
March 1, 2013 4:41pm CST
Hi! I need some advice on how to deal with tantrums of kids. I have a 7 yr old girl and she always have tantrums and sometime I feel like crying already bcoz I realy don't know how to handle her, when she's like that. I hope u can help me thank you so much.
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2 responses
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
1 Mar 13
I do not have kids but i have a 4 yr old nephew and a 9 yr old niece and when they throw tantrums i or my sister or whoever is watching them either sits and ignores them and lets them yell. They let them do this because they say the kid is looking for attention and if you give it to them they we keep throwing this tantrum thinking they can get more attention. Also my sister has sent the kids to their rooms and made them stay there til they are done. Both usually work. They don't work all the time but it is the things that have worked best.
• United States
1 Mar 13
Sounds good to me...I think she should try it. I use to laugh when my kids did this and walk away. They got bored with it then because it was no fun for them and they stopped..eventually.
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
alright so i guess when they r having tantrum the best thing to do is to ignore them till they get tired... thanks i guess ignoring their tantrums is less stressful for me hehehe God bless
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
Tantrums? - If a child has tantrums, be ready to be patient with him. You can't just yell or beat him.
You have to be more patient with your child. There are times the child have tantrums because you allowed the child to have that attitude. Maybe you pampered her a lot and have given her all what she wants whenever she cry or maybe she is just a born out of adversity or something to that effect. So just be patient with the child. She is 7 years old and can still be changed. Let her know that tantrums is not good. Don't yell at her or spank her when she has tantrums but better yet talk to her in a nice way and explain to her that it is not good for a child to always be crying. Don't ever ever give her something she wants, just because she cried. Better yet, teach her the lesson that when she cries, she won't get what she wants all the more.