He'll Always Be My Baby

My Baby Forever - This is my youngest son, the kid I am so attached with. I guess all mom are that way.
@jenny1015 (13366)
March 6, 2013 1:42am CST
I have been Mylotting for the past 2 hours. My 2 kids are watching tv and playing online games simultaneuosly. Gosh! Kids these days! Then my youngest son (8 years old) asked me if he can go out and buy himself a candy. I got sort of mas coz I didn't want him to be eating candies again. I was busy reading a post of gifts, and when he came back, he had a bottle of tea and a bottle of coca cola. He gave the tea to his brother and then he gave me the Coke. Then he told me he saw that there was barbeque sold at the corner of the street and bought two which he has already eaten. I hugged him and asked him, "You're still my baby, right? You're acting like a grown up. I still want you to be my baby.". Then he answered, "I'm a man!". Then I kissed his nose, and again ask him, "You're my baby, right?" Then he answered, "ok, mom, I will always be your baby". I got teary eyed....even until now.
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23 responses
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
6 Mar 13
he maybe your baby and he always will be but he is turning into a fine young man enjoy the times that you have with him as you will remember them for the rest of your life and there are not that many in a life time
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
15 Apr 13
Yes... that may happen while they are all sitting in front of computers and video games . am I the only one that sees this aspect of it?? My kids did not have computers, video games and most of the time...not even cable. We did things outdoors and we did crafts. I taught them to cook and sew and all sorts of things. Going to the store alone was a big milestone but it wasn';t when they snuck out because I couldnt be bothered. It was because they'd earned the trust to do so. This kid walked out of the house, went to the store on his own and bought stuff after she got mad at being interupted on the computer. and everyone is offering up praise. I guess I'm just old fashioned but I don't find this praise worthy.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Good day, blackrusty! I would sure remember how he made me feel special countless of times. His surprises always make me smile and brings me into tears.
• Mexico
6 Mar 13
better days to come when he cleans his own room just becuse he dont want you in it and if you have taught him well he will be doing chorse and he will be doing his own laundry and cooking his mom dinner every night so you can put your feet up at night might i also say teach him how to sew and mend his own stuff I know I was happy when my mom had teached me how to as I dont have a wife
@leateagee (3667)
• China
6 Mar 13
oh. He is such a sweet little guy. Make time while he is still young to have with him. That's what my mom always tells me now that I have my own. I am a workaholic. She told me very soon or you'll never know how fast time flies, you'll seldom see your daughter because she's off to school then she's a grown up that she has her own life. My mom fast forwarded her story too fast that made me think that time flies really fast coz very soon I'll really be going back to work. Enjoy your babies. He may always be your baby but make him feel that.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Time flies so fast. It was just like yesterday when I had him. I kept on going back to the hospital coz of too much pain but the doctors told me that it was still not time. But when the right time came, I was just so happy that I can finally take care of him. Among the 4 kids, he cried the loudest. I thought that maybe the doctor dropped him. I even asked the nurse what happened, coz his cry was scary. Good thing he was just crying normally. And now, he is in 2nd Grade, a top student in the class, my little genius, my baby forever.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
That I do believe, Nursefrai! It can only come from my genes!
• Penrith, Australia
6 Mar 13
That's not really surprising, children get 70% of their intelligence from their mums.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
6 Mar 13
Make hay while the sun shines!
@allknowing (132525)
• India
6 Mar 13
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Hi, there, breath of fresh air! How have you been?
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
He's still cute like a baby. What age do children lose their cuteness? I remember my sister she is cute when she was in grade 1 but now she changed a lot and also my cousin they are maturing. Now, we have 2 year old kid around to replace them. Just enjoy the time they are still a baby because you cannot stop them from growing up.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Hi, averygirl! I do cuddle him a lot to the point that he gets annoyed! I just love hugging him especially at night. He sleeps beside me, well all mu kids are actually, coz they still want to be near me and their dad at night. Imagine my eldest, 19 years old! But we are not treating them babies. They just prefer staying in our room coz they get to fight before they sleep and I get to shush them.
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
I would be very proud to have a son like that. It's good that he is learning to be independent and responsible. As parents, we become rather attached but we should remember to allow them to grow up and guide them always. They have to be free to make their own choices someday, to become awesome adults.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
Hello, Aja! That is true! I teach him to be independent even at his young age. And most especially that I no longer have a helper in the house, I tell all my kids to help me with thins in the house. My youngest son can do small things like wash the dishes, fold the clothes, sweep the floor. I really do not want him to grow up not knowing these things, coz when I was a kid, my dad also taught me to do them.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
That's great jenny! You are a great mom. LOL, don't let your son become a lazy person like me. I can't even cook and I don't do chores around the house. But lately, I am learning them on my own.
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
6 Mar 13
Kids grow so fast, one moment your just taking care of them and giving them milk and carrying them around then all of a sudden they are all grown ups and they are self-supporting and everything. I feel that way about my little brother, i am 8 years older than he is. I used to be the one who takes care of him. I bring him and pick him up from school too everyday. Everytime i pick him up he used to hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek but now, he doesn't anymore, he grows up so fast.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
If we could only stop time and make them kids forever, right? But of course, we can't. So we must just enjoy while they are young. Besides, we want to nurture them the best way possible so that they would also treat their children the same way.
• Penrith, Australia
10 Mar 13
That's true, apparently the way we treat the children have a big effect on how they grow up to be.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
12 Apr 13
Wow ... going to the store and buying something for you and his brother. Quite a good little son you have raised here. I think this is super what he has done, especially only being 8. Yes, he is your baby but this was an awesome way of showing responsibility as he is getting older.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
12 Apr 13
Hi, KrauseHome! He is really such a sweety. And he has done a lot of things for me that I am so proud about.
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
7 Mar 13
A child is always a special and wonderful treasure however old he or she is. My youngest child will forever my baby. She is 3 years old however she is tall for her age. My son aged 5 looked so grown up in his fancy dress costume. He dressed up as a police man. You see fancy dress was required to go to school today. You got me rather teary eyed. What a sweet thing your son said to you. That is charmingly lovely and delights me.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
10 Mar 13
Thanks, maximax8 for giving some of your time to participate in this discussion. And I am glad that I have touched your heart as well. Our kids will always be our babies!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
23 Mar 13
Hello Jenny. We have a saying in China--however old you are, you are still the baby of your parents. It well tells us that before our parents, we are always children though we have our own minds about things. It mainly or partially means parents are parents and we should always love our parents for what they have done to bring us up. Have a good day.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
23 Mar 13
Hi, williamjisir! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That is true...that no matter how old our kids get, they would remain our babies forever....regardless of how old they get, but the fact that they came from us, the connection will always be the same.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
7 Mar 13
I am so happy for your child and you. Children today are very knowledgeable and matures very early in age. Their curiosity and huge appetite are responsible here and hence it is very important for us to be as positive and good as we can be for them to learn and pick up. Slowly, we will find ourselves releasing our grip on them to trust them to be independent with what they learn from us.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
You git me teary-eyed again. But really, many thanks! I know that it might be just a few more years and he would want less of me. But I will always hold on to the memories that he gave that made me happy and proud.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Mar 13
It will never cease to amaze me that our children grow up oh so fast. I think that you were really lucky to finally get your son to admit that he is your baby and that he will always be your baby. My son is six-years-old now and I will always refer to him as my baby and that is something that drives him insane because he says that he is not a baby anymore, he is a big kid because he goes to school and all of that stuff. However there are still times that I will at least see glimpses of the little baby that he used to be.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
26 Mar 13
Yeah! Kids would often tell us that they are no longer babies since they are already in school or just have a bit more independence. It's part of growing up. But a mother would really not get tired of saying the same thing no matter how old the kids grow. The love is simply incomparable to anything else.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
7 Mar 13
i am still single and no baby yet. Your son is very cute and lovely. i can feel how much you are happy whenever you spend your time with your children.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
hello, ryanong! I am sure you'll feel the same way when you have your own kid. There is really nothing like it!
@danix1982 (593)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
our child is our treasure to the rest of our life, they are give the meaning of being a mother. i do really love my kids, even i am at work everyday i see to it that i have constant communication at home to check them every minute and every hour. i really love them, i work hard because of them. thank you for this discussion i got teary eyed also because i miss them.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Hello, Danix! Thanks for taking time to participate in this discussion. A mom loves her children with all heart no matter how old they have become and no matter how many times they have hurt us. I don't think it would ever be the same again if all my four kids will have their own families. I would surely miss them a lot.
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
you are welcome jenny! if the discussion is for children and family i can share a lot, it is really hard but enjoy being a mother so many obstacles and trials we should face for the sake of our kids. it is really sad also that when the time comes that our kids have their own family cannot imagine my little engineer and my little nurse this is how i want them to be. :)
1 person likes this
• India
7 Mar 13
Hey jenny It is good that you have wonderful kids and I am wishing that he will be your baby always. But do remember that the more he grows the aspirations of him becomes more important and do respect them as well. Do not force them to listen to you always.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
Hello, gavenkatesh! Thanks so much for sharing your time. My eldest is now 19 years old. And I do allow him to make his own choice. Even the course that he took in College, I never influenced him in any way. I do give my kids freedom little by little until such time that they are able to make their own decisions.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
6 Mar 13
I don't blame you! he sounds like a cute kid! My son is 36 years old and he's always going to be my baby since he's my only son!
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Exactly! No matter how old our kids get, we'll always see them as our little kids and remember how they were when they were young.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
6 Mar 13
so good of you and so much love and affection you have for him and it makes me go dramatic about you.Keep loving till the end and treasure all the moments carefully and these are intense moments one will relish for long time
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Hi, Natliegleb! Thanks for joining in. Among the 4 kids, he is the one that comes up with something. Like if his dad's birthday is coming up, I don't need to tell him to greet him or make him something. A week before that event, he makes a poster and shows me how proud he is for making one for his dad. And also, he is an ace student. That makes us more proud of him.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
6 Mar 13
Kinda funny, maybe you need to have some more fruits for him there. And maybe he wont ask for candy so much. Just an idea. Take care there.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Actually, I had bananas, papaya and mangoes. But all of my four kids just chowed it down! And I have not gone to the grocery again.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Your son must be so sweet. We can never stop the growing of kids but we can still treat them as a baby. My boyfriend used to be so sweet with his mom too even if he is already going to 25 years old this April. He still very close with his mom and I think I did not see anything wrong with that. I was just amused sometimes.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
7 Mar 13
It is really nice to see grown up men to be expressing their love to their mother without shame. Coz not all men could be doing that. I wish Sean grows up to still be that sweet, loving child.
@nitinnair89 (2900)
• India
6 Mar 13
Cool! Your kid is mature as compared to others at his age. You are lucky to have such a wonderful baby :)
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Thanks, nitinnair! I am indeed lucky to have him. I was having so much time doing things for my older 3 kids while there were growing up most especially in helping them with school work. I make extra effort in helping them a lot. But with this youngest son of mine, he mad my life easier. He studies on his own and gets real good grades. And being that awfully sweet to me makes my heart melt. But that doesn't mean that when he does something wrong I just let it pass. I still scold him. I don't want him to think that he is my favorite. I still want to treat all of my kids equally. It's just that his efforts make me smile more.
• Canada
6 Mar 13
Hi Jenny I just love this discussion, my son even thoa he is all grown up I still think of him as my baby too. I can tell that your son adores you I think Mothers and Sons are special there is always that connection. No matter what age our children become they are ALWAYS going to be our babies. Great discussion.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
Thanks, Lauenlynn! I thought that i got rid of being sentimental years ago. But the gesture that my son did really touched my heart. Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see more of you around!