american idol

United States
March 1, 2013 4:17pm CST
what has American idol come use to be picking a contestant that has the ability to sing and have a great they pick contestants on the hair, their clothes, where the are from.smh..and the judges are a hot mess..i am a shame to say this ..but i miss Simon.even though he could be a jerk sometimes..he at least kept it real.
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5 responses
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
2 Mar 13
I totally agree with you. I watched American Idol for all these years but this year I couldn't take it anymore. I started to watch this year and maybe only watched the first three shows and then I said no more. I couldn't deal with Nicki Minja and I just was not feeling the show this year at all. It has become more about everything then the singing ability. That is why I love "The Voice" because it has nothing to do with hair, clothes, how you look or where you come from its all about the voice itself. By the way it started to go down hill when Simon left.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
2 Mar 13
Sounds like American Idiol is on its way out. I have heard the ratings are slipping,too. American Idiol has been going through to many judges changes no wonder ratings are down and the judges suck! Simon I think would be still around if he had not brought the "X Factor" to the US.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
1 Mar 13
I have to say the first American Idol was the best and it went downhill from there. You seldom hear about any of the winners...if they were so great where are they now. I think Simon made the program watchable.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
1 Mar 13
U don't watch American Idol anymore because i don't like how it has become. I think that judging people on their looks and where they are from isn't what music singing or American Idol is about. It's about the talent. I mean just because you have great beautiful clothes and come from say Malibu California and live in a huge house and have beauty queen looks doesn't mean you will be a good singer. Also if your from say the Bronx New York and live in a tiny apartment and have braces glasses and zits doesn't mean you will be a bad singer. I mean look at the professional singer meatloaf. He's definately not good looking but is a great singer. So looks shouldn't matter On American Idol. Also i thought Simon was mean most times but yes he kept it real so did Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. They didn't go by looks and Simon even told them it's not about how you look but talent.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
1 Mar 13
Very true, the last few nights some of the best contestants were voted off. Real wrong. I love the show.. but