How will people remember Obama's presidency?
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
March 3, 2013 11:01pm CST
The man presided over record deficits exceeding $1 trillion. The nation debt may very well reach $20 trillion before he leaves office. He'd been the most divisive president of my lifetime. He blames everyone, but himself for things that go wrong under his presidency and never takes responsibility for anything.
Democrats have been blaming republicans for everything, but history has shown, nobody will remember who was in congress, nor will they get the credit or blame for what happens. That all falls on the president.
If you don't believe me, look at Bush. The deficit was in a steady decline on pace to a surplus until democrats got control of both houses in 2006. That is a FACT, yet nobody talks about that. All they talk about is that the debt and deficit grew under Bush. The house and senate are forgotten. A republican led house and senate passed a balanced budget in 1999 and 2000, yet nobody remembers. All they remember is that the budget was balanced under Clinton.
Those examples were only in the last 14 years and congress is ignored while presidents get credit and blame. Look back further at things that happened under Eisenhower, Kennedy, and FDR, and you'll realize that nobody has any clue who led congress or what congress did during their presidencies.
In the end, Obama's blame game will be forgotten when his legacy is written because he has failed to do anything good for this country besides being president when Osama bin Laden was killed. That is the one and only good thing he will have in his legacy.
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11 responses
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
4 Mar 13
Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents. Give it a few decades and people will see how his legacy plays out.
I don't know where you are getting your disinformation about the deficit. The deficit has been shrinking under Obama. It is now more than $200 billion smaller. The US deficit is shrinking at the fastest pace since WWII.
Thanks to Obama, we are on pace to another 2.4 trillion dollars in deficit reduction. The number would be much higher if the republicans would stop obstructing all common sense approaches to further deficit reduction.
A more recent Maddow show had a statement, "When no one knows the truth, it's a lot easier to get away with lying" or something to that effect.
Well, now that the sequesters are in place, it will quite likely destroy the progress that has been made his first term, but the republicans will do anything to sabotage his presidency at the risk of all the American people. And they rely on people being so deliberately confused that they will go around exaggerating a deficits growth and blaming Obama for it.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 13
"Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents."
What do you think he's done that will earn him that place in history? Just think of what the "best presidents" have done to make that list. George Washington beat the British and began this country as the first president. Abraham Lincoln won the civil war and ended slavery. FDR, who was really one of the two worst presidents ever, won WWII and was president when the Great Depression, which he prolonged for 12 years, ended. What did Obama do that was so special? Is killing bin Laden enough to get him on the list, or do you think the color of his skin is what will do it?
"I don't know where you are getting your disinformation about the deficit. The deficit has been shrinking under Obama. It is now more than $200 billion smaller."
The deficit was $438 billion in 2008, Bush's final year. Obama has yet to run a deficit that's less than DOUBLE that and has had deficits as high as QUADRUPLE that. Sure, the deficit is lower than the $1.6 trillion he had a couple years ago, but only because republicans got control of the house and were able to slow the growth of government so revenue has been starting to catch up. The deficit is NOT $200 billion smaller than the deficit he inherited.
"A more recent Maddow show had a statement, "When no one knows the truth, it's a lot easier to get away with lying" or something to that effect."
And that's why Obama's lies have been so successful up till now. He cried wolf one too many times with this sequester deal that he proposed, campaigned for, and signed into law. The republicans called his bluff and now everyone knows he was lying, The world didn't end with sequester.
Just tell me though, exactly what has he done that history will remember as something that makes him one of the greatest presidents ever?
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
4 Mar 13

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 13
And if you do your research you'll see that Bush's last deficit was $435 billion, and Obama quickly turned it into a $1.6 trillion deficit. The democrat-led house and senate waited until Obama was president to vote on all their 2009 spending bills so they could get the deficit that high. Obama, of course, rubber stamped those bills giving us the biggest deficit this country has ever seen. I'm still waiting for him to cut the deficit in half like he promised he would do in his first term. Somehow, I doubt it will drop to $217.5 billion any time soon.

@elmiko (6630)
• United States
4 Mar 13
i really don't know where you get your information from, but the deficit grew massively under bush due mainly to 2 wars being fought as well as tax breaks. the reason the debt grew so fast under bush is you had tax breaks during a time of war. this never occurred in the history of the u.s. until George W. Bush became president. lets not forget the nations top accountant resigned in protest due to the outrageous spending under Bush. still, i like what the republicans did to have automatic across the board cuts. even though its painful it was needed to tame spending.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 13
The deficit did grow under Bush, due to 9-11 and the wars, but only until 2004, at which point the deficit decreased rapidly from about $455 billion, to $155 billion in 2006, before democrats got control of both houses. Had they allowed the Bush tax cuts to expire, as was originally intended, the budget would have easily been balanced by 2008.
Revenues did actually increase after the Bush tax cuts, but the extra money that would have kept the budget balanced was spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as everything else having to do with 9-11.
This thread really isn't about Bush though. It's about Obama and how people will view his presidency in the future. On Bush, I think he'll be less and less hated as time goes on and in about 20 years, he'll be remembered as a mediocre president who got into one too many wars and brought talk about waterboarding and the use of drones into the political arena.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Mar 13
There will still be those who will say with their last dying breath he's the greatest. He could be holding a knife to their child's throat and they would still worship their false god.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Mar 13
Yes lelin having ovomit as the fraud in the White House certainly IS a downer. And the fact he kills and advocates killing innocent people including children.

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
4 Mar 13
From my very small view, the deficits thing is happening in many countries all over the world, perhaps on a proportionate level. When that big financial crisis was looming back in about 2007-8, many of the western nations with big economies all went into talks & agreed there was only one way left to avoid a "Great Depression" that was never tried before... & that was to spend our way out of it. It was a huge success down here, not so much so everywhere else. All we've got to show for it now is maintaining a AAA credit rating - just! Which means only one thing... more spending!
Luckily, this is an election year for us.
Now, back to "you guys". I will always remember every single one of his speeches that he made here, there & everywhere else. I think he should shove 'em all on DVD & sell 'em all over the world & make truck loads of cash. He gave a lot of people all over the world hope in difficult times. I know it seems hard to believe, but we can't really say for sure if someone else would have done a better job, just done it differently, because the only real way to tell is a side-by-side comparison, which is really quite impossible. Your President's character in itself is memorable. The things he achieved in his first term - I saw them posted on a website near election time - astounded me. If our hung parliament could have achieved even a fraction of that in that time frame, they'd be almost worth voting for. I can't speak for the whole country of course, but it seems your Mr Obama is "bigger than Jesus" down here!

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I'm glad things have been successful in your country with the recession. I don't follow your politics too much so I can't comment on what's going on there. It's unfortunate though that politicians often see a good economy as a reason to increase spending, when saving for the next recession would be the wisest move as economies will always have their ups and downs.
I'm sure that when Obama's presidency is over he'll do what you said and make a lot of money. He'll also tour other countries and make millions doing speeches the same way Bill Clinton has.
You're right that there's no way to know for sure if anyone would have done a better job, but in many ways for me, it's hard to imagine someone doing a worse job. He has really divided this country more than any other president in my lifetime to where people are beginning to actively hate members of the opposing political party without even knowing them.
" The things he achieved in his first term - I saw them posted on a website near election time - astounded me."
Unfortunately those thing he "achieved" aren't real. Most are just what he claims to have achieved. For example the "affordable health care act." Some think it makes healthcare universal in this country. It does not. Some think it makes health care more affordable. In reality, health care costs and insurance premiums have skyrocketed since it passed. All it really is is a law that forces people to buy insurance themselves, or pay a fine. Most of his big accomplishments are similarly misrepresented to appear to be good things.
To many of his supporters here in the US, he is bigger than Jesus as well. I'm just curious about how he'll be remembered in the future, when he's not around to make those inspiring speeches for those who worship him.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
6 Mar 13
At the 41st Gallen Symposium, May 12-12, 2011 Panel on Global Power Shift, a Banker admits Bankers engineered the world financial crisis.
see for yourself.
@chad2013 (17)
• Jamaica
5 Mar 13
most people say he's the best president america has every seen, but more time i wonder if he's just a puppet for bigger interests, the inflation has gone up more than ever affecting every country dependent on the Us, he will definitely be remembered in history as this has triggered the attention of the entire world, i'm not saying he's to be blamed entirely but we all know he's in charge of the obama administration so he should make more decisive moves.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
6 Mar 13
"most people say he's the best president america has every seen"
What? Where did you get that information? I know he has some worshippers who will say stupid things like that, but show me one poll, survey, or ranking by any respectable outlet that lists him as the best president America has ever seen.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I was thinking of this just the other day and it made me sad. I believe he will go down as the most selfish, destructive president in history and perhaps even be held up as an example of one that is so focused on politics that he financially ruined the country for the sake of ideology.
I think it's a shame that the party chose a man because of his skin color and his ability to read a teleprompter. The first black president should have been one who had a good working knowledge of finance and how a nation was run, someone like Herman Cain or so many other prominent businessmen or women that would know how to run a country. History will not remember Obama well and may even hold him up as the one that pushed the country into ruin.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Mar 13
This is going to veer off topic here a bit, but I was watching YouTube clips of Potholer to see his Crocoduck nominations for this year, and the suggestion bar had a Young Turks video in it. 3 minutes of my time is a fair trade-off to see the nonsense they're on about. And as I might have expected, it was nonsense. According to that uber-left-wing outfit, religion is only a right-wing thing.
But you can keep going down the list of things that are supposedly creations of the right. Torture/rendition is only a right-wing thing. Spending massive amounts of money is only a right-wing thing. Campaigning dirty and being in the pockets of big business is only a right-wing thing. War and government intrusion is only a right-wing thing. And on it goes.
And the hard left doesn't only say this nonsense, like the Young Turks and their religion point, but it's actually believed.
I operate by a different standard of "lying" than, say, a guy like Michael Moore. According to him, as we all know, saying something that turns out not to be true means you intentionally lied. Well, I believe you have to be saying something with the knowledge that it's not true for it to be considered a lie. So by that standard, I can't even call the hard left liars -- at least not all of them. They just refuse to look deeper due to their hatred of the opposition.
There are very few differences I can spot between Obama and Bush. Obama probably did a little more Coke, spent a lot more money and has a deeper tan, but they're interchangeable on so many things. War and drones and GITMO and letting other folks torture for us. Cronyism. A secretive administration. Stepping on freedoms. Playing far too political. Taking too many vacations while supposedly our President.
But the biggest difference of all: Per the majority of mainstream media in this nation, Bush is already considered amongst the worst Presidents ever, while Obama is already considered amongst the greatest.
That letter beside someone's name makes too gargantuan a difference in America, and that's very disturbing.
Bye-bye bin Laden! But other than that -- I don't know.
Championed gay rights? Only when it was in his political interest. It's not a stance he had until poll numbers suggested he have it.
Ended the war? Sent troops. Killed more with drones. Says enough to ensure Bush is still hung in effigy over it.
Helped with the debt? Exponentially added to it and continues to do so.
Assisted in any semblance of a sound financial plan, even a budget, to help with the biggest crisis we face? 

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
4 Mar 13
Thats easy, you will remember Obamas Presidency by all the empty wallets and purses after he leaves office....
@jdawg011 (498)
• Canada
5 Mar 13
I don't know about some people, but many, myself included will probably remember him as the most liked president worldwide in the past few decades, despite the many complaints by american citizens.
But you may be right about the most memorable thing being his getting rid of Bin Laden. It really is something that we'll just have to wait and see to know.
For Bush the main thing I remember is that he was... a complete idiot, and he somehow got voted in a second time while I shook my head in disbelief.
@Kathy1981 (157)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I aghree with you. Killing Osama Bin Laden was the one good thing that
Obama did. Now they are going to try and take away child care from the working poor. Those people will have to leave their kids home alone at young ages or use someone that is not qualified to watch their children. Social programs need to come first to help the poor and middle class. That is the making of a good President.