When the earth will end?

February 28, 2013 5:32am CST
There are tons of discussions on this, different dates were given but it never ended; we are still there. Well it will end one day, when? Nobody knows that. See this information by NASA about the meteor strike in Russia. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/26feb_russianmeteor/ When the sun rose over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, Feb. 15th, 2013; many residents of nearby Chelyabinsk already knew that a space rock was coming. Later that day, an asteroid named 2012 DA14 would pass by Earth only 17,200 miles above Indonesia. There was no danger of a collision, NASA assured the public. Maybe that's why, when the morning sky lit up with a second sun and a shock wave shattered windows in hundreds of buildings around Chelyabinsk, only a few people picking themselves off the ground figured it out right away. This was not a crashing plane or a rocket attack. "It was a meteor strike--the most powerful since the Tunguska event of 1908," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. In a coincidence that still has NASA experts shaking their heads, a small asteroid completely unrelated to 2012 DA14 struck Earth only hours before the publicized event. The impact or flew out of the blue, literally from the direction of the sun where no telescope could see it, and took everyone by surprise. Western Ontario Professor of Physics Peter Brown analyzed the data: "The asteroid was about 17 meters in diameter and weighed approximately 10,000 metric tons," he reports. "It struck Earth's atmosphere at 40,000 mph and broke apart about 12 to 15 miles above Earth's surface. The energy of the resulting explosion exceeded 470 kilotons of TNT." For comparison, the first atomic bombs produced only 15 to 20 kilotons. Analysts have also plotted its orbit. "It came from the asteroid belt, about 2.5 times farther from the sun than Earth," Comparing the orbit of the Russian meteor to that of 2012 DA14, Cooke has shown that there is no connection between the two. "These are independent objects," he says. "The fact that they reached Earth on the same day, one just a little closer than the other, appears to be a complete coincidence Preliminary reports, mainly communicated through the media, suggest that the asteroid was made mostly of stone with a bit of iron--"in other words, a typical asteroid from beyond the orbit of Mars," says Cooke. "There are millions more just like it." [b]So I think someday something similar may happen and the earth comes to an end; also the tons of nuclear weapons made and stored here may explode bringing an abrupt end. Please respond and share your views.[/b] Thanks in advance. Professor Dr. B.Saraf. PhD. 28th February 2013 Cheers have a lucky day ahead.
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13 responses
@anuraa32 (2446)
• India
3 Mar 13
It is possible tha anytime soon, there would be an asteroid make its way to hit the earth. It is too big a space and only one Nasa to observe it. The earth will not end with any impact. There have been so many of them, large and small. Earth still has billions of years life left in it. The only day the earth as a planet will get destroyed is when the star of the star system it belongs to is destroyed. The asteroid - It is just life threatening. An asteroid has a power to wipe out mankind. It has happened before with the dinosaurs, it could happen again.
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• India
3 Mar 13
Thanks for sharing your views anu, keep responding.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Personally, my thoughts with this, are based on the Bible as that is what I as a Christian have always based things in life on. I feel that we never know when the end will be and our time will come. I just know that there are things that are lining up in my beliefs that are to come to past first. But with everything going on it will bring more speculation from people and things being said. But for now I just think we need to be mindful and keep things under god's control.
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• India
3 Mar 13
Tina Thanks for sharing your views based upon your religion, i honor it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Feb 13
Hi Professor, Space is full of such asteroids, remains of planets that no longer exist, but we are only a tiny speck in an ever expanding universe and may never be hit again. Of course, like everything that exists the earth will sometime die. Nothing lasts forever. Planets and stars are born and die just like everything else in the universe. We really have no idea how long man has been on the earth or whether life began here or if our ancestors came from some other, perhaps dying planet. Our sun will eventually burn out like all other stars and even if still here, the earth could not sustain life. Blessings.
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• India
3 Mar 13
Dude You are right. Thanks for sharing
@cotruelove (1016)
• Denver, Colorado
28 Feb 13
Hello brother, There are a lot of theories out there about how the world will end and when. Always have been, and always will be. The first I heard of it was in 1988 and from a Pentecostal religion zealot. However, her belief was in error also because 1988 has come and gone. As scientific knowledge it is obvious they don't have a clue either. However, there is data to support that the universe is expanding and the Earth is being pushed outward in its rotation of the sun, which can mean we will experience a change in climate beyond that which man has created. Humans already know that the world has changed at least once from the time of the dinosaurs and it is believed as a result of a meteor. It is scientific fact that meteors hit the Earth daily but most of the time in water. Physically, man as we know him today, will end, one day. But I'd never venture a guess when. If like most things, we will change gradually. My belief is we stand a far greater chance of extinction due to a volcano eruption here than we do to a meteor. We have data to support that they can project an approximate date for one like in the Polynesian Islands. Do I believe it is the real point. Man, in my belief, will come to an end long before Earth does. Earth was here long before we were. Look at the other planets in the solar system and there is evidence that something else has existed on some of them. We are fragile and like any animal, subject to extinction. We keep contaminating the air we breathe the water we drink and the food we eat. And we continue to over populate Earth with requirements for food that it may or may not be able to supply. With that contamination comes the change that very well can and will end human life, along with the diseases that we may not have an opportunity to defeat. Seems to me we need to pay far more attention to the things we can change than the ones we have no control over like meteors presently. If the one meteor that missed us, had NOT, we wouldn't be having this conversation I'm sure. Nuclear explosions are more likely to happen when a madman directs a country to attack another one for reasons that make no logical sense. But madmen do not make sense. Nuclear experiments proved what we should and shouldn't do and what the dangers really are. Thank goodness some of the madmen on this planet haven't been able to do what they threaten because some other countries of logical thinking keep them in check with threats more likely to affect the madmen directly than any reward he could get from attacking someone. Perhaps why we keep nuclear weapons buried so far in the earth just for storage purposes is to protect ourselves and others. From a spiritual standpoint, it is far easier to trust whatever power we believe exists to take care of us, than it is to trust another physical person. Perhaps it has a lot to do with why man prefers to believe in a God who will save him from destruction, especially of his own making. Blessings on you and your family, brother. Thanks for the discussion. I'm sure I'll think of something more to say, but it is enough for today.
• India
3 Mar 13
Sister Marydon Thanks for sharing your views in details, i appreciate the effort, it is well researched, i too think that all living beings will die earlier, lasly the earth will come to end. Blessings.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
28 Feb 13
Very cool info. thanks for the discussion. Tho in my opinion i believe we still have an extremely long way to go before the end of the world. Nobody knows when the world will end and i wish they'd stop saying it will like in 2000 Y2K the world will end inn 2012 the world will end and it never does. Thanks again for all this info. It was very interesting.
• India
3 Mar 13
Thanks for sharing your views I am happy you liked my discussion.
@internaty (257)
• Chile
1 Mar 13
I Would say that that is not going to happen easily, although ther many meteorite and asteroids, maybe we will not be alive because that can happen in 3 or 4,5,000,000 years in which the sun will expand to the Earth orbit around that time, it can advance to the Mars orbit or to the JupiterĀ“s. If it does not advances muchit will go no further but it will get and run through the Earth's orbit. There is another possibility which is the theory of May 13th of 2013, ( the asteroid that fell over Russia)
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• India
3 Mar 13
Welcome to mylot and my discussions Thanks for sharing your views, opinions differ always.
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
28 Feb 13
Hi Professor Ji, Nice information, thanks for sharing!
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• India
3 Mar 13
I am happy you liked it.
@lucas5 (455)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
28 Feb 13
thank you for share that with us. well, they are talking about the end of the Earth, may be the humans will end much before.
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• India
3 Mar 13
Might be, who knows?
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@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
4 Apr 13
only God know when will be the end of the world,though scientist and other agencies who study in earth says that year is near that a meteor will destroy or ruin our earth,and many disasters will come in different part of the world.
@Bluedoll (16770)
• Canada
28 Feb 13
Looking for anyone leaving in a space craft, willing to share gas costs and contribute to long conversation enroute. There are some real threats and we can be aware of them though I wouldn't want to dwell on it too long. Our personal time is limited here anyway because of aging.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
28 Feb 13
Hello Friend ! I believed the world will not yet end, and even NASA can't tell! . No one knows when the earth will end but only God. All what we are hearing are just hearsays . Yes there are signs that some changes happening to Earth , that's why we have global warming but its not enough facts to tell that the world will end.
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• India
3 Mar 13
Dear Angel, none can say, none can prevent it. Thanks for sharing
• India
28 Feb 13
Fist I would like to Thank you for sharing these nice information, in my opinion I believe that still we have a long way to go till earth will finish. I have read the book which has found in Pero jungles belong to very old tribe there and written in that symbolic langoage, after translation that was all what people of that tribe , written about the life of human from the year of 2000, so this is just starts.. it is not end. in that book it has written about 9 signs that from the year of 2000 all people from all oveer the earth they will start to come to that first step and when we go through that, then by amazing way, we will be connected to the second step and..... till next 300-400 years, we will be in the 8-9 steps... It says that humanbin will feel depression with this technology life and they will one by one start making this qustion: why I am alive? what I am doing here? what is the reason that I am here and alive? and it is famouse word, if you want door will get open on you then knock it... so the Universe in its amazing way, will reply and show the reason behind.. we are right now in the first step, and I am saying , it is not end, it is starting to be better humanbing, to increase humanity knowlege and to end up this earth disease which we all suffer from that IGNORANCE... and we are going to end just one thing on this earth and that is Ignorance!
1 person likes this
• India
3 Mar 13
Thanks for this wonderful response and sharing in details, i am happy you have read the book, is it being sold, please give me the name of book and from where to buy, i will buy it; i am knowledge hungry always.
@Kathy1981 (157)
• United States
4 Mar 13
The earth will end when God is ready for it to end. I actually have some friends that were disappointed that the world did not end in December 2012. I thought how stupid can you get to want the world to end. We should want life to go on forever. Life is wonderful and I for one beleive in God and God will do what he said in the bible. No one will know when the Earth will end. Hopefully not in my life time.