Homophobic Godfather

United States
February 22, 2013 5:06pm CST
Bear with me, folks. My son's godfather and I were talking about male influence on my four year old son the other day. I already know that my son's godfather is homophobic due to the way he behaves and treats people that are homosexual. I tried to overlook it even though he is really embarrassing in public. However, he has reason to believe his own son is going to (in his words) "grow up to be gay" now his focus is on my son. He wants my son surrounded by images of things like Batman and Superman actually every manly comic book character known to man. He wants my son to avoid lollipops and popsicles (he said no man should have their lips wrapped around anything) He tries to get my son to avoid all shades of pink and purple (said they are girly colors) and just recently he tried to take my baby's action figures saying that they are dolls.. Now, here's the thing...I believe he needs help and he is in denial. I am just about ready to ban him from even being around my son. Any thoughts?
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5 responses
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
23 Feb 13
Strange that he has so much focus on your son and not his own He does have issues. Is he so overly 'protective' of your son because he feels he's already failed his own? It is an odd statement for him to say he feels his son is going to grow up gay. I would talk to him. He has to understand that your son is your son and he is already a parent to his own children. If he is trying to overshadow your authority with your son then he is being down right disrespectful to you. Regardless of his phobia, he needs to understand that he's crossing the lines of a friendship here.
• United States
23 Feb 13
Everyone has to make choices. I would choose not to have this person around my children. Sorry, I just view it as poisonous. Sounds like he is difficult to be around anyway and wouldn't want the added stress.
• United States
25 Feb 13
I was patient with him for a very long time. This is a guy who is content sitting around, playing video games waiting for nightfall so he can go to the strip club and get into all types of trouble. He is one of those guys who needs a woman that doesn't have sense but has a good job so she can fund his video games and other addictions. I watched the way he interacted with my son and it seemed as though it was ok. He taught him about boy stuff, the stuff that I had no knowledge of and it was cool until he started all the 'that's gay' business...oh well..
• United States
23 Feb 13
It's quite bizarre because his oldest son is slowly growing to become just like him. He helps his father pick on his little brother. It's not that he is over-stepping boundaries, its just this whole thing with him is annoying 'don't cry, that's for girls. You can't play with that, it's pink. Pink is for girls.' Thats what makes me have these discussions with him on the way to teach my son about anything.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
23 Feb 13
OMG he is going to drive your son crazy. First of all "lollipops" is he kidding me? Kojak sucked on a lollipop throughout his series on TV. You couldn't find anyone more macho then him at that time. He has deep rooted problems and I wouldn't had made him the godfather. Didn't you know how he was before you named him the godfather? Action figures are for boys. I don't understand because its an action figur DOLL? He needs therapy and I would definitely keep him away from your son if I were you, until he gets the help he needs. He will be nothing but trouble for him especially when your son gets older. Something must have happened to him when he was younger for him to be this way.
• United States
23 Feb 13
the lollipops and popsicles thing gave me a migraine...my son loves elmo..when that thing happened with kevin clash, that sent him on a half hour tirade..elmo is going to make the boy gay..I knew that dude played with little boys...it was horrible! He doesn't even like my son in the room with me while I am doing my nail art..but will then turn around and ask for a manicure..he is a certified nut. I thought about Kojak when he went on about the candy but he is one of those people you just can't tell anything. His belief system is so warped and I wonder just how he ended up with 12 daughters and 2 sons..he took his beliefs to my therapist and she quickly prescribed him pills to 'help him be more positive'...
• United States
23 Feb 13
"he took his beliefs to my therapist" Why is he talking to YOUR therapist?
• United States
23 Feb 13
if I could get into all his issues (non-harming to my child and I..more like himself) you would see where he definitely needed a therapist..I referred him to mine thinking she could help him..she calmed him down but I am still waiting for him to either change his views or come out and admit my suspicions..
@rndistgg (109)
• United States
22 Feb 13
Have you asked him if he's trying to fight off his own homosexual demons? He needs to realize the time that he's living in. Homosexuality is much more accepted these days. There are worse character flaws for your kids to grow into besides homosexuality. For example, they could grow up as judgemental, unaccepting 'homophobes'. How does this man treat people of other races or women? I would be more worried about the way he's acting being rubbed off on my child. Forcing action figures on him wont make him less gay if that is what he is born to be. My daughter loved airplanes, dinosaurs and getting muddy where my nephew liked to play house and barbie dolls. Now that they are older he is definately a rowdy boy and she is a girly girl. You need to let them discover themselves and figure out what they like and who they are. I never sent her to school and asked her if she had a boyfriend or if any boys were cute or forced 'boy' on her. That's not for me to decide. Is your son's father around or is his god father his only male influence? If the father is around I would ask him how he feels about the situation. I do feel like the godfather is putting way too much focus on whether or not he turns out gay. It seems like it is a huge topic to him and that is going to have negative affects on your son in my opinion if, at such a young age, that is of main importance. I also think it's sad that since he assumes his son is going to be gay he sweeps him under the rug and tries to over do it with the homocontrol. He's your son and you know him best. Let him do, like and wear what makes him happy and accept and love him no matter what. I fear he's going to get a complex or try to be someone he's not so he can be accepted. I'm not saying he's going to be gay by any means but trying your hardest to be completely opposite of gay can have terrible effects and morals as well.
@rndistgg (109)
• United States
25 Feb 13
This does not sound like someone you should let have ANY say on raising your son. He does not sound like a good role model or a good father based on this information. I would be worried about your son picking up ANY of his traits. I have learned you need to give your kid more credit that you think. You may think that he's not paying any attention to his antics but you would be surprised how much the pick up and store away in their ever expanging minds. You don't want your son exploiting women and having children with multiple women without taking care of them or treating them the way they deserve. I DEFINATELY would NOT give him such an important rold as 'godfather'. If something happens to you, you have let this man know that he is the one, above all else, that you trust to raise your son, take care of him, love him, guide him and watch him grow into the man he deserves to be. I don't believe he has the capacity to raise your son along with his other 14 kids to begin with much less the financial stability that it takes to provide for 15 kids. This sounds like emotional abuse waiting to happen and one simple mistake that you let slide could ruin your sweet baby's life. No male role model is better than this one. Don't let your precious baby pay the price. He's much better off having a wonderful momma showing him the way with NO male influence if this is all that he has to choose from. I think you know how men urinate...This man is not necessary.
• United States
25 Feb 13
no he isn't needed around here and I loved that through all his antics, my son never took him seriously. My son looks at him as though he is an overgrown kid, really. I wanted him to teach my son the way guys pee (standing) because he was doing it sitting (guess it was a habit from potty training) and at his school, I think it might have been mentioned to me that he did it. At this point,I am just glad he is not around like he used to be. I had to tell him to mind his mouth around my child. I guess he didn't take that too well...
• United States
23 Feb 13
I tried to explain to him that gay folks are here to stay. He is one of those people who refuses to see anybody's view on anything. And a not so proud father of 14 children. His attitude on women? Let's see...proud to have a woman sell her body to pay for his existence, openly cheats on his girlfriend, had a baby with the same woman he had selling her body, that's the tame stuff. As for the way he is with my Bakari, I appreciated him teaching my baby how to 'pee the manly way' and about comic book heroes but all that other stuff is the stuff that I go off about. Oh and according to any checklist I've ever read, he has more characteristics of a gay man than an actual gay man. He cries about his hair being done, wears my victoria's secret body spray (said he gets women to relate to him because he smells like one..lol) my son's father has only seen his child twice and he was in no condition to even be in my home so I appointed certain guys that i've known for years to step in as male influence. It just so happens the one that was around the most is the worst. I am glad that my child doesn't pay his goddad any mind when he goes on these weird little kicks and I am even more glad that he is not around everyday to cause my child any possible damage. I've spent time around his son and the things he says to him should be considered psychological abuse. He knows he can't say those things to my child but I myself seen a few things in his son. He is around females all the time and I don't treat him any different. I don't know, I just think that this guy is trapped in the closet..too many signs are there..
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
22 Feb 13
Sorry you chose such a man as the godfather of your son. Although we sometimes have to be around witth such people, I would never give my son him as a godchild. I don`t know what you can do besides not letting him get too near your child.
• United States
23 Feb 13
as far as he is concerned, it's just a title. He has 14 children of his own so I know if something happens to me, thats the last person chosen to take care of my child. He got the title because he is the one guy that I've known the longest and my son loves him to pieces. His behavior and the stuff he says and does are unacceptable though..
@marguicha (225193)
• Chile
23 Feb 13
It seems, from what you say, that this is just a title. And we, mothers, are always near our kids so there shouldn`t be any problem.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
28 Feb 13
There must be some bad experience he had when he was a child that made him become that way. I mean, it is normal to tell our kids to behave in a manner appropriate for their gender and age. But from the way that your son's godfather is acting, he seems to be going overboard.