I am back from taking my cruise

United States
February 24, 2013 8:12pm CST
I am home and found a lot of comments and responses from mylotters in my inbox. I have tried to respond to all of them. If I missed anyone, it was because I was on a cruise and had only very limitted access to the internet. I did not mylot at all. I apologize for being late in responding or commenting. My cruise began very well but it had a bad ending. We were supposed to sail into Nassau Friday noon but it was cancelled. Supposedly the Port of Nassau made a mistake in scheduling and there was no room for our ship. We had to spend the day at sea. None of us believed the reason given. My ship sails from Miami every Saturday. She is in Nassau every Friday. This goes on several months in the winter and my ship has done this for years. How could the Port of Nassau make a scheduling mistake? Some passengers felt that this was done deliberately to keep us passengers on the ship spending more money on board. And spend we did. There was not much to do on the ship. Nothing was planned and we were bored. One passenger suggested that someone else paid the port a whole lot of money to stay in port and send my ship away. Whatever, no one believed the reason given us for not being able to berth in Nassau. We were angry and frustrated. This was the last day of the cruise and a terrible way to end it. If this had not happened, I would have said that it was one of the best experiences of my life.
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14 responses
@allknowing (142793)
• India
25 Feb 13
Sorry to hear about this. I did a cruise a few years ago by Sovereign of the Seas of the Royal Caribbeans. Everything went on smoothly. This was my first luxury cruise. The ship was great. We anchored at Nassau and from there they took us by a smaller boat to Coco Kay Island a tiny island with white sands. It was a memorable experience. May be all of you could get together and claim a refund? Where did you do the bookings. If it is an agent, that agent could also help you in this.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I heard very good things about Royal Caribbean from other passengers on my ship, The Norwegian Epic. I booked directly through Norwegian. Probably most passengers did but some went through an agent. I had booked a shore excursion and that was returned to my account along with the port taxes. Person who booked a shore excursion on their own or through an agent might be out the money. I am not looking for a refund but I would like $100 or $200 back. I do not think that this will happen as terms of service say that ports are not guaranteed. I do plan to complain to Norwegian.
@allknowing (142793)
• India
25 Feb 13
No harm in trying and when you do succeed you will get more joy about the success rather than the money you got back!
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
26 Feb 13
It is sad that you didn't get the chance to visit Nassau. I would have found that very disappointing if I had been in your situation. I hope that you enjoyed the rest of the cruise. Which places did you visit during the cruise? I have never gone on a cruise, but it is one of the things that I would like to try in the future. I think that a cruise in the Caribbean would be amazing. My husband and I sometimes talk about that. We can't afford it at the moment, but it might be possible one day. A Caribbean cruise is the first thing that I think about when I hear about cruises, but I am sure that there are many other interesting options.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
27 Feb 13
What did you think about St Thomas? How much time were you able to spend there? I would like to visit St Thomas, St John and St Croix because they used to belong to my country. Almost one hundred years ago (1917) the US bought the islands from Denmark. There are a lot of different cruises to choose between, and most of the cruises I have read about sound interesting. The plane ticket from Europe to the US would increase the price of the trip, so we would have to take that into consideration if we choose that kind of cruise in the future. A European cruise around Greece would be interesting. I have only been to Greece once and I haven't had the chance to visit any of the Greek islands.
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• United States
27 Feb 13
I was horribly disappointed that I did not get to visit Nassau but also very angry. I think that the reason given was not a good one. I did get to visit St. Maarten and St. Thomas. I am already thinking about another cruise but that will be a couple of years in the future. As a couple, you and your husband might get some good deals on a cruise. It is never to early to start doing some research. There are all kinds of possibilities and options.
• United States
27 Feb 13
I went to your home page and see that you are in Denmark. There were many Europeans on the cruise. They flew in to Miami from Europe and then cruised. It must have cost them some money. It is expensive but remember that the ship is your hotel and you do not have to spend anything additional on food. The food was excellent. You could take a European Cruise, It would be nice to sail around Italy and Greece especially if you haver not been.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
And here I was getting ready to congratulate you on your nice cruise! hehehe.. My bad. Anyhow, it's sad that you had to go through that at the end of it all. I was wondering why not just have the boat go near the place then have the passengers go to land and then let the cruise ship be on sea while you enjoy your trip? Well, I'm not a seafarer so I don't really know what can and cannot be done. But sure is miserable not being able to go to one place that you expected to. I had a similar account when we went for a trip to several countries. We expected to go to the Venetian Hotel in Macau but they had a different itinerary. You could say that we were scammed by our travel agent - but then we couldn't complain really because it wasn't written on the itinerary sheet (but was assured we'd go there during the sale). It was a sad predicament and then the tour guide wouldn't budge. But in the end, we just thought that it's something too small to ruin the whole thing. It was also on the last day of the tour. hehehe.. Well.. Have a great mylot experience ahead!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
9 Apr 13
Besides, what else could a tourist do when the captain of the ship wouldn't want the ship to be docked, right? I guess that's the "scam" there. Keep you on board so that you spend more on board. hehe.. I wonder how to counter such strategies?
• United States
10 Apr 13
Right, there was nothing that we could do. If a passenger became really irate, he or she could end up in the ship's brig. One passenger felt that it was a disgrace what was done to us. He felt, like you, that the captain deliberately did not berth so as to keep us on the ship spending more money. He said that he noticed the passengers hitting the casino tables and bars. So did I.. I came to believe that the ship has to bring in so much money every cruise and that the Epic did not meet the goal for our cruise. So the captain kept us on board spending more money in order to meet the goal. Another passenger agreed that it was all about money but he felt that someone paid the Port of Nassau a lot more money to allow them to stay in port and dump us. There is not much you can do about these types of scams. When you sign up for a cruise, you are informed that the ports of call are not guaranteed and you sign a waiver to that effect. I think that if you went on the more expensive cruise lines, these on board scams might not happen but you would be paying a lot of money to cruise.
• United States
25 Feb 13
Something is very fishy about the cancellation. We were expected to come in at 12 noon. Nassau told the captain that we could come in at 2:30 p.m. but he felt that it was not enough time for us to spend at port. We needed to be back on board by 6 p.m The captain felt that it was not enough time to be in port so he chose to stay at sea. That made my anger and disappointment worst. We could have still taken a short tour of Nassau in two hours or just spent some time in port. Tourists get taken a lot. You live and you learn. This was my first cruise. I have learned a lot about cruises by taking just one. I will be more cautious my next go round.
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@cotruelove (1016)
• Denver, Colorado
25 Feb 13
Hello my friend, thanks for the discussion. I am so glad the experience over and all was good. I just talked with my hubby, who as you know has worked for the cruise lines in the past, is very familiar with the way the cruise lines operate. They are set on a very strict schedule and to shorten a scheduled stop throws everything out of sync as far as co-ordination with anything on land and tours. The excuse is probably true according to him because the channel is very narrow and only one ship can pass in and out of the port at a time. The Port is the authority in regards to when a ship can enter, not the ship, regardless of the cruise line owning a dock. A two and half hour delay, causes a great many issues for the cruise. Obviously the Port Authority knows the schedule for the cruise line, and they didn't accommodate it, which seems to be their failure not the cruise lines. One of the reasons the agreement between passengers and the cruise lines is written the way it is about the itinerary is because the cruise lines have no authority over the port authorities and are strictly restricted by the port. He has seen especially how the Port of Nassau functions but he isn't surprised it would happen there. The choice made by the ships captain is not as much to create a problem for the passengers as to make it clear to the Port that they are hurting themselves and Nassau with their restrictions and requirements. And to not throw all the other functions of the land based operations out of sync. Hope that helps you to understand that it is NOT the cruise line creating the problem even if it did appear to be advantageous for them. However, it is sad that they didn't have anything as an alternative entertainment on ship other than the regular fare. The funny part I guarantee no one writes the Port authority of Nassau about their problem other than the cruise line. Passengers are not going to understand who the true culprit is.
• United States
25 Feb 13
Thank you for the information. It helps and does make me feel better. I know the hubby had some health issues while I was sailing. I kept up with some discussions when I could but did not respond because internet was very expensive and I had limitted minutes. They went fast. I am aware that he is better and am glad about that. The captain said that he wrote a very strong letter to Parliament about the dumping of the Norwegian Epic. The captain did use the word dumping. Your response has definitely cleared up some questions and. as said, made me feel better.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Feb 13
That really stinks that your ship was not able to make its last port of call on your cruise. I hope that the cruise line did something for you and for all of the other passengers to make up for the fact that you'd payed for this port of call and you were not able to make it. I'm not saying that they should have given you any kind of a refund, but they should have at least given all of the passengers a voucher for a discount on a future cruise. I am glad to hear that you had a good time on the cruise despite the dismal last day that you did have.
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• United States
27 Feb 13
The cruise line did not do very much for us to make up for the disappointment. They gave us free rum punch for one hour but you had to go to one of the party areas to get the punch. I knew that it would be frantic and crowded and did not bother. That was all that they did. I have written Guest Services and asked for some kind of reimbursement. I do not expect to get any money back but I did try. I would be glad to accept a voucher. If this cancellation to Nassau had not happened, I would have said that this was one of the best experiences of my life. I still had a really good time but this cancellation has put a damper on the whole trip. And to add insult to injury, my so called Norwegian cruise consultant has begun to call me about deals for my next cruise. I believe that you responded to an earlier discussion I began before going on the cruise. I wrote about the cruise consultant assigned to me by Norwegian never calling me back after I signed up for the cruise. He ignored all my phone calls and emails after he got me to give a deposit for a cruise but now he is calling me about another cruise. Can you believe?
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
I am so sorry that you had issues on your trip I hope that they are going to give you some back of the money you paid for the ticket some times things do happen but for something that is done every week for years and this to happen is wrong
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Something is definitely fishy about the cancellation. The Norwegian Epic leaves Miami every Saturday in the winter months and return the next Saturday. They are in Nassau every single Friday. They have offered this same cruise for several years and they do it week after week. How can there be a scheduling mix up? I plan to complain to Norwegian. I would like at least $100 returned, preferably $200, but I do not expect to get it. The ports of call are not guaranteed. You could sign up for a 7 day cruise with 3 ports of call and it could happen that you do not even get to one.
• United States
26 Feb 13
I sent an email to guest relations explaining what happened and requesting a reimbursement. I did not request a particular amount. I do not expect to get anything back but one never knows and at least I did try. There is no sense in calling because customer service is very bad. Norwegian does not really want to be bothered with guests after selling you a trip except to sell you more. The Port of Nassau did tell the captain that he could come in at 2:30 p.m. but he did not feel that was sufficient time for the passengers to get off and back on. We were originally supposed to berth at 12 noon and we needed to be back on the ship at 6 p.m. I would have been happy just to have a couple of hours in Nassau. What line and ship did you sail on?
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
well again sorry to have your port canceled it maybe worth a phone call to the company to see what they plan to do if any I do understand what they say as I took a cruise to mexico and also had 3 pots of call and due to weather we was delayed a few hours to get off the ship witch meant we had less time at port but over all my trip of 7 days was well worth the money
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I'm glad you kept your power on board! Bummer about Nassau! I better tell you this now. Have a Happy Passover.
• United States
25 Feb 13
And Happy Passover back to you. I went to Shabbat Service on the ship. We had pretty good challah, two small candles, yarmulkes (for those who wanted them) a bottle of Mogen David. The Mogen David costs $22. I do not know who paid for it.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Wonderful!A shul on a boat!
• United States
26 Feb 13
The service was held in The Fat Cats Lounge, a blues and jazz club on the ship. One of the participants told me that she sailed on the Royal Caribbean during Chanukah and they had a real spread for the Jewish cruisers.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
25 Feb 13
I am really glad to hear that you enjoyed your cruise ship trip. It was such a shame the ship wasn't able to sail into Nassau on Friday afternoon. That sounds rather strange to me. I am happy to hear that it was one of the best experiences of your lifetime. I hope that you took some photos to enjoy looking at. If I ever so on a cruise I fancy one in the Caribbean Sea or around the Galapagos Islands. I love traveling and might try a cruise one day.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
The cancellation of Nassau was definitely suspicious. None of the passengers believed the reason given. Some felt that we were being kept on board so as to gouge us for more money. There were no additional activities planned and passengers headed for the casino. They went shipping for last minute specials. They went to the spa for over priced treatments. They drank a lot and they had expensive photos taken. One passenger suggested that someone payed Nassau a lot of money to let them stay additional days and turn other ships away. Except for this disappointment, the cruise was wonderful. I heard a lot of good things about Royal Caribbean. I was on the Norwegian Epoch which most passengers liked. St. Maarten and St. Thomas were beautiful. They are great places to buy jewelry and watches. Beaches are wonderful. I took lots of photos and do hope to be able to upload some to future discussions.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
18 Oct 15
If it is a scheduling mistake, then it must be on the part of the cruise ship. The person in charge probably forget to confirm that the ship will stop there. In this case, the port does not have enough manpower to manage the immigration, so that cruise ship cannot stop there.
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
25 Feb 13
Hi, welcome back to mylot after a safe journey. Keep in touch with Mylot and Mylotters, Have a very nice day.
• United States
25 Feb 13
I am so glad that mylot is there for me to be able to share my anger and disappointment with.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
25 Feb 13
Welcome back! :) Although the cruise could not be a perfect 10 due to the Nissau Port cancellation, nevertheless, it was still an enjoyable experience for you. How was the cruise on the open sea? What did you actually do on board? I would like to know more. :)
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• China
25 Feb 13
I am sorry to hear that the bad ending of your cruise,may be your are right,it might due to the combination of the people on your boat and the port,but no need to be influenced by this because it will have a bad mood of your cruise,any way,you still feel happy except the last day,right?
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Until Nassau was cancelled, I would have said it was one of the best experiences of my life. But Nassau being cancelled changed it. If Nassau had been cancelled because of bad weather or a disaster, i would have understood. But we were told that the port had made a scheduling error and there was no room for our ship to come in. No one believed that and it has really put a damper on the trip. I plan to complain to Norwegian about it but I do not think that it will do any good.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
25 Feb 13
Thank goodness you're all safe. For a while there I though you were part of that cruise that got towed and suffered engine failure. I have wanted to be on a cruise for so long, but lately, it seems there are lots of problems coming out.
• United States
25 Feb 13
While some cruises have suffered some very serious problems, most go well. We hear about the disasters. We do not hear about the ones that go very well. However, we also do not hear about the cruises that have small problems like the one that I was on. Passengers are not guaranteed that they will go to all the ports listed on their itineraries. I can understand bad weather or some kind of a disaster but I can not understand the Port of Nassau making a scheduling error. None of us passengers believed it. I feel that we are owed some money back but I doubt it will happen. I do plan to complain to Norwegian but doubt that it will do any good.
• South Korea
25 Feb 13
Wow!!! i hope I can go on a cruise ship, too,,,(may be when I get extra money for that he he ;-) Well, glad you're all safe that nothing bad happens duting the cruise... i think you've enjoy a lot in spite of some mistakes on the schedule..
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• United States
25 Feb 13
You are right that i did enjoy myself except for Nassau being cancelled. But the cancellation has really colored my cruise experience and I would hesitate to take another cruise with Norwegian all because of the cancellation. The basic price of a cruise is usually reasonable but then with all the add on's, it becomes expensive.