 13
I guess that is me too. I hope this isn't the one I asked Alex to zap. It got double posted somehow. I'm really not one to be a social butterfly. However, we have a beautiful neighborhood. It's sad not to know a single person.
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Feb 13
I actually had plans to bake cookies and introduce ourselves when we moved here. Well, we already met a bunch of the neighbors before we actually settled in - so we didn't need to introduce ourselves anymore. And then I just never got around to baking cookies. I was going to do it for Christmas then - but that never happened either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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• United States
23 Feb 13
So...are you all social or not yet due to not baking the cookies get? . Why is it so hard!?
• United States
23 Feb 13
I have the same problem as you do. I don't really know any of my neighbors either. I guess I know my neighbors the best because they have a daughter that plays with my granddaughter but that is about it. I have lived here for over 20 years and I have never really known any of my neighbors.
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• United States
23 Feb 13
That's how it is for me. I met the lesbian couple cause of their dogs but just to say hi. I've got to make a move somehow. I just want to find someone to connect with. I miss my old friends so badly. I don't have a car to go visit them and they haven't come to our house.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
22 Feb 13
It seems to be more the normal any more. So few people know their neighbors and we all seem to live in our own little spheres. I think it takes a certain amount of effort to reach out and I think that most people would respond positively if we did. Maybe asking questions to get them talking would help. (Have you ever seen a winter with so much snow? How long have you lived here? Did you hear all those sirens last night?) I can give the advice but I don't follow it myself. I've lived here several years and neighbors have come and gone. I only actually knew one of them in all that time.
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• United States
23 Feb 13
Yes! We all live in our own little worlds! That's it exactly.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Feb 13
I would say leave well enough alone. You shouldn't force these things and I think it's natural that people would rather wave from a distance and otherwise mind their own business and keep to themselves. It would be different if they had rolled out the welcome mat and were on your doorstep every five minutes but that's not the case. I think what you have now is a happy medium.
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• United States
28 Feb 13
I'm not the type to force myself on anyone. When I wrote this I was feeling a bit lonely but I'm fine now and I'm happy with my life and happy with my friends here.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
22 Mar 13
I'm having trouble with the same thing. I moved in 6 months ago and ive met the neighbours, my boyfriend has introduced me to the men but...their wives arent very friendly. In someways for my situation i think theyre a little standoffish towards me because my boyfriend is getting divorced (was separated when he met me) but his ex wife tends to bad mouth me.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Feb 13
One thing you could do is use these situatations as an excuse to introduce yourself. When they come over after the dog or when you take it back you could take that opportunity to introduce yourself and start a dialogue. Or if you are out and wave that could be too. Some people aren't as friendly as others and so the others in the neighborhood might not be as easy to meet. Maybe when they are out doing yard work in the Spring. I am shy(not like I used to be) so I usually leave the friends making to my daughter. She is the friendly one in the family. I started her out early. I was so shy when I was younger I would run in the house when I saw the mailman coming. When I had my daughter I would have her ask the waitress for more pop or whatever. I got her to do it because I was shy and I think it helped her not to be.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Feb 13
My daughter was hyper active anyway and she used to drive me nuts when we out in public. She was up and all over the place if I didn't stay on her constantly. So getting her to go get things was a means to an end. Hope you get to know your neighbors.
• United States
23 Feb 13
That was a great strategy with teaching your daughter to become social. I think always being shut up as a kid know...being seen but not heard... I just was stifled because my mom and dad were always shushing me. Be quiet! I guess I just learned to be how I am. I don't know how to be any other way. You have a great idea. I'd have to offer my name again because I would have to ask their names again.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Hmmm. Well...Im in NY! A very small town in NY! One of those towns where everyone knows what everyone in town is doing. Geesh...sometimes I think peope are spying on us! We tend to stay to ourselves. We have neighbors surrounding us on all sides and right across the street as well. We dont talk to ANY of them. Once in a while I say Hi to my neighbor across the street if I see her in the store...or maby i will shoot her a quick hand in the air as Im pulling out of my driveway. I do say Hello to my neighbor on my right side when I see her in public...but as for EVERYONE else on this whole street...I dont talk to them. Actually...I dont talk to anyone in this town. Id really like some nice mommy friends./..but this just isnt the right town for that. Id rather just sit home and mind my own buisness! Which is exactly what we do. We actually enjoy it
• United States
28 Feb 13
Sounds like Kingsbury! I grew up in Kingsbury NY and that is how it was when I was growing up.