Rules about the number of pets

@Porcospino (31366)
February 27, 2013 3:26am CST
I read somewhere that there are places in US where there are laws about the number of pets that you are allowed to keep. It is true? How many pets are you allowed to keep or is it different from place to place? For those of you who aren't from the US, are there similar laws in your country? In my country there are only rules about dogs. You are allowed to keep more than one dog, but the number of the dogs that you are allowed to have in your home depends on the city where you live. There are no rules about cats and you can have as many cats as you want as long as you are able to take care of them and pay for them. It is also important that the cats don't bother the neighbours, but there are no specific rules about the number of cats that you are allowed to keep. There are no rules about rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals.
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17 responses
@topffer (42156)
• France
27 Feb 13
We have only laws about dogs in France : you need an authorization if you want to have more than 9 dogs at home. Some breeds need also to have an authorization, and a rental agreement can forbid to have some dangerous breeds of dogs at home : there is a list with only 3 breeds actually, but it is only if the dogs are not inscribed on the LOF -- Book of French Origins, where dogs of pure breeds are inscribed with their origins -- : Staffordshire terriers, boerbulls and tosa.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Feb 13
In Denmark Staffordshire terriers, boerbulls and tosa all belong to the list of banned breeds. 12 other breeds are also banned here, but we still meet them sometimes because the people who bought them before 2010 are allowed to keep them. A muzzle and a leash are compulsory if the dog leaves the house. Like in France there are only laws about dogs in my country, but the number of dogs that you are allowed to keep depends on the place where you live because the cities are allowed ro make individual rules. Some people want a law about cats as well, but at the moment you can have as many cats as you want as long as you have the time an the money to take care of them.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
28 Feb 13
Hi topffer! That is a very low fine. In my country the fine is 2000 kr which is about 250 Euros. In the past you didn't have to pay that much, but they recently changed the law. Hi CaptAlbertWhisker! I think that the 3 things that you mentioned are the most important things: The size of your home, the time that you can spend with them and the money to pay for them. I agree with the things you wrote about mutiple pets. If you can handle the responsibility I think it is fine to have multiple pets, but if your home is small or your daily schedule is very busy I don't think that it is a good idea to have many pets. I have read about pet hoarders who have far too many pets. They are not able to take care of all the pets and they neglect their needs.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
27 Feb 13
Cities can make rules for animals in the streets and in public places, but not at your home in my country. By example, you have to keep your dog on a lead -- there is no national law forcing you to do it -- in my town, and pigs are forbidden in the streets since the beginning of the 19th century . But a city can give only a very low fine which is not dissuasive -- 11 to 38 Euros maximum actually --.
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@Chico1793 (135)
• United States
27 Feb 13
I don't know the exact amount In my city of dogs you are allowed to keep but the amount I have I don't think many would approve of. I have been told by my family to be aware of te neighbors if they complain and and the city authorities come, they can possibly fine and incarcerate us for this. I take care of my pets and love them to the Mac my family and I make time for them. Although none of that would make a difference to the authorities :/ I just hope nothing happens
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Feb 13
I hope that you are able to keep all of your dogs. In my opinion the actual number of dogs is not important as long as you have the time and the money to take good care of them, and it sounds like you take good care of your dogs. In the past I had 10 pets (a dog, a cat, 6 rabbits and 2 guinea pigs) and many people thought that I had too many pets. I didn't share that opinion and I believe that I took good care of each pet. In my country there are rules about the number of dogs that you are allowed to keep in your home, but there are no rules about other types of pets.
• United States
6 Mar 13
It breaks my heart seeing any dog or cat alone in the streets fending for themselves. I did not want that to be my pups which us why I decided to keep them. I planned to give most of them away at first, but once that person who returned a pup to me after nagging at me, I decided to keep them and care fit them myself. Two of them are here in my avi all grown up. I refuse to give them up to the pound, I've never been there just know of it. I don't want them to sleep my poor beautiful dogs that is just terrible.
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
28 Feb 13
As far as I know, in every place I've ever lived, there is no limit to cats. Which is crazy. If a person has twenty cats, it's not healthy for the person or the cats. But I guess it's better than having to have the cats put down. Yes, it varies from city to city how many dogs you can have. Where I grew up you could only have four dogs. Where I live now you can have five dogs. Unless you have special permission. A friend of mine rescues dogs. She doesn't run a shelter, but she takes them into her house. She pays for a certain exception, because she actually has 19 dogs. And that's a lot.
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
28 Feb 13
But I have never heard of there being a limit to rabbits or anything, pet wise. I don't think many places in the U.S. have those kind of laws. They certainly don't in my state.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
14 Mar 13
I think that it would be hard to take care of 20 cats and expensive, too because they all need food, visits the vet etc. I once watched a video about a pet hoarder, and that woman had more than 50 cats in a small home. The cats didn't have a good life and it was horrible to see the way that they lived. In my country there are also rules about the number of dogs that you are allowed to have. I am not sure what in the limit is in my local area. We only have one dog, so I never checked how many dogs we are allowed to have. There are no rules about small animals here and you can have as many rabbits, guinea pigs etc as you want.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 13
I live in England and I own two dogs. They are miniature poodles. The law says a pet dog must be kept under control when out in the community. The dog must have an owner identity disk around his or her neck. I put my name, address and phone number on my dogs disks. From 2016 onwards I think each dog must have a microchip. Both of my dogs are have a microchip. People that own a freehold house can own as many dogs and cats they like. In an apartment or leasehold building there might be rules. Generally domestic pets are fine. My family had a pet chicken and two pet ducks plus rabbits when I was a teenager. We lived in a semi rural area.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
4 Mar 13
In my country we have the same rule about identity disks. Every dog must have a identity disk which must contain the name, the address and the phonenumber of the owner. The identity disk is compulsary and if your dog doesn't carry your name, address and phonenumber the fine is 1000 kr which is about $165. A microchip or a tattoo in the ear is also compulsary if the dog was born after 1993. Our dog has a microchip, he got that when we visited the vet for the first time. In my country there are rules about the number of dogs that you are allowed to have (it depends on the area where you live) but there are no rules about other pets.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
1 Mar 13
The rules about pets vary from city to city. There are no national or state rules. An example from a city rule that I heard about is 3 pets of any combination of dogs and cats. In San Antonio, I believe that it depends on whether the animals have been neuttered or not. I believe that one has to get a breeder's license to have an un-neutered dog. In our city, both cats and dogs are required to be licensed and must be on a leash anytime they are off your property. If an animal is obtained from the city shelter, one must sign an agreement to have that animal neutered within 30 days, if that has not already been done.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
15 Mar 13
Some of our cities have dog parks, also. The small city where I live is in the process of building a new, larger animal shelter. There will be a dog park in conjunction with it. We live about 150 miles from the beach. I don't know what the rule regarding animals is there. I;m sure that it would depend as to whether that particular part of the beach is considered city property or not.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
14 Mar 13
It was interesting to hear that the animals have to get neutered, as far as I know we don't have that kind of rules in my country. The owners decide whether they want their pets to get neutered or not. Generally dogs need to be on a leash when you leave your home, but there are some exceptions. During the winter months the dogs don't need to be on a leash when you go for a walk at the beach. In the summer months the dogs always have to be on a leash and if a dog is caught without a leash the dog owner will get a fine. The only exception is the dog parks where the dogs are allowed to run free.
@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
27 Feb 13
Unfortunately, there are no rules for pets. I think some strange species are forbitten, but other than that, no rules. And it is also bad for the animals, as they let them go and they have to live alone in the cities. Dogs and cats I mean. Some thing it is their natural environment, but is really a cement environment their home?
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
4 Mar 13
It sounds like you have less rules rules than we have in Denmark. The rules about the number of pets aren't very strict here (aside from dogs are no specific rules about the number of pets) but many types of pets are forbidden especally exotic animals that could be dangerous. The list of forbidden pets is very long and includes many types of birds, reptiles and several other animals. 15 dog breeds are also banned. It is sad when people abandon their cats and dogs. Here few dogs live alone in the cities, but cats are abandoned relatively often, and it makes me sad to think about that, I think that they deserve a better life.
@KOSTAS499 (1624)
• Greece
5 Mar 13
That's what I am saying, animals have a very bad life in the cities. Some people do not get that.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
27 Feb 13
There are many laws about how many pets you may keep. In the US, these generally vary from city to city and can vary, depending on whether you live in the centre or the suburbs. In most US cities, ordinances often limit the number of dogs to two, and may also limit the number of cats. Other pets like rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, or hamsters may also have a number limit. People should call the local Animal Control department to find out what applies in their area. In the UK, I cannot find that there are any set limits but, if a neighbour's pets become a nuisance or a person is suspected of animal cruelty, these cases are dealt with by the local Police in association with the RSPCA and individuals may be banned from keeping animals by law. Especially in urban areas, individual properties may have various restrictions on the owner about keeping such animals as chickens and pigs and there may be byelaws in operation. When one buys a property in the UK, these restrictions are researched by the solicitor and must be agreed to by the purchaser. If you live in rented accommodation, landlords generally have the power to forbid residents to keep any pets at all, at their discretion.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Feb 13
Thank you for your detailed information. The laws in the US seem be more strict the the laws in my country. In Denmark they only restrict the number of dogs. There are no laws about the number of cats, rabbits or guinea pigs etc, but some people would like to have a law about cats. Aside from dogs you can have as many pets as want, but it is important that the pets don't bother the neighbours. Animal cruelty is also illegal and you can get fines or a (short) prison sentence. I don't know if they can ban you from the keeping animals like you mentioned in the UK. Yes, in rented accomodation the landlords make the rules and many of them don't let you keep any pets at all.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
I think we don't have also ruled here regarding in number of pets can be taken care of as long that they are not in the street anyone can have many pets they want. I remember when I was a kid we have a big compound with lots of mix animals from dogs , cats, chicken, rabbit, goat and pig. We have 10 cats and 3 dogs that time my parents love to take care of them.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
28 Feb 13
Your childhood home sounds wonderful I love animals and I think that it would have been fantastic to grow up in a home with so many animals. My parents also had animals but not as many as your parents. They had a dog, a guinea pig and a bird. I always wanted a cat, but my father doesn't like cats. Now I have my own house and my husband and I have a cat, a dog, a guinea pig and some rabbits. In my country there are rules about the number of dogs you are allowed to have, but there are no rules about other kinds of pets and some families have many pets.
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
27 Feb 13
I'm not sure what the laws are here where I live, but I do know that some people keep way too many animals. Sometimes spending more money to feed the animals than they spend on themselves. If there are too many animals in one home, I don't think they can get the care or attention that they deserve.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Mar 13
I agree with that. I think that it is fine to have several pets, but you need enough room for them, enough time to take care of them and enough money to pay for them. I have read about pet hoarders who have far too many pets, and it was actually one of those stories that inspired me write this discussion. It was a story about a woman who had many, many cats. I forgot how many cats she had, but she was unable to take care of all of the cats. She thought that she was helping out by adopting so many cats which didn't have a place to live, and she didn't understand that she had so many cats that it was impossible for her to take good care of all of them.
@kprofgames (3091)
• United States
27 Feb 13
Yes there are laws but think it all boils down to the city you live in and the city ordinance. Some cities prohibit the breed of dog a person can have as well.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
28 Feb 13
In my country the number of dogs that you are allowed to have depend on the city where you live, but the cities are not able to make their own rules about the prohibited dogs. Those rules are the same in every part of the country and there is a list of 15 breeds that are banned in every part of the country. We still meet meet those dogs sometimes, because the people who bought them before 2010 are allowed to keep them. Today you can't buy them legally.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
27 Feb 13
i think there should not be any rules as such and they must be allowed to live quite freely just like that
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
4 Mar 13
In my country there are few rules. There are restrictions about the number of dogs that you are allowed to have, but there are no rules about other kinds of pets and people can have as many cats, rabbits, birds etc as they want as long as they are able to take care of them.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
20 Mar 13
Right now there is only by laws on the number of dogs you can have, which is 3 per household unless renting then it may be different. I know in Toronto they have a limit on cats as well, but not here yet. I think it benefits in a way so irresponble useless people get animals, then toss them when they don't want them. Whereas if there is a law you have to register them, and report if they leave the household.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 13
I have 5 dogs and my friend has 9 cats. In our country, there are no limits on number of pets for each households. I also heard that there are limits of 2 or 3 pets on different states in US.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
2 Mar 13
I am not sure how many dogs you are allowed to have in my area because it is different from area to area. We only have one dog, so we don't have to worry about breaking the rules. There are no rules about cats in my country and some people have many cats.
@miryanag (346)
• Bulgaria
27 Feb 13
In my country there is a law that you should be able to provide 10 squear feet for every animal you have .And 20 squear feet for an animal over 20 kg. I got informed about that when I got my lab.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Feb 13
It is the first time I hear about that kind of law, but I think that it makes sense, because some people in country keep pets in small apartments where there isn't much space for the pets. My country doesn't have that kind of law. The laws in my country aren't very strict and there are only specific rules about the number of dogs.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
14 Mar 13
Hi Porco, this rules about the number of pets really is an interesting topic. As for me here, we don't have such a weird rules. We can have as much number of pets as we want, as long we don't neglect their welfare. After all, animals are living creatures. The only rules that i had known is that, we are not allowed to have commercial animals in town areas. Have a nice day...
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
4 Mar 13
I don`t know whether there are rules in my city about the number of dogs or cats you can keep. But it seems that you cannot have certain animals as pets in the city. I have seen people on TV with lots of dogs or cats and I thing it is grosse. They are sick and the poor animals suffer.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
2 Mar 13
It is true that there are laws about how many pets you can have. I think it is only for dogs and cats. The law varies from place to place. I have had cats, and although I didn't realize it at the time, you were only allowed 2. I had 4. They don't check up on it. Dogs have to have a license, but there is no way they could tell how many cats you own unless someone reports you.
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