What REAL brainwashing entails....wink wink
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
6 responses

@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
1 Mar 13
The world will end first. Oh, wait that is supposed to be on March 1st. UN dictator is a little too late on his pronouncement.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Personally, anyone who cannot see this is what is happening, or wanting to happen to everyone is being blinded and still thinking everything is OK. I really hate to think how many of these will be the same ones complaining about everything in a yr. that today are acting like everything is cool?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Some do think we need 'globalism' to survive. Trouble is that they're not considering the HUGE stick (force) that will have to be taken to enforce worldwide obedience. They're not considering what they will have to give up. Like all the things listed in the OP.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Mar 13
...so we can all march to the beat of the same drum.. yah no danger in that!!
..and make sure no one but a strong (world) government has "defense"! what person alive can't feel the net closing..?

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Mar 13
Some don't see it. I can only HOPE they're right and we're wrong. But yes, I do see the net closing as you do.
It's kinda like that frog in the pot, the heat just keeps going slowly up and up...by increments, until the frog is COOKED. He never notitces the heat.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Once they have your mind.
Sends shivers down my spine.
The fascination with zombies takes on a whole new meaning when you think about it like that.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
1 Mar 13
HAHAHA so true. This is the direction we are heading and boy can't you just see the method here?
individualism - check
loyalty to family - check
traditions - check
national patriotism - check
religious dogmas - check

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
but hey, it's a conspiracy theory don't you know...
no need to worry, they have our best interests at heart....
move on, nothing to see here folks....
yeah, right.
I can see it, you can see it. Half the coutry can see it. The only explanation for those hard core liberals NOT SEEING it, is we were to late warning them! You know somehow, someway it will be the conservative tea party's fault.

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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Considering similar things are going on in other countries slowly but surely....
I am thinking the UN is going to become the NWO. lol. Seriously though I am starting to wonder if they are.
Individualism that one is off and on. Whether or not they truly want it to go is a mystery.
Loyalty to family - well hate to say this but people "throwing" their family under the bus has been happening since well before now in all countries. People are just opening their eyes to see it.
Traditions - like what? Everyone has different traditions and some traditions are far outdated for modern society.
National Patriotism - Please... this has probably been on decline in America since the Vietnam war maybe even earlier. I am sure there is a lack of national patriotism in other countries as well.
Religious dogmas - The world would be a better place if we got rid of the largest religions in the world in my personal opinion. Then we can get rid of smaller non-confrontational non-rights infringing ones like mine after that. Reminds me of that song "Imagine" by John Lennon. Oh how lovely the world will be without all the religious b.s. and as I stated mine included.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Mar 13
Loyalty to family is the glue that holds communities of people together. Why do what benefits society, except that you are doing so for family? Going to work, being a law abiding person...all have their roots in doing what is best for your family. Taking care of one another, making sure the schools are doing well...all for family and betters communities.
Individuality, I take that to mean self esteem and motivation to do your best, to be motivated to be your best, so you can look at your self in the mirror. When you 'love' yourself, you are kinder to others as well. A person who values their self also understand responsibility and accountabiity before others. They value their freedom, their reputation etc.
Traditions, being able to look at the larger picture. To not be drawn into yourself. Reaching out to the younger and older generation, realizing you are connected to them. A sense of history and the future as well.
National patriotism, recognizing you are part of a larger whole. Recognizing the sacrifices made by others on your behalf, on behalf of your family and community. A sense of pride in who you are and the importance of shared values with others.
Religious values (I like this term better than dogma) Recognizing there is something bigger than you and that you will be held accountable for your choices in life. I know, the big thing to say now is people should be 'good' without a threat hanging over them. I know very FEW who can do that when tempted by wrong doing, especially teens. It would be nice if human beings could...but my experience with human nature is they often cannot. As a person matures it gets easier to be accountable to yourself, but I think learning this as a child helps us get to that place. I think also of things like forgivness, putting others needs ahead of your own. All these things are taught by one generation to another, and reinforced by belief in something 'bigger' than ourselves as an example, not to punish us when we don't, but for us to look up to when we are weak. I also feel that to know there is a God who offers forgiveness when we've messed up beyond our own ability to fix- has saved countless people from totally giving up on life.
Unfortunately, many 'religious' leaders have taken the 'easy' way and succumbed to temptation and been weak, in no position to lead themselves, let alone others. I recognize that. That is why in God's Word, the Bible, each believer is admonished to read and learn from the Word for him/her self. To not look to human leadership for their spiritual growth and health. To seek out and find the truth for themself, and to reprove or rebuke those teachers and leaders who are not teaching the truth. Unfortunately, very few do this.
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
3 Mar 13
Loyalty to family is important but people in themselves have taken to the whole "every man for himself" mentality. My mom, even though she is only 40, used to talk about how when she was growing up the community was like a family. How if she did something bad, the neighbors would be the first to tell her parents and she would get in trouble, and even though times were getting tougher people had money to help take care of their families. Imagine the country like a family, we all have different views and live in different places and we should want to make sure our entire family is able to survive and work to keep contributing BUT we keep "throwing" our family under the bus. We keep saying certain family members aren't as good as others. This ties into National Patriotism because how can you have pride in who you are and your country if some people are treated like second class and others are thrown under the proverbial bus.
Individuality. Your explanation of how you think of it works but I don't think always. I hate myself as I blame myself for things I had no control over BUT I am usually kind to others unless in a spirited debate as we've had before. I don't know many many people who are super kind-hearted in a debate. However, I've been able to communicate my points better considering even talking I have an odd way of speaking and what I mean doesn't match up to someone's interpretation.
Traditions in that sense have been, in my opinion, all but destroyed by greed in people. People wanting to spend time doing what they want and not caring about teaching younger generations or anything like that. With greed comes misinformation and some traditions go out the window because no one remembers what they are. In the same token, some traditions are commercialized and pushed as other traditions and it causes a lot of issues I believe.
Religious values is a much better term.
There are non-religious such as atheist who do realize they are part of a bigger picture. I think that particular line just deals with people realizing they are a drop in the ocean that we call our world.
I know it is a big thing to say now, but I've always held that belief that people SHOULD be good without a threat hanging over their heads. I can also admit that it wasn't until I reached maybe 17 or 18, that I realized most people could not be good without a threat over their heads. It is something I never understood. I am decent person not because of the threat of heaven or hell but because I don't see the point of being bad. I never see the point in just hurting people and more but then again like some others I have self control and realize not all people do.
More people should read the bible and not read it. I think the teachings of Jesus held merit and more and Jesus never judged anyone. The old testament is over and these "religious" leaders need to stop scaring their congregations or teaching hate is correct. Disliking something is part of life, but hatred is taught. Part of one of my issues is the changes in the book and mistranslations due to religious leaders wanting something more. Even they became corrupted and as you stated succumbed to temptation.
I have no problems with faith in God, but I just don't think they should read a man's translation of his holy works and think of it as his word. God, the goddess, and many other deities will lead their followers to the place they need to be and guide them to that place if only they would stop using "guides to their words" and just being a good person and prayer. I think more people would be closer to god if the let go of all the holy books, the Tora, the Qu'ran, the Bible, and so on and just prayed to their deity to enrich their lives and to have faith in something more than themselves. Once again those thoughts may be seen as idealistic but the way mainstream religions are today, it would make sense for books to be changed to keep and get to that point. Look at people now, these people took beautiful, once peaceful religions and perverted them into modern day Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and even Wicca.
It's sad.