Be Careful!
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
Valdosta, Georgia
February 23, 2013 3:10pm CST
We learned a VERY tough lesson last night. We trusted a person we thought was our friend to come into our home and hang out now and then (since again we THOUGHT they were a friend). We knew this person for over a year now and they fooled us horribly.
Last night we got a knock at the door. When we opened it, they told us they were from the Department of Social Services! The person that called said horrible things about my husband. He said my husband was physically abusing me and sexually abusing our children. The way the accusations came across, we know it was this person. All of the evidence pointed to him. All of the things he said about my husband were very false, my husband would NEVER hurt me or our children.
Not only did DSS come last night but I was babysitting other people's children before DSS came and after more children came here. I was stressing out so bad, and so worried. It was a horrifying night to say the least.
Another social worker will be here on Monday to make sure the children are being taken care of properly... I am heart broken. Not because of a friend lost (I could care less about him!) but I am heart broken because now my husband is right-WE CAN TRUST NO ONE BUT OURSELVES AND GOD!
So, just a helpful reminder to everyone, TRUST should be given out VERY carefully! God help that man if MY kids get taken because of THAT STUPID LIAR!! 

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38 responses
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
23 Feb 13
Any time that you invite someone into your home, you need to be selective--even more so if you have children. While someone doing something like this is fairly rare, what is more common is petty theft or, even worse, child abuse/molestation.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
23 Feb 13
That sounds even more creepy. I know some creepy stories like that that really happened. An older woman was having relations with my friend's son (she was a teacher's aid) and was trying to get him put into foster care so she could "foster" him.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
Yeah it is. The more we think about it and talk about things the more creeped out we are getting. But see, there are people like that in this world and I think he is one of them... Scary. Guess he is really desperate to have a child-ANY child, which is really scary to us!
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
Well we have a feeling jealousy had a lot to do with it. He is single, older and he cannot have kids, never could. My husband has everything he wants and cannot have...
He always told our youngest that someday he would adopt her, he said it like he was joking so that is how we took it. In some sick way, I think he really thought if our kids got taken from us maybe he would have the chance to actually adopt her. I don't know but now it has us thinking...
We will never trust anyone ever again.
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@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
23 Feb 13
Oh my God! That is so downright rotten whoever the heck he is. Why would he do that to you guys? Is he asking some favor from you and for some reason when he didn't get what he wants he did this for some sort of payback? Even so, that is just so wrong. I hope the DSS and the social worker get convinced of the real situation. I know they are just doing their job but I am seriously appalled at how low can some people go.
I hope you and your family get over this. And you're right, be careful of who to trust. You may know a lot of people, but you can only be truly friends with a few.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
We think he is more jealous of us than we thought... My husband has a wife and kids-two things this man does not have and he cannot have kids at all.
I personally think he is trying to get my husband locked up so he can try getting me and my kids-NOT going to happen ever! But I think in his own twisted head that is what he is trying to do.
He is a sick person we are finding out... He will never be allowed near our property ever again. But I think he already knows that without us even having to say it. He knows we know now...
People are really unbelievable. They really are. We have to be so careful of who we trust and allow into our lives.
I hope if anyone here is about to trust someone that they read this first and think twice about it.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb 13
I hope this so called friend is facing repurcussions for his actions, I actually feel very angry for you, you have a wonderful family, and all that you have been through lately, and now this? I find it very very hard to trust anyone, mainly because I have been in abusive relationships and I was badly abused as a child, so I keep myself to myself, people see me as aloof or intimidating, it's because I don't intergrate myself with anyone, the only person I can trust is me and of course my mother. You are a wonderful friend to have and how anyone could abuse your trust is beyond me.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
I really hope he gets what is coming to him. We have had a roller coaster of a life together and this was one of the worst things to happen! I am so upset right now and to know that it is not over yet makes me more sick to my stomach. Another one will be out on Monday, the thought turns my stomach completely. I hate these people! They don't bother the parents that REALLY abuse their children but they bother and harrass GOOD parents like us!
It ticks me off so much.
My husband is absolutely right, trusting no one is a good plan...

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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
23 Feb 13
Oh what a terrible thing to have happen! Have you spoken to this person since this all came out? Is it possible that they are jealous of your family? I'm not big on confrontation nor lawsuits, but it sounds like you've got enough circumstantial evidence here. By putting DSS after the two of you, he's potentially affected your family's financial future! You're trying to rebuild your child care business; any hint of DSS around could be enough to cost you current and future clients! And what about an inkling of DSS investigating your husband- that could damage him professionally! I'm glad that nothing came of it but definitely unhappy that someone you allowed into your personal space tried to hurt all of you this way.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
You know, we do think it is jealousy. He is very jealous that my husband and I are together since he is alone and he cannot have kids ever, so he is jealous of our family I would say most definitely. We just did not realize how jealous apparently...
Yes it could definitely cost us everything we are working towards because of this idiot making false accusations! If we could afford a lawyer and we had absolute proof it was him we would look into that but DSS won't tell us who did it. We just know by some things that were said...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Feb 13
the accusation stays on your record for 7 years even if you are found innocent. It just shows that you were accused and that it was "unfounded". you will have a possible problem in getting business from those that don't know you well. I also don't believe that jealousy is his problem. Honestly, I think that he is guilty and trying to deflect his guilt onto you guys.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
25 Feb 13
Some people just let their problems take over and consume not just themselves, but others. If the two of you feel certain that you can identify your accuser by specific phrases or incidents, I would think you have a civil suit, especially if the accusations cause you or your husband professional or financial damage.
Why can he not have kids ever? Was he neutered or something?

@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
23 Feb 13
It is so true that you have to be careful with the people that you trust. That is so crazy that he did that to you and your husband and you guys supposedly called him a friend. That is something that would totally have me breaking off the friendship. If it was found out to be untrue, couldn't he get charged for a false statement against you guys. Cause that is wasting their time, when there are actually children and women out there that are in real danger.
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
23 Feb 13
They really need to start making some changes about that. It is so not right that charges can't be pressed for false statements. I think if it sounds outrageous or anything like that then they need to investigate more into the person who made the claim. Well at least there is one thing Child Services are on top of their job that's for sure. But its sad that innocent people get accused all the time, while guilty people get away with things so easily.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
Yeah, I will never let people come into our home again if I have the smallest idea that they are jealous or are trouble makers.
Oh, we are DONE with the friendship! My husband tried to get him over here today to try to get him to admit it-guess what? He would NOT come, which also shows us how guilty he is!
He cannot be charged because DSS will not tell us that information of who called it in. We just know because of the things that were said, it was him most definitely. I don't think there can be charges placed when they won't tell us who it was that called but I will look into it...
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
23 Feb 13
If it was the cops, the guy could get charged with making a false report.
If it is child services, then no. I wish they could or would but no. Child services uses little to no common sense sometimes in my opinion. They don't care if the call is off the wall even (had one come to my house because someone thought my husband was a satanist) and even if he was (he's not) there is still freedom to practice your religion whatever that might be.
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
23 Feb 13
That happened to me. We had a good friend whom we really thought was a friend. I mean we had known them for years since we were in the same school. They had never betrayed our trust or anything like that and they called on us. It was when I lived at my first apartment at that before we moved.
They said my kids never got changed (when I changed them quite frequently), the crib was broken, and as our friend was a born again Christian, they called because we didn't take the kids to church or attend church. They were in my life for a few months and one of the women even said 'We just want to make sure you wont sacrifice your kids or anything'. I reported it and her partner said 'No... nothing like that was said' even though other people (my younger son needed speech therapy and a few others) had backed up my story because they heard it.
My advice is: DO NOT TELL THEM ANYTHING! They are not cops and not lawyers. If you do speak with them, tape record it so they can't pull any B.S.
I say this because they have a bad habit of changing what you said or not writing it down. A friend and her husband lost their children due to accusations that were not true and they thought they were helping themselves by telling these people everything pretty much and how the accusations were unfounded and the kids were healthy in which these people could obviously see that. However, they took them to court and said all the accusations were true, had "pictures" of a hamper with dirty laundry and dishes in the sink as my friend had put them off until after picking up her kids from after school practice. The judge ruled in favor of child services and now they are trying to get their kids out of the system being forced to jump through hoops.
My cousin's husband got an assault charge put on him after a friend of theirs saw a bruise on him. Even the teachers said that the child got into an altercation with another student with records to prove it but my cousin's husband was still forced to pay a fine and have child services around "just in case".
I am not trying to scare you, but you seem to be a really good person and I would hate if you lost your children because of some *insert favorite explicative here*.
I trust everyone very loosely. What I mean is I very very rarely trust anyone especially friends after that fiasco above. It was a nightmare and took them a year to just leave me alone.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
I am so sorry it happened to you too! =( It is the worst feeling ever as you know as well. I am so worried since another one is coming out Monday. Not that we are doing anything wrong because we are not but I just don't know if they will take them for something stupid, as you stated like dishes in the sink or dirty laundry! With kids in the house, WHO DOESN'T have some dirty dishes in the sink sometimes or laundry to do?!? How STUPID!! It means we are GOOD parents for taking care of our children and doing the chores when the kids are busy playing or occupied!
We will have a tape recorder, thanks to you on Monday. We didn't yesterday because we didn't know but now that we do we will DEFINITELY be recording EVERYTHING that is said!
ALL children get bruises from playing, my daughter is the most clumsy child I have ever seen in my life, she literally trips over her own feet and sometimes gets a bruise from it. How ridiculous!
I cannot stand these social workers, they should spend their time worrying about kids that are REALLY being abused with plenty of signs and leave the rest of us alone!!!
This whole thing has stressed me out so bad I am not eating and cannot sleep. Last night I got a whole 3 hours of sleep and I am still going, thanks to my adrenaline. It is the most nerve wracking thing ever!
I really hope they do not take our children for a stupid thing... That is what worries me, dishes or laundry-WOW!
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
I know, they go after the GOOD parents which makes absolutely NO sense at all! And it angers me to no end!
I understand what your saying because the other day at my niece's preschool there was a little boy STANDING in the front seat of his mother's van, at the preschool with people all around and NO one calls on these kind of people! The boy was no older than FIVE years old!! He belongs in the BACK SEAT in a booster seat, not standing in the front seat while she was pulling out of the parking lot! This kind of crap blows my mind. Why were they not called on this mother? I would NEVER allow my kids to do that, ever!
It makes no sense to me...their called on people who have dishes in their sink or laundry, I will never understand it. I don't know how social workers sleep at night. I could not do it. Not hurting innocent people every single day...Just could not do that to people.
The workers that came here DID ask me about if we were on public assistance and why I am choosing to Home School my kids?!? I did not think they needed to know those things. It's none of their business why I CHOSE to homeschool MY children...I know they thought it was because we are hiding something, but I told them I like the one on one teaching attention my children get from homeschool, I like that they are not being bullied and their not learning bad behaviors from other children. That was honest.
I will try to remember not to get loud with these people... Aida it is really hard though to do that because I am SO angry about this whole thing!
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
24 Feb 13
It is and they will purposefully make you mad to try and pin something on you.
I don't understand it either. A friend of mine who moved back to Ohio for work wants them to go investigate her sister. Her sister, brother in law, and their kids all sleep in a small dirty one bedroom apartment. The kids haven't seen a doctor in years. The parents will still mess around even though the kids are there and they all sleep in the same bed. Her mother told her if her or any of her friends call on her sister, she was going to disown my friend and kick her out the house. Now she is desperately saving as much as she can (her mother charges her rent plus she has her medical insurance and such) so she can move out of there.
Standing in the front seat? What the heck was wrong with that mother? I make sure my kids are buckled in before the car starts moving and never in the front seat. I truly wish they would go after truly neglectful abusive parents but they feel it is too dangerous for them.
They ask about public assistance because they assume those people don't have what they consider enough to take care of the kids. One former worker admitted to searching for people on assistance and hanging out at these offices to pin these parents.
They don't need to know why you are homeschooling your kids but sadly they will try and think you are hiding something and that is why. You have a valid reason for homeschooling your kids and with the cyber schools becoming bigger all around it shouldn't be that much of an issue or an issue at all but of course most workers have no common sense.
Do your best to not get mad at them. It is very hard not especially when you can sense they have already made up their minds about you and more. I hope you get a decent worker but those are few and far between.
I had posted a while back about how my neighbor called on me because my child's bedtime is 7pm. I am happy I got a decent worker that time.
One piece of advice, once you get them out of your life and they close the case. Make sure to get the paperwork documenting it is closed and put it up somewhere safe, if some idiot calls again (mind you the people who call don't even ever have to be in your house for them to investigate) but if someone calls again and they come out. Don't let them into your house and ask them if they have a warrant to come in.
It sounds bad but remind them that they are not cops, so if someone truly felt there was abuse they would make a police report and an officer of the law would come out. They are just civilians and without proper paperwork they can't come in if they don't have an open case. Unfortunately letting them in once allows them to open a case but they can't just reopen it once it is closer. Something to think about after this fiasco is all done.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
24 Feb 13
I am very sorry this awful thing happened to you. You must be worried sick about the possibility of loosing your children. How can people be so spiteful I will never know. However, what disturbs me is that you point the finger at this one individual. Unless DSS told you (and they don't usually) that it was that person who reported you, you should not accuse him. Many lives have been destroyed because of false accusations.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
What disturbs me is someone lying about me and my husband!!!
We KNOW it is HIM because of the things they said he told them. He was the only one around us during that time period and there were certain things that were said that only he would say. No one else was in our house!
So, don't tell me not to accuse him when we KNOW for a FACT it WAS him who did it!! And don't act like he should not be blamed for his actions...
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
23 Feb 13
I can see that would be very stressful. I think a good rule of thumb for a young married couple is to be careful always since you have young children. Is this person mad at you guys for some reason? I usually think of this kind of lying to be a woman's trick, but you seem to keep finding creeps to try to mess up your life.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
Yes it is stressful and another social worker will be here on Monday so it is not even over quite yet. I am so stressed out about this. I cannot believe someone could be THAT jealous or stupid to think he would get our children!
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Feb 13
OMG, I thought of you at 4:00am last night, wondering what happened with that other guy that was stalking your husband. I was going to email you and now I see all this....
I've read all the responses so there's not too much I can add. Just remember, and I'm not sticking up for them at all, but the DSS has to check you out because there was a report. They have to check out all reports this way because they have no idea whether you're good parents or not, so keep that in mind.
Did this guy take any pictures of your kids at any time? Think hard about it. I'm still not so sure this is who called DSS. I'm wondering why he would and I don't believe the reason would be he's jealous. Doesn't make sense to me but I suppose anything is possible, but it doesn't seem to add up right. Did you guys get into a fight with him about anything?
Are you sure someone in the neighborhood didn't call because he was visiting you? And they knew he was a child molester and you guys were hanging out with him? Could that be possible?
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I'm just really worried someone is going to lose their temper and that won't look good at all. That makes me nervous.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Okay, there are a few things with this guy... He cannot ever have kids, never could. He was always telling our youngest he would adopt her someday. We thought he was joking so we never thought anything of it.
He was also mad that my husband never gave him money when we got his settlement, just found that out recently as well.
I don't think anyone else called because the things that were said, the person HAD to be inside of our house to know some things... Like one thing he said was our daughter fell asleep on the floor because she doesn't have a bed-NOT true, she DOES have a bed BUT she did fall asleep on the floor because she was watching cartoons and we moved her into her bed before we went to bed.
Then another thing he said was, my husband dips and leaves his spit cups laying around where the kids can get them. NOT true-the kids cannot reach them but my husband throws them out after using them a time or two so he doesn't waste cups.
He was the ONLY one in our house, only one besides my sister who would NOT have done that to us. But it had to be him because he was here when our daughter fell asleep that night on the floor in front of the TV. No one else called, not with the things that were said. There is no way possible...
He is a child molester, which we only found out after he called on us...We thought maybe he was guilty since he was accusing other people and we were right. We should have looked him up BEFORE he came into our house, lesson learned with that one.
I know they have to check all reports but that is sad to me that they are wasting time at my house when they could REALLY be helping children that are in trouble!! There should be a better way of going about these things...
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I agree. But you know they sometimes make the husband leave or take the kids just on a report. Read about my former pastor. They had only a lie from a brat nephew and because it was a pastor they made an example of him. It cost them a lot. They had to move. They now are better than before with their own home but it was a terrible couple of years.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Feb 13
OMG! You guys have sure had a run of bad luck when it comes to friends haven't you? WHy would this person say these things and call DSS? How weird! Take the time out of their lives to call DSS and tell a bunch of lies. Jealousy? What?! Whatever happened with that drunken guy when he got out of jail? Nothing I hope! You poor folks. I am sure if anything comes of this some ofthe parents that have had you watching their children could come forward and help you by telling how happy their kids have been when they pick them up and things like that.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Feb 13
I don't blame you a bit. It is sad that it has to be that way but now days you just know what people are really up to. Jealousy is such a horrible thing that will eat a person up if they don't get over it. Glad to hear Danny is behind bars and for a long time. That guy seemed scarey. The DSS would really have to have some good evidence when they come into your home to warrant taking your children. I do understand how that would scare you though. And they see and understand alot more than you think.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Yeah, we help a lot of people. My husband is so social and outgoing that he meets new people all the time. He is so nice and helpful that people think they can do anything to us... That is why we are always having problems because we do invite people into our lives when we shouldn't. No more though. We are done helping people, regardless. And we are no longer trusting anyone.
Anyway, the guy IS jealous of my husband. We have 3 beautiful children-he has none and cannot have any. We have each other-he has no one except an ex wife that constantly cheated on him. We have a house-he lives in a basement in someone else's house. So, yes he is very jealous of what we have...
He was telling our youngest one all the time that someday he was going to adopt her. He said it in a joking manner so that is how we took it. Too bad now, I don't think he was joking at all. I think he thought if we got them taken away from us that he would have a chance of adopting them...Sick but I truly believe that is what he thought...
Nothing else has happened with the crazy guy Danny. He is locked away for a long time-he now has murder on him too we just found out recently. We will not be having trouble with him anymore thank God!
Yeah I have plenty of good references for my Childcare. And the workers even said last night, wow this mother must really trust you! I said yes she does, that is why she leaves her boys overnight with me every weekend!!
I hope it all just goes away without any issues. I won't want to live without my children...
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Well, I'm glad at least they didn't yank the kids away from you. Those state social workers don't even have to have PROBABLE cause to take the kids. They can take the kids if they think it is remotely possible. In other words yank the kids iut to be sure nothing happens and then go to the judge. I say this because I've seen it happen here in a different location where I lived. A different neighborhood. There were times they got bad press because they didn't investigate enough and kids got killed in a fire while the parents were out getting stoned. So then they go overboard and yank kids out for just lying accusations.
God help that person that did that to your husband. The liar could trash his reputation and it could cause him to lose a job and not find another.
My former pastor got lied on by his angry 16 year old nephew. He was arrested and then made to leave his home. He was found innocent at court and the nephew confessed he was just mad and it went too far. It cost them over $30 grand that they didn't have to pay for an attorney.
No just don't fully trust anyone.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Feb 13
Seeing they didn't take the kids immediately and left them alone over the weekend until Monday, I think everything will be ok. I'm not familiar with this stuff at all.
Your story is so sad. They go from one extreme to the other, and this is where most problems start. There never seems to be a happy medium and common sense gets thrown out the window.
I hope LMB and the family get through this with no other problems involved. It just still seems odd to me that this guy did this because he was jealous. Why bring attention to himself that way....just strange. 

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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Feb 13
"If a neighbor knew or suspected the man was a threat a neighbor could have called the state.".........that's what I told her also.
The stalker and the guy she's talking about are 2 different people. The stalker is in jail right now from what I understand and they had all sorts of problems with him, and he is nasty, and his son. But I also thought that maybe he did it too, and he could have done it from jail just to get even.
The other guy she's talking about in her discussion is someone else, and yes, he is a known child molester, which they JUST found out since this happened. That's why I thought possibly a neighbor too who already knew about him. So of course, this looks bad all the way around to people just watching. I'm still waiting to hear if he took any pictures of the know. And he may have even took pictures of them outside without LMB even knowing.....creepy, just so da*n creepy.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
24 Feb 13
It's vicious. Who would be so vicious. Who would have something to gain the most from reporting and causing trouble? This is my question. The stalker? What is his motivation and what does he have to gain? I would be looking at him too as a suspect but I wouldn't rule out someone else that might have something to gain. Is the suspect a known child molester? If a neighbor knew or suspected the man was a threat a neighbor could have called the state.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
24 Feb 13
OMG I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope everything goes your way for sure. I would be very upset if this happens to me. I don't trust no one when it comes to my kids at all. Just me and my husband.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Thanks, me too. It is very upsetting and scary. You never know with people. They don't tell you when you meet them-hey one day I will call Child Protective Services on you with false accusations. So it's hard to know people... We will no longer allow anyone in our house unless they are family.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
25 Feb 13
Still go to be careful with family not all family members should be trusted. I don't trust several family members. It's much wiser to go along with just family.
I've thought of calling cps on someone in my family but I haven't because other family is around to watch out and help with my nephew for his protection and to make sure that this person doesn't take away my nephew and run.
@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
23 Feb 13
Crazy story! I hope everything turns out alright.
Some people have serious issues!
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Yeah unfortunately, it is my life right now! =( People do have some serious issues!
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Oh I know. He really does have more issues than we realized! =(

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
23 Feb 13
Sorry to hear you go through such a thing. What would make him lie like that? Was he mad at you guys or something? Im sure it will all work out for him. And karma is a bit^&. he will get his.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
23 Feb 13
I too am a firm believer in karma, I've had to learn the hard way, it's the only comforter I have had in the past when people have abused me etc, this nasty piece of work will get his come uppance, maybe not today, but someday it will get him off-guard, I just think it's a pity that we are not there to see them get exactly what they deserve.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Feb 13
He was really jealous of our family...more so than we realized apparently. He cannot have kids and he has no spouse or girlfriend. We knew he was jealous but we did not know how much!
I am sure karma will get him, one day...
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
23 Feb 13
wow, very sad. So sorry dear. I hope he gets a pay back someday.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Someone my husband knew recommended Tony to fix a vehicle we had at the time. My husband was talking to him, and he fixed the car. After that they would and hang out off and on. We have known him for over a year which is why I am so shocked I guess...
He doesn't drink, he is on pain medicine. He has no house, no kids and no wife. He is extremely jealous of what we have. And we also found out through someone else he is mad because we didn't give him any of my husband's settlement money!
I WISH we could press charges on him SO bad!! It is not fair that people can just say such false things and nothing can happen to them!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
24 Feb 13
I am really sorry to hear this kind of horrible experience happened with you.
I fail to understand what made your so called 'friend' report to the DSS about you and your hubby and DSS people came calling without cross verifying the facts from you.
You see we (read me) know you through your posts on mylot but when we communicate with someone online, we just frame a opinion about him or her. To my mind you are one of the nicest souls on the earth and so is your husband. You seem to very caring person. You look after others' children that proves you know how to look after others.
It would be better to confront the so called friend and take him to task for his misreporting to DSS.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Thanks, it is the worst thing ever! We don't really know why he called either. We do know he is jealous of us and our family. We also just found out he was angry because we didn't give him money when my husband got his settlement. We just heard about that one...
He won't admit that he called and DSS cannot tell us who it was that called so we have no proof. He cannot get in trouble for lying about us either, which to me is not fair at all.
Thank you, we really try to be good people and help everyone out so much. Sometimes it's not a good thing to help certain people...
I love kids and my husband and I would not hurt any child ever! That is why we are so angry because the things he said were NOT true at all.
We tried to confront him but he denied it and told us to leave in God's hands! I cannot even believe he had the nerve to say anything about God after what he did to us!!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Feb 13
oh my no Loving my children they will not take your children away from you as they will soon see this is all lies and that you are a good mom and your hubby is a fine father. this so awful for anyone to do something like that,.And I suppose the social services not knowing he is a liar had to check it out. Thats just too awful for words.Try to relax as they will soon see its all lies. I imagine that is not
the first person to do something so sick and lie so badly to the Social Services. 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Yeah it has been awful. I am so tired because I cannot sleep and I have not eaten much since last night. I am too stressed out because of this mess.
I really hope they see this is all crazy and a bunch of lies! I just hope they see we are good parents and we love our kids more than anything in this world.
I cannot believe someone is that jealous to do this to us! It is not our fault he cannot have kids and its not our fault that he never found someone to make him happy! It is so wrong that he did this to us!!
Ugh, I just hope this will all be over soon!
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I actually dealt with SS throughout most of my divorce. The caseworker we had was really cool though it was very stressful. She made things a little easier to handle
After my kids and I came to stay at their grandparents. these wanna be social workers from their school followed their bus home.
These people stood out in my drive way talking to each other. I went into the house. Only my dads customers or my brothers friends just park in our drive way and yap at each other. I've got nothing to do with either of them nor do I acknowledge strangers hanging out in the drive way. It took these morons several minutes to realize they'd have to come ring the door bell if they wanted to talk to me.
Turns out they were there to inspect our food supply because a cafeteria worker and teacher got the wrong idea that my kids were being starved. Even after discovering that we were fully stocked some attitudinal female called the next day saying they still "intend to open an investigation" on me.
That really freaked me out because I had already been through a lot and was getting so close to getting full custody of my children. I told my dad, my dad called my real case worker and she called those s1utbags and told them to back off which thank God and thank her they did. She said that they thought I was acting "strangely" because I ignored them when they pulled up.
I am just sorry that she quit the social worker job. They need people like her there.
My parents had run ins with many of the more corrupt SS employees because we were poor growing up. We were naturally thin so people thought we had no food, came to school with dirt all over us after stopping at the play ground on the way to the bus stop and the school thought mom didn't wash our clothes or let us bathe. Just numerous little things that they could twist around. The suggestion to record everything is very wise because SS is very well known for taking peoples words and making them into something else.
The reason they go after the good families, I believe is because the children of those parents will be less of a problem for fosters to deal with compared to those kids coming from actual abuse who may have all sort of behavioral issues.
I really hope everything turns out for the best.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
24 Feb 13
Most of them are really bad people, I have no idea how the heck they sleep at night doing what they do!! Harrassing good parents to me is horrible!
I would not have talked with them either unless they came to the door and knocked on it like NORMAL people. Oh wait-MOST of them are NOT normal at all that's right!
Yeah it is really scary! I am glad you had one good social worker, I have never seen a good one yet. I feel like most of them are out to steal our kids away from us!
Yes because we are poor too they think we are bad parents, which really ticks me off. Just because we are poor does not mean we cannot take care of our children!
This person said about the abuse, he said my youngest daughter was the only child who does not have a bed (My daughters share a room and they have bunk beds!!), which we showed them that night that both the girls have beds in their room. We showed them both the kids rooms and they have a good sized playroom filled with toys which we showed them as well!
Yes we will definitely be recording the entire time they are here! They will NOT twist our words around... We will have proof of everything that is said tomorrow. Gosh I am nervous.
Your probably right, they want "normal" children in the system, rather than kids with behavior issues. I think it is terrible what they do. Also, I don't know how true it is but I read an article where it said Social Workers get some kind of BONUS for the kids they bring into the system!!
I hope everything is okay too. I am worried, I know we are good parents but I don't know what they will try to do.

@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
24 Feb 13
What has happened to you makes my blood boil."It takes all sorts to make a world." Your letting the guy come into your home was nothing other than threw the door open for a dangerous foe.This tells us that you may know a person's face but not his heart.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
Yeah, you never really know a person like you think you do.
@aghiuta (525)
• Canada
25 Feb 13
Not only is that person a liar,but a very mean one too. these days is very dangerous to accuse somebody,of something,because unfortunately,the old "innocent till proven guilty"is not valid anymore, people have to prove their innocence first !!! I hope that you will come out OK ,and soon it will be just an unpleasant memory,and a warning in trusting people.Too bad that these days,it has to be this way!Good luck!

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
He is a very mean liar that is for sure. He said things for us to know it was him who called on us. He said things that only he was here to see, like when our daughter fell asleep on the floor while watching cartoons-she does that sometimes and then we put her too bed before we go lay down... It's not a big deal. He was the one here for that though, only him. There were other things too he said, so we know it was him.
It is unfair that innocent people have to go through this whenever someone is upset with them...