Do You Think there Should Be a Website of "Baby's Firsts" for Moms to Track `Em?

@mythociate (21435)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 6, 2013 8:19am CST
I do. Because sometimes I wonder, "What was my first word?" "What was my first sentence?" "What was my first shape?" and I wonder about many other of 'my firsts.' And who better to keep track of `em than Mom? And what better place to find out about `em than the Internet? (And what better way for server-owners to make money than to provide advertising on such a website?) Is there such a site out there already? If not, how do I get this idea to the people who can use it? And what other 'Baby's Firsts' can you think of?
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6 responses
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
6 Mar 13
They have baby books out their that do just that, and it not only holds all the firsts in mom and dads handwriting, First step, first food, first visitors, any gifts and who they were from. First hair cut (with a piece of your hair)next to it....First tooth. first play mates. I can not remember everything else that is in mine. Yes it is a very good idea I started ones for my children.. they start with when i first found out i was pregnant with pictures of my belly growing, and any ultra sounds i got. and it ended with them graduating from high school. It was one of the gifts i gave each of them as a present on that day...It recorded everything for them..with everything that happened to them.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
6 Mar 13
I'm gonna go crying to my mommy 'Where's MY growing-up book?'
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
6 Mar 13
that sound like a great plan and I think it should allow you to put video's up as well
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
29 Mar 13
Thanks for the encouragement, but no to the videos ... they make the memories less-special.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
6 Mar 13
Their are some online baby journals like kidmondo For working parents there is Baby's log which can be used by care providers to record the daily activities of the child. MY sister has used a site called Lilypie during her pregnancies and also for child development for birthdays. They'll provide you with an image ticker to share on your website or sns page.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
7 Mar 13
I think that a wbsite for the baby firsts sounds like a wonderful idea. .treasured moments that bein with a baby first can not be recaptured. If we had a website to hold on to those moments it would be a great memory to share for future generations.
@monkmano (585)
• Canada
6 Mar 13
thats a great idea, i have baby book but to put it online and link it to facebook perhaps. i think a site could be a good business idea. first solid food, i know my mom listed all my favorite things at different ages in my book.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
7 Mar 13
would be a neat idea, I bet everyones kids said something different as their first word. My miguel, said papa shame on him !!!!