How to stop my dogs from fighting

@miryanag (346)
February 24, 2013 9:42am CST
Hello everyone! I am a big dog lover! I have 13 year old pekingese. He is my first dog and I love him very much. The thing is I took him home when he was 2 years old and he had many behavior problems due to the abuse. At the begining he was very agresive,with a lot of time and effort he got better. A year and a half ago I decided i was ready for a second dog. I wanted a labrador so I did my research and found the perfect 4 months old sweet lab. I presented the lab to my pekingese outside on neutral ground and they seemed like they are getting along, but as soon we got home the old dog started to atack the new one and since the baby lab is much bigger than the pekingese he is the winner. They fight at least once a day and it's always the old dog atacking the baby.Help me! What should i do to help them get along or at least stop fighting?
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9 responses
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
24 Feb 13
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well i can understand your situation very well and i know u must be feeling very bad seeing your two dogs fight and i would like to mention here that u try to keep the two dogs busy individually so that both of them do not get time to look at each other or else keep them separately at two different places. What say?
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@miryanag (346)
• Bulgaria
24 Feb 13
I try this but I live in an apartment and I can't keep them away from ech other all the time. The good thing is that I am at home 24/7 so I can watch over them. But the puppy started to grow at my old dog everytime he sees me with him
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
25 Feb 13
I pity the poor old pekingese! Can you imagine his whole world changed after eleven years? He was happy all this years. He was used to be the only dog in the house. He has his old habits and now ... BANG! Here it comes the new puppy, with his enormous amount of energy, changing everything around! Of course he is upset and he wants the new puppy goes away. Have you observed them? Who starts the fights? I mean, who really starts them? Because I understood the old dog appears to attack the puppy. But is he really the problem? Maybe the puppy bothers the pekingese somehow, and his attacks are only the response to the naughty behavior of the pup? Even your behavior may trigger the attacks. If you give more attention to the puppy, the old guy may feel jealous and he could try to gain your attention again. Just observe them for a while and see what really is the problem. I am sure once you find the root of the problem, you'll figure it out how to solve it.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
24 Feb 13
First, miryanag...WELCOME TO MYLOT! I don't know if you are able to watch the "Dog Whisper" hosted by Caesar Milano, it is on cable/satellite T.V. He broaches ALL behavioural problems, and this is one issue that comes up often, and quite often, it relates to the feed back they are getting from you! Your fear and nervousness, is picked up by your animals, and they both feel the need to protect you. If at all possible, either watch his show, or pick up one of his books...possibly from the Library. This is not a insurmountable problem, and with guidance you will solve this issue. I wish you the best of luck!
• Canada
24 Feb 13
DUH...that should have read "Dog Whisperer!"
• Canada
24 Feb 13
That fear that you are feeling is emanating to both your dogs! You have to figure out a way of controlling it, but you must already know that if you have read/watched. They are picking up on your fear, and are becoming protective of you. Yes, it is hard, but you truly need to get a grip on it! I am only relating this to you, as I Foster lots of dogs...and I do have my own, and these are hurdles that I have learned to overcome, as each dog needs to experience a home environment...they cannot be caged, or kept from each other!
@miryanag (346)
• Bulgaria
24 Feb 13
Yes thank you very much.I have watched the show and I have read the book . I know I should get in control but I am very afraid for the pekingese I am afraid that the lab ca'n hurt his eyes
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@machatago (385)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
I understand your situation, since your first dog is the one who was in the house first, he thinks he should be the one only on his territory. Dogs are very territorial. I have an old dog too who don't like other dogs in his territory. They would also get jealous whenever you will put your time on your new dog too. Just try to balance the two of them, also if your old dog sense you are putting more of your time on your new dog, they will also think he's more special than him so maybe he will attack your new dog hoping you will notice him more.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
machatago is right. The house is his territory and your new dog is a stranger. A trespasser should not be the boss but I am sure they will get along sooner or later. Be patient.
@Octav1 (1419)
• Romania
25 Feb 13
Hello Miryanag and welcome to Mylot! I see you've done your lessons quite well. You knew you must introduce the two dogs on a neutral ground, but you don't know you must make both dogs obey your commands. They should not fight when you are there. It's you who must watch them closely so the older one doesn't start a fight again. There are signs that appear long before the attack occurs, so watch him closely. Make him calm down before he attacks. And also, make sure the little one doesn't bother the old guy. Sometimes, puppies can be really annoying for old dogs. When you're not there, don't let them stay together, as they could hurt each other badly in your absence. I think you will be able to make them understand each other, with lots of attention and patience. Good luck!
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@looker89 (11)
25 Feb 13
I had experience this and what I did is to separate them to different parts of our house. If you can't, maybe you can just buy them some rubber ball to play with. You see, sometimes human thought that the dogs biting each other is considered fighting when the truth is, they are not. They're just playing with each other.
@miryanag (346)
• Bulgaria
25 Feb 13
the old dog doesn't play he is 13 and he is sleeping all day. He doesn't like to be bothered.
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Hello there miryanag welcome to mylot! I am a dog lover too and I have seen dogs fight too and it was very saddening to see dogs fight.I have with me 2 beagles and a cocker spaniel.All these 3 dogs are sweet, lovable, and easy to take care of.But my cocker spaniel whose name is Britney is very active she likes to hump her fellow dogs etet and chinchin who are both females too and return my two beagles get mad at britney and so they fight.I pulled them apart the moment I saw it.I looked for their leash and tie them up.I think some dogs are really like that they are active and jumpy and what I do is that I make them feel that they are equal I give treats too for good things they have done.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
You can feed them at the same time separated by a wire fence and see the results. You can as well walk them out once in a while in a park where there are other dogs being walked. By that, if your aggressive dog's instinct suggests the the other dogs are their common enemies, it might change his attitude. The Pekingese seems to be jealous so don't show him how much you pay more attention to the new dog. Treat him the way you always did when he was alone or even better now that you have the Lab.
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
That is quite a challenge for you having two dogs who fight each other often. If you want them to stop fighting then you should put them on two separate places of the houses or two cages perhaps. Do not always allow them to get near each other. Feed them separately. Do not allow them to see each other especially when eating. I do not really have a hard time with the dogs in our house. We actually have four dogs in the house but they are all tied and far from each other.