Why do so many people settle for less-than-happy relationships?
By bjc66bjc
@bjc66bjc (6730)
United States
March 5, 2013 1:37pm CST
I have never been one to just settle..But I always believe that
happiness should be real..
So many people just settle for the first person who show interest
weather its real or not..Some peole have that feeling that they
can not live alone or be without a person in thier live to give
or get love.. WE need to love ourselves first and then open our
heart to love...
We as humans need not settle...If we treat others like we want to
be treated we should find happiness ..
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13 responses
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
6 Mar 13
One of my friends has chosen to stay in an abusive relationship. She said to me: "I don't love him, but I can't live without him because I can't be alone" She is so scared of being alone and she accepts a bad relationship because she thinks that it would be worse to be alone. We have talked about it many times, and I told what I think, but she isn't ready to leave the relationship. If I were in her situation I would prefer to be alone. I think that no relationship is better that a bad relationdhip. I have been single in the past and I am not afraid of that situation. I love my husband and I happy that I am in relationship today, but I wouldn't accept a bad relationship to avoid loneliness.

@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
7 Mar 13
The sad fact is she acknowledges that she isn't being treated right and she wants understanding from friends but she might be so psychologically controlled by him that she doesn't even see the full picture of how wrong it is.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
6 Mar 13
Wow Porcospino, your friend is lucky to have you in her life.
But instead of telling her about how bad the relationship is
try lifting up her self esteem..try telling her how pretty
she looks as often as you can.. She is not giving herself
the credit she deserves.I hope you contnue being her friend
and trying to help her understand that she deserves better..

@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Mar 13
I think alot of people just settle because they have very poor self-esteem and do not believe they deserve any better. Co-dependency deals into relationships alot too. And charm, manipulation. We do need to love ourselves and know ourselves before we ever go out looking for a partner. We need to fully understand what we want and need in a partner too. Not just jump in and hope for the best.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
9 Mar 13
Happiness is real, it differs from person to person. We can never know if what we feel or see is a not so happy relationship maybe a happy one for the person herself/himself.
Often we are the ones who may see something but we are not the one who knows what it is like to be in their relationship. i believe each relationship is different, there can be no two persons alike, and there can be no relationships alike too.
Of course if we do our best, and treat others well, we can find happiness in what we then receive from these people we show kindness to.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
7 Mar 13
As I'm coming to know myself again, can say I'm not going to settle again. I'm not even going to get too serious about anything for a long, long time.
Yes there are a lot of people who settle for a less then happy relationship. Funny thing is the worst of the worst comes out when a person puts their nose ring in you and then all the do is yank you around with it. Sounds a bit bitter, I'm still working on that.
@SJ112760 (132)
• United States
7 Mar 13
Hello Bjc66bjc Well speaking for myself that's a very good ?'s I have asked myself that too. And some of the reason why I stay is first of all I took the vows and those vows was a promise to God. I have thought about leaving so many times. But when it come time to leave it's like God remind me of the vows. It is very hard to live unhappy but I'm a firm believer that God will move when he is ready. Now for the ones who are dating well they don't have to stay so I don't know why they stay. because I've heard a man call his so call girl friend a B or a w well as for me I refused to be called anything other the name my Mother gave me. So why they settle for that I DO NOT KNOW .....
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
5 Mar 13
There are many reasons...
If somebody stays with the first one, that person may not know how is it different. Being in that relationship may be better than being alone and not taking the risk of finding out how will be the other ones, they will not know that it can be better.
They may not be ready to renounce also at the good parts of their mate. Everybody have some. Or they may really hate the searching and dating rituals.
I also think that we should leave when we realise that we have better options and avoid distructive relationships, even if we are in love. But I understand why this is difficult, and more difficult for some than for others.
It's also complicated to take the decision if you don't have all the dates you need and if you don't feel it strongly that you don't have anything else to find in that relationship. The partner may not make you happy enough because he/she is depressed. This might go away and the sparks come again. You may find someone better or you may never find. Nobody is perfect and nobody acts perfect in a relationship. So when you have to decide to leave or not, you may think you also have flaws, so it's ridiculous to think you deserve better. Just a few thoughts that might change somebody's mind and make him/her stay there and settle.
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
6 Mar 13
My main idea about this is that we are talking about an (almost) rational calculation. It's not only about emotional, fear of being alone and lack of self-esteem and all those psychological reasons.
Everybody wants to get the maximum amount of happiness. There are chances and probabilities to improve or not a situation. Some take risks and win, but also some take risks and lose.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Mar 13
I don't know,BJ. I will never understand it. I mean, I have always done my best to work out things with a person that I'm with. I have never been one to run at the first sign of trouble. Still, there comes a point when clearly, things are not working nor are they going to. I just leave. If one is miserable and unhappy in a relationship then that is what they are going to give to the other person. I think a lot of people feel they need a "reason" to leave other than just unhappiness. They NEED the person to cheat or get violent or do something to give them a good excuse. They provoke arguments and do things hoping to get the other person to leave or to give them the excuse they need. Why go through all that? It would be kinder to simply say, "I'm sorry but this really is just not working for me."
You are right though. People rush into things and settle and so many times they are living together by the time they realize that they are not at all meant for each other.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
7 Mar 13
Hi sid, yes life would be much simpler if everyone was as straight
forward as up and just be up front with." its just not going to work"
but people seem to be in denial a while before the realization of
that fact even set in...
Thanks for responding....enjoy the rest of your week...
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
9 Mar 13
Bjc I´m glad to read you, we have a say at my country "the last train" some people think their partner will be their "last train", the have a low self esteem.
Bjc... dainy

@Arieles (2473)
• United States
6 Mar 13
I haven't settled and won't settle. I thought I found the right one, but ultimately I was wrong. I am happy I didn't settle and end up with the wrong person. I will keep looking. I live everyday and have ample opportunity to find and meet someone that will complete me. Life has so much to offer and I have a lot of living left to do, so settling is out of the question.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
5 Mar 13
I think like you. I am independent enough and I have an estimation of myself good enough not to think that I would be lost if I didn't have a partner. But some people are so afraid of being alone. There are even some people who have such bad self esteem that they think they can't have a better relatzinship than the one they have now, even if their spouse is abusing them...
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
5 Mar 13
I see that in so many relationships, or they have been in a relationship for so long they just stay.
My one ex, I thought was amasing when we first started dating. He was so caring, even looking up my health issues, and say if we went out to eat make sure I could go there. He then just turned iinto a nut case. He would call me , we worked nights together, if he was at work, and I wasn't he accuse me of sleeping around, or saying I didn't care for him.
I went with my gut and tossed him. My friend at the time told me how heaartless I was and how I wouldn't find anyone else. At the time I was debating my decision, but in the end I wasnt real happy. Having to tip toe to make sure he didn't think I was cheating, or doing this or that.
I know friends who stay in a relationship so they arn't alone. You can tell they arn't happy, but trying to find reasons to stay. A lady I worked with, who is like a mother to me just started dating a guy 5 months ago or so. He moved in after 2 months, and just little things. I told her if your have doubts then change it, only you can. He is bossing her around, they will go out with his friends (females), and saying hug them and touch them (I mean hugging as friends is one thing but how they are doing it). He wants her to move to the city, and she wants to stay here. I told her she may be happy in some ways, but if your not completely, she has to go with what is deep down.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
6 Mar 13
HI Ricki, Its good you were strong enough to make a decision
you could live with..and that line that men run to women that
they will never find another man is just plain crazy but women
fall for it all the time..They just need to give thenselves
more credit...
I hope your friend be strong as well and do the right thing for
herself..not for anyone else..SHe needs to make herself happy
weather its with or without him...
@danix1982 (593)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
maybe some people afraid of commitment that is why they dont want to get settled. yes you are right, you must love yourselves first before loving the other. :)