What Do YOU Believe About GOD?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
16 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
28 Feb 13
All I can say is that I believe because of something that happened in my life that proves there is a God. I'm in my late 50's but did not always believe when I was growing up. I thought since there was no santa claus, easter bunny, tooth fairy I said there was no God either. Then on 9/11 while working in the World Trade Center God sent me my guardian angel to save me. Since then I believed. As I was running down the staircase of the WTC from the 91st floor I started to feel sick and weak due to having low blood sugar. All this had happened early in the morning and I hadn't had time to eat. While running down the staircase I arrived at the 60th floor I said to myself " Oh God I don't think I'm going to make it out" in a split second a females voice spoke into my ear and said, "Janet you have to get out of the building" She repeated this three times to me. With that I got a boost of energy and made it out in time before it came down. The building that I was in was the second building to get hit but the first to fall down. Since then I have truly believed in God, Angels etc... I pray to God everyday for the blessings he has bestowed upon me and I pray for all people who need help in this world at any given time. He has now blessed me with a beautiful life living in Puerto Rico for now almost three years.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
I've been angry at God. He's awesome, He kept loving me anyway. I think you've experienced that as well! Hallelujah! 

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@ddnj2006 (652)
• Philippines
28 Feb 13
I believe in God on everything. Things that is mentioned in apostle creed. Though it's in my religion. With the support of the bible, especially the new testament.
And it's simply FAITH.. Sometimes we don't need to see it our eyes just to prove something. It's like LOVE.
Knowable, yes. Cared about us, yes. Holy is having all the good in it, without sin.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Yes and yes and when we say He is holy, we mean that He is perfect, above our thoughts, complete and whole.
He is my best friend, my Father, my brother, my husband. He's my God and my Lord and He's my mentor and my best loving critic. I cry on His shoulder, find peace in His kindness and am in awe when He shows me His grandeur.
And every one of those things are known fully and passionately. Not a one is less important than another.
Eternal, omnipotent, omniscient... those words used to be just words. Thank God, they are more than words. As Michael W Smith sings, He is "the air I breathe."
I am not in perfect communion with Him all the time, but He is always watching over me and He is always faithful to be there when I need Him.
I could write a book about Him and what He means to me.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
2 Mar 13
Amen and amen!
One thing that always gets to me is when He goes the extra mile and provides far beyond what I have need of or have asked for.
There really aren't enough words to express His loving kindness. It was only a few days ago that "loving kindness" broke into my consciousness as something that I have experienced. Another "just words" that is so much more.

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Mar 13
Words are not adequate. I agree. And I know just what you are speaking of, above and beyond what I imagined.
Like my job. And how it came to ME, rather than ME searching for it. Amen!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
I like how you said that; perfect, ABOVE OUR THOUGHTS, complete and whole.
I also agree, when I am weakest, HE TAKES CARE OF ME. I am not perfect, but HE IS, and HE grants me grace and mercy and most of all LOVE. 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Feb 13
I think he is a good parent and lets us learn most lessons the hard way so that we'll remember and learn. It's painful but he'll be there with us through it all. He doesn't want bad things to happen but those of us who choose the dark side can cause horrible pain to others. Since we have free will, God can't stop all those bad things but if we will see why those things happen we can start to prevent them. I hope that's not confusing but that's how I answer the question of why God "permits" bad things. God doesn't want a bunch of sheep, he wants genuine love from us.
BTW, have you heard about O'Reilly's new book, "Killing Jesus"? It's supposed to have some astonishing, newly discovered information in it. I can hardly wait!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
28 Feb 13
No, I had not heard of 'Killing Jesus'. I got 'Killing Kennedy' for Christmas from my son and his girl friend and had bought 'Killing Lincoln' myself from amazon.
I can't wait! thanks for letting me know about it!
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@marcmm (1804)
• Malaysia
2 Mar 13
I was brought up to believe in GOD as a Christian. As a child I am very eager to know how this world was made by reading all the scientific book I can find at the library. I believe what I've read in the beginning but as I grow up, I think very hard how people can really explain everything without strong prove or just by theory and blurry evidence.
Big bang, evolution, variation of creature, universe, so many things unanswered by science. This only make my believe of the GOD existence become stronger.
Being involve in a ministry last time make me seeing a whole lot of things. Seeing GOD's wonder and feeling His presence really a beautiful feeling.
Believing in GOD is now the choice I am gladly made and not something I do because I was brought up to believe.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Mar 13
Seeing by faith, walking by faith. We don't know half of what we think we know. God is the author of science. He is the author of knowledge and of wisdom! Amen. I fully understand what you mean, for those who seek Him fully, He reveals Himself. Amen!
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@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
28 Feb 13
He exist but you know there are certain things I don't like about him. he is said to be merciful but he will burn people in hell. I do know he existed as I have paranormal encounters but I just cant be perfect enough for him. I am a sinner I know my flows but I kinda don't like the idea he wanted us to give everything to him. Also the description of heaven sounds like an eternal church service. Its like a lose lose situation, Go the hell and be punished or go to heaven and be in an eternal church service;
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Well, actually the Bible says hell is for satan. It's not FOR human beings, unless of course they choose to listen to satan rather than accept God's offer of forgiveness.
As for giving all to God, it's HIS already. Trying to hold on to it for ourselves, we are going to lose it in the end anyway.
Bob Dylan wrote a song...You Gotta Serve Somebody. I'm sure youtube has it if you care to take a listen. Good song...explains that if you're not serving God, you by default are serving the other.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
2 Mar 13
I believe that God is almighty. He is our savior and he is the father b of all creation. I believe that he lives in all of us and he loves us and that he is forever only interested in bringing us to live with him in heaven.
I believe that God allows us to live in this life with pain and hurts and trials because he is only perfecting us and he does not delight in our sufferings but is b only waiting for us to call into him and to love according to what he wants us to be.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Mar 13
fire hardens the clay and makes it fit for use.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
2 Mar 13
I believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth. and everything on it.
God does care and Love everyone of us..He sent his son Jesus Christ so that he would teach us..and then die for us.. So we can be saved....and live a everlasting life with Him.
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@rosekiss (30413)
• Eugene, Oregon
28 Feb 13
I do believe in god wholeheartedly, as just look around and his handiwork. he is in all that we see. I have believed in God since i was young, I think only because my family believed. It wasn't until i studied the bible formyself, that i ralized my family was right in believing in him. i have had prayers answered, not always in the way I wanted, but they were answered just the same. he is everywhere in the Bible, and I believe in that too. I will always believe in God. Take care, and may god bless you. 

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@choconut (297)
• Philippines
1 Mar 13
Everything! He knows all, He's holy, and yes He cares about us. Did you know that He's willing and able to give us everything there is in life to be given, He can give us everything and anything just as long as we ask and wait for His will. Believe in Him and let Him lead you the way you'll see a difference.
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@redvakaurvaki (4217)
• Indonesia
28 Feb 13
I believe him and I adore him, even sometimes I realize I'm not admit him at all. Believe in God is very hard to explain in word, may be because it's about faith and involve our soul. but, no doubt, I believe him and sure he's the almighty

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@Pegasus72 (1898)
7 Apr 13
I believe in God and trust in him, I have faith in what his plan is for me, but the human side of me gets in the way sometimes.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Apr 13
That my friend, is true of all of us.
What is so wonderful about God, is he is very aware of this in us too, and has provided a way for us to be strengthened.

@TrinityDownpour (790)
• Liechtenstein
1 Mar 13
That I don't know because I'm not Christian/Muslim/any religion that has God. My religion don't exactly have a God at all. To be honest, I don't know whether to believe in God or not because the world is getting more and more horrible.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
It is getting more and more horrible because mankind is leaving GOD out of their thoughts.
Think on this; mankind has free will. God doesn't tresspass on our will. WE choose our path. And if God forced anyone, everyone to do HIS will...we'd be slaves, wouldn't we? So, HE ASKS us to place our will, within HIS WILL. To choose what HE has told us in HIS Word, the Bible, what is righteous and holy. It's not God who is messing up, it is US. He gave us dominion over the world, and over ourselves. There will come a time, soon I believe, when HE will say enough is enough. Not a good time to be outside HIS will. I recommend reading the New Testament to find HIS WILL for you. 

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Mar 13
God does reveal Himself to those with an open heart. Thanks for your response SANJ1974. Welcome to myLot. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Mar 13
And like any parent, tells his children HOW to receive the blessings that come with obedience.
@urbandekay (18278)
7 Mar 13
Anything, we can imagine, think or say falls short, we can come to know God, by his grace not by our own efforts and still our knowing falls short. And it falls short so much as to be a glimpse. God being omnipotent has both finite and infinite natures, our finite minds may garner his finite nature or part thereof but we cannot hope to know the true majesty of his infinite nature's grandeur.
Perhaps you have experienced the transcendental nature of his glory coming down, if so, you will know how much words fall short; it is not that words cannot contain it, cannot describe it, rather they cannot even touch it. Even typing this my eyes start to fill with tears, such is the awe and wonder.
God is everything, literally; all that exists, subsists within God, yet all that is, is not the limit of God.
God is holy; his ways are not our ways, he is separate, other. He is eternal; outside time, omniscient, all knowing, omnibenevolent, all loving.
Jesus shows us God's being, as exemplar.
all the best, urban