Horse meats are being found.................

February 25, 2013 10:04am CST
Horse meat now found in swedish meatballs.... Swedish furniture giant Ikea was drawn into Europe's widening food labeling scandal Monday as authorities said they had detected horse meat in frozen meatballs labeled as beef and pork and sold in 13 countries across their country. Seems like more and more of this is being discoved all over the world. I know its been happening here in Mexico, but our government covers it up. Is there are meat shortage or something?
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23 responses
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Feb 13
I remember hearing this on the radio a few months back. They tested a bunch of things here, and weren't found in them. But it's scary you truely don't know whats in your food unless you make it.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Sure is, we need to know what we are buying. Hope you have a great week there. Take care.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Feb 13
It's true, even after a scare like this many will continue to buy it because it's convenient.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
It kind of make you think what will be next dog or cat meat in the food i know in some places they eat the cats but for me i could never dream of eating one of my pets maybe its tim to go all soy and bypass meat all together
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
25 Feb 13
It is not because of worldwide meat shortage, it is because they want to make quick big bucks from their abundant of left over horse meat through fraud in the market place. By disguising their horse meat as pork or beef, they can spread their unsavory cultural cuisine to the world's population, that is disgusting.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
25 Feb 13
Why You feel sad for Ikea, my friend?? Those poor horses don't even get to have their own meat named after themselves after being slaughtered by the butchers, they need to be called as other animals meat in order to have their own place in the market, it is quite annoying to them.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
I was thinking the same, after reading here how much cheaper horse meat was. Very sad.
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• Mexico
26 Feb 13
Im sad for the horses not ikea. I think Ikea should be fines big money for this.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
25 Feb 13
I don't think it's down to a meat shortage, I think it's down to greed, plain and simple, anything to cut corners and save money, as always the consumer suffers.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
I think you are right. All for the mighty dollar. What a shame. especially if people get sick form the horse meat.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
I think it's time for me to go vegetarian. I'm almost there anyways, might as well go all the way. I really don't know why it just sounds so appalling to me to eat horses or cats or dogs..ugh. I mean, I eat beef once in a while and I eat chicken, so whats the difference, lol! I think I'm just programmed from when I was little. And I use to go horsebackriding all the time, so I just couldn't imagine eating it after doing that. I know if I raised a cow I couldn't kill it either. Anyways, we'll probably never know how much horse meat got through that we don't even know about.
• United States
25 Feb 13
Exactly. I shudder to even think about it, lol! I'm glad I don't eat that much meat anymore, but I do eat a lot of fish. Hmmmmmm, wonder what they're mixing in the fish these days.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
My son said the same.. He said he thought some countries were even eating dogs and things. if they are doing it with horses. what stops them from other animals.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Sure makes us wonder... We never know. Kinda scarry and sad.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
25 Feb 13
mariaperalta I just heard ths headline on CNN. I didn't watch the story though. I thnk it's interesting how different cultures react to what they eat. Many of us recoil (I do)from the idea of eating horse or dogs ..but some cultures think nothing of it. So I get to thinkng and asking... why is a horse 'better' than a cow... Why is a dog better than a pig. Seems it boils down to cultural habits and what one is used to..
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Very true, but I think people are just mad because they arent told thats what they are buying. Im sure if horse meat is good, people would still buy it. They just want to know what they are buying. Have a super monday there.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
25 Feb 13
mariaperalta You are right...people need to be told and then can make a choice.. TY and you have a wonderful day too
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
I agree, it may be good to eat. But just tell us. Thats what we are eating.
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• United States
25 Feb 13
yes, people eat horse meet in many places, like scotland and in paris, france. maybe they are running low on meat in the other countries, but i dont think that i could eat horse meat even if it was the last thing on earth. i think that people in those countries need to have more cows and pigs instead of using horses. i myself is a horse lover and would not eat horses...
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Maybe, or they get it cheap and sell it high. Id like to be told for sure what kind of meat im buying.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
25 Feb 13
Hi, you did not give a link for this information but I read the item in the Vancouver Sun, (Canada) today Feb. 25, 2013. Apparently the horse meat was detected in meatballs sold in the Czech Republic. I live in Canada and apparently no horsemeat was found in meatballs here. However, I am getting increasingly fed up with all the games that are played with food, especially meat. I rarely eat red meat now and am forever thankful if I am invited to dinner at a friend's house and they do not serve pork. I don't want to eat it anymore because the pigs are treated very badly before they are killed. As far as ground beef is concerned I used to love to make bolognese sauce, meatloaf and meatballs. However, I read that the ground beef in the supermarket could be a mixture from up to 1000 cows, so you could get a disease if not cooked thoroughly. My sister never buys any meat at the supermarket. She goes to the butcher shop where the butcher knows from which farm the beef comes from. If she wants ground beef she picks out a piece of beef and has it ground before her eyes. We used to have an organic butcher shop in the neibourhood but sadly it went out of business. On rare occasions I would buy their meat but it was double the supermarket price. Now I make bolognese sauce for spaghetti and lasagna or chili with vegetarian ground round. People cannot detect the difference. Now I am reading that soy products are also bad for me because all the soy is genetically modified. What are we supposed to eat to stay healthy???
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
No, no link I saw the story on cnn international here in mexico. I was just telling my uncle here, we should go to butcher shops for the same reasons you have stated here.
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@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
28 Feb 13
I wouldn`t mind trying horse meat, as long as I know what I`m eating. The kind of meat we eat is mainly cultural. I have heard that in some countries they will use tongues for dog food. Here it is a delicacy. I have eaten guinea pigs in Perù and it`s very good. But what I don`t like is when the people who pack food say it is one kind of a meat when it is quite another. For instance, some jews will not eat pork. I think that it should be stated whether a meatball has pork of not.
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
28 Feb 13
I'm sure I have. I have heard that the best dry salted meat (charqui) is made of horse meat. I tried alpaca dry meat when I went to the altiplano, but it was horrible.
• Mexico
28 Feb 13
we might have tried it already amiga.. and we didnt know what it was. i bet her ein mexico we have.
• Mexico
7 Mar 13
Im sure I have here in Mexico. Maybe in the small villages Ive visited.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
25 Feb 13
Stories like this make me glad that I don't eat beef (or at least too much of it) or pork. I've been eating more chicken and fish. But then you never know what they try to pass off as chicken and fish. Which now makes me wonder if I should go vegetarian. It is such a shame that they keep things like this away from people. I would definitely want to know if I was eating horse. I would like to make that decision on whether or not I want to eat horse and personally I never want to eat horse. I love horses too much and to eat one would want to make me cringe. I think it is more about making a quick buck then anything.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
thats good, never know these days what they are selling us. Someone says many places put all kinds of meat together to make us think its ground beef..
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@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
27 Feb 13
It all comes down to money. I assume that not only are there tons of horses around, but I am sure it is cheaper to ground up some horse then it is cows. I am not sure why this is happening. They said it is not happening here in america, but I doubt that to be true. I am sure its happening here. But like you said, it is a cover up. No one is saying that horse meat is bad for you. I think it is all about deception. Thats what has everyone upset. What are the regulations? If they are grinding up horse, is the meat safe. That is the issue. No one seems to know and my guess is we will never know.
@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
1 Mar 13
I am sure it does happen to us. and we have no idea. So maybe we should all just stop eating beef, what do you think.
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• Mexico
7 Mar 13
Im sure they do it here in Mexico, might be right. Say no to beef.
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• Mexico
27 Feb 13
Sure does, money and the greed for it. I was thinking here last night. I wonder what and how many times we all have eaten meats that were not what we had thought they were? I bet its happened to all of us at least once.
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@robspeakman (1700)
25 Feb 13
All about money... But then again, doesn't it always come down to cash? The price of beef is at a premium and we want our burgers and meatballs You are able to buy a horse at auction for about $15 and then resell it for meat for $100 - $150. Dodgy meat traders are finding that profit margins are larger for horse - label it as beef and no one asks any questions There are a lot of horses in the US - Don't be surprised if the story continues over there
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
your right there Rob, years ago a guy came weekly to mexico to take horses back to the border. To a slaughter house. he must have made a fortune. hed go from mexico to usa to canada.
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25 Feb 13
I guess there's no meat shortage but horse meat taste really good better than beef I did taste one before, probably there is a sickness spread to the pigs now a days that they want a diversion to horses. Horse meat are much more related to beef than pork meat and you can easily identify the horses meat through it's taste than the usual beef
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
really, so its good tasting... Do they sell it where you live?
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@cmania (207)
• Portugal
25 Feb 13
Not only in sweden over here to ! Some countries eat horse eat because is their culture but gesh it´s their culture don´t make it our culture ! :o How can I eat such thing
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Really? man I didnt know that. Maybe we ate horse meat here yesterday and thought it was beef. never know. Take care my dear friend.
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
oh lord here we go again with the horse meat i think all meat should be marked with what ever is in it no matter what the food is for ex sample the meat balls we have the right to know what it is that we are eating and know i wish i knew Spanish as i would be doing a lot more reading of what is in my foods
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Im sure in some countries, people would still buy it. But they need to be assured what it is they are buying. let them make the choice.
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@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
28 Feb 13
Yes, I've been wondering what's going on with that. It's so strange. It just seems like all of a sudden, the horse meat thing is becoming a big issue. It seems to be popping up everywhere. It's kind of scary to think that we could not even know what we're eating sometimes. I wonder why places are using horse meat - is it cheaper to get than other types of meat or something? Very strange!
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• Mexico
28 Feb 13
Sure is, seems to be going on all over the world now. I wonder if we have eaten horse meat, and just thought it was a beef? I bet we have here in Mexico..
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Feb 13
mariaperalta hi its happening here in the US in some places and it makes my stomach turn over. I do not want to eat horse meat and do not want to be tricked. well here I have to eat or not to eat what is served in the dining room and just hope we are never eating horse meat.My gosh people in the USA also have a right to know just what the heck is in any of our meats.those that like eating exotic and yucky things then could eat that stuff and the rest of uss avoid it.
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• Mexico
26 Feb 13
Same way I feel, Im sure its happening here in Mexico. Also we are eating other animals without being told. Makes me sick. Have a super tuesday there.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
28 Feb 13
Like I've said in another similar discussion of mine, I think it would be wise to stay away from processed beef products like sausages, corned beef and etc., until all of these products are being audited and certified free from horse meat. Not that the meat is inedible but it has no business to be in there when the labels on these products do not have horse meat listed. Since it is being added conspicuously it is illegal and who is to say that the meat in question is not tainted or diseased.
• Mexico
28 Feb 13
I think you are right there, Im sure we have all eaten horse and never knew it was that. Im sure many have here in Mexico.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
Why do they have to deceive people by labeling it as either beef or pork? I would like to believe that horse meat healthy because horses eat grass so why not have it sold and be eaten openly as is? And besides if people can eat the dirty and unhealthy pork, why can't they eat horse meat?
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
But the fact is horse is not among the clean meat. Clean meat includes, Beef, Buffalo, Deer, Goat, Moose, Elk, Sheep, Antelope. So if you eat goat it is just like eating dog, pig, and the likes.
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• Mexico
26 Feb 13
i was thinking the same thing. But as horse meat is cheaper. They are being greedy by telling people its beef rather than the truth. Sad..
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• United States
25 Feb 13
Gee... if only there were some way to avoid such things. You know... like not eating meat... or only buying meat from local sources. Yeah... That's such a crazy idea. It could never work.
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• Mexico
25 Feb 13
Seems thats the only way.. we are eating meats and not knowing what they are...
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@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
26 Feb 13
No, it`s the government taking care of the people. You see there are a lot of people saying : "I am so hungry that i can eat a horse !" And now the government gave them the chance to do it.
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• Mexico
26 Feb 13
Your right there !!! So they took advantage of it. Also the greed set in. Take care there.