OScar Winner 2013 - ARGO?

February 25, 2013 1:11am CST
Life of PI got 4 oscars this year..more than any movie nominated... but ARGO only won 2 so far just the time..before they annoucing the BEst Picture" category... if Life of PI wins..that makes 5 awards of the nite.. and if Argo ..thats 3 (but shouldnt be possible..since they only have won 2 up to the last category..) But hey!! ARGO won best picture.!! unbelievable!!?? whats the MATH? Life of Pi should ve won ,they got more awards than Argo for this oscar this year..How can a movie with only 2 award won.. Life of Pi won..Best director..and Best cinematography among the top prizes..why the hell..ARGO can win?? now thats really a problem with the Academy..this recent years..with movies like TinTin not nominated in last years oscars..LOTR won best pictures? uh?? Hurt locker faired better than AVAtar?ehh??? what??? this 10 years..showed the oscar no longer have the real knowledgeble juror/juries it used to have
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11 responses
• India
26 Feb 13
argo is best movie.its win oscar is very good.
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• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
yes... it won..
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
its pretty interesting movie..i liked it too..
• Mexico
26 Feb 13
It did win, and as many said it would win. Now I have to go see the movie here.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
25 Feb 13
The popularity of movies has little to do with whether the movie collects Oscars. The number of Oscars a movie gets also may not have an effect on whether it gets a best picture Oscar. Oscar voting is based on categories. For best actor, only actors get to vote. For best director only directors get to vote. The same for best actress, screenplay, set design, etc. It's possible that a movie can win a lot of Oscars in categories like best musical score, best song, best set design, best costumes, best film editing, and yet overall it may not win best picture. For some categories like best actor, best actress, best supporting actor, or best supporting actress, the 'best' performance doesn't always win. Sometimes they give it to sentimental favorites, for example John Wayne won for best actor in True Grit. What is unusual here is that Argo was nominated for best picture and not best director.
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• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
but .. like i said.. Never happened in Oscars history before..that a movie which won lesser in other category able to win Best Picture.. most of the times.. a draw in amount..say 2011 INCEPTION and KINGS SPEECH both got 4 4 .. but the last fourth award to King speech was a Best picture.. ARGO won less award in total to actually consider it A" Best Picture of last year..since many part of its film ..wasnt the "Best in each respectively category.. members of the academy voting commitee possibly are more less movie savvy then the older generation previously that correctly select the right one. True Grit ..was a good film acted well by John wayne..even the recent remake was still so good it still nominated for oscars.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
25 Feb 13
I have to admit that as I've gotten older, the Academy Awards have interested me less and less. Like the Miss America pageant, I don't remember when I've watched them last. The show runs too long and there are many awards I don;t care about and I can live without the production numbers. Also, I don't go to the theater to see movies anymore. They have been giving out the awards for 85 years and I have to believe in that time there have been movies that have lead in terms of the number of awards they have won, yet have not won best picture. Again, best picture is likely the only award where every member of the academy gets to vote in that category instead of being limited to their own profession. If winning the most oscars was important to determine the best picture, then they would give the award out that way. Argo might have won because some voters felt it was the best picture, some might have liked the subject matter. In this case some may have felt the need to correctthe academy for not nominated Ben Affleck as the the best director and the only way to make that correction was to give the movie the best picture award..
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
by Correcting 'it that way .is definitely not the Best idea..lol but its true..the academy selection has deteriorate..this past last 10 years.. I dont even watched Miss USA pageant anymore.. but i do watch Miss Unicerse when ..if its ON..TV..and nothing better to watch.
• United States
26 Feb 13
No it doesn't work like that! The Oscars is not about box office or popularity. That is the People's Choice awards! The Oscars is about the talent and the story. Life of Pi won the lesser awards because it was made artistically. Argo had a better story. I hoped Argo would win. But I picked Lincoln because I know The Academy loves epics. but then again Argo has a better story.
• United States
26 Feb 13
I still say it is the story. The Life of Pi was filmed well . It looked great but the Academy, not the public, prefered Argo. This has happened before. Back in 1982 , the public wanted ET to win but Gandhi won, Why? Because the Academy liked Gandhi's storyline better. Plus it was an epic. This is how the Academy votes.
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
Both movies ..Life oof PI..or Argo..doesnt make any dent in the box office.. im talking about the amout.. Life of PI won BEST DIRECTOR...i doubt that lesser category..and Argo..wasnt even nominated for best director..not listed totally.. CINEMATOGRAPHY..is also essential for movie story to be relayed effectively to the viewer..also won by Life of PI.+ 2 probably minor category to your point of view.."visual fx' and original score.. . Argo only got Best screenplay adaptation.and editing. so thats 2 - 2...u can say .. i guess ..if minus 2 least important award category for PI..then i think its probably fair to say Argo wins.2 - 2..instead of last night 4-2 ..which plus argo;s later additional best picture makes it 3
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• Mexico
26 Feb 13
true, but doesnt always work that way. Like with ben aflack. He can direct the best movie of the year, but can be nominated for best director.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
26 Feb 13
I think this was a great year for the oscars, because usually, 1 movie hits the vast majority, leaving the others behind. I agree with them for this year, because it was really hard for me to pick out who the winners should be, it was a very close race, but I was happy with most of their choices. What you have to understand, is the Academy is around 6000 people, who are all in different divisions of the industry. The chosen highest editors get to vote for best editor, the highest directors get to vote for best director, and so on... but an actor can't vote for best cinematographer, etc. This way, favorites are harder to have, because if a director treats everyone the best, then he will have a better chance to win for best director, not because of his work, but because everyone likes him. Best Picture is a different story, because everyone has a vote on which is the best picture of the year. This is why they let around 10 movies get nominations. They just have to get enough votes to be nominated, and when you have so many more voters, it's easy to get enough votes. A movie that wants to try for an award submits their film to the academy, where all of the members watch those movies, then pick what they feel is their top 5, in that order, of their category. Then, all of those picks are sent to the people who count the ballots, and all of the names come in, where the top 5 are shown as the nominees (sometimes less, sometimes more). There is also talk around Hollywood that changes around the choices, though. A perfect example is Michael Moore. Bowling for Columbine was a massive hit, even having the Cannes Film Festival create a prize for best documentary, and it won the best documentary oscar. When Moore got on stage to accept the oscar, he talked down George Bush, and was heavily booed offstage. After that, even though his other documentaries were seen as the best in the world from most other awards shows and film fests, only Sicko even made in on the list, and that was at the end of George Bush's presidency, where Bush was greatly disliked by the public, and the academy. So this year, Actors loved seeing Daniel Day Louis, and directors loved the work of Ang Lee, but Argo came in 2nd or 3rd place in most categories... but since everyone was so split, when it came to best picture, Argo had the most votes all around. That's why it happened this way. Personally, I didn't feel like Argo was the best movie of the year, I personally loved Django Unchained the most, but I'm still super happy for Quentin Tarantino winning for best screenplay. It's a collection of the top people working in the American Film Industry, experts on a category voting for that category, and I see it as the best way to do it.
• Canada
26 Feb 13
I just realized I made a bit of a mistake on my 2nd paragraph... "This way, favorites are harder to have, because if a director treats everyone the best, then he will have a better chance to win for best director, not because of his work, but because everyone likes him. " This is why they DON'T let others vote for a category. The best director isn't voted on by his crew, they're voted in by other directors. Different directors won't be working with eachother so much, and therefore, its not their friends that are voting for them, it's their competition.
• Malaysia
27 Feb 13
lol christop ..i know..hows the voting done.. just what my discussing is about..is my disgust about a movie that won total of 3... enede best picture over a movie that won 4..Life of PI..never happen before..since 1929..theres lots of draws in amount 3-3 ,4-4 etc..but never Winner of Best picture won lesser..than the non winner.. even having 10 nomination in Best Picture deemed unneccessary.. their excuse..was..just to let movie that were unheard of getting some promotional limelight. this dont happen 3 years ago..The Academy need to buck up again..back to a better discerning days of Voting. i think Argo is a good movie too..deserve to win..as much as PI..or AMOur..etc. but im truly agaisnt lesser amount of award in total.thats all actually.. im truly glad when christoph Waltz won his second oscar..im a big fan..
• Malaysia
27 Feb 13
ahhh several typos - Discussing = DISCUSSION enede = ENDED UP
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
Last year Oscar really gave me a shock. This year I can't say much because I have not watch Argo. I did watch Life of Pi and it is good! Yes, Oscar is no more like many years ago where the winner is really obvious and rightful winners ... I hope to see more qualified winners at next year Oscar. Btw, Jennifer Lawrence won Best Actress for which movie? I think I missed that movie. The only movie that I watched her acting in was 'Hunger Game' and she is really good. Can't wait to watch Hunger Game 2.
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
yes..Jennifer ..has improved her acting ability in a matter of short time.. i think she deserve it.. beside this year the competition is not stiff..only Naomi Watts really deliver some proper acting to compete with Jennifer.. I think Jeniffer is Gorgeous..
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
yeah Maria..lol ..the greatest missed to be nominated in my lifetime was last years..TIN TIN..a groundbreaking technology in animation...was an extreme surprise for me..almost popped out my eyes out of it socket lol
• Mexico
26 Feb 13
there are always surprises every year at the oscars. its starts with certain people not being even nominated. Then with a few surprise results.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Id like to see the public decide who wins those oscars. As I think the winners are chosen for all the wrong reasons by the academy.
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
hahaha yeha.i know what u mean.. but for OScar..its chosen by members of the society known since 1927 as the Academy of motion picture and sciences..who at an earlier stage of motion picture history of america..was like ..the major league of film Guardian.. theres a People choice award done by MTVs..or some other awards that satisy those kinda desires..to choose personally who should win.
• Malaysia
26 Feb 13
yeah..he is not even Nominated for best director.. Best director won by ANg Lee..for life of PI.. Affleck is nowhere in the list of nominees.
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
I know, but since we are the ones who buy the tickets to see them. it might take the politics out of the votes. Like Ben afleck.. director?? Hes good enought to have best picture.. but not best director... makes no sence to me at all...
@AmbiePam (96739)
• United States
28 Feb 13
The story, the plotlines, the acting, all of that goes into more of why a movie wins best picture. No one cares about visual effects or sound mixing when it comes to best picture. I mean you can have a crappy movie and get nominated for visual effects or best costuming (just examples). And I have to be honest, a lot less people like Life of Pi than they did the other Oscar nominees. The only significant aware Life of Pi won was Best Director. They didn't even have any nominees in the acting categories.
• Malaysia
28 Feb 13
theres cinematography ..is still is a very important aspect. plus best director..an uber important award.. and kinda minor special effects..and music scores.. so thats four awards against just 2(from argo)..? while Argo just... screenplay adaptation..and editing. just this 2??? can get them to be the best movie ever made in the year 2012??? i dont want Life of PI to win..dont fancy the movie.. i dont mind Argo wins with 5 oscars..but winning with just 3 ..over a movie than got 4 is never happened before..2013 is the first one.. thanks to the silly newly introduced 10 movie nomination for best picture category by the filks in the academy. anyway..thanks for responding.
@kourdapya (923)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Lol, I have not seen any of those nominated except Les Miserables. I should see Argo and Life of Pi.
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
Argo has a very interesting screenplay..Life of PI..rather decent.. Les Miserables really suck.. despite lots of well known actor trying so hard to sing..
25 Feb 13
I'm extremely happy for Ang Lee winning Best Director.I jumped out of my chair when I heard his name.Best music too.I'm proud of these Oscars that Life of Pi has won.I don't care about the Best Picture statuette anymore because this nomination is a joke now.Remember the winners of the past few years.When was the last time when a truly great movie won Best Picture?Not a single title comes to my mind.This time it looks like a charity act because the movie has only two awards.Joke of the year.
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
I sometimes question the winners of Oscars especially when I have watched great films which did not win. I was able to watch Argo but not that attentively since I find it a bit boring. Actually it's not that boring but I just anticipated a lot of action in the film. I already heard a month ago that Argo would win the best picture award and I also read a news that Ben Affleck was very good in directing his first film. I haven't watched Life of Pi yet but tomorrow I will watch it. I've watched The Perks of being a wallflower, I thought it will get some nominations but it did not. I agree when you said that Avatar is better than Hurt Locker but maybe the jury opted for the latter since the story is more relevant. Don't you notice that they prefer stories of war and terrorism.
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
dont know what they really prefer.. but ..its really just the academy's way of letting Cameron(director of Avatar) to lose to his ex wife .Bigelow (who directed Hurt locker)..which not that bad of a movie..with way low budget term..but not significant in Motion picture groundthru in technology and a has good storyline.. thanks for responding..
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Or maybe it was just a consolation for ARGO since oscars snub ARGO for other entries of nominees. I like Life of PI much as I like Argo. So I really don't mind. What bothers me is Anne hathaway. I think she's good in les mesirables but not enough for oscar's best supporting actress... Way to go for those who didn't get lucky :)
• Malaysia
25 Feb 13
yes i agree..both film Life of pi...Argo..are good film.. i just dont like the amount..if Argo collected more than PI..then its fair..but not if Argo only collected 3 total..compare to 4 with PI... Anne ..isnt that good to win the title Best performance by a supporting actress..her appearance in Les Miserables is too short to be significant. watching her performed..is just like watching BBC 4. lol i was hoping Sally Field winning that category...