question that is always there in my mind if my friend

@ayano678 (441)
February 24, 2013 8:15pm CST
Why are you smiling? are you happy? then why are you crying? are you sad? question that is always there in my mind if my friend was speechless and just give smile on his lips or even just down because of grief. how about you? Do you have the same thought with me, or is there another way if you see your friend grieve, say?
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7 responses
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
I always smile because smile is contagious . Smile is a way to greet people and make them feel comfortable. It shows that we are approachable! However it is really difficult to smile when I am sad. You can see it written all over my face. I love to smile and I choose to SMILE. If my friend is sad I will try to cheer her up.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
Be a good listener. Let her speak her heart out. If she want to cry, she can always have my shoulder to cry on. After she is all right, I will relate stories that even worse than that to show that in actual fact she is much better than others. She will see the light and feel good. I will tell here that she have a choice and she can change her path. Life is full of surprises, wonderful surprises too!
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
if I do not know, how do you comfort a friend who is sad?
@ayano678 (441)
26 Feb 13
www, your nice words. I love to read, from your comment, you illustrate that you are a friend who wanted to make him happy.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
I would also have the same thoughts. Coz I would really want to make sure that whatever she has on her mind, I would be always there to help here. If it was something that would make her smile, then I of course, jerk her and ask her what could be something great that happened to her lately to be having that sweet smile.
@ayano678 (441)
26 Feb 13
share stories, I'm happy with that as your friend, you want to share your pain and happiness to your friends.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
It is a hard situation. I think it is really tough to see a friend grieves or in a hard position. For me, whenever i see a friend who is not in a good situation... I would really feel bad too and feel that i need to do something, and even so i do not think i am able to totally make him feel better. Often i just wish that i do not get to see them in such a situation. But yes it happens, so what i do is never leave their side.
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
well once you become a friend, I'm very happy if my friends like you. thank you bag your answer.
@machatago (385)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
If my friend would just say nothing I don't mind though. Maybe he or she doesn't want to talk at that time. But it does keep me wondering why is she or he quiet. Maybe just thinking about something to himself or herself. It's also not hurt to ask what's up, ofcourse you are there to be a friend.
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
Thank you for having responded to my discussion, I think you are an amazing friend, because you can understand it.
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
Life sure is a tough ride with lots of ups and downs. I definitely do not like to see anyone down especially my friends. I would do everything in my capability to help my friend solve his problem or the least to ease his burden. If it comes to my knowledge that there is absolutely nothing I can do to relief his pain then I would turn myself into a shoulder for him to cry on.
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
so sweet the way you treat a friend, I wanted to try the shoulder. hehehe
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
25 Feb 13
Hi Ayan, We have strong nurve system in human body. When we become happy, this thing is sensed to our nerve and create smiling. Similarly, when we feel distressed or sad, then this thing is sensed to our nerve and then we expressed sorrowfulness and we cry. Have a very nice day.
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
thank tou for your comments, as if you show your best side to a friend
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
25 Feb 13
i also don't like to see my friend grieve. it makes me feel like i want to reach inside and take away their pain.
@ayano678 (441)
25 Feb 13
your solidarity is very high, i like it