another man's trash...

United States
March 3, 2013 2:45pm CST
So my husband and I have been making several crafts to sell to bring in the extra cash we need. Many of the crafts are made with recycled wine and other glass bottles. We collect bottle from people we know, the side of the road, but mostly from the recycling center. An older gentleman who works at our local center even keeps aside bottles he finds that he thinks we would like or are unique. ( there are others who pick through the glass as well so this is much appreciated) While there yesterday we where talking with him and this lady who was there dropping off her recycling over heard our conversation, ( about a specific bottle he had found and what we could use it for) and very angrily told me I was a thief and should be arrested. The gentleman looked at her like she was crazy ( I am sure my look mirrored his) and told her she was wrong. In my defence he told her that once in the center the recycling is considered discarded trash and was free to be taken. That in fact I am only one of many people who dig for treasure (the coupon people are crazy on Mondays we won't even go that day of the week) She then said that was fine for our own use but to sell items was robbing people. Now is it robbing people to use essentially their trash? I mean they bring it there to get rid of it. No one who works at the recycling center or the police officer (she did call the cops from her cell when the center's workers told her it was OK what I was doing) felt what we are doing was wrong in fact the officer ordered a set of glasses out of bottles he saw us picking up (my husband and I turned them into drinking glasses, worked last night and this morning on them) and loved the color of. I am looking for opinions on this. I am not doing anything illegal but are we crossing a line?
6 people like this
20 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
3 Mar 13
Thats great !!! trash is cash. Can you post some of your work here? Id love to see what you make there.........
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Mar 13
Upcycled wine jug - An upcycled wine jug, cut,polished and wired to be hung from ceiling, a pendant light
Sure, I like showing them off This is one of my favorites. It was a gallon Chianti jug that we cut and polished then my husband (an electrician by trade) wired it up. It is a pendant light for above a bar or kitchen island and is made to be hardwired in. ( he packaged all the nuts and installation directions that's what is hanging on the top) He made one to sell then I made him make me some for the house. If you want to see other items message me I will send you the link to our Etsy shop where we have more.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
I know right! I have been looking for blue and red in the size but haven't found any
• Mexico
3 Mar 13
wow, those are really neat. Id love a blue one here. Great job.........
@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I have to chime in with the rest and say that woman was nuts. What you are doing is great. You not only recycle glass that would go to our already overfilled landfills, you're making something useful from it. What's the problem with that? When a person drops off things at a recycling center, they give up ownership of them, just like when they put out the trash. Maybe you should have asked her if she wanted her recycling back before someone found something they wanted and took it.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Mar 13
I think what this couple is doing is great too and i also think that once the stuff is in the garbage or recycling bin it is no longer that person's possessions. Yeah the woman was nuts.
• United States
6 Mar 13
Crazy yes and thank you both. Funny thing is all she brought in was plastic milk jugs and newspaper. I didn't touch any of her stuff!
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
4 Mar 13
What I think is that you are doing a service. By keeping them out of the landfill, and by upcycling them you are further postponing that eventual trip. You are not doing any thing legally or morally wrong, and that crazy woman just needs to rethink it.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
Thank you. I hope our items have nice long lives.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I don't think it is stealing. Now if the recycling center were to turn the glass in for monies for the county that you live in it would be a different story. Here in my area at the local recycling center the man who works there got warned for taking the aluminun cans because the county turned them in for the price of aluminum. The poor woman just had too much time on her hands! Some people are far too nosey for their own good!
• United States
6 Mar 13
Our doesn't even take the soda cans, instead they have a special bin out front for them and a local boy scout troop takes care of them, keeps the money for their stuff. Which is cool.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
The lady was just not that aware how it works.You wee doing just fine with it. People have gotten rid of their trash and you were just making something useful with it which is absolutely great!
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Mar 13
When my husband and I had a pick up truck we would go around richer neighborhoods and get some of the stuff they threw out and we would sell the stuff. The things they got rid of looked barely used! It blew our minds that they actually threw away brand new items practically. We never got in trouble for doing that either. But we were not doing anything wrong-they did not want the stuff anymore obviously! One man's trash is another man's treasure, nothing bad about it. I do not see that what your doing is wrong at all. The people bring it there and don't want them anymore so there is nothing wrong with it! Your making things better by re-using things that others threw away...
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
We just did the same found a nice solid wood dresser on the side of the road for pick up. One of the bars to keep the bottom drawer had a screw pulled out. Took hubby 5 minutes to fix and most of that was finding a screw. I let the little girls pick out a color (Barbie pink) and painted it with that as a base and the drawer fronts with some left over chalkboard paint. They love it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 13
I suppose she thinks you are recycling the bottles yourself for money, which takes reveue away from the city (or whoever is doing the actual recycling). but you are using it, so I don't see the problem. I have a good friend, and artist who uses recycled materials, and his stuff is just awesome.
• United States
13 Mar 13
I don't know what she thought but as our recycling program is on the list of cut backs for the town as they spend money not make any off of the process. Luckily for us it seems the state has laws making them keep the program though I think they will be cutting back on the days they are open.
• United States
4 Mar 13
nothing wrong with recycled materials to reuse and make nice things with.
@redredrose (1105)
• United States
4 Mar 13
It's not like you broke into their house and took something they had that they didn't throw away. I mean this is stuff they obviously didn't want anymore so how is it stealing when it ins't even in their possession anymore.OK then my dad must have stole from people when he was taking out the trash once at the apartment we used to live in and he found a baby stroller some sun chairs and a purse and he took them since they seemed to be in good enough shape. I say it is only stealing if the police say it is. But since the police said it isn't and the people threw this stuff away and didn't want it then taking it and or selling it isn't stealing. How is selling it stealing when the people who could have sold it themselves threw it away.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
salvaging things from recycling and trash is never stealing. If someone throws it away, it no longer belongs to THEM and as such is up for grabs to anybody. People who work at recycling places and places where large items people no longer want get turned in or picked up as trash or even landfills probably take perfectly good things people toss. I see people digging in trash cans ALL THE TIME for cans, bottles, and other items. I have even put out items I am getting rid of for the city large item pickup and sometimes other people come by and take the items before the city pick up even arrives. I don't care, I mean if I have no use for them any more, might as well benefit somebody else who needs them, right? There are a lot of needy people and something I am throwing away might be exactly what they need!
• United States
4 Mar 13
Like the saying goes one man's trash is another man's treasure.
• United States
6 Mar 13
We have a gentleman in our neighborhood who always stops to look through anything he deems interesting. I left our a crate of old records given to me I couldn't sell on line. A few months later I saw him selling them at a crafts show as chip bowls. He had heated them until soft and then formed them. I was so impressed I gave him a whole other crate I had to do his magic. I never saw what he did as wrong, just amazing.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
3 Mar 13
I don't know what line you would be crossing. It isn't illegal, as said. Not sure what this woman had going on in her head. You aren't taking anything from anyone. the recycling place free will gives you items so what line is crossed? It isn't. There are always going to be people out there that think they are right about the weirdest things. This woman is apparently one of them. This was confirmed by the police officer that came and spoke to you. You aren't doing anything wrong. In all honesty you are recycling something into something useable. I think that's fabulous to be honest.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Mar 13
Thanks I thought we where being creative personally. It just was one of those moments when you lay in bed later runs it's self over and over again in your head making you wonder
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@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
3 Mar 13
If anybody was crossing a line yesterday, it was that lady. I can't believe she called the police on you when the center employees clearly weren't bothered at all by what you were doing. The center allows people to take discarded bottles for whatever they want to use them for. For crying out loud, it's not like you were sneaking in there without permission and actually stealing things! Besides, the whole point of recycling is to give things that would be thrown in the trash new life...
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Mar 13
Glad I am not the only one who thought her crazy. It just kept replaying in my head all night is all. Wanted to make sure I guess
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
3 Mar 13
I feel so bad that she did that to you and your husband. That was ridiculous. It is awesome that you and your husband are able to make something out of recycled items and resell them. It is the type of work you and your husband do. She is just jealous that she hasn't figured out a way to earn extra money. Many people are able to make things out of previously used things and make money. That woman is crazy.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Mar 13
Thank you, I was hoping it wasn't me who was off my rocker . I was up half the night thinking about it. Thank you for your support.
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@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
3 Mar 13
Ofcourse you are not crossing a line! This sounds way more like someone who is far from creative and artistic. Someone who is full of envy and jealous because you are able to make something great, which people even like to buy!, out of trash. something she throws away! What a pathetic person she is that she is even taking the time to call the police. I would say: go on with what you do. Show people that even what can look trash, useless into their eyes can be used for something great. We also create a lot out of (all kinds of) trash and this is not only saving us a lot of money but also good for the environment.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
Thanks. What do you make? Right now I am trying to figure out spoon rings and bracelets. Getting them smooth is difficult for me but I love the way they look.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
7 Apr 13
Do you melt the glass down into trays?
• United States
14 Apr 13
I would like too as I have seen some beautiful pendants made from melted glass but the cost of a kiln is way more then we have right now and we do not have access to one at a shop or anything. I love the melted bottles with the dried flowers inside the trays.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
3 Mar 13
Looks like a classic case of envy to me. That lady is obviously not happy that you and your husband have the talent and skills to do something that she also wants to do but maybe due to lack of creativity or talent, she wasn't able to. So she did the next best thing that her twisted mind could ever think of: make trouble for you. Too bad for her, no matter how I look at it what you are doing is not anywhere near illegal. Maybe she should be the one to watch out, because of her attitude she could get into trouble by calling the cops on people without even knowing what's up. I mean if she doesn't get it, she could have at least asked or approached you first, right?
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 13
then again some people just like to make trouble..
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Mar 13
Wow!! Some people are a little unreal are they not. Getting upset like this and then calling the cops. This too me is a little unreal. Like Wow!! What did she say when the cop ordered some glasses made from 2 of the bottles? My thoughts are this lady has always had everything handed to her financially and thinks no one should have to use other people's stuff or remake something from other people's junk to profit off of it. Where does she get her stuff from? Nordstrom and higher?
• United States
13 Mar 13
He didn't order them in front of her, he waited until after she stormed off. She did get all in a tiff when the officers told her (2 always show up in our town) that what we where doing wasn't illegal and that she should save calling the police for emergencies. funny thing is when we went to give him the glasses we made for him the officer had a set of 6 more he wanted turned into pilsner style glasses. He is giving them to the guys in his wedding party!
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
Personally...I see absolutely NOTHING illegal...and you & yours are definitely following the TRUE spirit of recycling...BRAVO! I think that old BAT was recycled from some-one's septic field, especially the toilet's diatrous..and she is full of $hite!
• United States
6 Mar 13
yeah we take recycling to a different level.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I don't see anything wrong with it but I see a LOT wrong with the attitude of the nosy person. A lot of issues in society would be avoided if people actually had lives and stopped nosing into each other's business. I have to say I think it is weird for people to essentially 'steal' items I set out on the curb for the city trash people to come take but I don't CARE. If someone wants to use broken furniture or an old desk I have no use for, more power to them, you know? I think the nosy lady should be arrested for not keeping her stupid mouth shut. She has the right to have any OPINION she wants but to gripe in public? No, I think not. She can FEEL however she wants but I don't think she has the right to complain about it publically since what you are doing is not, in fact, anything illegal.
• United States
6 Mar 13
As I told someone before we picked up a dresser with a broken draw, fixed it, painted it and now it's in my younger daughters' room. Though I have seen some who have taken things we couldn't even imagine doing anything with but hey to each his own. It is true that society has always had it's busy bodies. I guess the reality is that it isn't as common place now so when people do say something it is more surprising.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
4 Mar 13
that is always illegal and not a right thing to do at any point of time resulting in illicit activities
• United States
6 Mar 13
Was it bad though when the police said it wasn't illegal?
@subho12 (12)
• India
4 Mar 13
Its a really difficult task to give opinion in this case......
• United States
6 Mar 13
please if you see a different view share it. I really do wish to understand.
@Kathy1981 (157)
• United States
4 Mar 13
No you are not crossing the line. My father makes airplanes, cars and other items from pop and bear cans. He washes them out and makes and sells the items at the local flea market. Nothing wrong with using recycled items to make something new again. The person was just jealous of what you were doing and nothing more.
• United States
13 Mar 13
I would love to see them! I found a project on Pinterst to turn the cans into boxes and to put it mildly I suck at it. It wasn't as easy as it looked to fold and shape the all!