'Where are you going?' the policeman said. 'Crazy', I replied

@cynthiann (18602)
February 26, 2013 9:51am CST
For those of you who said things happen in threes' - well - you were right. There I was driving the children to school at 8 am this morning. We have to pass our local Police Station. Now, most of the Police know that I am back and we usually exchange smiles and waves and they do not stop me. This is an unwritten law. They do not stop me to check my papers and would only stop me if I was breaking the law. Get it? This is my only little perk of being mother of the son who is a you-know-what. So a policeman stopped me. Stepped out smartly into the road and indicated that I should pull over. So, naturally, I stopped. Without a good morning, he asked for my papers but he addressed me by my name. I sighed. Bad sign. Knowing my name and stopping me meant that he was on the other side of the great political divide that plagues our country and was out to harrass me. Then he could go back to his cronies and boast about what he had done. He inspected the papers carefully and examined the back of my car which contained the children. There they were, dressed in school uniform with the name of their school on the pocket of their white shirts. Then came the question: Where are you going? he asked. Crazy, I replied and as I said it, I knew that it was a mistake. I had a flashback to when the boys were small on the farm and they would ask their father where he was going, and he always answered 'crazy'. And then they would ask if they could go to crazy with him. You would have thought that as it was nearly school time and the children dressed in school uniform would have given him some kind of clue So I sighed again. Then took a deep breath before explaining that it was a joke, as he was obviousy upset with my retort. Then he asked what school was I driving to? At this, even the children began to giggle as not only was then name of the school on their shirts but this is the only private school in this direction. Where else do you plan to go? he said. None of his business! I could have answered but I decided to keep quiet as each time I open my mouth these days, something unexpected comes out. BUT, I did take out a pen and pointedly took down his number and wrote the time beside his number. And then, I just stared him down. He finally motioned me to leave, so I did. Have a nice day officer, I said. Unbelievable that he is let loose in public with a gun. Well, I've been to crazy and am home again. And as I have help today in the house, I have gone back to bed for a few hours and when I get up will pretend that the day is just beginning. So, have you had any brush with the law recently?
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13 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Feb 13
What a jerk! My husband was pulled over today. The inspection is up on his car.. has been for awhile. We were waiting for tax money as he needs a lot of repairs. He has an appointment at the shop on Thursday. He's gone this long without getting pulled over, and 2 days before his appointment he gets pulled over and got a ticket! Figures.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
2 days before appointment? This is so awful. Murphy's law. My inspection is up in April and I too, need repairs done. Some days I feel like I am driving a piece of junk. My car is nine years old.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Feb 13
Hubby's car is a 2001 I think.. mine is too. Mine is also up for inspection but shouldn't need any repairs. It was just in last month as the sway bar was going, now it's fine aside from needing an oil change and new brakes.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
They reaLlly need work done on them after a while.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Feb 13
Other side of the political spectrum, huh? I guess it's not always an advantage to have a son who is a you know what. My last exciting brush with the law was documented here last summer, the guy who accused me of being disrespectful, and who chewed me out for "parking in a red zone" when I was clearly signalling for a right turn. Now that all three things have happened, perhaps you can breath?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Feb 13
typos? I just thought it was British spelling.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
Nice one Dawn!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
I really went back to bed and had ove an hour's sleep so am feeling like I can tke on the world. Oh yes, being the mother of a yu-no-what has many disadvantages too. I often get stopped whilst walking along and minding my own business and then the person gives me a message to give him.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
26 Feb 13
Possibly you can get some sleep, now! And this will ALL be just a bad dream! EW! I think I may be one of those, that suggested my "bad luck" was always in threes...and for me, sometimes multiples, thereof... Seems to me like, your qualifications are somewhat similar to the "idiot" tests our (now much maligned) R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police..y'know those idiots in Red Surges)....and this "up-holder" of the law, passed with flying colors...DUH! It is extremely hard to "bite one's tongue" where the answers to the stupid questions are SO obvious, school uniforms for the only private school. Yes, I had a run in with the "gendarme" this spring...and it was such a farce, we laughed all the way to court, where it was thrown out, due to the idiocracy of the charges! Charges that could not/would not even be found in law! Said Officer was disciplined for use of excessive power, and nefarious use of his position. Waiting for the court date, tho..did not help my already soaring blood pressure! Have a nice rest...and all will seem better!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
You never said a truer word as I had a good long nap - over an hour and feel great. Fascist little pigs seem drawn to uniforms and positions where they can intimidate people. It happens in many countries. Just have to deal with them. I am so glad that the case was thrown out and I woujod have stressed about it too. Take care
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
26 Feb 13
No, and from what you said about "This is my only little perk of being mother of the son who is a you-know-what" and "Knowing my name and stopping me meant that he was on the other side of the great political divide that plagues our country and was out to harass me," sounds like a position I would struggle in. I don't know if I could live like that, so your little "crazy" comment is brave thing to say. Myself, I'd probably sit and glare and the tension would probably eat me up and I'd start writing stories about bad guys like that...
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
I must always show that I am not intimidated when this happens. If it gets too bad then I will tell him that I will report him. But I don't want it to reach that stage and do my best for it not too happen. It is par for the course and yes, although I may struggle at times, I will deal with it and live with it. On the opposite side is when someone stops me and tells me how the son helped him/her and then I feel so proud
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Mar 13
I think u need to hire me as a bodyguard, lol, then we both would be in jail.. If u haven't had a time lately i don't know who has. I'm sorry that u are. U have enough stress on u w/out some jerk showing his authority that i'm sure is all in his big fat head!!!I hope u plan to do something w/that number u wrote down.He should be out harassing the bad guys instead of 'sweet ol' ladies'.
• United States
1 Mar 13
I sure hope he doesn't. That is ridiculous for u to be treated that way.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Mar 13
If he does then I will report him. Trust me on that one!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
1 Mar 13
The two of us would get into so much trouble together! No, I won't do anything yet. Jo says that if hee singles me out for harrqassment again then I am to give him the number as he would be disciplined. so we will wait and see. diplomacy is the better way but we have to see how this plays out. he may not try it again
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 Feb 13
havent run into any recently but i remember how awful it was when back in my 40;s i was walking to the store and short cut across a street and unbelievably a cop stopped me for jay walking!! how crazy is that? he gave me a ticket and i was so mad. i said this is all you could catch today? a lady walking across the street? what no killers, theives, or even speeders, drunk drivers? he threatened to take me into the station. at that time, houston, texas was one of the worst crime spots. i just really found it crazy! all he could catch was me? i was mad for months over that.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Feb 13
I can relate to that. What a h*ll of a thing to happen to you. I would have been mad too
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
26 Feb 13
Not lately, but I had what seemed to me to be constant harassment for about two years. I took care of my sister's dogs when she first moved here, til one got sick and her daughter got rid of them for me. . . my sister never came to see them or anything and I am not a dog person, but I digress. One of them would get loose, and did get someone's pant leg once. This is on top of the fact that someone called in that they were barking all night, which they were not. (My neighbor has expensive tools and equipment in his garage, near where they were penned and he appreciated them being there.) It is a gimmick some crooks have of calling in about barking dogs so that they get taken in to the house and they can steal whatever they want. None of the neighbors did this call. Anyway, for about two years the police stopped us constantly, for everything, although we never were given tickets, just our paperwork looked at. I am glad they have finally gotten past that.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
Oh that is awful! and what a clever trick to do by the thieves. And to be stopped for two years is to me plain harrassment. Your sister should not have left them with you permanently though. This must have been so awful for you
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Feb 13
Knocking on wood here.....hope never had had a brush with the law for myself that is...when my son was a teen I saw then a few times when I wish I wouldn't have! Glad that is in the past!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Feb 13
I hope you don't either! Really a jerk. You must be glad your son is now grown up
@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Feb 13
I recall telling you three is charm. ANd it was. What a situation. Some cops are weird. I have had reason to call afew in my day (due to oddballs and odd kids)and usually you get some nice ones but there are times that a real jerk shows up. Makes me want to stay home all the more. No wonder I have social anziety. Take care.
@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Feb 13
I can understand that.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
I think it won't be long before I develop social anxiety too!
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
27 Feb 13
You should have followed up that retort with: 'I'm going to crazy, but talking to you, I'm apparently here already!' I know, I know, this wouldn't have helped the situation, but I would be tempted if I were in your shoes. No brush with the law recently, thankfully for me.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Feb 13
Now that would be a good thing to have said.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
27 Feb 13
Crazy, sweetie? You should have said to hell and back. That one sounds like an idiot, no offense. And no sense of humor at all.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Feb 13
A first class idiot = but it was political. Just wantyed to hafrrass me because of my son
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
28 Feb 13
Why a spell check sweetie. I feel ya. Anyhow, that one should rather start concentrating on his work than harrasing citizens.
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Feb 13
You know, maybe not everywhere but here the police honestly target the poor people. Let me tell you how I know that... Before we got our present vehicle, we had an old beat up car. We got pulled over and got a ticket, not for speeding or anything like that. We were driving past the police and he checked our plate, we were late paying on our insurance so we got a ticket. We purposely did the same thing in our newer vehicle just to see if we would get pulled over by the police who always sits in the same spot each day... Guess what? He never pulled us over or checked our plate! Hmm... I see it all the time, people in the poorest vehicles getting pulled over...I think it is really sad. I don't know if this happens in all places but I know here it does for sure. I am tired of the police personally. They don't help when you need them and they harass you when you really do NOT need it!! At least where I live that is how they are...
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
I honestly think that what you say is true and this applies to people in many countries around the world including where I live. But stopping me was political on his part- nothing else but that. You definitely proved this by relating your incident.
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
26 Feb 13
it is just a shame that police get way to far involved in our day to day life some times i think we need a permit for the front and back of our cars signed by police that would be a sigh top them there is no reason to stop this car unless breaking the laws
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Feb 13
This is a small Island and this is where I live and my son is in politics. This was harrassment and he will do it again and again and I will deal with it. Onloy if it got really bad would I report him. Don't want that to happen though as it is negative publicity for my son