Its hard to find qualified people, and to hire them! =P

@chiyosan (30184)
February 26, 2013 1:17am CST
As much as we all say how difficult it is to find a good job, really For those who needs to hire people as well finds it hard to also hire people who would match their qualifications. I think It is just about as hard as it is to apply when you need to hire people. It is not easy to let anyone just be hired just because you need someone to fill a position. I am so experiencing this right now as I have interviewed about 5 people already. We liked the two and offered them if they can join us - but then they were also looking for other opportunities and is still waiting for another job offer from another company. Yeah... those who qualify sure needs more time to decide because they have several other offers to consider. This is such a game, but Its a tiring task, to interview and to spend time trying to "qualify" applicants and when you do, they are not interested anymore. =P I wish they would just say so from the beginning so that we do not have to go through the process of interviews and exams, etc and a lot of time is lost, mine and theirs only to end up them not wanting the job... why would they even pass a resume here?! darn.
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8 responses
@savire (204)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 13
Well if we put it simply that's how life is. Because you are getting paid for what you do right? That's just fair. But if you see from their point of view those who you state as "qualified" candidates had their own target to reach too. They ready to give their time as substitutes to find a better offer. For most HR staff I understand that this process is kinda annoying but if you could see more into the candidates reasoning you might as well find surprises. Because not all of them are aiming for best offer which valued can be measured. Some of them might just found that the job it self after the interview too demanding than they thought it would be or other reason as simply as they do not like the experience the had during the interview because the staff doing the interview might as well represents the company. They can't understand that or find that clue until the interview process happen right? I do have experience on my own in a company that gives 3 months evaluation period for a permanent position. After 3 months passed I decided to quit because well it's proven that the job description given during the recruitment process are incorrect. The company tends to give more tasks and responsibility than they described earlier. So I think the interview process it self can be used by the applicants to measure what they would expect inside the company it self. Not just for the "offer".
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
Hi Savire, i do agree with you on that, as I have been an interviewee myself far too many times. :D The point is that well as many are saying that it is hard to find a job these days, but yeah... people in the companies looking for people to hire also finds trouble in finding the right person in the right position. And yes, whenever you interview a couple of people each day and still find that you do not like them, you do not think they can handle the tasks, its just frustrating that it is taking a long time to really find the right person. As for the applicants who weighs if they would like the job or not, I think everyone does that, it is true and natural for qualified applicants to choose because that is their right, and that is what they have - an option as they probably are qualified in most of the job postings as well. :D
@savire (204)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 13
Haha, yeah I know that experience as well because I've been there my self doing my own interview session to find candidates to help me on my offline projects. As an applicant I used to feel that too because well as you have said "qualified" candidates will have more offers from different places because if they are what they saying then it can only mean that they stick with their expertise and peoples like that are rare to be found :).
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
Exactly! People with expertise are hard to find and yes even if they know you are to give them what they are asking for, they still have a lot of considerations in mind and well, some are just even trying to see how much they are going to be offered outside their organization. he he Whoa... i just wish that i could find someone already, we have two posts opened and one opening still so that is about 3 people. I have interviewed about 6 and two that qualifies does not seem interested. =(
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
Hi ChiY ! In our country , politicians , connections plays a role in the employment . it is more on whom you know than what you know. This is sad but this is the truth ! People who have degree and who are qualified is always being outwitted with those applicants who have connections . That is why some professionals preferred to work abroad than stay in our country unemployed.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
Hi angel, that is true... =( i mean a lot of companies does consider the university or the college of the person they would want to consider for a job because they think their schools are better than other schools! geesh, i have been victims of these and well im just glad though i got a good job right now that found my competence more important than red tapes and all. =) About the pleasing personality.. i think i see this still in some job postings, but usually when you have to do sales. it is still pretty much included in the qualifications for work that requires you to face customers and clients.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
Hi Angel, i think even here there is also such things happening in some companies. A lot of scenarios do happen in the hiring process and you will be surprised as to why others have not noticed it? or maybe they have but has just not commented on them. There are some HR mangers hiring people only from the same school she or he graduated from. They have discrimination in other schools that are not as "prestigious" as theirs. so that is one thing... even if a person seemed qualified they get "disqualified in the process" because of their schools! Of course there is the kind that you have shared, where someone from the company knew the applicant and he or she gets to the top of the list only because of connections.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
Yes Chiy that is very true , school also is another basis to be accepted in a job. Some companies also are very discriminating , i guess to any aspect of life discrimination existed. Way back , if there is a job bulletin posted it is always written there "one must have a pleasing personality " , this is already discriminating ..what about those who don't look good but meritorious ? They no longer have the chance ? Good this whole thing was change because this is not humane and Human Rights Office and advocate will run after you .
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
2 Mar 13
:) Yes, that is the story always. When the economy evolves and life becomes easy, the next batch of people coming are usually a bit laid back and it gets difficult to get good people. Then there is a recession and some people get laid off etc. and suddenly the next lot is more keener and willing to go the extra mile. So it just goes in cycles. Cheers! Ram
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
Hi there Ram! thank you so much for taking time to respond to the discussion. Well yes, there are a lot of things going on in around and it is difficult, indeed to gather up a group of people that would qualify a post, let alone let them take the offer especially if there are other companies willing to get the services of the same pool of good people with skills that we need and require. Bottomline is that the decisions are with these people to take the offer or not and just retain with their companies, or take another company's offer which is presumably better. :)
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@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
27 Feb 13
I ahve gone on interview and god through , the after I dont want the job because I learned about the company and sometimes it dont suites me . If I was desperate then I would take the job and look else where in the mean time lol so I guess maybe it is really as hard to find qualified employee if you cant provide the benefits they are looking for .
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
1 Mar 13
hi there! yes, i remember when i left my work at the bank, i have already resigned and yes i was desperate so i accepted the offer of the hospital and was trying to find another job that i think i can transfer to. Thank God i did and is now almost 2 years here. =) yahoo. he he so i only stayed 6 months in the Hospital, it was just my interim "work/job"
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
26 Feb 13
We used to have the same problem about qualified applicants. That is why add another question in the application form if they have any other pending application from another company. Not only does it tell us that the applicant is not i a rush since he or she has a lot of options, it also serves as an FYI if ever the applicant has been applying with competitors as well.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
Hi Raine, yes i did ask the same question to our applicants, Seeing her and interviewing her for a couple of minutes i knew she would have offers as well. =( hayz it is just frustrating that I hope we already had a help but then it looks like she might not accept the job after all. Will wait a couple of days more until she decides - she did say she will think about it and come back to us again soon. (waiing... waiting.. waiting... i hope not in vain. hehe)
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
hehe actually that is true, most of the interviews i had before, i never admit i was also applying for other jobs. i think they might think i am desperate to be with their company because i had no other option... so that might make them give me a smaller offer. he he
• United States
27 Feb 13
Raine Whenever I see that question you mention , I always say no lol . I always let companies think I am all about them .
• Philippines
28 Feb 13
Yes definitely you have a point there. if they are undecided, why at the first place send you their resumes and run both of your time to know each other and end up thinking about it at the end. We really dont know. Another point is, that's actually normal and and happening for almost every applicant everyday. sometimes hopelessnes and hardness to find a job that suits them makes a realization to just forward a resume to certain employers and hand pick those jobs shortly after qualification process.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
1 Mar 13
Well, yes gelay i have thought of it as well. especially for this one person i replied to that we can offer him a job. his reply to me was that he is currently thinking about it because he might not be able to commit to the job because he still thinks he might be travelling soon. so why would he even send a resume to us and come to the interview? =( hay he sure wasted a couple of my times.
• India
26 Feb 13
Thanks for this discussion What you are talking about is true, many have fake documents, experience certificates and some carry so many 'recommendation' letters from political persons, in the past i have done many interviews as expert or resource person; to recruit lectures and junior posts; what annoys me is; during the interview you get calls from those political leaders, ministers even; i have never obliged them and appointed the right person only.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
It is hard to find good people indeed for company posts professor. But even so at least you did not allow these people to get to the best of your judgement. Other people might even consider for the sake of the recommendation. But of course if an unqualified person was accepted to the team i think they might eventually cause issues especially if they won't perform their duties well on the job.
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
I think skills can be practice .I notice most employer only look for a qualified one rather than loo at the person's character my past work have been bankrupt by qualified people and qualified 'smart' to fool their boss so they can kickback money without his knowledge.skills qualification can be learn. but the character. It is Him it is matter how qualified people are just like what you experienced but aren't professionalism and blackout when they called is not an asset but liabilities because of having such kind of attitude,that only means she applied to many company which is normal to most applicant. When at first he shows his negative character.Will the company be successful if the employee will be like as this.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
Hi fearless well yes that is true we can not be so sure about the people we are hiring but of course there are things that we should consider. Qualified applicants for us includes soft skills and not only their technical knowledge to perform their jobs. We include in our questions or discussions with them during the interview their experiences and hopefully get some hints as to their personality and character during your screening. Most big companies have a lot of controls within the company that would control or prevent people from trying to get around the system and be fraudulent or cause issues that would affect the daily operations. Each companies does have different rules and expectations with their employees and yes hiring the wrong people would make a difference.